

680 Uppsatser om Value creation - Sida 3 av 46

Det papperslösa frukostbordet - En undersökning om den tryckta dagstidningens framtid

As revenues from newspaper advertising plummet and their readers loyalty erode, the need to understand newspapers' changing environment and the actors involved in this change is growing in importance. Evidence is the entire industry is entering into a restructuring phase and that this restructuring is driven by the rapid consumer adaption of internet media.In this thesis I elaborate on "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for Value creation in printed newspapers" and "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for other actors involved in the printed newspaper's Value creation". These two questions land us in the bigger question of "Does the Internet act as a compliment or a substitute to the printed newspaper ".To answer these questions the printed newspaper is represented as the actor in the middle of content producers, advertisers and consumers. It is in its role as a means of distribution and as a co-ordinating force that we study the Value creation of the printed newspaper. The empirical base of this thesis is a qualitative participant observation where the author during a period of time interacted and collected data from the open discussion in blogs by several of the industry's top influentials combined with material from seminars and reports on the current state of media.

Project: Knowledge. A two-sided perspective on knowledge transfer & knowledge creation

Purpose: Our purpose is to describe and understand how a project-based, knowledge-intensive firm in the high-technology industry creates and transfers knowledge, seen from two perspectives.Methodology: Our qualitative case study has an explorative approach since earlier studies within our positioning are absent, thus we look at KM abductively. To gain more depth to our study, we mirror our findings from our case company with data collected from three additional organisations.Theoretical perspectives: We see a clear distinction between researchers, either seeing knowledge as an object or a process. Thus, we review theories from both sides, either focusing on the creation or transferring of knowledge. In addition, theories on KM in project organisations areaccounted for.Empirical foundation: The study is based on the empirical foundation which consists of the data received through six interviews with employees at our main case company and, additionally, two interviews at each of our three mirrorcompanies.Conclusion: The study found KM being seen from both perspectives in all four firms. Through this, we found implications for how our case company could proceed in the future..

IDAG OCH IMORGON - En studie av internkommunikationen i en organisation : / TODAY AND TOMORROW - A study of the internal communication in an organization.

A central question is what view of communication is dominating in a municipality in the southern part of Sweden. The study deals with communication theory from two different perspectives; the view of transmission and the view of creation of meaning. Falkheimer and Heide (2003) claim that the view of transmission is one-way communication where the receivers apprehend passivly. In the view of creation of meaning the goal is to develop and strengthen the common notion that exists in a group. Empirical studies were done, that consisted of qualitative interviews with politicians, directors of the municipality, and principals from three childcare and school areas, and also from one upper secondary school.

Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig. En studie av Charles Hartshornes processteologi i jämförelse med luthersk teologi

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Värdedrivare i buyout-investeringar av noterade private equity-bolag - En empirisk studie av 15 svenska buyout-investeringar 1998-2012

Sweden is a world leader in listed private equity and ranked fifth in the world in market capitalization. The sector is attracting increasing interest from the investment community. However, the private equity industry in Sweden has historically poor reputation and is criticized for creating value through high leverage, multiple riding and severe cuts. This study analyzes Value creation drivers in buyouts from the perspective of the private equity firm using a dataset of 15 realized buyouts by private equity firms listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm. The methodology used separates the value contribution of leverage on the private equity firm's return from internal operational improvements and external variations in transaction multiples.

Från plats till resmål : Etableringsprocessen

In this thesis we have examined why the establishment process of travel destination is essential for the tour operators and how the process can be influenced by different conditions. The thesis is written from the perspective of the tour operators and with the tour operator Ving as our case study, we have been able to create a picture of how the establishment process of travel destination may look like.We have chosen to deal with some different areas in this thesis that all are important for the creation of a holistic picture of the process. The overall segments listed in this thesis are the process itself, the tourist, marketing, the product creation and demand. By connecting our theoretical framework to the collected empirical data from our case study, we have analyzed the establishment process and drawn our conclusions..

VD-hybris i samband med företagsförvärv: en studie på den svenska marknaden

In this study, we examine the presence and consequences of CEO overconfidence in the Swedish market. We identify overconfidence with two insider-trading based measures and find that overconfidence is apparent among one third of CEOs in companies listed on the Swedish stock market. We also find that these CEOs are more prone to carry out acquisitions, as the probability of conducting an acquisition increases by 27 % if the CEO is overconfident. However, we do not find evidence that acquisitions by overconfident CEOs are more value-destroying. This finding contradicts results from previous studies conducted on Anglo-Saxon markets that suggest that overconfidence has a negative impact on the value-creation in acquisitions.

Sony Ericsson : En studie av värdeskapande ur kundperspektiv

This study intends to elucidate which view customers has about Sony Ericsson as a trademark compared with it?s biggest competitors and how the company can expand and create added value around its products. The aim with this essay is to study and to analyze Sony Ericsson?s creation of value and to increase understanding about strategy development. We have chosen to do this study on the basis of customer perspectives.We have used existing theories that treat matters: added value, marketingmix and trademark image.

Värdeskapande i Leveraged Buyouts i jämförelse med noterade företag

The purpose of this thesis is to study the difference in value generation and its drivers between leveraged buyouts and listed companies. The primary objective is to observe if differences exist. A secondary objective is to understand the differences and attempt to provide an explanation based on earlier research on Private Equity. A selection of large Swedish LBO-transactions, carried out between 1998 and 2012, are analyzed and their value generation drivers subject to comparison with a weighted index of companies listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. A clear difference in Value creation is observed, both in size and composition.

Från WOW till OH SHIT! : - En studie om värdeskapande i konsertsammanhang

Our purpose with this research is to highlight that there is a scope for increased Value creation in the experience room during concerts, and how value-enhancing strategies can be a competitive advantage for different venues. In our investigation of this we have worded the following research question: How is the perceived customer value affected during a concert in the experience room and its physical environment? With the background in this question we have identified three key concepts that we believe are the influence of the total concert experience which are; sensory experiences, interaction and identity. From these concepts we have drafted a number of propositions to test the reality by our empirical data collection. .

Folkbiblioteks image på Facebook : Undersökning av fyra folkbiblioteks imageskapande och mottagande på Facebook

This essay was to investigate what self-image public libraries convey on Facebook and what image is received by the users, along with comparison of those. It was investigated if the received image corresponded with the users? previous image of public libraries. The method used was interviews with the Facebook administrators and surveys with the users. The theoretical framework was Kotler?s model for image creation.The research is mainly American and shows Facebook as an accepted marketing tool for libraries among students, but as not taken seriously by the library staff.

Risk Management for commodity consumers -A study of the Airline industry-

The aim of this study is two folded. We wish to investigate if there is a value premium from hedging jet fuel exposure for American and European airlines. We also seek to answer if airlines can affect their probability to default by using Risk Management. During the period 2003 ? 2006 there existed a value premium for airlines that hedged their expected future consumption of jet fuel.

"Hörre ni grabbar" : En studie om hur pedagoger bemöter pojkar och flickor i ordningsskapande siuationer.

Previous research studies have shown that teacher?s attitude towards girls and boys rather reinforces, than counteracts behavior as stereotyped gender concepts. Order and discipline seem to be important parts of the daily routines in school context and to maintain discipline a constant communication and dealing with pupils are in order. The purpose of our examination aims to study how teachers respond to boys and girls in situations like creation of order. The analysis is based on observations of the interaction that takes place verbally and none verbally between pupils and their teachers in creation of order situations.

Hot or not? - En studie om modets fält.

I samband med klimatdebatten har flygbranschen blivit starkt kritiserad för utsläppen av koldioxid. Vissa flygbolag har infört frivilliga koldioxidkompensationssystem för sina flygresenärer, i syfte att hantera dessa utsläpp. Vårt syfte är att analysera flygresenärers attityder till frivilliga koldioxidkompensationssystem för att diskutera möjligheten till samverkan inom miljöområdet mellan flygbolag och flygresenärer. Uppsatsen baseras på en enkätundersäkning bland 300 flygresenärer och på tre intervjuer med chefer inom SAS Danmark. Analysen görs utifrån teorier om CSR och co-creation mellan företag och kunder.

Var går gränsen? : En argumentationsanalys om den regionala identitetens betydelse i den nya regionindelningen

The aim of the study is to examine different statements for and against regional identity in the research of the new organisation of the Swedish society. The aim is also to observe in what extend the Swedish committee of responsibility has had an awareness of the identity politics in its effort to improve the presumptions for the new, successful regional division.The questions are:1. In which ways do the opinions of the participant of the work of the committee of responsibility, coincide and differ when it comes to the importance of the regional identity in the case of a new regional division?2. How has the committee of responsibility worked on development of consciousness and mobilisation for the creation of the regional identity in its final report?A method called the argumentation analysis was used in this study.

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