

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 13 av 82

"Interaktioners inverkan i vardagen" En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatrisk diagnos.

Purpose/aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine if, and in that case how, the municipality of Umeå worked strategically with its communication during 2014 when Umeå was chosen as ?European Capital of Culture?. The research is mainly focused on the outlines of their communication plan, main goals, what  communication strategies the municipality has chosen to and their choice of media channels.Material/method: Two methods are used for this research; qualitative interviews with four employees within the communication team during Umeå2014 and a text analysis of three formal documents which provide the framework of communication policies and media strategies during Umeå2014.Results: The results clearly indicate a well structured, strategic planning outlined in the formal documents. The four people intreviewed all had a good knowledge of the policies and strategies in the documents, they also described their work in accordance with these..

Nära ledarskap : En framtida ledarskapsstrategi i omsorgsarbete på Hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun

Trough the contact with the HR (Human Resources) department of home care management in Halmstad municipality, emerged from the management a wish for a documentation for what should be included in leadership at middle management level in the future. People in middle management positions have a large impact on the operation staff and are also in charge of the individual corporate performance and its success. As we have previously been active in the management of multiple role configurations, including middle-management positions, we have some prior understanding of the complexity of this position. The study was conducted with the aim to investigate different aspects of what leadership for middle managers in home care management in Halmstad municipality may mean to them. With the help of different theories and models various aspects were analyzed due to the impact of leadership.Due to the studies purpose and questions, two focus groups was conducted and interviews with respondents from both the lower and superior positions in home care management in Halmstad municipality was done.

Organisering av demensvården: differentiering kontra kvarboendeprincipen

The objective of this thesis was to examine and analyse how various directors within old-age care, the resident-coordinator, nursing-staff, and the dementia-team apprehend the organisation of dementia nursing homes in the municipality. Our questions were the following:How important is it that the care-receivers are examined and diagnosed?Do the respondents experience difficulties with non-differentiated dementia nursing homes?Which are the advantages and disadvantages for care receivers/patients and nursing-staff if dementia care homes are differentiated according to the care-receivers dementia diagnosis and phase of illness?Are there alternative solutions to the way the municipality organise the residence for carereceivers today that might improve the situation for care-receivers/patients and nursing-staff?How does cooperation or the lack of it mint the conditions for care in dementia nursing homes?Which goals does the municipality have for the organisation of dementia care?Our approach was a qualitative method consisting of interviews to answer the objective of this thesis and our questions. Our findings are supported by a sociological analysis of organisations. Our findings show that there is a conflict of interest between the principle of permanent residence which imply that the care-receiver should not have to move against her or his will and between the use of differentiated dementia nursing homes.

Likabehandlingsplanen, ett verktyg för skolan, och skolans arbete för att motverka mobbning

The purpose of this study was to show how two schools from a municipality in greater Stockholm work with a document called "likabehandlingsplan", literally ?plan for equal treatment?. This document is required by law in Swedish schools and a part of each municipality?s program. The goal of the study was to see how teachers and school principals view and work with the plan as a part of their work in preventing discrimination and offensive behavior, in particular in dealing with problems with bullying. The two schools? plans were compared for similarities and differences and how they chose to follow the municipality?s guidelines was examined.

Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :

In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made. The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with. There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.

Restaurering av våtmarker; Inventering av vadare och andfåglar vid Norra Lingenäset

The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.

Miljöbedömning av mark- och vattenresurser i kommunal översiktsplanering : en fallstudie av en del av planprocessen i Tierps kommun

This paper describes the integration of environmental assessment in Swedish municipality comprehensive planning through a chosen case study. The implementation of a new EGdirective in Swedish law, concerning Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, should lead to some changes in the way Swedish municipalities' deals with environmental issues in their comprehensive plans. This could later on lead to new preconditions for municipality comprehensive planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning organisation in the municipality adapts to new regulations for impact assessment of comprehensive plans required by the Planning and Building act. Secondly the purpose was to partly participate in the early stages of the planning process and thereby indicate and identify possible environmental impacts regarding the aspects of land and water. This was done as a case study in a well defined part of the process.

Ekosystemtjänster : En studie av kunskapsläge, hinder och strategier inom kommunal förvaltning

?Ecosystem services are the ecosystems direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being.? In order to reach the generation target and the environmental objectives it is important to increase the awareness of biodiversity and ecosystem services and it?s importance to human welfare and simultaneously highlighting the value of ecosystem services. The value of ecosystem services should be integrated into economic standpoints, political considerations and other decisions in the society. In today?s society there is a problem concerning that the value of ecosystem services are not considered in economic terms, which can result in solutions that are unfavorable for our welfare (Ministry of Environment, 2012).

Vilka möjligheter ges barn med funktionsnedsättning att komma till tals? : ? ur LSS-handläggares perspektiv

About 29 000 different services was given by the Swedish welfare state to children with disabilities within the ages 0-22 years before October first in the year 2008. Studies about children with disabilities and their experiences of their situation have rarely been done and it is therefore difficult to know how they think and feel about their lives. Both Swedish law and the UN:s convention about children?s rights states that children have the right to tell their opinion in matters that are of their concern. Thus, we don´t know much about if and how the Swedish welfare state maintain this right towards children with disabilities.

En kommunal One Stop Shop: Kan en gemensam kundtjänst verka som motor för verksamhetsutveckling?

The aim of this study has been to examine if an implementation of a One Stop Shop in the public sector and its IT-support can serve as a motor for business development. By examine the relation between the One Stop Shop and the public administrations we have tried to answer this question. The municipality that we have examined underwent a big change, seven years ago, when they implemented a One Stop Shop including a IT-support called Flexite. But despite these seven years and the fact that Flexite has changed approach from a Case Management System to a Support System for Business Development the municipality have not adapted to this change. .

Facebook i offentlig sektor : - en kvalitativ intervjustudie med Kriminalvården, Sjöfartsverket, SMHI och Katrineholms kommun om deras närvaro på Facebook.

 Abstract: Facebook in the Public Sector - qualitative interviewstudy with The Swedish maritime Administration, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the Swedish prison and Probation services and the municipality of Katrineholm about their precense on Facebook.In my bachelor?s thesis I have studied how three government authority and one municipality uses or don?t use Facebook in their communication towards the citizens. I have chosen to study four different cases, to see if there are any significant similarities or differences between how the different services are working with their communication. I have chosen to explore my cases through semi-structured qualitative interviews, where I met communications officers of every organisation face to face.I have found out that there is not one right way to communicate through Facebook, every organisations decisions must be based on their own mission, aims and objectives. And I have seen that both the transmitter and the receiver need to mature into the new acting of this new channel - Facebook..

Hållbar köttproduktion och köttkonsumtion i Dalarna

The release of green house gases and the environmental impacts humans have on the environment are huge and might cause irreversible changes to our earth. Meat is considered to have large impacts on the environment, especially beef meat and therefore there have lately been considerable discussions on the sustainable level of meat consumption and production. The main goal with this thesis is to study sustainable meat production and meat consumption in the county of Dalarna in Sweden. Indicators for sustainable meat production and meat consumption were developed and applied on three cases. Interviews were carried out with a municipality in the region that represents the consumer and three beef farmers that represents the producers.

Produktionsförbättring av märk/packmaskin

For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.

Haspelsystem för bandstål : CamCoil 400

For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.

BOSTADSUTVECKLING & SOCIAL HÃ…LLBARHET : JM AB:s projektutveckling och dess sociala effekter

This report tries to discuss the concept of social sustainability; what it means and how residential development can be made more socially sustainable. This is done by interviewing several and various representatives in JM AB, the municipality of Uppsala and residents of Ã…riket to explore how JM AB as a housing developer and the municipality are working with issues regarding social sustainability and what the residents in one of the new housing projects themselves think of these issues. The result of these interviews will be compared and analyzed with the prospect of finding common variables and hopefully ways of improvement.This will result in our own recommendations of areas of improvement either by broad initiatives or specific actions to increase the social sustainability. Areas such as meeting places, sustainable functions and joint efforts between different parties. During the work on the report we come in contact with several other areas of interest that we are not able to process ourselves and therefore recommend them for future studies..

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