1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 39 av 86
User comments: Availability and Utilization in Online News Affiliated with Local Daily Press
User comments:Availability and Utilization in Online News Affiliated with Local Daily PressAuthor: Susanne AlmgrenSupervisor: Mats EkströmConstituent: Dagspresskollegiet (Annika Bergström/Ingela Wadbring)Course: Term Paper in Media and Communication StudiesTerm: Spring Term 2012Pages/word count: 91 pages / 38 334 wordsObjective: To examine the users availability to the user comment feature and how theusers utilizes the user comment feature in the context of an online news site affiliatedwith local daily press.Method: Mixed methods approach, content analysis and discourse analysisMain result: In this context, three out of four news stories (76.5 percent) has beenallocated with the user comments feature. The highest availability to the user comment feature was found in news themes covering sports and entertainment, followed by financial news. News stories lacking the user comment feature weremainly found in news themes concerning crimes and accidents. The user comment frequencies are not normally distributed along news stories. On the contrary, 62 percent of the news stories did not get any user comments at all.
Loggning av användares interaktioner : utvärdering av användbarhet
The disconnect between assumptions regarding computer users interactions made by software engineers and the actual interactions do, for various reasons, not always match. Gathering actual usage data from user interfaces can enable software designers to make better educated decisions. By buildning a prototype for collecting such data from a diagnosis tool for the automotive industry this project has shown not only how to benefit from the data but also how to perform the work. The data is 1 600 sessions consisting of 26 000 individual events. From this it has shown that available tools can assist in rudimentary questions regarding usage.
Harry Martinson - en tidsresa i lyriken och dess förändringar
The aim of this study is to examine the significance of having a music department at the public library in Enköping, and how the organization of the phonograms is handled. The different areas examined are the reason of the reintroduction of a music department, its budget, its users, the work with selection, the marketing, statistical data concerning loans, the work with classification, indexing, and organization of the phonograms and the future of the music department. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with staff connected to the music department at the public library in Enköping. For the theoretical frame, Sanna Taljas discourse analysis of music libraries in Finland is used. Talja presents three discourses which all show different views on what kind of material a music library should contain.
Bibliotekariers yrkesroll på integrerade bibliotek: undersökning av bibliotekariers uppfattningar inom integrerade folk- och skolbibliotek
This master thesis deals with the problem of integrated libraries. The number of integrated public and school libraries has significantly increased over time. These libraries are integrated for different reasons, most often because of economic considerations. The goal of the thesis is to investigate librarians´ understanding and perceptions of the professional role in this type of integrated libraries. I have investigated how librarians see and interpret their own professional role, and what factors influence their perceptions in an integrated library.The three main questions are: How do the librarians explain their professional role in an integrated library? How does their professional role change because of the fact that they work in an integrated environment? What factors, according to the librarians, influence and/or change the professional role mostly? The data has been collected through interviews with eight librarians at integrated libraries.
Kv. Grillen 6 i Sandviken : Förslag till verksamhet för
Rotskärsskolan is located in Skutskär, Älvkarleby municipality and the school conducted today consists of lower secondary. The school was built in the early 1960s and contains three buildings. Today there is a great need for reconstruction of Rotskärsskolan, when the premises are worn out and not suitable for today's education. It must therefore be a phased change involving all the school buildings, starting in the winter of 2008/2009.Our degree project involves one of these buildings, called house F. This building will, by a recent decision, be adjusted for classes from preschool up to grade five, special school and leisure activities when some of the municipality's schools will consolidate.
Informationsöverflöd : En studie av hur erfarna Internetanvändare hanterar informationsmängden på nätet
AbstractPurpose/Aim: In my essay I study the use of Internet with information overload as my perspective. I compare two age groups in order to find out whether there is a difference between generations in how they use the Internet and experience the vast amount of information that is found on the net.Material/Method: I gather information from six frequent World Wide Web users to find out whether they are experiencing information overload when using the Internet in their spare time and how they structure and make sense of the vast amount of information that is found on the net. I use semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative, not quantitative, material for my study. I have also used literature and websites on information overload, the Internet, and connected themes in order to get a broader picture of the subject and help me analyse the material.Main results: The main results of my study are that frequent Internet users do not feel that they suffer from the vast amount of information found on the World Wide Web. They rather enjoy it and if they have heard the term information overload they assume that it does not apply to their use of the Internet.
"Det första jag gör när jag vaknar är att logga in på Facebook" : En studie om hur användare av de sociala nätverken upplever den användargenererade produktionen
AbstractTitle: The first thing I do when I wake up is to log on to Facebook. A study regarding how users of Social Networks experiences the User Generated production. (Det första jag gör när jag vaknar är att logga in på Facebook. En studie om hur användare av de sociala nätverken upplever den användargenererande produktionen.)Number of pages: 37 (39 including enclosures) Author: Per MagnussonTutor: Christian ChristensenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The ambition with this essay is to examine how the online users of social networks experience the development of the Internet towards Web 2.0, and the enormous User Generated Content emerging from it. How do we receive User Generated Content from other people, and particularly what do we think about our own production.Material/Method: In order to obtain a deeper understanding of the attitudes and perceptions amongst people regarding this subject I used qualitative interviews with 9 people.
Värdet av en Virtuell Relation : Aktivitet i förhållande till kontext ? Spotify ur ett praktikperspektiv
The increased interest in relationship marketing and the potential of the Internet as a platform for relationship building activities have given rise to new ways for companies to interact with their customers, such as services based on a freemium pricing model. Based on the premise that relationships are processes consisting of interactive moments of value-creating activities, value is considered subjective, relative and dependent on the context in which the activity takes place. Value is therefore variable given its context and cannot be pre-defined without nuances being lost. Despite the Internet's given role in societal development, our understanding of what contributes to customers' intentions to build relationships with online services is yet to mature.As the music industry is well established on the Internet, alongside the change in how music is consumed, it is thus appropriate to examine activities in accordance with a freemium based service that distributes music online, since it still lacks in academic understanding.This study aims to provide insights about virtual relations and how online services that provide cultural content should relate to there users as well as contributing to the ongoing academic discussion regarding value and how it is manifested by highlighting contextual impact on relational activities. For a rapprochement of relations to online services in cultural industries, this study assumed a practice perspective.
Entrén vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund : hälsosjukhuset med frånvaro av trivsamhet
Scientific research shows that humans regain their strength when they are spending
time in nature. Ulrich, Kaplan & Kaplan, among others, has shown in their research
that nature can reduce stress and decrease the after effects of stress. Lund University
Hospital, USiL, is a big working place and has a large number of patients. To be a
patient often means that you lose control of your daily life which could cause stress.
For the personnel high workload can be a stress factor.
Dragare, täckningsgrader och önskelådor : systematisering och råd för grönplanearbete
We came in contact with the project "Grönplan Danderyd" that aims to create a
green structure plan for a municipality of Stockholm called Danderyds kommun. Our
thesis is a part of this project and makes it's contribution through the gathering and
systematization of the knowledge of the functions of an urban green structure. It also
makes a contribution through suggesting how this knowledge can be applied during
the construction of an urban green structure plan.
We found that "Stadens parker och natur", published by the Swedish National board
of Housing, Building and Planning, was a recurrent source of information in the
green structure plans that we studied. We saw a need of complementary additions
and updates to the rather old report and found literature that adds the developments
of the last decade.
First of all we have chosen to make themes based on the functions of a green
structure that were presented by 'Stadens parker och natur'. The themes we suggest
that a greenplanning document manage are: Recreation, Pedagogies and Heath,
Biological Diversity, Green structure in the History of Building Cities, Cultural
Identity, the Health of the City, Biological Technology in the Municipality and Use
and the Users.
We found good examples of how to handle these themes in documents that handle
greenstructure planning from the municipalities of Göteborg, Strängnäs, Eskilstuna,
Malmö, Lund, Västerås and Uppsala.
En IT-baserad plattform för skolförbättring : En kvalitativ studie av lärares informations- och erfarenhetsutbyte
This thesis has created an image of the exchange of information among teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study indicates that the exchange of information seems to be limited at all levels and the exchange that takes place outside the own teaching team occurs mainly through teachers personal networks. The study also shows barriers that may exist and the opportunities that an increased exchange may generate. From the picture that the empirical material provides and the theory that is presented a discussion is made around how IT can best support the organizational learning in schools. A concrete proposal is that at national level an IT platform should be created, which primarily focuses on materials that are created by its users and has an open architecture with a single login..
Fotodelning på Facebook : Hur användare i olika åldrar upplever och förhåller sig till risker
It?s not unusual for people to upload photos to the Internet nowadays. Despite the fact that there are benefits from doing this, there are also some risks that people should take into consideration before they share private photos. The aim of this survey was to investigate how users of different ages respond to risks related to photo sharing on Facebook. The participants were between the ages of 16 and 64.According to the results it appears that in some cases, even if they can?t be statistically proven, there are patterns that indicate that younger people are more careless and that older people are more careful when it comes to photo sharing on the Internet.
Participatory public art projects in run down residential areas - a discussion on how to run the process
Participation, public art and participatory public
art as phenomenons and subjects have been
studied and discussed. With interviews and observations
as a base, we have studied projects
and discussed participation, effect and quality
in relation to these.
Furthermore we have looked at how the participatory
art processes work in Sweden and
England. This essay seeks to discuss the process
of participatory public art and to emphasize
the elements contributing to the quality of this
It is up to us as planners to recognize the possibilities
for a qualitative place. To mediate between
different interests, for example between
politicians and stakeholders, between economics
and quality, between the place and its users,
between individuals and the community, and in
our case between artists, users and the municipality.
Public art has gone from being about the product,
an art piece, to becoming more of a process,
from non interactive to interactive. Participation
ranges from receiving information to play
an active part in the process.
Four cases have been studied, taken both from
Sweden and England, showing the diversity of
processes connected to Participatory Public Art.
From interviews conducted in Sweden and
England information and thoughts have been
received and they show a higher degree of use
of participatory public art in England, and also a
higher consciousness.
Folkbibliotekets nya roll i det digitala bibliotekets epok: : om e-böcker, Internetbaserade ljud- och talböcker och förbättrad tillgänglighet till folkbiblioteken i Stockholms län
The digital era has led to technical advances that have transformed the role of the public library from being a place that is used only through physical visits and material, into also being a virtual space that can be accessed by users from outside the library through Internet-based access to e-media such as e-books and streamed or downloadable audiobooks.The aim of this study is to examine how the role of public libraries in Stockholm County has changed in the process of developing into digital libraries: how this has affected their organisation, work methods and strate- gies, as well as their accessibility. The theoretical framework of the study draws on Michael K. Bucklands theory of information accessibility, which is based on six factors of access that are determined by different types of barriers. The methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Primary data was gathered through an empirical survey, which consisted of a structured questionnaire distributed to most of the public libraries in Stockholm County and semi-structured interviews with selected librarians and experts for further in-depth understanding.
Development of Web portal for health centre Aroma in Vetlanda
This exam paper has been made with the health care center Aroma in Vetlanda. The work was to deliver a complete web portal with an integrated booking system. The objectives were to provide a complete informative website for Aromas users with the option to make an appointment for a vaccination or health certificate, order prescriptions and get update information directly published by Aromas staff. And to give the staff of Aroma a graphical Web interface to manage the content and the booking system.The report goes through the basic language used and why. Further it takes up it how works and how the final product looks and behaves..