1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 38 av 86
KB-ryggstödet : Vidareutveckling av ett justerbart ryggstöd för rullstolar
This master thesis is commissioned by Permobil AB. The report describes thoroughly the developing process of an adjustable backrest for wheelchairs. The target group for the backrest are people that suffer from scoliosis or other spinal diseases. Because of insufficient pressure distribution usage of traditional backrests is not an option for them.The current solution has got a frame that is made by several adjustable links that is held in place by friction. Between the links velcro tapes are attached that is adjusts the depth.
Utvärdering av "Design For Assembly" som ett arbetssätt på Atlas Copco Tools
Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.
Troll i diskussionsforum : en etnologisk analys av attityder kring olika bruk av virtuell identitet
This paper explores the emic use of ?Internet trolls" and trolling behaviour in one specific Internet community. The findings are compared with, and put in relations to the conventional definition of Internet-trolls as individuals who deliberately, typically anonymously, antagonize other users of online common spaces.A forum dealing with matters of relationship issues in the Swedish online community Message Board of Familjeliv.se, was the subject of field-work that provided the basic empirical material for the research; three comparable threads on the subject of infidelity. These could all be said to contain suspected trolling, and such suspicions were also ascribed participants throughout the discussions. The analysis was undertaken mainly in terms of quality of narrative, performance and interaction.A comparative method and a genre analysis out of a holistic and functionalistic perspective is used to shed some light on how forum participants organize themselves and steer narratives towards desired outcomes.
Katalogisering av ljudupptagningar: En komparativ studie av Statens ljud- och Bildarkiv och Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv
The aim of this thesis is to explore and outline the cataloguing of sound recordings at two main Swedish audiovisual archives, The National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images Statens ljud- och bildarkiv, SLBA and The Grammophone Record Archive of the Swedish Radio Sveriges Radios grammofonarkiv and its data base GAMBA. As non-book, non-printed, material in many ways differs from printed material, the institutions that deal with this kind of material have often developed their own rules for the cataloguing of it. The general codes for cataloguing, AACR2 and KRS, are insufficiently suited for audiovisual material. That is the reason why the IASA Cataloguing Rules, presented in this thesis, have been created. After the presentation of the IASA rules the problems of accounting for important sections of the catalogue record are discussed such as title, statement of respeonsbility, performers, physical description and notes.
Implementeringen av REACH : Fallstudie på ett SME-företag
The importance of chemical use is enormous for areas such as agriculture, industry and medicine and hence a prerequisite for our modern society. In order to protect humans and the environment from the negative effects of chemical use, chemical regulations have been used at a relatively early stage in our history. The purpose of REACH, the new chemical regulation of the European Union, is to generate new knowledge of chemicals within the European market and to increase the responsibilities of the enterprises when it comes to risk management. Whether the enterprises will implement the regulations or not will be of vital importance for the realization of the law?s intentions.The purpose of this study was to identify possibilities and problems that can occur when a downstream-user SME is about to implement REACH.
Utveckling av ergonomiskt mikroskopstativ för produktion av optoelektronik : Development of ergonomic microscope stand for production of optoelectronics
Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.
Attityder till implementering av precisionsodlingsteknik :
Different techniques for precision agriculture have been available during the last decade.
Some of them are more widely used than others. The main purpose of this thesis was to
investigate the different attitudes to precision agriculture that exists among farmers and
advisors in Sweden.
Eight advisors and sixteen farmers were asked for their opinion of a number of specific
techniques for precision agriculture, such as yield-mapping, precision liming, the Yara
Nitrogen Sensor and site-specific fertilization with phosphorous and potassium. They were
also asked to describe the way in which the counselling in Swedish agriculture is used and
also about it's importance for the adaptation of new techniques.
The high costs are mentioned to be one of the most important reasons why precision
agriculture hasn't been more widely spread. Several farmers refer to their farms as too small to bear the costs that come with the techniques. The individual interest for technique among the potential users plays an important role.
Målgrupp alla och dess behov - folkbibliotekets flummiga men underbara uppdrag
The subject for this Master's thesis is the mission of the public library concerning target group everybody. Control documents, traditions, norms and trends influence how this is interpreted and how the library's service is being formed. The often very abstract terms used to describe the public library's mission makes it open for different interpretations. We are of the opinion that the public library's service should be formed to reflect the needs, interests, and priorities of the community it services, in order to be more attractive and useful.The aim of our study is to examine how the public librarians define and adjust to the mission to satisfy all citizens needs. Why do they choose to concentrate on certain target groups? And what does that show of how the public libraries reflect their communities? Our investigation includes examining six activities aimed at a certain target group and the six public libraries that carried these out.
Utvärdering av Jönköpings kommuns beslutsstödssystem QlikView
Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.
Utveckling av inkontinensprodukt
Together with Attends in Aneby a thesis of 15 ECTS (credits) have been undertaken. The assignment was to develop a new incontinence product for single use. Users of the product value comfort, flexibility, softness, comfort and a discreet product. Users are for individuals with incontinence problems that usually receive the products via prescription. The product must also have an attractive price and good quality from the purchase / originator's perspective.Currently there are two models that Attends supplies, which the project intends to develop, (Slips / Briefs and Pull On's).
Ett ärendehanteringssystem för mobila enheter
The purpose of this project was to create a system which can handle issues, with other words an issue tracking system. The system must create issues, assign issues to a specific user and list all issues for each user. On top of that, each issue should have a log where users can log whatever they want.My part of this project was to implement a client which can fulfill this basic criteria (and a bit more if possible), and communicate with the server which has procedures to be executed by the client.This system is based on Android and has it purpose to be used by mobile devices which support Android. ?Ichnaea? as the system is called, is meant to be used by companies to have human interaction through the network..
EU:s Fiskeripolitik : På väg mot en rättighetsbaserad förvaltning?
Most of the sea areas within the European Union are overfished and the catches are estimated to be up to five times lager then the amount to achieve a sustainable fishery. In doing so, the management of EU's marine resources comes to be questioned. The purpose of this study was to analyze EU's administration of marine fisheries and to explore which steps that can be undertaken to counteract the negative trend. The questions of the study were: How does the EU administrate today?s marine fishery recourses? And: How can the problem whit overfishing be discouraged? To answer these questions a comparative analyses were used to compare and evaluate administrative systems.
Implementeringen av REACH : ett led i att bidra till en hållbar utveckling : Fallstudie på ett SME-företag
The importance of chemical use is enormous for areas such as agriculture, industry and medicine and hence a prerequisite for our modern society. In order to protect humans and the environment from the negative effects of chemical use, chemical regulations have been used at a relatively early stage in our history. The purpose of REACH, the new chemical regulation of the European Union, is to generate new knowledge of chemicals within the European market and to increase the responsibilities of the enterprises when it comes to risk management. Whether the enterprises will implement the regulations or not will be of vital importance for the realization of the law?s intentions.The purpose of this study was to identify possibilities and problems that can occur when a downstream-user SME is about to implement REACH.
Hazel- Ett mjukvarusystem för automatisk och optimal schemaläggning
This report documents the development of a software system for automaticscheduling called Hazel. This system is comprised of a server where an automaticscheduler has been implemented, as well as a web and mobile applicationthat allows users to interact with the system. The scheduler hasbeen developed with the functional programming language Haskell and usesa SAT-solver.Manual scheduling has long been the bane of managers everywhere, asmatching the needs of the employer with those of the employee is often adifficult and time-consuming task. There already exists several automaticschedulers that attempt to solve this problem. The issue with said schedulersis that thay tend to be expensive, or developed to only fulfill the needsof a particular organisation.
Ökad arbetstrivsel och bättre resultat genom tjänstedesign : Att skapa möjlighet för distansarbete i naturen
The report contains a survey on telecommuting in nature and how concepts around that information could look like. The client for the project is Lars Sandberg, Dotank AB in Karlstad. The project is implemented in the course Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design, MSCG22 of the faculty of health, science and technology at Karlstad University in the spring of 2014.Working flexibly and remotely in the so-called knowledge based professions is growing. That nature is an important source of recovery is a fact. The literature search in this report shows that there are factors that create both physical and psychological stress on most office workers while nature is a source of recovery and inspiration.