1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 20 av 86
Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?
This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it?s a little bit to cold and the air draws.
Den felande länken : Urval och kvalitetssäkring av Internetlänkar på folkbibliotek
This thesis investigates all aspects of quality and evaluation issues concerning collections of Internet links in public libraries today and in the future. We have studied central theories concerning quality in general as well as quality aspects regarding the Internet and Internet links. In addition to this we have made three case-studies involving the development of collections of Internet links in public libraries of different sizes. The case-studies were made as interviews with professionals responsible for selection, quality assurance and evaluation of electronic information for inclusion in the libraries collections of Internet links. In addition to this we made an e-mail interview with a librarian responsible for one of the most advanced collections of Internet links among Swedish´ public libraries.
Faktorer som påverkar mobilbanksanvändningen
Many companies today are investing in various computer-based tools to support their planning, decision making or communication processes. However, end users are often reluctant to accept the available information systems, which mean that these investments are extremely risky. Understanding why users choose to accept or reject an information system has proved to be one of the most challenging problems in this research area. Previous studies have focused on users' beliefs and attitudes regarding use intentions, but the results have, however, been both mixed and incomplete. In this study, I have used the Swedish youth? s use intention of mobile banking and a quantitative study was performed based on five different hypotheses derived from previous studies.
Museum på webben - en undersökning om användbarhet och åtkomst
The aim of this thesis is to describe and evaluate the usability of two Swedish systems, Sofie and Carlotta, which are used to organize and present data regarding museum objects on the web. This thesis also presents how objects are described and made accessible to the public in the two systems. To evaluate the usability, a heuristic method combined with Systematic Usability Evaluation has been used. The description and accessibility of object representations in the systems are evaluated using indexing and classification theories from the field of Library and Information Science. Additional theoretical background that has been used is how users search and browse information systems.
Bibliotekspersonalen utfärdar lånekort Studenters uppfattning av bibliotekspersonalens service
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study students perception of the services that the library staff provides and the library staffs opinion of the students perceptions. With the concept service we mean the treatment, the attitudes and the qualities that exist between the library staff and their users. Our purpose is also to examine how the users experienced services quality. Our survey was conducted at an academic library with questionnaires to both students and library staff. We analysed the result of the survey by using three theories by Lundmark, Keen and Grönroos and Monthelie.
Nio bibliotekariers syn på barn och unga som internetanvändare: Problem och möjligheter på folkbibliotek
The aim of this master?s thesis is to study librarians? views on children and young people as Internet users in Swedish libraries. It examines what types of problems and possibilities the librarians see with children?s and young people?s use of the Internet, how these problems might be solved, and what they think about regulations and filters. Qualitative interviews were conducted with nine librarians, and their statements were analysed with David Buckingham?s After the death of childhood as a theoretical foundation.
Meningslöshet och repetition i Cirkusdirektören och Ballerinan : En undersökning i den absurda teaterns stilistik
Futurum.kom is a collaborative marketing project with the aim of strengthening the internal organization of Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and the 25 public libraries within the southeast region. The project intends to externally build the brands of the public libraries in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronobergs län. This thesis is a study and evaluation of the implementation and results of Futurum.kom?s first campaign "Låna dig rik" at a public library. The analysis is based on the following issues:? What goals does the library have with the "Låna dig rik"-campaign.? What is the feedback from the staff's experience of the users in terms of needs and demands?? In which way does the library choose to implement the marketing campaign and what role do the users have in this process?? What is the internal performance of the library's marketing campaign, what was the experience of the staff of the campaign?? What is the external result of the library's marketing campaign?The method is based on a case study of a single library, with a series of interviews and document analysis of written and electronic documents.
I share therefore I am : En undersökning i svenska studenters motiv för att dela nyheter på Facebook
Researchers points out that social media has become a powerful venue to spread news, both for the news business and the users. Although the news diffusion has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with, we have found no research in Sweden about what motivate users of social media to share news.This thesis work therefore investigates news sharing on the social network Facebook by examining user motives in the light of the media theory uses and gratifications. A web survey was conducted and distributed to students at a Swedish university. The result showed that expression was the strongest motive to share news on Facebook, and the item that was highly valued by the students was to give other valuable information. The result also showed that other motives for sharing news was socialization, information, status and entertainment. .
Kommunikationsverktyget intranät
AbstractThis report discusses how the intranet as a communication tool can bedeveloped to become a daily work tool. An intranet can help the organization to get information out to the employees fast, and the employees can choose when they want to take part of the information. This report also discusses how the functions and the presented information can be developed to be even better. The proposals has been developed out from information gathered from a survey,the people who has answered the survey has been given their point of view of the intranet, and also proposals for improvements, which we have implemented in to our theory part. There is no company or organization that uses the exact same intranet solution.
En studie i användbarhet: En kritisk analys av användbarhetsstudier i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap
Usability studies are not a central field of research in library and information science. Although literature in library and information science treats the importance of usable user interfaces quite extensively, the literature does not significantly treat potential problems in measuring usability. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate, through a critical analysis, the methods used when conducting usability studies in library and information science. The critical analysis is based on potential problems in measuring usability identified through a literature review from the field of studies Human-Computer Interaction, the concept of usabilitys original domain. The material which is to be analysed, is chosen from one library and information science journal Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
?Det är ett yrkesmässigt dilemma? ? om förmedling av skönlitteratur på ett folkbibliotek.
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians in a Swedish public library view and discuss mediation of fiction. The questions posed in this study are: How do the librarians want to work with mediation of fiction? What type of literature should be provided according to them? How do they express that they relate and should relate to their users? The theoretical starting-points are three categories extracted from Jofrid Karner Smidt?s doctor?s dissertation Mellom elite og publikum: the approach to users, strategies for mediation, and ideals for mediation. The empirical material was gathered through focus group interviews with librarians in a public library.
E-böcker ett nytt sätt att läsa. En undersökning om digitala böcker i folkbibliotek.
The main purpose of our thesis is to discuss the subject e-books from a Swedish public library perspective. The aim of the thesis is to locate and analyse statistics in regards to lending electronic books in public libraries. With this background a text analyse have been done, which views different arguments about e-books. We have studied the current statistics about lending e-books to the public users, the statistic material was gathered from the two main providers of e-books, eLib and E-biblioteket. With this statistic report as a background, arguments from scientists, journalists and users of e-books have been studied.
Öppna integrationsplattformar
In today?s computerized society more and more companies choose to utilize new applications that can ease the way of handling the information. For many of us is imperative that the process as efficient as possible if one takes in consideration the size of savings that this new application can bring.The developer of the evaluated system is SYSteam AB Huskvarna and they are the ones that gave us this assignment. The application that we evaluate is SCM (Secure Connection Manager). It is already used today by big companies such as Telia and Ericsson to search for errors in telephone servers placed all over the country.
Nyutveckling av hopfällbar kvistsåg
This Master Thesis has been carried out as a new product development project in collaborationwith G-Man Tools AB located in Edsbyn. The purpose of the project was to construct a newpruning saw there the blade is integrateble in the handle, thus a foldable pruning saw.The work has been performed on the occasion of G-Man Tools AB wanted to improve theirproduct range by creating a saw that complement their range of quality saws. They have a similarproduct today, but they do not manufacture this product by them selves and it is not directlytargeted against garden use, which is a disadvantage when it is one of their major markets.Even though almost the entire chain from the requirements of the users to drawings has beentaken into consideration, emphasizes has been put on generating ideas. However the first thingthat was carried out was to establish a productspecifikation from interviews with users and thecompany?s experience.
Biblioteksanvändning på institutionen folkbibliotek : sedd genom en användarundersökning vid Alingsås huvudbibliotek
This paper deals with how people use public libraries. An attempt is made to distinguishbetween different user groups on the basis of how they use the library. The roles of thelibrary in relation to its users are also discussed.The paper is based on a user study with the cooperation of 195 users. The user studywas carried out at the Public Library of Alingsås 1994. As material for comparisonsimilar studies from Sweden, but even from Denmark, have been used.