1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 12 av 86
Inkzine : Redesignandet av en tatuerings- och piercingcommunity
Our employer, Gaddad, is a tattoo and piercing community that was created in 2006 with the basic idea to make it easier for people to get in touch with the tattoo artists and piercers from all over Sweden. With the homepage?s popularity at 2009 they decided to expand with the news page Inkzine. 2011 they contacted us with a plan to expand the homepage to Europe and then merge their two sites under the name Inkzine.The goal of this project was to create design suggestions for Gaddad / Inkzine that both the administration and the current users liked and would consider implementing on the website. In order to evaluate the current design and our suggestions we decided to use two questionnaires .
En väg till förbättring : Systemanalys ur ett användarperspektiv
In almost every workplace today IT-systems have strong and significant roll in theeveryday work. It is therefore important that the systems have a good functionalityand that they work as an aid for the users. This thesis aims to study the systems atthe company Telge Nät and to analyse them from a usability perspective. By using thisperspective it has been obvious how difficult it is to make improvements on usability,once the system is in place. Even other larger improvements of the systems aredifficult to make at this stage and this is something that the users are aware of.
Penetrationstest av Gagnefs Kommun
Our employer, Gaddad, is a tattoo and piercing community that was created in 2006 with the basic idea to make it easier for people to get in touch with the tattoo artists and piercers from all over Sweden. With the homepage?s popularity at 2009 they decided to expand with the news page Inkzine. 2011 they contacted us with a plan to expand the homepage to Europe and then merge their two sites under the name Inkzine.The goal of this project was to create design suggestions for Gaddad / Inkzine that both the administration and the current users liked and would consider implementing on the website. In order to evaluate the current design and our suggestions we decided to use two questionnaires .
Säkerhet i öppna WiFi-nätverk. En studie om hur användares medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker vid interaktion med öppna WiFi-nätverk kan ökas
Public WiFi networks is one of the dominant technologies for users to get public internet access. The problem is that the networks are designed for accessability rather than security ? a problem users seldom are aware of. Users who carelessly access WiFi networks may reveal sensitive information which, among other things, can lead to an identity theft. Previous research suggests that users must be educated and informed about the risks they incur, but not how this should be done.
En problemlösningsapplikation för Sveriges schackförbund
The purpose of this project was to investigate whether it was possible to develop a type of application, where users would solve chess problems. The main goal of the project was that there would exist an functional application after the study has ended with which users could solve chess problems on a computer. One subgoal of the project was to create corresponding application for mobile phones. The study was limited to require users to have at least Internet Explorer 9 +. For other browsers, there were no corresponding limitations.
Hur fungerar vårdens IT-system egentligen? : Jämförelse av elektroniska patientjournalsystem
To support, enhance and, in the future, develop the activity within the county councils in Sweden, IT support systems are currently used to a large extent. The need to document is central to the health care organizations and the counties have come a long way in the introduction of electronic patient record systems (EPR). The aim of the EPR systems is to support the care processes and the clinical professions in their work.This is a master thesis in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI), Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The aim of the thesis was to describe and compare the five most common EPR systems in Sweden. The comparison will focus on some usability aspects and on how well they support the users in their clinical practice.
Användarstyrt förvärv vid tre högskolebibliotek
User-centred acquisitions at three academic librariesA new way of developing collections has been adopted at a number of small academic libraries, user-centred acquisitions. The method implies that the main way of building the collection is by means of receiving suggestions of titles from library users. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate changes in acquisitions of monographs. At a more detailed level it seeks a deeper understanding of what user-centred acquisitions is and how the method effects the acquisitions process. Changes in stock management and the reason why the libraries have chosen the method is investigated as well.
Interacting with EDIT. A Qualitative Study on, and a Re-design of, an Educational Technology System
This thesis aimed to study the interaction between an educational technology system and its users and give suggestions for design improvements. The technology system is called EDIT (Educational Development through Information Technology) and has been developed and applied at Linköping University?s Faculty of Health Science. EDIT supports Problem Based Learning and enables scenarios to be presented through the World Wide Web. The study was divided into two parts.
Folkbiblioteks image på Facebook : Undersökning av fyra folkbiblioteks imageskapande och mottagande på Facebook
This essay was to investigate what self-image public libraries convey on Facebook and what image is received by the users, along with comparison of those. It was investigated if the received image corresponded with the users? previous image of public libraries. The method used was interviews with the Facebook administrators and surveys with the users. The theoretical framework was Kotler?s model for image creation.The research is mainly American and shows Facebook as an accepted marketing tool for libraries among students, but as not taken seriously by the library staff.
Punktskrift. En studie över hur punktskriftslåntagarnas behov tillgodoses på Talboks- och punktskriftsbiblioteket: med en historisk tillbakablick
The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how Braille users needs are satisfied by The Library of Talking Books and Braille TPB. The other issues are: How do some of the library workers at TPB experience that the needs of Braille users are satisfied? Is it possible to make the service better in the future for Braille users and in that case, how? The study is based upon interviews with five persons, who have defective vision and read Braille. I have also interviewed two employees at TPB who have defective vision. To build up a complete background presentation of the subject I have chosen a book about hermeneutic interpretation to understand how historic facts influence the function of the subject today and in the future.
?Man ska kunna komma in vit i ansiktet utan att det är någon som gnäller på en?: En studie av en Unga vuxna-avdelning.
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the youth section, named ?Young adults?, in the library in our study is justified or not. We will do this by examining connections between society?s and the library?s views on youth and youth culture. In our study we examine the purpose of the young adult-department and which measures are taken to reach the purposes.
Biovetare, bibliotek och bioinformatiska resurser
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary scientific subject which connects biology, biomedicine and information science. Bioinformatics generates new biological knowledge by using computer methods and biological databases and can thereby play an important role for the understanding of diseases and be used for development of new medicines. The appearance of bioinformatics has thereby had a big impact on biomedical research.In this study, I have examined bioscientists' use of bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools and their needs of support concerning these resources. I have also examined which support the scientific libraries offer their users concerning bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools and have compared it with the needs the libraries think that the users have and the needs the users state that they have.The results from the study show that there is a wish for library support concerning bibliographical databases, bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools. The wishes of the respondents are in contrast to the libraries' view about bioscientists interest concerning bioinformatic databases/web sites and bioinformatic tools.
"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället
This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.
Biblioteksanvändares möte med exponerad litteratur: En enkätundersökning av användares upplevelse av exponering.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine library users experience encountering exposed literature. Shops and stores expose the products they most of all want to sell, a kind of marketing strategy that influences our inclination to buy. By conducting a quantitative study, at two minor public libraries, and using theories from the marketing area this thesis intended to investigate the subject further. Eighty library visitors, between age 10 and XX filled out a questionnaire asking how the users experience or register exposed literature and what makes users borrow or not borrow exposed literature. The respondents find exposed literature helpful in directing them to new interesting suggestions of books they otherwise wouldn?t have borrowed.
Manuell indexering av webbresurser: en undersökning av indexeringskonsistens vid social indexering
Social indexing is an approach to manual indexing of web content. The purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate terminological and conceptual consistency in social indexing of web content. Conceptual consistency was investigated/measured focusing on synonyms and (the use of) singular and plural forms of words. In order to measure consistency in social indexing data were obtained from the Delicious website. The data set consists of five indexed objects, 3001 tags and 239 users.