

2040 Uppsatser om Urban ideal - Sida 8 av 136

Kampen mot de fyra storbankerna

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Finns det rätta livsmedelsvalet?

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Grabability - att utforma ett bokomslag som fångar köparens uppmärksamhet

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Ekosystemstödjande och multifunktionella växtval i urban miljö : En fallstudie med utgångspunkt i Nacka stadsbildning

This study has investigated how urban vegetation can be used in a multifunctional way to support ecosystem services in urban environments. Nacka municipality is in the start-up phase of building what is to become Nacka city. This provides a unique possibility to study and analyse what role the vegetation play in making the city a healthy living environment and how it needs to be adapted in order to be resilient against changing climate conditions and how the effects of those changes can be regulated. The study further investigates how airborne pollution, caused by urbanization processes, can be regulated or reduced by vegetation or species selection. Methods used in this study were a combination of qualitative interviews and literature studies, seeking to answer the questions: Which specific ecosystem functions are needed in the urban environment and which aspects will influence the ecosystems ability to deliver the functions in demand? And which plant species have the right mechanisms needed to deliver those functions? These questions have been studied and analysed in a local based context where the local conditions ands site specific needs of Nacka define criteria for plant selection.

The artistic planner and the planning artist in participatory practices in urban development

A brush of paint on a grey compound wall can mean so much more than simply an addition of colour. It can meanan appropriation of public space, a shared public space enclosed by a wall now ?owned? by someone. It can meanan arisen conflict leading to debate about the right to use public space.The Wall Project is a Mumbai based beautification project that uses paint and outdoor walls to brighten uptheir city. The Urban Typhoon workshop is an activity set up in self-evolving neighbourhoods where municipalinterference is scarce.

Sociala medier som strategiskt verktyg för professionella bloggare

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Stadsplaneringsideal. Med den periurbana zonen i fokus - dess potential för den hållbara staden

To be able to plan for the expansion of a town, one needs a vision of the future appear-ance of the town. It is the current issues (social situation, supply and demand, political control etc.) which decide what the ideal for town planning is. This is turn is the steering factor of the physical structure of the town. Therefore, the town's structure is decided by these ideals.In this report, I will present planning ideals that have historically been, and which criticisms that have been directed towards them. With reference to these issues, I will present those guidelines and ideals we have today for planning of our towns.

Strategier mot urban sprawl i svenska städer : En fallstudie av åtta svenska kommuners arbete

Urban sprawl är ett problem i hela världen. Ekonomi, hälsa, miljö och jordbruksmark är några saker som stadsutbredningen har effekter på (Habibi, 2011). I USA började problemen med urban sprawl efter andra världskriget när möjligheter till billiga bolån skapades. Detta gjorde att fler människor hade möjlighet att flytta till enfamiljshus i förorterna och användandet av bil som transportmedel ökade (Duany, 2010). Stadsutbredningen i Sverige startade efter andra världskriget då bilismen ökade även här.

Urban Building vid Hornsbruksgatan : Kontor och Bostäder vid Hornsbruksgatan

Kandidatprojekt Kontor och Bostäder vid Hornsbruksgatan. Att i en intressant kontext, vid både stad och park skapa en levande miljö där de olika nivåerna nyttjas för att skapa nya stadsmiljöer. Ett blandat program, bestående av bostäder, kontor och kommersiell verksamhet, som normalt är ganska slutet öppnas upp för allmänheten och disponeras i förhållande till grad av offentlighet..

Stora Södergatan : communicating a street´s potential through site reading

In urban planning and design today interventions tend to take place in already existing areas and inevitably effect also surrounding areas. The many parties involved in any change leads to a demand for a shared language around these areas. This thesis aim to, through understanding and communicating a site, Stora Södergatan in Lund Sweden, inspire to a novel way of looking at an urban site preceding design- or planning interventions. Based on a theoretical framework where site is considered as a relational construct, material as well as immaterial, a framework for site thinking is constructed. Further, with theory of representation, the communication of the site is emphasized and accounted for as part of the framework.

Prevalence of antibodies for Peste des petits des ruminants virus and Brucella and related risk factors in goat herds in urban and peri-urban agriculture in Kampala, Uganda

The world?s population reached more than 6.9 billion people in July 2011. It is expected that the population growth during the next 40 years will take place mostly in low-income countries and the population increase will be 2.3 billion people during 2011-2050. A rapid urbanization is also expected to result in 57.7 per cent of Africa?s population living in urban areas in 2050.

Urban green in Vientiane, Lao PDR : a minor field study

This is a Minor field study addressing the current situation in Vientiane, Laos where focus lies on the green structures past, present and future. The city of Vientiane is growing rapidly and as a result of this there is a increasing development. The once peaceful capital known for it?s lush and green environment is standing in a crossroad where important decision must be made to preserve valuable areas. During 8 weeks inventories and observations where made resulting into a proposal for future development. The proposal is divided into three parts. The urban fringe and surrounding landscape are still quite undeveloped and have a great potential of green wedges etc. The city of Vientiane and the green network linking important recreational, commercial and cultural places. Detailed proposal over certain green objects such as parks and squares..

Jag vill att du tittar på mig när jag talar med mig - Om asylsökandes kommunikationsmöjligheter

This thesis has the purpose of developing a normative theoretical framework based on different political philosophers and scientists view on deliberative democratic theory, discourse ethics and a modified norm of citizenship. This framework is supposed to contain the ideal communicative situation for people seeking asylum. Hence, the thesis argues that political influence is best practised through communicative rights, and that people seeking asylum are in title to such rights. We conclude that the standards needed to be met in order to reach the ideal are: translators, translated information, arenas for- or channels of communication, language education, and deliberative education. Once the framework is established we focus our interest on the Swedish state.

Innovationens ramar - en kvalitativ intervjustudie i kreativitetens begränsning och dess inverkan för grönare restaurangmenyer

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Melankolikerns stämningsfulla tillvaro : En fenomenologisk studie av den melankoliska stämningens betydelse i Edgar Allan Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher"

Undersökningens syfte är att studera läraridealgenom dödsrunor för att se vilka ideal som den avlidne framställdes i samt sehur dessa skiljer sig åt i ett genusperspektiv. Minnesrunorna finns publiceradei Sveriges allmänna folkskollärarföreningstidningsorgan Svensk läraretidningoch undersökningsperioden är åren 1928- 1930. Undersökningen visade på att bådeden manlige och den kvinnliga läraren framställdes i stort sett lika även omdet skiljer sig åt procentuellt sett. Läraridealet för denna tid var enpliktrogen och nitiskt lärare/lärarinna som på ett dugligt, intresserat ochsjälvuppoffrande sätt utförde sitt kall. Därtill tillkom ideal såsom glad,avhållen och godhjärtad.

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