

6987 Uppsatser om Urban design - Sida 5 av 466

Att vila i händelsernas centrum - en litteraturstudie av återhämtande faktorer i urban miljö

Denna uppsats består av en studie av litteratur som behandlar frågeställningen ?Vad främjar att människor skall vilja stanna till på en plats i staden, i syfte att slappna av och återhämta sig under en tidsperiod på ca 5-20 minuter?? .

Östra Kvillebäcken En gröna stadsdelen? En fallstudie över Östra Kvillebäcken i Göteborg

The study is a case study about the green urban district, East Kvillebäcken, located in Gothenburg, Hisingen. East Kvillebäcken is the first urban district in Sweden with ambition to build sustainable according to the certification system Miljöbyggnad, which make it a pioneer project. The purpose is to investigate the upcoming and the meaning of the green urban district in East Kvillebäcken and show how public employees think the urban district can affect social, ecologic and economic aspects in the area. Dialogue interviews were done with four public employees, one estate agent and two residents. Local plans and other authority documents were used to get a deeper understanding for the case study.

Stridsvagnar i urban miljö : Ställer användning av stridsvagnssystemet i urban miljö nya krav på systemet?

Den svenska Försvarsmakten (FM) har förändrats och gått ifrån invasionsförsvar till insatsförsvar, detta har lett till att FM fokuserar på insatser utomlands och hotet skiljer sig insatser emellan. De konflikter som är aktuella idag och där de svenska styrkorna bidrar med resurser utspelar sig i länder där urban miljö med lågteknologisk motståndare förekommer. Motståndaren har med tiden lärt sig att hantera strider i urban miljö och uppträder i alla dimensioner. Man anser att strid i denna typ av miljö kommer att öka i framtiden. Stora nationer har stridit i urban miljö med framgång.

Förflyttning som drivkraft: Case Årstaberg

Rörelse i staden är avgörande för hur staden fungerar. Platser och stråk med stora flöden har annorlunda förutsättningar än platser och stråk med små flöden. Flödena påverkas i sin tur av stadens struktur.  Det här examensarbetet handlar om hur förtätning kan vara en del i en medveten förändring av stadsstrukturen och hur man genom förändringar i stadsstrukturen kan skapa varierande rumsliga förutsättningar som kan utgöra ett ramverk för framtida utformning.Föremålet för den här studien är området runt Årstabergs pendeltågsstation i södra Stockholm. Området är en viktig kollektivtrafikknutpunkt och många människor passerar här dagligen för att byta mellan olika kollektivtrafikslag.

CODP Co operative design process - from urban strategy to detail

This project investigates the cooperation between architect and engineer. The context of the investigation is the design of buildings for a sustainable society. The goal of the project is to further the development of the sustainable built society by increasing the knowledge of the interdisciplinary cooperation between these two fields. The focus is a close cooperation already from the start of a project. By involving both fields in the early design stages it is thought that the knowledge and skills of each field is better utilized.

Den offentliga upphandlingen implementeringsproblem.

This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryurban development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.

Där järnvägen möter staden : Hur bidrar Västlänken till en hållbar stadsutveckling i Haga?

This thesis aims to study the effects of the infrastructure project Västlänken in Gothenburg, a rail tunnel to be built through the city center. The study focuses on the community of Haga where one of the three exits will be constructed and also the surrounding urban environment, to see if the project can be sustainable. Sustainable urban development was selected as the theory, and the term "sustainable" is defined in this study using a number of criteria that two scientists developed. The criteria include economic, ecological and social perspectives on how a place or a geographical area can meet today's needs as well as possible needs in the future. The methods used were semi-structured interviews and content analysis of government documents. Interviews were conducted with various institutions in the city, and companies involved in the planning of the project in Gothenburg.

Ekosystemtjänstbedömningar : Utvärdering av metodik för att synliggöra värdet av naturen inom stadsplanering

The purpose of this study was to analyze and develop a workflow for assessing and representing the value of ecosystems to professionals involved in municipal planning. A thorough literature review was conducted and supplemented by interviews and observations. Frameworks for ecosystem service assessments were analyzed and combined with methods in urban planning in order to assess social and ecological conditions. A workflow was set up and methods were evaluated by applying them to a case study in the area Åstråket in Uppsala. Experience from the case study was compiled in order to improve the workflow.Complex assessments were identified and simplified for the method to be useful for practitioners.

Konst Offentlighet Motstånd Om konst som motstånd i den urbana offentligheten - En fallstudie av konstprojektet (O)önskad samhällsförbättring

This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryurban development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.

Urban Building vid Hornsbruksgatan

Upgift: att bygga en urban byggnad i Högalidsparken vid Hornsbruksgatan.Idén att bygga i en park är provokativ pga ett starkt intrång i stadens publika liv. Stadsparker har inte endast rekreationsrollen, de är också publika platser: platser för motion, lek, idrott, föreställningar, möten osv. Och i detta projekt - för arbete och boende dessutom.Förslagets mål är att skapa en struktur som suddar bort ett kraftigt avbrott mellan parken och gatan och förenar dem och samtidigt har ett rikt programmatiskt innehåll; att skapa ett attraktivt och eftertraktat publikt rum på taken och ett flexibelt privat rum under det..

Stora torg Kristianstad

Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och diskutera Stora torg i Kristianstad och om hur man genom en omgestaltning av torget kan göra platsen mer tilltalande, attraktiv och levande..

Meeting, greeting & seating : a design proposal for Magomeni garden, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

More than fifty percent of the world population today lives in cities, and the pressures of urbanisation are particularly present in developing countries. As landscape architects, it is important to gain knowledge about the effect of urbanisation and ways to prevent the negativities. Experiencing the effects in person in a developing country, as well as learning from and about other cultures, enhances the understanding for global situations. Dar es Salaam is located in one of the most rapidly urbanising regions in the world, which puts pressure on the environment and the humans living in it. Lack of means to regulate land development has led to a situation where expansion of unplanned settlements occurs, with spatial disorder as a consequence. This has in the extension led to a decreasing amount of publicly available and qualitative green spaces, and degradation of the few ones that exist. There are facts that strengthen the status of urban parks, which especially becomes relevant in developing countries where many people live in sparse and exposed conditions.

Centralitet och periferi i det nya Europa : Städer som regionala nav i samarbete och konkurrens

European cities of today are under the challenge to find ways to stay competitive and flourish in a rapidly changing world, where the old patterns of centrality and periphery not necessarily holds true. New and improved communication networks, a changed political geography in Europe, and the globalisation of not only the financial and industrial markets but also to a certain extent the globalisation of people, have all led to great challenges for cities and regions.In a changed spatial reality the classic monocentric models are challenged by newer models of urbanisation. The polycentric urban region is one such model which has been used to describe urban regions like the Randstad in the Netherlands and the Rhein-Ruhr region in Germany. Regions which lack the single dominant central city of the monocentric models of old, and instead shows a high degree of more equal-sized and sometimes more specialised cities in regional cooperation. The polycentric urban region is in that aspect a possible model for how other urbanised regions in Europe may act to be able to position themselves as attractive urban regions and regional hubs in the European urban network.Polycentric urban regions are not a universal solution, though.


Projektet avser att undersöka hur en byggnad som ska möta en divers användning i urban miljö kan dela på resurser. Projektet avser att fungera som en tvärprogrammerad yta där olika användare växelverkar med sina aktiviteter över dygnets timmar likt ett stafettlopp där avlämningen blir en spännande kontaktyta. De kommersiella aktiviteterna över dagen ska samtidigt kunna fungera som allmän service på kvällstid. Kontaktytan för detta ska verka främjande för spontan social kontakt för både boende passerande och arbetande..

Tillgänglighetsstrategi för kommunala planerare : Ett arbetssätt för att identifiera och planera åtgärder av enkelt avhjälpta hinder

There are many barriers and obstacles that need to be removed to make the urban environment more accessible for people with disabilities. There are currently no adequate tools for urban planners to assess and address these obstacles. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide powerful methods for the visualization and analysis of spatial data, including the kind of data important in studies of accessibility. This study suggests a method urban planners can use to identify accessibility obstacles and to propose future actions to fix them.A literature review was conducted to find out what has been done and what is new regarding the accessibility issues. Different methods were evaluated which in turn led to the construction of a multi-step analytical strategy.

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