

1352 Uppsatser om Urban analyzes - Sida 42 av 91

Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy farms in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda

En operation framkallar en icke önskvärd fysiologisk reaktion hos patienten som benämns som kroppens stressvar. Stressvaret innebär att sympatiska nervsystemet aktiveras och att endokrina ändringar erhålls, bland annat minskning i sekretionen av TSH och insulin samt ökning i sekretionen av ACTH, kortisol och ADH. En viktig uppgift för en veterinär är att välja premedicineringsläkemedel innan en operation. Premedicineringsläkemedel har som främsta uppgifter att motverka det perioperativa stressvaret hos djuret, minska smärta och förstärka anestesimedlens effekt. Syftet med det här arbetet är att beskriva vad som händer i kroppen vid ett perioperativt stressvar och hur svaret kan motverkas med hjälp av premedicineringsläkemedel. Premedicineringsläkemedel väljs och kombineras från klasserna sedativa, analgetika och antikolinergika. De vanligaste använda sederande läkemedlen på svenska veterinärkliniker är dopaminantagonisten acepromazin och alfa2-agonisten medetomidin.

Rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs innerstad : temporal och rumslig analys av rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs artdataarkiv, ADA

Biologisk mångfald i urban miljö har visats sig ha stor betydelse för människansrekreation och fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Samtidigt förbättras stadens hälsa genom debullerdämpande, luftrenande och klimatförbättrande egenskaper som vegetationen har.Syftet med denna undersökning är att utföra en temporal och rumslig analysmed avseende på antal och utbredning av rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs innerstad under1900-talet. Utgångsmaterialet är Göteborgs artdataarkiv, ADA, en databas framtagen avGöteborgs miljöförvaltning som innehåller observationer av rödlistade och andra skyddsvärdaväxt- och djurarter. Då databasen är en sammanställning av olika inventeringar över lång tidär skillnaderna från ett material baserat på en systematisk inventering stora. Vagalokalangivelser och okänd observationsfrekvensen i ett område är faktorer som påverkarsäkerheten i materialet men det kompenseras genom ett stort antal observationer undermycket lång tid.Den temporala analysen av antalet rödlistade kärlväxter i Göteborgs innerstadvisar på en tydlig nedgång i rapporterade arter.

Hästskor, hästskosöm och sporrar från Västergarn : en empirisk studie av hästrelaterat material från seminarieutgrävningarna 2005-2012

Västergarn is one of the smallest parishes on the island of Gotland. It?s a place of rich history and has been subject to numerous excavations throughout the years. The University of Gotland has conducted seminar excavations at Västergarn between the years of 2005-2012. During these excavations a lot of horse related finds have been found.

Activate Nyhamnen : a design proposal after Kongjian Yu's design approch

This thesis introduces Kongjian Yu?s design approach in terms of industrial heritage conservation in connection to transformation and urban design. The approach is examined respectively on two cases from China and USA. The thesis give a brief introduction to current achievement in conservation research and general profile of industrial conservation practice. Based on case and theory study, Yu?s design approach is carefully applied to an industrial area Nyhamnen in Malmö and a design proposal is produced.

Förändring av rädslans rum : med trygghetsskapande

This project has resulted in an website at www.tinadunker.se, where you also can download the project in it´s written form to get a deeper view of the project. This project aims to explore fear of violence in public places. Fear of violence reminds us that there is a problem in our urban environment that leads to spatial consequences in using public space. Many groups in our society experience fear in their everyday life but this project has focus on women?s fear.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

Barns egen lek ? En studie av pedagogers deltagande

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

Sangvinolent berättande : En studie av Yu Huas roman En handelsman i blod

The present MA thesis analyzes how body and blood functions as historical and narrative elements in Yu Hua's novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995). In the novel, the story and the plot can not be regarded as disparate items; the two levels of the text are tightly interwoven by what the thesis introduces as a sangvinolent narration. The term conceptualizes the use of blood as a structural element and the thrust of the text, in this case how the ability to sell blood is a prerequisite for the story and the plot.Close readings reveal the structural correlations between the blood-selling main-character Xu Sanguan in the plot on the one hand, and in the story on the other, which can be detected to have, inter alia, an effect on the temporality of the narrative. Themes linked to identity, belonging and survival (performativity, mimicry, reification and alienation) permeate the text. In the novel the body and bodily fluids are sacrificed in order to form and enforce perceptions of identity and societal roles.The rhetorical use of ?blood and tears? (Ch.

Radiomediets utveckling - En fallstudie av produktionsflöden på Sveriges Radio Västerbotten

The development of the radio medium ? a case study of Sveriges radio is a scientific report of the case study that was made in the spring of 2014 on Sveriges Radio Västerbotten. The report investigates and analyzes how radio has been developed.The purpose of this study is to analyze the production flows of the radio and explore how it has been developed. The project?s objective is to raise the knowledge in media development, primarily radio?s development.The scientific theory is based on the concept of media convergence, in this chapter the reader will learn what media convergence means, but also how it works in the media world and the Public Service.

Vem tillhör mångkulturen? Ideologi, förkroppsligande och gränsdragningar i svenskämnenas läroplaner

In 2011, the new upper secondary school curriculum Lgy 11 set out to distinguish the characteristics of the two subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language. This thesis analyzes the consequences, or rather the underlying premises for such a characterization with the contradictory ideologies of the multicultural society as a point of departure. Using theories of cultural and linguistic hegemony, the thesis applies an ideological critique to the comparative text analysis of the two curriculums. The aim is to reveal the underlying assumptions of the two student bases as representatives of the majority society and the minorities. The results show that the characterizations of the two subjects are dominantly made along the line of the multicultural experience versus linguistic and cultural heritage.

Järnvägens mellanrum - en resa från restyta till möjlighet

För att kunna nå politiskt uppsatta nationella klimatmål för 2050 krävs en ökad användning av järnväg. Samtidigt belastas järnvägen mer och mer eftersom varor och människor reser mer och längre. Denna tendens och politikens ökade fokus på järnväg medför att järnvägen troligen kommer få en ökad betydelse inom stadsutveckling och eventuellt även ta mer mark i anspråk. Parallellt finns i Sverige en tendens till yteffektivisering där städer omvandlar ledig mark och övergivna tomter i en önskan att motverka urban sprawl. Problemet är att det kring järnväg skapas ytor som är svåra att använda.

Produktionsanalys av: Backa Teaters uppsättning av: UTOPIA 2012. När var du i paradiset senast?

This essay analyzes the production process in connection with the original play Utopia 2012, which premiered at Backa Theatre, Gothenburg, Sweden on 27 October 2012.The aim of the essay is to seek a deeper understanding of this particular production process. No universal process plan was employed when creating Utopia 2012. Therefore, taking into account artistic, technical and administrative aspects of the work, a chronological process map has also been constructed in connection with this essay, in order to clarify each step of the theatrical working process.The theoretical approach is hermeneutic, and the material is based on interviews with key individuals with different professions and functions within the working process in order to gain multifaceted perspectives and results. The interviews took place at Backa Theatre with the exception of those held by telephone with the project?s two producers, both of whom by that time no longer worked at Backa Theatre.The findings of the essay mostly indicate that, with the significant exception of director Mattias Andersson?s artistic vision, no fixed process map nor explicitly articulated common goals were employed in this particular theatre production.

Riskbaserat provtagningsprogram för mikroorganismer i Gäddviks vattentäkt

Risk-based sampling program of microorganisms in the water source in northern SwedenAfter several disease outbreaks caused by parasites in the drinking water during the last years, it is more essential than ever to insure that the water supply companies have enough barriers to counteract the presence of microorganisms in the outgoing water. It is also discussed whether climate changes such as increased precipitation can have a connection to the increased cases of parasites in water sources. The water source at Gäddvik is Luleå municipality?s largest and provides drinking water to 64 500 of Luleå?s 74 000 inhabitants. The investigation of microorganisms in the water source, especially in the Lule River has not been as prioritized as the sampling of chemical parameters.

Hållbar utbyggnad: En studie av stadsutvecklingen på Galoppfältet, Täby

Täby galoppfällt kommer att genomgå en förvandling som innebär att ca 4000 nya bostäder kommer att tillföras under en 15 års period. Täby kom-mun tillsammans med byggherrarna JM/Skanska och Viggbyholms fastig-hets AB driver projektet med målet om en sammanhållen, hållbar park i stad. I snitt flyttar svensken 11 gånger under sin livstid. Detta innebär att de som flyttar in i startskedet av utbyggnaden med stor sannolikhet kommer att hinna flytta ut innan hela stadsdelen är färdigt utbyggd. Att stadsdelens ut-byggnad sker på ett sådant sätt att målen om en hållbar och sammanhållen stad inte bara uppfylls i och med projektets färdigställande ut även bäddas in som en röd tråd under hela byggtiden är alltså mycket viktig.

Oförglömliga karaktärer : En analys av karaktärsskildringar i fornnordiska myter och filmer om superhjältar

By conducting a text analysis this study analyzes possible similarities in the portrayal of story characters between historical Norse myths and contemporary film productions. The chosen historical texts are two stories from Norse mythology which render a myth about Thor and a giant named Hrunge as well as the myth Trymskvädet. The selected movies are two of the comic company Marvel?s productions about super heroes ? Thor and The Avengers. Different categories that this study compares are how the characters are defined by their possessions or artefacts, the actions and the choices which the characters make, and also how their relations, roles and origins are being portrayed.

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