

1352 Uppsatser om Urban analyzes - Sida 38 av 91

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By conducting a text analysis this study analyzes possible similarities in the portrayal of story characters between historical Norse myths and contemporary film productions. The chosen historical texts are two stories from Norse mythology which render a myth about Thor and a giant named Hrunge as well as the myth Trymskvädet. The selected movies are two of the comic company Marvel?s productions about super heroes ? Thor and The Avengers. Different categories that this study compares are how the characters are defined by their possessions or artefacts, the actions and the choices which the characters make, and also how their relations, roles and origins are being portrayed.

Den gudomliggjorda människan :  En analys av E.W. Kenyons lära om tro och perfekt hälsa

This essay analyzes the doctrines of the revival preacher E.W. Kenyon (1867-1948), such as perfect health, faith and positive thinking. Two of his late works from 1941 and 1942 is analyzed and contextualized referring to the contemporary New Thought movement, Christian revival movements and religious pragmatism in America during the late 19th century continued into the 20th century. Kenyon?s anthropology, his soteriology and epistemology is showed to be pneumocentric in a way that can be compared with the New Thought movement, but also has connections to Christian revival theology and Christian mysticism.

Ledningssystem för trafiksäkerhet- lokalisering av framgångsfaktorer förspridning av ledningssystemetISO 39001

The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.

Urban kannibalism : relationen mellan människa och produktionslandskap

Samtidens jordbruk står inför stora utmaningar för att kunna tillgodose världens befolkning med mat. Varje hektar odlingsbar mark kan därför komma att spela en viktig roll i framtiden. Studien visar att dagens relation mellan människa och produktionslandskapet är svag. Detta får konsekvenser för allt ifrån hur vi hanterar det produktiva landskapet i dagens planering till konsumtionsmönster på individnivå. I förlängningen innebär detta att vi äventyrar vårt produktionslandskap som en viktig resurs för framtida matförsörjning. Idag försvinner Skånes åkrar med en rasande fart och exploateringstakten på den bördiga myllan har ökat drastiskt under de senaste åren.

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andhandle this situation.

Spänningsanalys av axel-länkmekanism på borr-rigg

This master thesis is intended to give an increased understanding of the stress state in an axle, which is assembled in one of Atlas Copco?s mountain drilling rigs. The main problems investigated were how the axle is affected when the bearing is worn, when the pretension is varied, and how to dimension the axle. Answers to these questions were found by using hand calculations, practical testing and with Finite Element analyzes. The dimensioning of the axle is currently based on the bending stress, but the author?s opinion is that the axle should be dimensioned considering the equivalent stress.

Regeln som splittrar - Om barnfamiljer och regeln om uppehållstillstånd före inresa utifrån internationella konventioner och svensk policy

Swedish migration law states that a person who wants to seek a residence permit based on family ties has to apply from the home country. This essay applies to cases when families that live in Sweden have to come apart when one parent has to return to the home country to seek a permit to which he or she is entitled.The rule causes families unnecessary suffering. This essay analyzes the reasons behind the rule and argues that it is compatible neither with Swedish policy of children's rights and gender equality nor with the international conventions that have been ratified.Furthermore, it is investigated whether the migration authorities act in compli-ance with the intentions behind the law. It is concluded that the Migration Board, despite their own critique of the rule, makes an unnecessarily restrictive interpre-tation. This results in a situation where no one takes responsibility for the conse-quences for the affected families.

Byggdamm : Vad krävs för att minimera spridningen på ROT-projekt under produktionsskedet

Dust that arises during the construction process is called ?construction dust?.People who are exposed for construction dust for a long period of time are atrisk to develop several forms of lung problems, allergies and cancer. Todayconstruction dust is a huge problem during the production in Skanska´srenovation projects. Every day workers are exposed of the unhealthyconstruction dust and it can cause lung problems and diseases after 10-30years. This is a problem that must be taken into account to obtain a betterworking environment on Skanska´s building sites.Skanska Sweden AB has given two students the task to investigate possibleproblems about the spreading of construction dust.

Svenskt utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : Flernivåanalys av Sveriges beslut att bli en del av den europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (ESFP).

In 1998 Sweden accepted the Treaty of Amsterdam which contained a development of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) towards a European security and defense policy (ESDP). This thesis aims at studying the decision making process behind the Swedish foreign policy decision to further develop its security policy within the European Union. The purpose is to explain which factors and conditions that did affect and influence the Swedish foreign policy decision. The research applies foreign policy analysis, a theoretical perspective that analyzes both domestic and international conditions using different levels of analysis. The research methods being used has been qualitative as well as quantitative, complemented by interviews, since the research is a process tracing case study.The thesis conclusion is that the Swedish decision is explained by several factors.

Kvinnors kroppsuppfattning i samband med bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturstudie

Background                      There are different types of treatments for breast cancer, and these may be of surgical and non-surgical art. These treatments produce different side effects that can cause both physical and mental harm to the woman. The breast cancer can change the women's body image and relationships to their families. The women manage their lives in different ways depending on which culture they belong to. Aim                                    The aim of the study was to elucidate women?s experience of her body and the altered body in relation to breast cancer treatment.Method                              The method used was a literature review based on scientifically articles to overview the field of breast cancer.

Kritpipor, tobak och Västergarn : historik och arkeologisk funktion

This essay represents a chronological and contextual analysis of clay pipes that have been found in the urban settlement of Västergarn during seminary excavations between 2006 ? 2012, conducted by Gotland University. Clay pipes can be dated closely and are useful means for dating and interpreting archaeological contexts from the early modern period, such as house foundations. There have been excavated four house foundations in Västergarn with different sorts of clay pipes dating to the post-medieval period. Can they tell which people used them or which country they were produced? By discussing the meaning of clay pipes in early modern society on Gotland this essay tries to answer these questions..

Flödeskartläggning avbilflödenpå Södertälje Hamn(Car-flow mapping at the Port of Södertälje)

The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.

Utlandsadopterade i behov av särskilt stöd?

The purpose of this study is to find whether there is any truth in the thesis that adopted children from abroad is in greater need of special support, in particular regarding factors that might inhibit the language development that may cause language problems.To achieve knowledge for this study, the methods have been to seek and analyze literature that discusses theories about language development and language socialization. To understand if theory and reality is cohesive, two interviews was conducted with special teachers that have had experiences teaching adopted children, analyzes of the results contra literature has been somewhat important and necessary. To ensure the reliability the interviews was recorded on tape and later transcribed.The results from literature studies indicates that adopted children are more likely to be in need of special support in school due to factors concerning, among other things, adaptation difficulties, language progress and identity. Overall, language progress is depended on children?s total progress that includes physical, emotional and psychological condition.

Skademönster på Gotland : Kontaktorsak, skadeplats och skadeorsak med fokus på ålders ? och könsskillnader

Injuries are considered to be a major public health issue. More than 4600 people die each year and 10 % of all hospitalization in Sweden is related to injuries. The cost in a societal perspective is estimated to 59 billion a year. Injuries are possible to prevent. However it needs knowledge that the injury has occurred and the surrounding circumstances.

Tvärvetenskaplig undersökning av textil Broderiet från Tämta kyrka

There are several objects of age whose provenance and history has disappeared with time. The purpose of this thesis is to find out which analyzing methods that gives results and how the different methods can be combined and /or established in each other. The investigations centers around an embroidery, belonging to Tämta church, with unknown origin, use and age. The embroidery is long and narrow with applications in the form of dragons and eagles on a ground of velvet cloth. The dragons and eagles are covered with metal threads.

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