1097 Uppsatser om Urban activism - Sida 42 av 74
Den svenska nationella strategin för hållbar utveckling : En process av betydelse eller bara ett anonymt dokument?
AbstractAt the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 the nations stated that traditional environmental policies were not sufficient to handle the multidimensional challenges posed by sustainable development. Governments needed to broaden their political decision making procedures in order to coordinate and integrate environmental, social and economic policies. Therefore a new tool was introduced in Agenda 21, National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSDS). The aim of an NSDS would be to bring together actors from all parts of society to jointly reach a consensus on how to work towards the vision of a sustainable society. An NSDS would be seen as a strategic tool to help focus national policies for SD.
Rural-urban arbetskraftsmigration i Kina : En studie om den flytande befolkningens villkor på den urbana arbetsmarknaden
Män utsatta för våld i nära relationer är en målgrupp som får begränsad uppmärksamhet i vårt samhälle. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur män utsatta för våld i nära relationer bemöts av sociala aktörer, som myndigheter, ideella organisationer och kommunala projekt som arbetar med mansfrågor. För att få en djupare förståelse av bemötandet använde vi en kvalitativ metod och genomförde semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna som intervjuades var aktiva inom ovannämnda verksamheter, och hade varit i kontakt med män utsatta för våld i nära relationer.Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien har främst varit Connells teori kring maskuliniteter. Resultaten visar att verksamheterna i denna studie bland annat arbetar individuellt och psykosocialt med målgruppen.
Segmentering och klassificering av LiDAR-data
With numerous applications in both military and civilian life, the demand for accurate 3D models of real world environments increases rapidly. Using an airborne laser scanner for the raw data acquisition and robust methods for data processing, the researchers at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) in Linköping hope to fully automate the modeling process.The work of this thesis has mainly been focused on three areas: ground estimation, image segmentation and classification. Procedures have in each of these areas been developed, leading to a new algorithm for ground estimation, a number of segmentation methods as well as a full comparison of various decision values for an object based classification. The ground estimation algorithm developed has yielded good results compared to the method based on active contours previously elaborated at FOI. The computational effort needed by the new method has been greatly reduced compared to the former, as performance, particularly in urban areas, has been improved.
Reflections är en stämningslampa som med hjälp av invävd fiberoptik lockar fram nya visuella och taktila uttrycksvärdeni en textil. Under arbetets gång har jag utforskat mängden ljus som fiberoptisk textil sprider längsmed fiberlängden samt undersökt naturfiberns egenskaper när den vävs samman med fiberoptik.En stor utmaning var att hitta balans mellan tekniska begränsningar och det uttryck jag sökte. Lampans formspråkär min reflektion över dagens stadslandskap där arkitekturens geometriska former möterfordons strömlinjeform. Med stämningslampan hoppas jag att hitta och inspirera till nya användningsområdenför fiberoptisk textil.Reflections is a mood light using interwoven fiber optics witch brings out new visual and tactile expressionvalues in a textile. During the work, I have explored the amount of light fiber optic textile spreads along thefiber length and examined properties of nature fiber when it is interwoven with fiber optics.A major challenge was finding a balance between technical constraints and expressions I was looking for.
Vad är viktigast i staden? : Utveckling av ett lokaliseringsverktyg för stadsplanering
This paper is part of the research programme ViSuCity, a programme with the goal of creating more sustainable urban planning through the development of better visual tools, which ultimately means better communication between various parties of public planning. The paper concerns the implementation of MCE into a 3D program for visualization. Multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is a technique that has been developed during the last 20 years. It merges GIS with AHP, forming a decision making tool for localization of, for example, new buildings.The result is an automated tool that enables advanced analysis of geographic areas.The tool has a very high potential due to the completely automated MCE and it is adapted for people without a technical background, let alone formal training in MCE. It provides great opportunities to test different scenarios, something that should be an important advantage.
Den urbaniserade Umeälven : Vattenkraftverken som utsträckt urbanisering
This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.
Landskapsurbanism i en Post-Industriell kontext
I examensarbetet ?Landskapsurbanism i en Post-Industriell kontext? diskuteras den relativt nya diskursen kring ?Landscape Urbanism? eller ?landskapsurbanism?. Arbetet fokuserar på platser som har övergivits av industrin, i skenet av den post-industriella utvecklingen. Huvudmålet med studierna av ämnet är att belysa ett antal ?landskapsurbanistiska metoder? och sedan tillämpa dessa på min plats: den gamla Cementafabriken på Övägen i Limhamn, Malmö.Den största inspirationskällan i detta är den amerikanske landskapsarkitekten James Corner´s teorier, och de metoder som utövas av hans landskapsarkitekturbyrå; ?Field Operations? i New York.Eftersom ämnet täcker in väldigt många aspekter och problemställningar rörande samtida urban planering och design, har jag i enlighet med Corner delat in min text under fyra rubriker:- Processes over time- The Staging of surfaces- The Operational or Working method- The ImaginaryDet gamla cementfabriksområdet har förvärvats av byggbolaget NCC, och kommer inom en snar framtid att bebyggas med bostäder.
Varför BIM?
Is the new technology always the best? This final project tries to determine if BIM is the melody of today, or if traditional 2D drawing is recommended. Perhaps a compromise is necessary, utilizing both methods.In order to answer this question, different views from the industry have been retrieved through reports, producers of software and users. The approach has consisted in building a 3D model of the school Råslättsskolan, house 01, along with interviews with people involved in the building process.When working in 2D it is hard to include the third dimension, mistakes are done and collisions happen that must be corrected, in most cases at the construction site. BIM is an incredible help since the model allows you to detect collisions and correct them.
Det som andra kallar en kliché kallar vi för en klassiker
Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.
I väntan på något annat : en studie av tillfälliga platser ur ett planerarperspektiv
The term Temporary places could be used to describe a wide range of shapes, functions and not least different time sets . In this thesis, however, the intention of temporality should be seen as the main definition regarding this subject. This thesis is based on a literature study
and the aim is to explore temporary places, their values and their functions. Furthermore, the purpose is also to highlight temporary places as a method to be used by urban planners, in order to create more flexibility in the city planning of today.
The thesis describes the underlying factors and conditions creating an increased interest in flexible planning. Furthermore, a number of tactics and applications are presented, all drawn from current research on the topic.
När tiden står stilla går allt så fort : Objekt som minnesbärare
This master thesis deals with the theme of memory, it is through an artistic process I have investigated and peeled off to a specific memory, the hut. It is in the work of the personal memory through a craft process it transforms into something public. The hut is constructed out of corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes casted in clay. To cast an object differs according to me from sculpting the object; it is the function rather than the sensual feeling that is sought after. It is about the clarity and accuracy through the casted object that suggest something vague and indeterminate.
Den nya borgmästaren - Ledarrollen, förutsättningar och begränsningar. Det lokalas betydelse för ledarskapet.
Due to globalization, decentralization and the capitalist system's need to physical location cities have become increasingly important economic spheres during thee last decades. City mayors are seen as increasingly important actors, who can shape the future economic development of their cities through networking with businesses and strategic policy development. Therefore several European countries have introduced mayor reforms to enable mayors to take a bigger responsibility for the local development. These reforms raise interesting questions concerning what leadership changes they produce at the local level and if there is a difference between local leaders and leadership in different countries. This paper further explores the connection between the local leader and the locality since this relationship often has been neglect in studies concerning mayor reforms.
Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :
The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.
Destinationsutveckling och Fysisk planering : En Fallstudie om möjligheterna i Stockholms ytterstad
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om fysisk planering kan samverka eller kombineras med destinationsutveckling genom en fallstudie av Stockholms stad för att skapa attraktiva destinationer i stadens ytterstadområden.Undersökningen omfattar en fallstudie av Stockholms fysiska planering och destinationsutveckling. Studien består av tidigare studier om urban turism i en litteraturstudie. Offentliga strategidokument har också analyserats. Intervjuer med fysiska planerare och destinationsplanerare har genomförts. Vidare har resultatet av intervjuerna analyserades tematiskt, en metod som valts för dess användbarhet för att få en djupare förståelse av en företeelse i samhället.Resultaten visar att det finns utmaningar, möjligheter för planerare att samarbeta och skapa ett nytänkande om hur deras planering områden kan samverka.
Vegetation för skuggiga och torra ståndorter : med fokus på urbana miljöer
När man arbetar med gröna miljöer ställs man ibland inför problematiska platser där ingenting verkar överleva. Ett exempel är platser med skuggiga och torra ståndorter. Växter är beroende av solljus och vatten för att leva således kan det vara svårt att hålla dessa platser grönskande. Därför är det spännande att söka svar på vilka växter som kan trivas och ge en vital grönska för skuggiga och torra ståndorter.Studiens frågeställning lyder: Vilka växter kan ge vital grönska i torra och skuggiga ståndorter i urban miljö? Den kompletteras med underfrågan: Bör man göra något särskilt i anläggningsskedet av en skuggig och torr ståndort för att öka möjligheterna för en vital grönska? Svar på varför vissa växter är bättre lämpade för vissa ståndorter har sökts genom litteratur kring biologi, växtfysiologi, växter och stresshantering samt trädgårdslitteratur.