

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 48 av 399

Varför väljer föräldrar en kristen friskola?

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the ideas that have influenced parents' choice of a Christian private school and how parents justify their choices. The essay also aims to examine the expectations that parents have in the schools, as well as the pros and cons as they consider private school compared to other schools.My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews with parents who have chosen to place one or more of their children in a specific Christian private school. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this investigation. I have also used the previous research on this field and theoretical starting points to explain and connect to my inquiry as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the school Weber document types and identity in a multicultural society.The study shows that parents seek to or from the public school due to various reasons. To seek out a Christian private school depends on different reasons.

Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv

Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.

Demokratiska verktyg i gymnasieskolan : - Elevdemokrati ur ett elevperspektiv

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

CSR och B2B, olja och vatten? : En undersökning av CSR som konkurrensfördel inom Business-to-Businessmarknaden

The aim of this thesis is to examine how secondary teachers in the subject of history are using the textbook in their teaching. Four questions are being dealt with in this thesis. What importance is being placed on the use of history textbooks by the secondary teachers? What priorities do the secondary teachers have? How do they deal with student interests? And what is the importance of the secondary teachers? work experience? I have interviewed four secondary teachers with different work experience to complete this thesis. A Dictaphone has been used in all the interviews. Research has shown that textbooks now have a central role in teaching and the lack of alternative materials and reduction of teaching hours has made it difficult to replace. The main conclusions of the thesis are that the history textbook has a dual role depending on the teacher you ask, and that the history book is used differently by the teachers.

Old School-tatueringar : Den traditionella tatueringskonsten i väst

Old School-tatueringar - Den traditionella tatueringskonsten i väst är en C-uppsats inom Konstvetenskap av Sofia Lycke. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka Old School-tatueringarnas sociala kontext. Detta genom intervjuer med tatuerare och tatuerade personer samt litteratur- ochtidningsmagasinsstudier. Frågeställningar är följande: Hur definieras Old School-tatueringar historiskt och stilmässigt? Är tatueringar mer populära idag än för fem år sedan? Hur är acceptansen gentemot tatueringar idag jämfört med för cirka fem år sedan? Vad betyder Old School-tatueringarna för dess bärare och varför bär dem? Slutsatser är bland annat att Old School-tatueringar har en lång historia som började då framförallt sjömän och soldater i USA och Storbritannien började utöva konsthantverket.

Elevanpassad undervisning : En studie om gymnasieelevernas perspektiv på lärande i naturvetenskapliga ämnen  

The purpose of my study is to determine students? attitudes to the Natural Science subject. I want to contribute to scientific discourse about different learning styles that can respond to childrens? requirements in teaching as well as to determine the student?s experience of learning styles. The studies were carried out at an upper secondary school in Stockholm (spring term 2011) for three different classes.

Utomhuspedagogik : Tvång eller tillgång

This paper is a study about outdoor education in pre- school. The main purpose is to look over if outdoor education in pre- school is a restraint or a resource. The study is based on two questionnaires, one to personnel in pre- school and one to parents who have children in pre- school. The study showed that outdoor education is mostly viewed to be a resource but there can be some problems in how to use it. Time, planning and knowledge were problems that were often mentioned by teachers.

"MAN TAR DET SOM DET KOMMER" : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares och gymnasieelevers arbete och uppfattning kring begreppet metakognition

Syftet är att undersöka och problematisera begreppet metakognition i gymnasieundervisning och avser besvara följande forskningsfrågor: Hur förhåller sig gymnasielärare till, och hanterar, begreppet metakognition i undervisningen? Vilken medvetenhet har gymnasieelever om begreppet metakognition och hur avspeglas det i deras lärande? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna användes lärar- och elevintervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor och observationer. Undersökningen genomfördes i en mellanstor stad i Sverige på en gymnasieskola där informanterna gick andra året på ett yrkesprogram. Två klasser observerades vid sammanlagt fyra olika tillfällen i tre olika ämnen och med fyra olika lärare. Därefter intervjuades 8 elever á tre grupper och slutligen lärarna.

Självinstruerande läromedel : för kurserna Lokala datanät A och CNC-teknik vid gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande EC- och IP-program

Denna rapport omfattar både studier kring och konstruktion av självinstruerande läromedel för gymnasieskolan. Målsättningen har varit att slutprodukten ska vara tidsenlig och anpassad för elever på de yrkesförberedande programmen. Tyngdpunkten för undersökningen har varit litteraturstudier men intervjuer har också genomförts som kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Konstruktionen av läromedel har skett med två olika angreppssätt och även utförandet har stora skillnader. Det ena som skapades genom en induktiv process och utgörs av instruktioner för ett helt kursmoment med CNC-programmering. För det andra läromedlet som genomfördes utifrån ett deduktivt förhållningssätt omfattar produkten mer av vägledande instruktioner för att kunna hitta rätt och uppdatera de befintliga, men omoderna och ofullständiga, läromedel för kursen Lokala datanät. Resultatet visar att det är möjligt att göra ett tidsenligt självinstruerande läromedel och att kvalitén inte behöver skilja sig nämnvärt åt beroende på vilken metod som används vid konstruktionen.

Kulturskolan i integrationens kraftfält

Title: Access to cultural education in a multi-ethnical context.The right to dance and play an instrument, to paint and work with film is taken for granted by many children in Malmoe today. The agenda explicitely phrases the intent of the publicly financed schools of art for children to reflect the multi-ethnic demographics of the city. Public community music schools of today, incorporate classes in all forms of art and are called "Culture schools". There is a long tradition of teaching and making music to lean on as a music teacher in Sweden. This paper tries to explore how these rights are expressed in the governing documents of the Culture school of Malmoe.

Digitala verktyg i gymnasieskolan : En studie om lärares upplevelser av integrerade lärmiljöer

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

"När man väl sätter sig [in] i en bok så kan man ju bli fast och sen kan det bli jävligt intressant." : Om elever och lärares inställning till motivation och litteraturläsning på engelska i gymnasieskolan.

This study intends to discuss what might motivate Swedish upper secondary students to read literature in English. The study was performed through interviews with both teachers and students, as well as questionnaire studies with both students and teachers. The students give different interpretations of what the definition of motivation is, ranging from definitions of extrinsic motivation to signs of their definitions leaning toward intrinsic motivation. The conclusion is that although the English language itself is not a barrier for students? reading motivation, the majority of them are not motivated to read.

Om miljövär(l)den : En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie av miljöetik i styrdokument, förlagsläroböcker och sponsrade läromedel

The urgency of sustanible development is world-over issue. This essay focuses on the relations of enviromental ethics in the context of the Swedish upper secondary school and the subject of geography, by analysing different educational texts.The purpose of this essay is to reveal and identify discourses of enviromental ethics in curriculum documents; Lgr 11 and the plan- and the coursedocuments for the subject of geography, in educational publisher?s textbooks and in sponsored texts related to the subject of geography and finally to discuss potential consequences this might implicate for education. For this have the methodology of Norman Fairclough´s critical discourse theory, CDA, as well as a matrix of environmental ethics, based upon Mikael Stenmarks classifications of enviromental ethics, been used.In the Cirriculum, Lgr 11 and documents for the subject of Geography, and in the educational textbooks from ?Liber? and ?Gleerups?, are the environmental ethics of intergenerational anthropocentrism the dominant.

?Det vore en dröm? ? Grundskolerektorers tolkningar och arbetsmetoder gällande tillgång till skolbibliotek

In July 2011, new regulations regarding school libraries came into effect through a new education act for Swedish schools. The wording of the Act has been the basis of much discussion in which the concepts of "school library" and "access" makes it difficult to build consensus among different parties, why this can cause difficulties in ultimately construct equal access to school library. The purpose of this survey is to examine the interpretations and practices that exist around the school library and its functions among primary school principals. The principals have been selected on the basis that they themselves (the schools) already indicated that they do not have access to their own school library within the school premises. As a theoretical starting point, I used the school library researcher David Loertscher?s taxonomy for school leaders.

Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

AbstractIn this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D).

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