

348 Uppsatser om Unmanned Areal Vehicle - Sida 4 av 24

Stödpunkters inverkan på osäkerheten vid georeferering av bilder tagna med UAS

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) är obemannade flygfarkoster som främst använts och utvecklats inom det militära. Under senare år har användandet även tagit fart inom den civila sektorn, däribland mätningsbranschen. För att samla in geodata används Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), vilka är system som består av fler komponenter än endast luftfarkosten t.ex. även kamera och kontrollstation. UAS är ett bra alternativ till traditionell flygfotografering då högupplösta bilder kan genereras till en låg kostnad.

Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning

The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.

Datorstödd konstruktion och analys av skyddsbur : Hållfasthet och konstruktion

In motorsports competition, safety reasons require that the vehicle is equipped with some form of protective roll cage. The roll cage should withstand the forces involved in a collision to protect the driver and the co-driver from the vehicle body deformation. The roll cage also works to protect the vehicle from excessive deformations to more easily make any repairs afterwards. For the roll cage to be certified and approved for motorsports competition, it requires that the cage is built after one of the recommended options. One of those options is to design the roll cage like a cross-construction at the driver and co-driver doors.

Masskattning av tunga fordon i realtid genom systemidentifiering

As trucks are getting more and more advanced, information about their weight has become a key factor for controlling them in a more fuel efficient and safe manner. Knowing the mass of a heavy duty vehicle in real time has been a difficult challenge for the truck manufacturers. With the processing power for electronic control units in trucks steadily increasing, more advanced algorithms for calculating the mass has been developed, but at the moment there still is a wish for better performance.Since there is a lack of good information regarding the external forces acting on the vehicle, forces that depends on the slope of the road, foundation of the road and the wind, the methods have to be able to disregard these. Such an approach, based on an indirect least square solution, has been evaluated in this thesis. The results have been promising and based on these a recommendation about further evaluation has been made..

Bestämning av optimal fordonspark -Distribution av bitumen vid Nynäs AB

Nynas produces bitumen at two refineries in Sweden. The bitumen is shipped to seven depots along the swedish coast line, and from the depots special trucks handle the transportation to customers. Recently Nynas has transformed its supply chain and closed down a few depots. At the moment the company is considering a further reduction of the number of depots. In connection to these discussions an analyse of the companys distributionsystem and of possible changes is required.

Kartläggning av ruttplaneringsprocesser för rundvirkestransportörer

Transportation represents 10-15 % of wood supply costs. It is therefore important to improve efficiency in the transport system to decrease these costs. The aim of this study is to map the timber vehicle routing processes used by a sample of timber hauling contractors and to identify possible links between the vehicle routing process and service and economic variables. The study was carried out at Södra Skog in autumn 2008. 15 timber hauling contractors were sampled and interviewed about their work with timber transports.

Lane Keeping Aid : ett förarstödjande system för bilar

Many traffic incidents are due to the driver?s lack of attention, resulting in dangerous lane departures, either sliding off theroad or into the oppose lane. These kinds of incidents often have serious outcomes, which has led to much effort being concentrated on preventing or lessening the damages when the incident is already a fact, for example by installing safety belts and air bags. These measures may be considered to be acts of so-called passive safety. Active safety on the other hand, means that the safety systems intervene before the incidents have occurred.

Rotationsdämpare med integrerad fjäder

This final thesis is carried out at BAE Systems Hägglunds in Örnsköldsvik. The mission was to construct and integrate a new semi-active damping unit in the terrain vehicle BvS10. Questions that came up during the process, among others, was how to mount the damping unit to the vehicle in a flexible way without exposing it to unnecessary wears.A generation of the concept is made in 3D using CATIA V5 of a possible solution to the problem. The idea is to weld the unit to the skid girder which is one of the main constructions of the track system. In this way the damping unit will come closer to the track system, which will partly protect it from impacts from below and minimize current problems with breaking forces in the torsion shafts.The complete construction was then analyzed, first by theoretical calculations and then with the FEM-tools in CATIA V5.

Markstation : koncept för en användarvänlig markstation i ett UAV-system

Syftet med det här projektet var att utforma en användarvänlig markstation till ett UAV-system.UAV står för Unmanned Aerial Vehicle och är benämningen på den obemannade luftfarkosten i ett UAV-system. Det aktuella UAV-systemet i det här projektet består av en UAV, eller drönare som den även kallas, och en markstation. Markstationen innehåller en R/C (Radio Control, styrenhet för manuell radiostyrning), en laptop och en antenn för videonerladdning. Drönaren styrs från marken av enoperatör via R/C:n men kan även flyga autonomt vilket innebär att operatören iförväg programmerat in en rutt med GPS-punkter som drönaren självständigt kanflyga efter. Drönaren kan utrustas med olika former av sensorer som laddar ner sina bilder kontinuerligt under flighten till operatörens laptop i markstationen.Uppdragsgivarna till projektet var de norska UAV-systemleverantörerna Scandicraft AS.

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to learn more aboutthe development of the autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Utveckling av OBD-II-gränssnitt för fjärrdiagnostik av fordon

This Master Thesis documents the development of an On Board Diagnosis (OBD-II) interface for remote diagnosis of vehicles. The Master Thesis is part of a project at the company Wayfinder Systems in Lund. The purpose of this thesis was to design a scantool that communicates with a vehicle through its OBD-II port using relevant standards. In order to make the OBD-II interface development easier, a car simulator was first built. Both the car simulator and the OBD-II interface were implemented using a linux computer running a C-program with serial communication with an external electrical interface.

Hur ökad fukthalt påverkar pannor

This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.

Styrning och nödbroms av ModuLith

The purpose of this project is to get a fully functional, automatic steering system and a variable breaking system with an emergency breaking function to an off road vehicle. This off road vehicle is supposed to work as an aid in military situations. A team of two, Sebastian Attervall and Nichlas Gustafsson, got an order from Jonas Nyårds and the PreeRunners Project to construct a steering system that could manoeuvre an off road vehicle without any human involvement. To make this possible the vehicle would be guided by onboard sensors, cameras and computers. The team where also assigned to construct an automatic breaking system, there also no human would be involved.

Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spa?rfordon : Ha?rdvarusimulator med felso?kning pa? do?rrsystem

This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.

Viktoptimering av ett kompositchassi till en multimodal lättviktsfarkost

This report describes the master thesis project ?Weight Optimization of a Composite Chassis for a Multimodal Lightweight Vehicle? which is a part of the Master program in Naval Architecture and a part of a research project at the Centre for Naval Architecture, KTH. Demands on smart and energy efficient transport solutions are continuously increasing. In the Stockholm region the citizens are expected to increase with 25% and the road vehicles with 80% until 2030, putting high demands on the traffic system. Using a small multimodal vehicle deals with this problem and uses both the land and waterways for transportation.

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