

3873 Uppsatser om Understanding - Sida 4 av 259

Socialarbetaren i organisationen: Anpassning eller inflytande?

The aim of this paper was to examine how social workers' comprehension of the need of financial aid exists in, and is influated by, the organisation they work in. To investigate this, we asked ourself questions concerning how the social worker view the way that the finicial aid-system and work surrounding it is formed, whether the social worker's Understanding of the need of financial aid co-exists with the percieved common Understanding of the work place (do the Understandings coincide, do the social worker adjust his or her Understanding or is it possible to have a separate Understanding), whether the social worker feel that he or she have discretion to influence the organisation and how possible conflicts between different views are handled. We felt that a qualitative method would best help us answer these questions. We therefore interviewed seven social workers working in the same organisation. We then looked at our material from an organisational theory perspective, focusing on the individual in the organisation.We found that the social workers were socialised into the organisation and adapted the norms and values that existed there.

Elevers självkänsla : En intervjustudie över pedagogers arbete med att stärka elevers självkänsla.

This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.

Skillnader i variation : Lärares uppfattningar av variationsteori och hur variationsteorin blir en guidande princip

The gap between practise and theory is often described in negative words in teachers? professional lives. Learning study is a model for teachers´ professional development where a theoretical framework is used to enhance practice. The theoretical framework used by teachers in learning study is variation theory. In this study the research object is variation theory and the aim is to present how variation theory becomes a guiding principle to understand teaching and learning processes.

Bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares syn på bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet

The purpose of this paper is to try to understand which negative effects grading and judging in art class can have on the students. The emphasise lies on how the media specific parts of the subject is affected. The goal is to get knowledge how students experience getting judged and graded and how this affects them, hence Understanding which factors affects them in a positive or negative way in this process. The literature study starts with a historical survey of the swedish grading system and the art subject in Swedish schools. It countinues to explain the current curriculum with an emphasise on art.

Kulturanvändande bland Unga : En studie om kulturvanor, ungdomars livsvillkor och bibliotekets roll

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own Understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

Svenskkyrkliga dop - hur lutherska är de? : En innehållslig idéanalys av svenskkyrkliga doptal och gudstjänstordningar i nutida luthersk belysning.

The aim of this essay is to examine what happens when Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogy is read with a lutheran theological pre-Understanding. Using reader-response theory and lutheran theology written for and in a post-modern context, three lutheran figures of thought are presented as one way of Understanding the trilogy. The conclusion is that it is possible to reveal lutheran ideas concerning justification, guilt, forgiveness, mercy and self-sacrificing love in the Divergent-story. .

Knutby och stockholmssyndromet. : En religionspsykologisk undersökning avstockholmssyndromets koppling till våld i religiösa rörelser.

In January 2004 two members of the Pentecostal community Knutby Filadelfia in Uppsalamunicipality, Sweden, were shot by their fellow member Sara Svensson. With a qualitative hermeneutic case study as the principal method this essay takes on the task of not only investigating if and how Stockholm Syndrome can be used as a model for interpreting and Understanding the violent incident in Knutby Filadelfia, but also to see if the unique characteristic of the Knutby incident can tell us something about Stockholm Syndrome as a model for Understanding violence in religious movements. The material shows Stockholm Syndrome as having been present in Knutby because of among other things, a mileu, leadership and theology that supported the normalization of abuse and the enabling and maintaining of self punishment in the community. While Stockholm Syndrome still is a controversial theory this study shows that it can be used as a powerful tool in the Understanding of violence in religious contexts..

Förståelsen för OK>1

In 2005, Outokumpu began to implement its system of continuous improvement, OK> 1, at Avesta Jernverk. OK> 1 has not generated sufficient results on plant KPI:s. The purpose of this study is to identify the Understanding,  participation and commitment regarding to OK> 1, and to suggest some actions to make OK> 1 more successful with emphasis on these three aspects. The thesis shall also determine whether there are any differences in the attitude towards OK>1 between Blue Collars and White Collars.The study consisted of a survey, and interviews. The output from these methods were processed and analyzed and finally resulted in a SWOT ? analysis and suggested actions for improving the Understanding, participation and commitment towards OK>1.

Intern kommunikation av inköpsprocessen

This thesis was performed at Scania?s purchasing department of non-automotive products inSödertälje, Sweden during spring 2007. The management of the purchasing department ofnon-automotive products believe that their internal customers might not have fullUnderstanding of what the purchasing department does. This is a problem because the internalcustomers might not use the contracts negotiated by the purchasing department or they mightnot involve the purchasing department when making purchases.The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how the internal customers? perception deviatesfrom the purchasing department?s perception regarding the task of the purchasing department.And also to create a communication package with the purpose of increasing the internalcustomers Understanding of what the purchasing department does.

Självmord - acceptabelt eller förkastligt? : En studie av attityder till självmord i Moskva.

Suicide research has a long tradition within sociology. Parallel to the Durkheimian tradition, seeking the causes of suicide in societal factors, a more cultural Understanding of suicide has been emphasized. Attitudes to suicide have been stressed as important for the Understanding of suicide mortality levels in different societies. For Russia, where suicide mortality levels are among the highest in the world, an Understanding of this kind might be of particular importance.Based on a survey study from Moscow 2004, attitudes to suicide were studied in relation to social, economic and demographic factors as well as to attitudes to other morally disputable behaviors. Suicide attitudes in different age and sex groups in the sample were further compared to suicide mortality levels in the corresponding groups in the population.

Socknen - den plats vi är : En studie om platsuppfattning i Ydre kommun

The term socken ? comparable to the English term parish ? refers to a historical geographical entity found in rural areas of Scandinavia. This entity presents a multi-layered Understanding of the local rural area and is in this essay conceptualized as a place. The concept of place is central to geographic work but it is also a contested term ? discourses within the field of geography present different perspectives on place as a geographical concept and our Understanding of it.The history of parishes goes centuries back.

Empire and Multitude - Den globala klassanalysens nya subjekt?

This essay contains a comparative analysis of Erik Olin Wrights Marxist class analysis and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negris post-Marxist class analysis as presented in their books ?Empire? and ?Multitude: War and democracy in the age of Empire?. I discuss the shift in analytical focus from state level to global level that Hardt and Negri's analysis represent and the ensuing relevance of this for contemporary class analysis. The essay also address the challenge and implications posed to class analysis by the ever increasing economic globalization, from a material production to an ever growing immaterial service economy and the decrease in state power in controlling capital and labor movement. I propose that analytical Understanding of class conflict help us to a better Understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics that generate social and economical inequalities and that an updated Marxist class analysis still have much to contribute to our Understanding to how these issues not only shape our society but also our capacity to counteract them..

Det Duala Ledarskapet - den heteronormativa strukturens upplösning

The purpose of this investigation is to reveal those hidden factors, which influence how leadership is practised, as well as the roles male and female play in their professions. Furthermore this investigation aims to elude the expectations and demands that leaders experience and their origin.The investigation is based on six interviews of senior managers, two male and four female. A qualitative approach has been utilized to penetrate the subject and Understanding of the identified phenomenon. The theories employed to analyse the finding are Lincoln, Gerth & Mills and Merton. To further highlight certain specific results parts of Ahrne, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim theories have also been empoyeed.

Patanjalis Yogasutra och C. G Jungs individuationsprocess : En jämförande undersökning av två teorier kring människans självförverkligande

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own Understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

Förändring som väckte känslor, när olika världar möts : en essä om samverkan i förskolan

This essay deals with the complexity that I perceive in the collaboration processes between preschool and parents. In the essay I present my interpretation of two self-perceived situations where my experience has been that the cooperation has not worked satisfactorily for either part. As a basis for my conclusions I use different theories and studies within the domain. My own experiences - both from ten years of working in preschool as well as from an eight-year experience of being a parent also comes into use. The purpose of my essay is to investigate how different horizons of Understanding can come into collision, and how limitations in our own Understanding of the perspectives of others can complicate collaboration between educators and parents.In the first story I discuss a situation where, in my professional role, I go into a conflict with a parent about how we have chosen to implement some changes.

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