

771 Uppsatser om Ultrasonic range - Sida 6 av 52

Tanklock med förbättrat grepp

This degree project was conducted in collaboration with Husqvarna AB, the headquartersof which are located in Jönköping. The aim was to further develop the filler cap found onmore or less the whole of the company?s range of chain saws, in order to make it moreuser friendly.The present filler cap is not easy to open and close, especially when wearing gloves, andunder difficult conditions, which creates problems and prolongs filling time.On the basis of market surveys, different prototypes and tests, we have created anergonomically improved cap of a new shape, which can be moved in the axial direction,thus making filling easier..

Karaktärisering av äpplesorter : för framställning av juice och cider

The purpose of this study was to evaluate which apple cultivars are best suited for production of juice and cider. The study was limited to 41 cultivars. Common as well as uncommon apple cultivars were selected from available cultivars in the cold storage at Balsgård, Department of Horticultural Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, SLU.The practical part of the study consisted of the apples being pressed, and then the juice characteristics being assessed by appropriate criteria and methods of analysis. The analyses consisted of measurment of soluble sugars with a refractometer (Brix), titration of total acidity, determination of total phenolic content with a spectrophotometer, estimation of alcohol content by density meters and qualitative taste tests.The study did not account for different maturity of cultivars. Different apple cultivars were pressed on separate occasions, before and after Christmas 2010.

?Ingen vet vad islam a?r? : En diskursanalytisk studie av tva? verksamheter som erbjuder utbildning om islam i Sverige

The interest in providing a post 9/11 image of Islam to contrast the media?s frequent focus on its practitioners? alleged tendencies toward hostility and violence has in Sweden manifested itself (among other things) in an increased range of courses on Islam given by denominational Muslim organizations. In this paper I examine the construction of Islam by two Muslim organizations that offer education in Islam to non-Muslims in the context of the management?s stated goals of the education. My aim is to illustrate how discourses within these organizations are a result of the combination of local and global conditions..

Biosensorsystem fo?r o?vervakning av vattenkvalitet

Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.

Laserskärning i Sverige : ? tekniken, marknaden och hur de utvecklas

Laser for material processing possesses a number of advantages which mean that it has been and will be an important component for a wide range of industries' future development. Cutting materials processing is the dominant use of laser technology and has revolutionized the manufacturing industry. The aim of this thesis is to describe the principles of metal cutting by laser, how laser cutting is applied in practice and to identify how Swedish companies are using laser cutting. For the theoretical and technical description of laser cutting literature studies are the primary source of information. The empirical basis for the mapping of the Swedish industry for laser cutting is grounded on a survey; this includes Swedish companies that use laser cutting in their production.

Kartläggning av OFP och defektrelaterade parametrar : Inriktning på termisk utmattning

I både kvalitets- och kontrollarbete finns det behov att kunskapsmässigt komma så nära verkligheten som möjligt vid fastställande av defektparametrar för oförstörande provning (OFP). Orsaken är att olika acceptanskrav och bedömningsgränser är svåra att klarlägga när man inte kan förlita sig på att uppgifter är realistiska. I projektet har olika erfarenheter använts för att få en bättre helhetsbild i området för defektparametrar och oförstörande provning.Denna rapport redovisar den inledande delen av forskning och utvecklingsprojektet PLANT 2, där olika defektparametrar kartlagts och en teoretisk bedömning utförts med avseende på hur signalsvaret påverkas för OFP-metoderna virvelström (ET) och ultraljudsprovning (UT) i form av puls-eko (PE) och ?time-of-flight-diffraction? (TOFD).Definitionen av redovisade defektparametrar följer i stort SKI-rapport 95:70 [1]. Defektparametrar i denna rapport redovisas i bilaga 1.Vid bedömningen av defektparametrarnas inverkan på OFP-tekniker, har drift¬inducerande defekter och tillverkningsdefekter hanterats separat.

Kartläggning av OFP och defektrelaterade parametrar : Inriktning på termisk utmattning

I både kvalitets- och kontrollarbete finns det behov att kunskapsmässigt komma så nära verkligheten som möjligt vid fastställande av defektparametrar för oförstörande provning (OFP). Orsaken är att olika acceptanskrav och bedömningsgränser är svåra att klarlägga när man inte kan förlita sig på att uppgifter är realistiska. I projektet har olika erfarenheter använts för att få en bättre helhetsbild i området för defektparametrar och oförstörande provning.Denna rapport redovisar den inledande delen av forskning och utvecklingsprojektet PLANT 2, där olika defektparametrar kartlagts och en teoretisk bedömning utförts med avseende på hur signalsvaret påverkas för OFP-metoderna virvelström (ET) och ultraljudsprovning (UT) i form av puls-eko (PE) och ?time-of-flight-diffraction? (TOFD).Definitionen av redovisade defektparametrar följer i stort SKI-rapport 95:70 [1]. Defektparametrar i denna rapport redovisas i bilaga 1.Vid bedömningen av defektparametrarnas inverkan på OFP-tekniker, har drift¬inducerande defekter och tillverkningsdefekter hanterats separat.

Development of a method for determination of pesticide residues in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Honey is a product that may contain pesticide residues due to contamination from bees pollinating various plants as well as elimination of vermin inside the hive. Different methods are needed for analysis of pesticides, since the term includes a wide range of different substances. National Food Administration lacks a validated method for determination and quantification of pesticides in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS. The technique is especially important in analysis of polar and non-volatile pesticides, where gas chromatography is not functioning optimally. After investigating what pesticides could be found in honey produced in Sweden, a number of four pesticides suitable for analysis with LC-MS/MS was compiled; boscalid, impidacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid.

Inkludering av elever med ADHD : En fallstudie från åk 5

Today there are many students with behavioral and developmental disorders in schools. One of these disorders is ADHD. The medical designation ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have chosen to research how two students with ADHD can be included in a fifth grade classroom.This research paper addresses the issues surrounding the student?s day-to-day life with a focus on the classroom.

Effekter av stretching på muskellängd och sensationer av stretching : En systematisk litteraturgenomgång

Stretching används dagligen efter fysisk aktivitet av allt från motionärer till elitidrottare i syfte att öka muskellängden eller minska träningsvärk. Stretching kan utföras med flera olika tekniker, en avslappnad muskel kan genom stretching förlängas upp till 130 % av sin ?normala? längd i viloläge. Det finns ett flertal olika teorier kring vad som händer med muskeln vid stretching, både sensoriska och mekaniska teorier där man tror att det sker en förändring av perceptionen, toleransen eller i muskelns komponenter. Mycket forskning är gjord inom området, men huruvida muskeln förlängs eller ej framgår inte i litteraturen, samt vilka stretchingen faktiska effekter är.

Tabloidiseringstendenser - i det redaktionella innehållet

The daily newspaper market in Sweden has been a mighty strong media market, except for major market crisis which occurred in the 1990s in Sweden, that led to several newspapers came into an economic crisis. One of the actions that many Swedish newspapers did was to reduce the physical size of the newspaper from broadsheet to tabloid. After studying several academical studies from scientists and students who claim and show in their results that the tabloid tendencies has spread out in the editorial content I discovered that the common thing for these studies where firstly, that there were not many studies that showed the tabloid tendencies of the editorial content in a longer historical perspective, secondly that the studies jointly studied tabloidization tendencies (how the editorial content changed from writing about hard news to write about soft news) in the editorial content of newspapers that have changed the physical format size. The material that was analysed was tabloid tendencies in news articles in two daily Swedish newspapers, Jönköping-Posten (broadsheet) and Aftonbladet (tabloid) in the years 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The goal was to see if or how much of the editorial content of news articles that changed over time by tabloid tendencies in individual daily newspaper as well as a comparison of the various newspaper formats.This lead to the purpose of this master study:To investigate if it exists tabloid tendencies in the editorial content of news articles in the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Jönköping-Posten between the 1950s to 1990s.In addition this purpose was operationalized from theories of tabloidization, the main theories that are used in this master study is developed by the researchers Shelly McLachlan and Peter Golding and their definition for tabloidization range, form and style.The best tool to analyse the material that have been gathered was to use of quantitative content analysis.

En undersökning av framtidametoder för att säkra förband i produktion

The thesis is an examination of the methods that are appropriate and long-term choice to obtain clamping force and secure screw joints in production. The employer, Scania CV AB, transmission manufactures axle gears to all trucks produced in Södertälje. One of the most common assembly elements is screw joints, where the clamping force is essential to achieve a secure joint. Current methods to secure the joint is due much of the friction effect and is an indirect method to measure the clamping force. The clampforce accuracy becomes more widely with torque angle control.

Implementering av en ny chefsroll : Fallstudie av LRF-Konsult

As companies worldwide are in search of competitiveness and larger shares of the market, organizational change has become a key-factor to sustain a competitive edge. But as organizations consist of people, the human aspect of change is not to be disregarded. When change occurs, humans need time to find their new role in the organization, a process that takes time. In this thesis the authors ask themselves what an implementation process of a new managerial role looks like. To answer this question they?ve studied LRF Konsult.

Föräldrar, barn och genus : Föräldrars tankar och funderingar kring genusfrågor vid lån av barnböcker

This paper intends to examine how parents think and reflect on gender issues when they borrow books for their children at the library. The theory applied is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of a gender system. A questionnaire was made available at the Children's department of Uppsala City Library in February, 2010. The material was compiled and analyzed with the intention to try to detect trends, patterns and themes, rather than statistics and hard data.Parents in the study perceive themselves as gender-conscious.

Släpmål 10: Konstruktion av släpmål till flygande målrobot

Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Vidsel Test Range (VTR) som är en del av Försvarets Materielverk.På Vidsel Test Range testas och verifieras bl.a. jakt-, attack- och luftvärnsrobotar.Ett sätt som används för att simulera ett verkligt mål är att flyga ett obemannat fjärrstyrt flygplan, kallat målrobot. Från målroboten vinschas ett mål ut, kallat släpmål. Skott sker sedan mot släpmålet. Största anledningen till att använda sig av ett släpmål istället för att skjuta på målroboten är att kostnaden blir mindre.Projektets syfte var att återuppta utvecklingsarbetet av ett nytt släpmål baserat på en tidigare tillverkad del av höljet på släpmålet.

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