

771 Uppsatser om Ultrasonic range - Sida 12 av 52

Modulgenerator för Matchade Transistorpar

Detta examensarbete syftar till att implementera en modulgenerator som automatiskt genererar ett matchat differentialpar. Detta för att enkelt kunna generera detta vanlig förekommande byggblock utan att behöva rita om allt från grunden. Modulgeneratorn som konstruerats klarar att skapa upp till 2x2 transistor block matchad layout med eller utan sköld. Programmet skapar med hjälp av indata från konstruktören en skräddarsydd layout som kan användas som byggblock i integrerade kretsar. Examensarbetet är slutfört och har genomgått omfattande testning The aim of this thesis is to implement a module generator that automatically generates a matched differential pair.

Rätt person på rätt plats: Sambandet mellan personlighet, yrkesval och arbetstrivsel

This study investigated the relation between Extraversion and Conscientiousness with job satisfaction and job selection in the two occupational groups of telemarketing and administration. The study also set out to explore the relation between social desirability as assessed with an Implicit Association Test (IAT) and total reaction time on the IAT. The questionnaire was administered over the Internet to forty-one subjects (24 women and 17 men) in the age range 16-65. Results indicated that people working with telemarketing tend to be extrovert while people working with administration often are conscientious. Job satisfaction correlated with Extraversion in the telemarketing group.

Behandling av hypertyreoidism hos katt med radioaktivt jod : en uppföljning av 46 fall

Hyperthyroidism has become the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorder in cats. The recommended treatment of choice in the literature is administration of radioactive iodine. This treatment has been available at a few veterinary clinics in Sweden since 1999. Forty-six cats treated with a standard dose (80 MBq) of radioactive iodine (131I) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in the period 2000-2004 were followed for a median of 13 months (range 3-42 months) by means of a retrospective cohort study design. Tables predicting time of survival after treatment were made. At final follow-up thirty-nine cats (85%) were euthyroid, six cats (13%) remained hyperthyroid and one cat (2%) was hypothyroid.

Normering av en objektiv metod för att mäta käkrörelser med 3D-videoanalys vid tuggning samt en jämförelse mellan käkens rörelseomfång vid tuggning och tuggeffektivitet hos unga vuxna

This study aims at norming a new objective method to track and measure jaw movements in 3D (three dimensional) during chewing in the young adult population (n=41, age 22-30). Norm values of the range of movements and the duration were calculated. Intra and inter rater reliability was high. Masticatory efficiency among participants was evaluated with a two-colored wax, analyzed with picture analysis software. Regression analysis was used to calculate the relationship between movement and duration variables and masticatory efficiency.

Varför granskar ni mig? : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av Facebook i rekryteringprocessen.

This study focuses on the motives that recruiters can or may have within companies, organizations and authorities of using Facebook as a complement in the investigation of potential work-candidates. The study also explores the consequences that could occur regarding the boundaries of private and public spheres when recruiters are researching Facebook-pages of potential work-candidates.The results were collected by qualitative interviews with eight different recruiters from a wide range of businesses in Kalmar.By applying a framework of already identified uses and gratifications, we discovered six different motives of why recuriters would use Facebook as a complement while recruiting work-candidates. The motives are; security, guidance and advice, convenience utility, surveillance, curiosity and economic motives. We also discovered that the following consequences of researching Facebook-pages of potential workcandidates are that candidates are restricted in the possibilities of acting private on their Facebook-pages and that candidates have zero control of their published materials since recruiters sets the limits of what can be thought of as private and as public..

Mötet mellan sjuksköterskan och den misshandlade kvinnan

Background:Nurses can meet women who have been victims of abuse anywhere in the healthcare. Healthcare providers have a responsibility to these women, and it requires a broad range of skills to identify the women and thus be able to help them. It is important to see all patients as unique individuals and provide good care to maintain their specific needs. This paper was done to increase the understanding of nurses' experiences in the encounter with the battered woman.Aim:The aim of this study was to illustrate how nurses experience the encounter with the battered woman.Method:Literature review with both qualitative and quantitative studies. Nine articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.Results:Three themes and ten subthemes appeared.

Jämställdhet : definitioner, attityder och jämställdhetsåtgärder i praktiken

The object of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the definition of the concept of gender equality and attitudes towards gender equality and their consequences for gender equality measures. The point of departure is feminist political theory and interviews about attitudes towards gender equality at a department at the University of Linköping. The conclusions of this study is that there are a wide range of definitions and attitudes, and these conceptions are not necessarily the same as those being pointed out in the official gender equality policy at the University of Linköping. In this study the opinions of measures for gender equality among the interviewed are widely spread. Some finding Swedish men and women already being equal and therefore there is no need for measures, since this would result in discrimination of men since women would gain advantages from being women.

Omvänd aktiesplit : överlevnad eller kosmetik

The shareholder is supposed to be indifferent if one share costs 100 SEK, or 10 shares cost 10 SEK each. In an efficient market, shares should be valued directly to new expectations as a result of the announcement of the reverse split. We investigate whether abnormal returns incur surrounding reverse split and if owner structure change.One reason for the reverse share split is that most companies have plans to imple-ment other company?s specific events in order to survive rather than to change the price range to a more attractive level. We found a negative return in the ex-day at 8,1 per cent.

Laborativt material som konkretiseringsverktyg : Lärares kunskaper om och erfarenheter av laborativt material som arbetssätt

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content and to highlight knowledge and experiences within the range of using manipulatives to concretize. By answering the questions below different approaches a teacher may have towards the manipulatives and how that may impact on student?s learning will also be discussed in comparison to mainly traditional and socially constructive theories of learning.What is the teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize?What purpose do they have when using manipulatives?According to the teachers, what does it mean to concretize a certain mathematical content?According to the teachers, what connection is there between manipulatives and concretizing?Through interviews and observations conclusions can be made that the teachers are in general positive towards using manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content although the definition of what a manipulative is differ somewhat between the teachers. The teachers working with manipulatives do it in a well thought out fashion but more research is needed to furthermore define the purpose of using manipulatives. Few countries spend so much time concretizing and working with manipulatives as Sweden do, but still Sweden score below the OECD-average on the mathematical PISA-tests.

Mastcellens funktion vid försvar mot infektioner

The complexity of the mast cell is becoming more prominent. From being the cell recognized just to contribute to allergic inflammation it is now also associated with wound healing, protection against tumor growth and in recognition and defense against a wide range of pathogens. The location of the mast cell in the barrier between the external and internal environment of the body enables the cell to quickly respond to invading bacteria, virus and parasites. Diarrhea due to Escherichia coli infection, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, Newcastle disease and bovine respiratory syncytial virus are examples of mast cell activating diseases that can affect animals in, as well as outside, the agricultural sector. Additionally, ticks and tick-borne diseases are of concern.

Klinikchefens uppfattning om tandhygienistens kompetens

The aim of the study was to examine the competence of dental hygienists among Clinic Director´s within the Public Dental Service and Private dentists in the county of Skåne . The study was quantitative and consisted of an electronic questionnaire sent out to all Clinic Directors in the county of Skåne. A total of five hundred and thirty eight questionnaires were sent out. The inclusion criteria were the Clinic directors who employed dental hygienists who had obtained their professional degree during the last four years. Twenty nine Clinic directors responded to the study.The results showed that in general clinic directors are pleased and feel that dental hygienists are proficient in periodontology and dental caries diagnostics.

Mortalitet och skottskjutningsförmåga hos ek (Quercus robur) efter brand :

In this study I analysed how burning affects sprouting ability and survival of oak (Quercus robur) during the first season after a burn in southern Sweden. The study consisted of two separate field tests; in the first, two 300 m2- plots in western oak dominated forest were burned to analyze the fire behavior and the immediate mortality of oak and beech seedlings defined as individuals (> 20cm of height). At the end of the season almost 50% of the oak seedlings had resprouted while the beech seedlings had 100% mortality. An attempt to investigate the effect of the burn of artificially sown acorns was totally ruined by wild boar grouting before any conclusive results could be seen. In the second test the resprouting ability of oaks of varying diameters (average BHD 7-9 cm, range 2-42 cm) was examined one season after a prescribed burn in southeastern Sweden.

Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air Support

There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process.

Finns det lönsamhet i att bygga hyresrätter i Karlstad? : Kan kostnaderna minska om man bygger enligt passivstandard?

This thesis is basically a design project aimed to find a safe and reliable automatic safety device, which is designed to be suitable for highly automated industrial situations. This device fits with ABB / Jokab Safety?s fence systems. These are built up around machines to create safety distances. The automatic protection device assist the operator in situations when loading or going in and out of the danger zone.

Lärares genusmedvetenhet : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares beaktning av genus i undervisningen

This is an empirical study based on Physical Education and health (PE) teachers' experiences and builds on, for the study, significant literature. The study is about PE teachers? consideration of gender in the assessment as well as in the selection of lesson content. Semi-structured interviews were employed as method for the data collecting process. Four teachers were interviewed, teachers of PE in elementary and upper secondary school with varied length of professional experience and ages.

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