

103 Uppsatser om UEFA Pro Diploma - Sida 3 av 7

Men gör mål då! : En studie av aktieprisets reaktion vid fotbollsmatcher

I takt med att fotbollsklubbarna i Europa utvecklats och fått allt större ekonomier ökar även deras behov av kapital. Under den senaste femtonårsperioden har allt fler klubbar sökt sig till den publika aktiemarknaden för att skaffa kapital. Eftersom detta är en relativt ny företeelse finns det många outforskade delar att studera. Därför har vi valt att inrikta vår studie mot frågeställningen: Finns det ett samband mellan ett fotbollslags framgång och dess aktiekurs?Genom vårt syfte har vi begränsat oss till att studera Europacupmatcher, vilket betyder att det är turneringarna Champions League och UEFA cupen som vi kommer undersöka.

Vattenhaltmätning i konfektyr och sylt med Karl Fishermetoden

Abstract (in English)The task for the diploma work was to develop methods for measuring of moisture content by the Karl Fischer method, in jam, jelly sweets, and fudge.The start premises was a for the company whole new equipment, which should be started up. Then programs should be developed for different kind of samples.In the task it was as well included to develop methods for dissolving the different kind of samples, since the Karl Fischer method demands completely dissolved sample material..

Varumärkesbyggande - konsten att skapa & bygga ett starkt varumärke för ett nystartat företag

This project is a collaboration with Ett Klick för Skogen, a foundation that buys and preserves endangered forests in Sweden. There are several ways of helping the foundation, e.g. buy a tree and for this the buyer obtains a symbolic diploma. Many organisations uses this method to collect money and for me the lack of a thorough expressions are consistent. The objective with this project has been to renew these diplomas for Ett Klick för Skogen and in the long run increase the collections and preservation of endangered forests in Sweden.The idea has been to vivify hardwood trees in a new and rather poetic than pedagogic manner.


This is a result of a diploma work in construction engineering. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the nature of the productivity in a given project and how the Skanska productivity tools were used in this project.Interviews were held among workers and management to get some answers on what affected the work and its productivity. The result of the thesis showed that the productivity tools as propulsion analysis and ?goal cards?, were not used to a wide extent in this project. Furthermore there was almost no feedback for the one who made the calculation and the offer for the project, which might affect the results on projects negatively in the future.Within the project there was a lot of waiting time which affected the productivity.

Ett träd för ett annat

This project is a collaboration with Ett Klick för Skogen, a foundation that buys and preserves endangered forests in Sweden. There are several ways of helping the foundation, e.g. buy a tree and for this the buyer obtains a symbolic diploma. Many organisations uses this method to collect money and for me the lack of a thorough expressions are consistent. The objective with this project has been to renew these diplomas for Ett Klick för Skogen and in the long run increase the collections and preservation of endangered forests in Sweden.The idea has been to vivify hardwood trees in a new and rather poetic than pedagogic manner.

Underhålls- och driftplanering inom Svenska kyrkan : Hur ser kontrollen ut hos en av Sveriges största fastighetsägare?

This diploma work handles how some parishes of the Swedish Church administrate their building properties.The report also includes how some external property managers in Sweden work with maintenance plans and other maintenance issues. Further, a number of deficiencies have been identified and suggestions to workarounds are treated. The conclusions drawn in this thesis are based on the author´s experience in the field, performed interviews, and literature studies. The result of the work shows a general lack of knowledge in many parishes what concerns regulatory requirements, properties with no maintenance plan and substandard supervision resulting in unnecessary and expensive repairs. Based on these results, different plans for the maintenance of the building properties of the Swedish Church has been proposed..

Hör träbränslena hemma i växthusen? :

With the elevated oil prices of today it is necessary to look for other heating alternatives. If the oil price continues to develop in the same way it has done the last years it will soon be impossible for many producing garden companies to survive. The purpose of this diploma work is to compare three different fuel options in order to find the most economic one considering the conditions of Katrinebergs Handelsträdgård AB. In relation to oil it is profitable to change to any of the three alternatives: wood chips, wood pellets and grain. The most profitable option is to change to wood chips. This alternative has a payoff time less than three years and after that the annual saving compared to the oil is relatively high. The annual cost is 65 % of the cost of the oil alternative.

Kan man mäta kreativitet : Om melodiskapandemomentet vid antagningprovet i satslära till musikhögskolorna

In this diploma work we present the results from a study of how adult immigrants utilise the services provided by the public library in Biskopsgården, Gothenburg. A survey encompassing 51 library visitors of foreign origin and an interview with two librarians at the library were performed.The results from the survey show that the majority of the informants were male students inages from 26 to 45 years and that they had been living in Sweden for a maximum of five years. 73% of the informants used the library to borrow literature in Swedish, 53% to read newspapers and periodicals in their native language, 43% to borrow literature in their native language and 43% to read newspapers and periodicals in Swedish.These results were compared with two other related studies with which partial correspondencewas found. In addition, related topics such as multicultural librarianship and the psychological aspects of immigration are discussed..

Operatörsunderhåll : Ett examensarbete om att använda 5S till hjälp för att förbättra operatörsunderhållet

As the final course in the education ?University Diploma Programme for Process Operators? there is a thesis in cooperation with a company required.This thesis is about operator maintenance and 5S made at Metsä Board in Husum.In this report you can read my opinions and conclusions based on literature studies and the interviews that have been made with the staff at PM6 (the paper machine).I chose to focus on the theory of lean, 5S and operator maintenance because it covers the area of this thesis.The operators shall do their rounds to make sure that the equipment works fine. They shall also write down things that they notice in a checklist. This is not done as it should be and the question is: can this be solved by using 5S?My conclusion of this thesis are:Better review of the task so that everyone is involved.

Ekonomisk reglering för icke vinstdrivande organisationer : En studie om effektivitetsförändringar genom reglering

Bakgrund och problem: Icke vinstdrivande organisationer, så som idrottsförbund ellerskolor, är verksamheter som karaktäriseras av resursmässig ineffektivitet. Detta har avförfattare förklarats av att det finns incitamentsskillnader i vinstdrivande organisationer,så som att ha äganderätt i residualen. Det finns idag ingen lösning för hur detta probleminom icke vinstdrivande organisationer ska behandlas, men utifrån studier och teorierföreslås att en ekonomisk reglering skulle kunna vara lösningen.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om en ekonomisk reglering, på en marknad medicke vinstdrivande organisationer, kan leda till förändrad kostnadseffektivitet.Metod: Vi har utfört en kvantitativ studie där vi med hjälp av UEFA:s Financial FairPlay-reglering studerat Europas bästa fotbollsklubbar för att ta reda på hur deraskostnadseffektivitet har påverkats av regleringen. Att mäta kostnadseffektivitet gjordevi genom att använda Data Envelopment Analysis och Malmquist TFP index.Slutsatser: Vi lyckades inte med denna studie påvisa att en ekonomisk reglering kangöra icke vinstdrivande organisationer mer kostnadseffektiva. Anledningar till detta kanvara att det inte har skett någon teknologisk utveckling i branschen samt att destuderade klubbarna blivit sämre på att vara effektiva med sina resurser.

"Det är alldeles för mycket sport inom idrotten" : En studie av svenska sportchefer

Authors: Lars Johansson & Johan PetterssonTitle: ?There is way to much sports in the athletics? ? A study of Swedish sportsFootball has gone from being a hobby and a popular pastime into a billion-dollar industry, and clubs around Europe are therefore operated more and more like regular companies. Sweden's position in the UEFA rankings is a modest 23 rd place, behind nations such as Austria, Switzerland and Belarus. The economic climate in Sweden is often highlighted as a strong factor. When we started our study we agreed that this could be a major contributing factor to this relatively modest rank, but believed that there were also other factors that played a big role.

Det mångkulturella biblioteket : En studie av invandrares biblioteksvanor vid Biskopsgårdens bibliotek i Göteborg

In this diploma work we present the results from a study of how adult immigrants utilise the services provided by the public library in Biskopsgården, Gothenburg. A survey encompassing 51 library visitors of foreign origin and an interview with two librarians at the library were performed.The results from the survey show that the majority of the informants were male students inages from 26 to 45 years and that they had been living in Sweden for a maximum of five years. 73% of the informants used the library to borrow literature in Swedish, 53% to read newspapers and periodicals in their native language, 43% to borrow literature in their native language and 43% to read newspapers and periodicals in Swedish.These results were compared with two other related studies with which partial correspondencewas found. In addition, related topics such as multicultural librarianship and the psychological aspects of immigration are discussed..

Miljöledningssystem i små företag : vilka hinder finns och hur kan förenklade miljöledningssystem överkomma dessa?

Humanity?s increasing consumption has resulted in an increasing use of resources and thus an increasing environmental impact. Hence, the environment has become an important political issue. The increasing demands from stakeholders on companies to "green" their products and work internally with environmental issues makes it more and more important for enterprises to address these issues. Small enterprises constitute the majority of all enterprises and therefore they have a significant impact on environmental problems.

Framtagning av typgodkända formkonstruktioner : Med inriktning mot traditionell väggform

This diploma work was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish civil engineeringconstruction company Skanska Construction in Stockholm. Their interest is todevelop a number of type approved form constructions which can be used during theconstruction of concrete walls. Skanska focuses on improving safety on their projectsand both supervisors and workers have a need for approved form constructions inthe current situation.The study is focused on safety and the purpose is to facilitate the preparation beforethe form work can begin. By studying the literature of the subject and conductinterviews with employees at Skanska Construction, the understanding of the issueand knowledge will be increased.Literature studies, interviews together with production and design have been thebasis for a successful study. The work has resulted in three types of approved formconstructions to Skanska Construction and the drawings can be used of employees atthe company.

Ekobyn, ett framtida koncept

Jönköping's municipality requested a diploma work witch would present the experiences, as arisen during the existence of the echo village Smeden.To recive information for the background, literature at the university library were searched at the database "Libris" with words like "echo village" and "ecological living".Data was retrieved from 28 questionnaires that were sent out to the inhabitants of the echo village Smeden. The questionnaires contained questions about experiences, opinions, ideas and thoughts about living in this echo village. The results were analyzed and presented by diagrams and tables and showed that the inhabitants where most unsatisfied with the sewer and the system of the toilet. In the opposite the inhabitants experienced that the remaining systems were in satisfactory and the majority of the inhabitants were very pleased with their living conditions.Conclusions of this study are that an echo village would be a suitable alternative to an ordinary living and that ecological living would be something that would work well even in the future. An important thing to remember is that the systems of the households must be easy for the inhabitants to maintain otherwise the environmental thinking would be in risk of failure if some don?t have the energy to manage this properly..

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