

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 41 av 349

Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB

In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very important that both methods of analysis are ensured and that the sample material is representative for the production flow. However, even more importantly, is that activities and transportations, combined with both flows, must perform in a quick and correct way in order to maintain or improve Höganäs AB's competitive strength.According to reports are about 20 products per day not available, for loading, at the time of delivery.

En bättre värld genom faith? : En studie om hur organisationen DIAN Interfidei arbetar för att skapa fredliga relationer i Indonesien

En bättre värld genom faith? En studie om hur organisationen DIAN Interfidei arbetar för att skapa fredliga relationer i Indonesien [A better world through faith? A study about how the organization DIAN Interfidei works to pursue peaceful relations in Indonesia]. The aim of this study has been to analyze how an Indonesian NGO called DIAN Interfidei works with peacebuilding through faith in order to bring harmony between the various ethnic and religious groups of people that inhabits the nation. Through interviews and the study of Interfideis own source-material could their methods and problems be explored, and later on related to contemporary research in the field of conflict-resolution and peace-making. The conclusions that could be drawn from this study is that Interfidei primarily targets two specific groups (teachers of religion in schools and future religious leaders) in their programmes, because these groups in turn have the potential to affect several people in their own work.

Min död är min : dödens konventioner i förändring under 1900-talets andra hälft

This is a study concerning the conventions surrounding death and it´s rituals during the latter half ofthe 21th century. The study´s main material is the official magazine of SBF - Sweden´s funeral association ? Memento. By studying the undertaker and the self-image of his services at an intervalof years from 1945 to 2005, one is able to notice certain changes of values concerning what afuneral, a chest and a tombstone really is ? or rather how the meaning of these symbols of death slowly shifts from the ?dignity? of death towards the self-expression of the individual.In the 1940´s towards the 80´s, there is much talk of giving the dead a ?dignified? funeral and burial, and this is how the undertaker defends himself against public critique of his or her´sprofession´s ?trade with death?.

Kanal 1 i Kanal5? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters attityder gentemot att public service utför marknadskommunikation

In recent years, the digitalization and media convergence has increased, which has made the market for public service- medias more competitive. Perhaps this is why public service has chosen to communicate with recipients outside their own channels.The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how students attitudes looks towards the fact that public service are performing marketing communication. To find out, we conducted a survey, as 256 students of Linnaeus University in Kalmar answered. Together with the study we have used different theoretical references in order to analyse the responses from the survey, and obtain our conclusions.By analysing the empirical material we came to the conclusion that the majority are in favour of public service performing communication outside its own channels. But we also noticed that the communication needs to be in a certain way for the students to be positive.

ISO 14063 : drivkrafter och mervärden för miljökommunikation

The enterprises of today are beginning to realize that environmental issues are a important part of their activity. Companies and organizations are expected to a greater extent communicate their environmental work to the world surrounding them in a trustworthy and structured way. Lack of information or information that is incorrect may bring farreaching consequences. Communication is mentioned in several of the ISO 14001-standards. But what is missing is a guideline how companies should act to create and be sure of the quality of the data that can be used in the environmental communication.

Dialogen som skapar förändring

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

"Jobba hårt, ge aldrig upp" : Svensk företagsetablering i Ryssland ur ett interkulturellt- och strategiskt perspektiv.

The world becomes more globalized for each year that passes by due to economical, political and technological processes. The globalization process leads to increased contacts with people from different cultures and therefore intercultural communication occurs.Intercultural and strategic communication is significant to accomplish successful establishments and effective communication for companies. The export from Sweden abroad increases every single year and today there are about 1500 Swedish companies around the world and 350 established in Russia. The purpose of this study has therefore been to analyze the factors that affect the establishments of Swedish companies in Russia.Material to our study has been collected through qualitative interviews and a seminar focusing on these questions. Our interviewees all have experiences on working with Russia, as most of the interviewees work for Swedish companies in Russia or are consults that help companies to succeed with their establishment.The material has been evaluated and analyzed in relation to our main theories in intercultural- and strategic communication using theorists and theories such as Hofstede and his five cultural dimensions, Goffman?s staging and Habermas communicative action theory.Our theories have been put in relation to our collected information and complemented by earlier research and the result indicates that you need intercultural competence to manage an establishment of a Swedish company and the strategic communication in Russia because of the intercultural differences that the respondents experience..

Either you're in or you're out...: Inkongruens och kreativitet - ett sätt att komma in?

The media landscape has exploded during the last decade, which has lead to a massive advertising clutter. Consumers defend themselves against this intrusive marketing by creating an advertising filter that sorts and blocks. These changing conditions have lead to new and tougher demands on creators and advertisers to create more efficient marketing communication that stands out in the clutter and penetrates the consumers? advertising filter. Many creators and researchers claim that creativity is the most efficient method to stand out in the clutter and generate sought communication effects.

Social Software Roadmap : Implementering av sociala verktyg internt i organisationer

Today more and more companies are looking out to adopt a new generation intranet, a social intranet where all employees can engage to express themselves and share information. There are large expectations on these new services, which have the opportunity to create high business value if used actively and qualitatively. However, there is a large challenge in knowing how to best implement these services in an organization in order to achieve this. This paper has investigated how an implementation should be made by defining obstacles for the implementation and adoption, discussing how they could be overcome, investigating what incentives could be used to foster usage and finding common success factors for an implementation.By a qualitative research method, consisting of five case studies and two focus area interviews we found a number of steps that must be followed for an implementation to be successful. First the conditions of the organization must be investigated in order to see whether or not social tools are suitable.

Hur påverkar organisationsformen "ideell förening" budgetarbetet? : en kvalitativ undersökning i Allsvenska fotbollsföreningar

The purpose of this bachelor essay is to describe and analyze budgeting in nonprofit organizations. To do that, we used a qualitative method and accomplished seven interviews in four different football clubs. Our idea is to create understanding by combine theory and empiric, and therefore we have an abductive research strategy.The subject of this essay is very topical in view of the recently emerging trend that Allsvenska football clubs are paying increasing deficit. This can have a major impact on the progress and must be stopped. The first step is to make a more realistic budget.The conclusions drawn from this essay suggest that it is not how the budget per se, but how to work from the planned budget that affects what results you gets in the end.

Being the media : decentraliseringen av nyhetsproduktionen och dess effekter på tidningsjournalisters informationsbeteende

The Internet provides the common user with a variety of both traditional and non-traditional news sources, and a vast range of possibilities to contribute to the flow of information. By their participation in the production of information ordinary citizens can sometimes function as non-traditional news sources them selves and reach a potentially unlimited audience. The interactive nature of the Internet blurs the line between producers and consumers, and challenges traditional definitions of what counts as "news" as well as who qualifies as a "journalist". The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the potential consequences of this decentralization regarding the information behaviour of newspaper journalists and their perception of their professional role. The study consists of qualitative interviews with six journalists, employed by four of the leading Swedish newspapers, and a review of earlier research in the field.

Chalmers University of Technology

The Division of Language and Communication at Chalmers uses a web-based language tool, named EngOnline, to teach English grammar. The language tool suffers from some shortcomings. These include stability problems and an outdated interface but, above all, there is no documentation. Because of the lack of documentation and EngOnline?s need of maintenance, the Division of Language and Communication has decided to replace the language tool with a new and well documented one.The new language tool was developed using an agile work process; detailed documentation was replaced with more efficient communication.

Utvärdering av Near Field Communication och Certified Wireless USB : Säkerhet vid utveckling av applikationer

Today?s society is one where technological advances are made daily, which increases the need to stop and assess the risks against users? integrity when integrating new technology in contemporary systems all the greater. We have taken two technologies, Near Field Communication and Certified Wireless USB, whose envisioned area of use is to be integrated into mobile phones, and evaluated what security threats are revealed for the respective technologies. The threats against security have been identified through research of the standards and existing reports for each technology. Practical experiments have not been conducted on account of us not having access to any equipment to run such trials.

Barns språkutveckling : Arbete med språkutveckling hos barn

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv

AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.

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