

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 35 av 349

Jakten på talang : En studie i hur employer branding kommuniceras effektivt till studenter

Purpose/Aim: To identify which channels of communication are most effective in conveying consumer brands to students. The main areas of research are social media, brochures , employees, and face-to-face interaction as with job fairs, study visits and lectures.Material/Method: Group interviews, literature, electronic sources, Internet sources.Main results: The results of the study show that employees are seen as the most trustworthy source since they are thought of as the most honest. Social media are seen as the communication channel with the broadest range of information but with the possibility of appearing unproffesional. Brochures were considered to be the least effective communication channel as these are rarely read and when they are, often seem contrived and give an overly rigid impression of the company. Face-to-face communication was considered to be the most effective way to gain a professional connection but was as viewed upon with certain skepsis due to the companies tendencies to at times present a false projection of themselves at events such as job fairs.

Transporttider för vatten i närområdet till en vattentäkt : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

When establishing a groundwater protection area it is of great interest to be able to estimate the transit time of the groundwater from different places of the aquifer to the withdrawal well. These estimates can be uncertain due to heterogeneities in the aquifer. As a part of the work to develop methods for a more certain delineation of protection areas, a tracer test was performed in an esker located 25 kilometres NW of the town Uppsala.The purpose of this master thesis was to perform, describe and evaluate the tracer test. Travel times from the tracer test should then enable comparison against stochastic simulated travel times of the groundwater in the area.Three dyes (rhodamine WT, uranine and naphtionate) and a salt (NaBr) were used in the tracer test. The tracers were injected in four different wells located 25 meters from a pumping well.

Främjandet av expansivt lärande i samband med en organisationsförändring : En studie med utgångspunkt i Engeströms teori

In connection with that the last few decades have been characterized by major changes where also the rate of change has increased, changes in organizations has become a natural part of today's organizational activities. Every change involves a learning challenge and because of that every change is unique, its output is unclear. However, there is much research that highlights various factors critical to creating an effective change, among others internal communication.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change and see whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this. This is accomplished through interviews with six employees, all working in one of Sweden's leading property companies. Engeström's theory of expansive learning is applied in order to analyze whether learning is promoted in connection with the organizational change.The result of the study shows that Engeström's theory can be applied to a completed organizational change in order to analyze whether an expansive learning has been promoted in connection with this.

CSR i sociala medier - Möjligheter och risker med att kommunicera CSR i sociala medier

This B.Sc. Thesis examines how Swedish Large Cap companies communicate CSR in social media. We describe the current state of CSR communication in four different social media channels, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and blogs. This research, supported by interviews with stakeholders and a quantitative survey, analyses the potential risks and benefits from communicating CSR via social media and provides concrete advice on the development of a CSR communication strategy for social media. Although some benefits have been realized, many companies have failed to truly reap the potential benefits from an effective social media strategy for CSR.

Äldre döva och kommunikation : en kvalitativ studie av kommunikationens betydelse

The purpose was to study what significance communication has for the psychosocial health of elderly deaf people who live in old peoples homes. I also explored how communication works between the staff.- How do the staff feel the communication works between members of the staff and between the staff and the residents?- How do the staffs think that the staffs' knowledge of the culture of the deaf community and sign language affects the psychological health of the residents?- What changes have the staff noticed in the residents since they moved to the ward?In order to accomplish study this area I have used semi-structured qualitative interviews and observations.The main conclusion of this paper was that the possibility to communicate in ones own language was fundamental for the psychosocial health of the residents. The people I interviewed expressed that communication between the residents and the staff worked well, but communication was a problem between the staff members. Knowledge of the culture of the deaf and sign language, within the staff, had a positive influence on the psychosocial health of the residents.

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk

During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken?s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased.

Budskap i förändring : En studie av internkommunikationen vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

This thesis tries to explore how different strategies of internal communication are used in actual situations within an organization. Specifically, the purpose is to investigate how the internal communication within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has been carried out during their work to change their organizational structure, and, how this can be understood in terms of existing theories for strategic communication. The research questions explored are:What are the chosen strategies used to communicate the changes internally?How can these strategies be understood in terms of existing theories?What are the views of the employees on the communication and what are the relations between their views, the chosen strategies and existing theories?The theoretical ground work chosen is mainly the work by Cornelissen (2008), Dalfelt (2005), Johansson (2011) and Larsson (2008). The method chosen for the empirical part of the study is semi-structured qualitative interviews.

Synchronous Latency Insensitive Design in FPGA

A design methodology to mitigate timing problems due to long wire delays is proposed. The timing problems are taking care of at architecture level instead of layout level in this design method so that no change is needed when the whole design goes to backend design. Hence design iterations are avoided by using this design methodology. The proposed design method is based on STARI architecture, and a novel initialization mechanism is proposed in this paper. Low frequency global clock is used to synchronize the communication and PLLs are used to provide high frequency working clocks.

Statusuppdateringar på Facebook : Förhållningssätt och vanor hos användare

A common form of communication within Facebook is the communication between users via status updates. If you write a status update all your friends have the opportunity to read and to respond to the update. The overall issue of this survey is: how are Facebook users to commu- nicate with status updates?  The survey aims to gain insight and greater understanding of communication patterns and user awareness of social contexts when they write status  updates. The study will act as an attempt to understand a small part of a complex interaction taking place in a social situation.

Subkultur och kommunikation : påverkar olika kulturer den hierarkiska kommunikationen i en organisation?

The essay studies the relationship between communication and organizational culture; to determine if there are any cultural differences between the management of an organization and its employees and to examine how a difference can affect the communication of organizational policies. A case study, where the public school was examined, was used to answer the research question, and interviews were held with relevant people on different levels in the organization.The interviews were analyzed with the theoretical frame of reference as a benchmark. Cultural differences could be identified between different levels in the organization and between the two schools studied. The differences affected how and why people communicated but not how well the respondents understood each other.Keywords: Organizational culture, subculture, Organizational communication, affects, hierarchy..

Produktionsflödesanalys - CA-Verken i Sävsjö

Examensarbete utfördes på CA-Verken i Sävsjö som bl.a. tillverkar hydraulcylindrar. De senaste två år har CA-Verken haft en kraftig ökning av omsättningen och det som står i vägen för fortsatt expansion är produktionen som har begränsad kapacitet.Målet med detta arbete är att studera CA-Verkens produktionsflöde för att kunna identifiera flaskhalsen/flaskhalsarna och därefter ge förslag på lösningar och förbättringar. Den teorin som har använts som grund till arbetet är Theory of Constraints (TOC). Intervjuer, företagets affärssystem och observationer har använts vid datainsamling.

Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

You got flow? ? En studie om konsumentbeteende online

Dagens konsumentbeteende online skiljer sig åt från hur det såg ut för bara några år sedan, någotsom kan förklaras av att både e-handel och Internet ständigt utvecklas och vårt köpbeteende ochvåra preferenser tenderar att förändras över tid. Den tekniska utvecklingen gör attkonsumentbeteendet inom e-handel tenderar att växla snabbt vilket gör kontinuerlig analys avkonsumentbeteende till en nyckelfaktor för att lyckas inom e-handel.Studien syftar till att undersöka det något yngre kvinnliga segmentets, i åldern 25-34 år,konsumentbeteende inom e-handel idag. Flow är ett använt begrepp för analys avkonsumentbeteende och har visat sig påverka både attityder och avsikter avsevärt inom virtuellamiljöer som exempelvis e-handel. Flera definitioner på begreppet tyder på en viss komplexitetoch att tillståndet tenderar att förändras och växa i takt med utvecklingen. I studienkonceptualiseras flow i kategorierna koncentration, njutning och förvrängd tidsuppfattning, där viundersöker hur de påverkar webbsajters användarvänlighet och konsumentens upplevdabeteendekontroll, och vi fokuserar på konsumentbeteende online i form av impulsköp och avbrutna köp då vi önskar analysera om beteendena påverkas av ett flow-tillstånd Via en enkätundersökning med kvinnliga studenter från svenska universitet visar våra resultat attflow i form av njutning och förvrängd tidsuppfattning ökar impulsköp, medankoncentrationsnivån inte har någon påverkan på konsumentens impulsivitet.

Evaluation of RCM implementation process in Vattenfall
Service and Vattenfall, Hydropower organizations: a study and
analysis of its current status

Vattenfall AB is a large producer of electric energy where approximately half of the energy comes from hydropower. Vattenfall Hydropower has got almost a 100-year old history and the company has developed a lot since 1909. After that the number of power plants increased and the competition got more intense, there were higher demands on the reliability. One way to secure the reliability with a good satisfaction at the power plants is to implement a maintenance method named Reliability-Centred Maintenance. RCM is a result of the introduction of the complex aeroplane Boeing 747 in the 1960?s.

Intern kommunikation av värderings- och imagerelaterade frågor Medarbetarnas roll i hållbarhetsarbetet på Clas Ohlson

Communication of sustainable development has become an increasingly important part of organisation?s corporate branding. Consumers demand more transparency from businesses and want to know more about how they work with these issues. An important part of how internal communication can be used to reach organisational success involves organisation?s employees.

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