

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 5 av 44

Gallringsinventering från helikopter utrustad med profilerande laser och kamera för låghöjdsfotografering

Today Holmen Skog finds and selects suitable thinning stands using data on upper height and basal area. These figures are often based on basic forest data that has been updated with the help of growth prediction models. The problem is that these figures are not always correct. The aim of this study was to investigate if a combination of data from a profiling laser and a digital camera for low elevation photography, can be used for collecting data on number of stems per ha, tree species mixture as well as basal area weighted mean height and upper height for stands. The possibility to use these data to assess the need for thinning cutting was also investigated.Laser data and aerial photographs were collected from a helicopter operating at an approximate height of 100 meters.


This degree project has been performed along with Classic Garden in Gothenburg andBallongfirman Far & Flyg in Stockholm. Together we have developed a sun- wind- andrain protection. The protection is permanently assembled and mainly intended for publicenvironments as restaurants and outdoor cafés.The design on the sun protection was already done so our task has been to develop theconstruction and to build a prototype in scale 1:4 and one in scale 1:1. The look of thesun protection is approximately as the name implies, equal an igloo. The lamellae aregoing to fold out in different steps all the way down to the ground and the both sides willbe independently of each other.The first stage in the project was to develop differently principle proposal on how thefunction will work when folding in and out the protection.

Marknadsföringsdisciplinens rådande paradigm idag  : Goods-Dominant Logic, Service-Dominant Logic eller något annat?

This qualitative research is a contribution to the ongoing debate among marketing researchers regarding if there is a dominant paradigm and viewpoint of marketing and which one is the most appropriate. In this study current views of marketing are identified and then compared against the older Goods-Dominant Logic of Marketing and Vargos? and Luschs? alternative Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing. The trends that have been observed are situated in the framework of Thomas S. Kuhn?s philosophy of science.

Introduktion av buskskikt i ungskogar

Young stands in urban forests often lack a shrub layer, though shrubs play an important structural and biological role in forests. All layers interact with one another to form a multilayered stand, in which shrubs have a vital role.In this diploma thesis, theoretical models for forest dynamics are compared with four reference stands to detect factors, and principals for introduction of shrubs in young stands. In these stands four different ways of introduction were found. In one trees and shrubs were planted together at the same time. Shrubs spontaneous spread under a canopy of mature forest, in another.

SKOLSOCIONOM I GLESBYGD Roll, team och ensamarbete

Purpose of this study is to describe and analyze school social work in rural area and being alone in social work at the school welfare/health team and how this affects the individual, professionally and privately.The theoretical framework highlights the empirical data through Goffman's dramaturgical perspective. The study highlights school social workers role on the scene as Goffman divided as the front and rear arena and how school social worker find strategies to cope with it alone work it takes to be a counselor in rural areas.One way to handle her role involves acting in one of the following three characters: the self-employed, infiltrator and tough guy.The study describes how the social worker harboring the stress in the profession; through recovery - physical and mental, on the back stage, backstage.On stage there are other players such as student health team, which also acts and affect what happens on the front stage.School social workers are working hard to position itself in relation to other professions in student welfare/health team and to have a mandate to act.In the analysis, it appears that the school social workers want a clearer role profession/ occupation profession and mandate to act, which may be complicated by today is the only counselor in student welfare/health team lacking identity. There is also a desire for further/ continuing education, but this is seen as an organizational pitfall when the manager does not have the same educational background as school social worker.Ultimately, it is the peripatetic life as a social worker at the school who is considered the most exhausting part of the work as a school social worker in a rural area. There is a great desire among the interviewed school social workers to have fewer schools to relate to and work on..

Kontraomvändelse - blivandet av en ateist : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av byte från religiöst orienteringssystem till ateistiskt

The purpose of this study in the psychology of religion is to explore the process of an individual?s shift in orienting system, from a religious to an atheistic. The materials used are autobiographical accounts obtained from two books. One that has been used as a primary source and one as a secondary. By using Rambo?s process oriented theory of religious conversion relevant themes and categories were chosen and later subjected to further analysis using Pargament?s theory of religion and coping.

Fel i produktionen : En studie om uppkomna fel i två anläggningsprojekt

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to identify problems that may occur in the execution of a civil engineering project and suggest measures to reduce the risk of errors. The study was conducted in cooperation with a civil engineering company in the Gothenburg area. During two weeks in February 2012, a field study took place on two construction sites where disruption and problems that took more than 15 minutes to correct were noted. During the field study we identified 39 such occurrences in the projects and then these were classified into different categories according to their cause.The two largest categories were "Design" and "Planning", which accounted for half of the errors that were discovered.In the study results were evaluated to decide whether it was possible to detect discrepancies at an earlier stage. The cost to fix an error in the design stage may be significantly less than to correct the problem in production.According to the evaluation, 55% of the errors could have been detected earlier if there was a greater degree of observation for such issues by everyone involved in the project.

Hur ser jag ut? : En studie om hur svenska kvinnor framställer sig på Twitter

Sociala nätverkssidor är för människor idag en del av vardagen då vi skapar nya umgängen, bekantskaper, vänskaper och fiender. Vi träffar framtida arbetsgivare och finner i visa fall kärleken med hjälp av detta nu vardagliga verktyg. Eftersom vi gör allt detta är uppbyggnaden och utvecklingen av användarens profil ett viktigt hjälpmedel för att lyckas presentera sig själv på ett positivt sätt.Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska kvinnor framställer sig själva inför andra användare och vad de delar med sig av sin identitet på det sociala nätverket Twitter. Vi utgår från tre frågeställningar:? ? ?På vilka sätt framställer sig svenska kvinnor på Twitter? Vilka skillnader finns mellan användare beroende på antal följare? Vilken gräns sätter kvinnor för vad de delar med sig till sin publik på Twitter?De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för denna studie är i Erving Goffmans teorier om ?front stage?, ?back stage? och ?impression management? och nyare forskning gjord av bland andra danah boyd samt begreppet representation.

Analys av verkningsgrad för en industriell DC-DC omvandlare

This thesis is performed in collaboration with Kraftpowercon AB in Surte, Sweden. Focus has been on to identify the powerlosses in one of Kraftpowercons halfbridge DC-DC converters. First theoretical calculations are made, the calculations is verified with measurements of six different operation modes. In a later stage, methods like soft switching and synchronous rectifying are proposed to increase the efficiency for the converter. To achieve softswitching for the halfbridge, the LLC resonant converter topologies are implemented and examined.

Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis

This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option?srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development).

Mortalitet av bok i Biskopstorp och Frodeparken naturreservat, Halland :

The aim with this study was to investigate mortality in older respectively younger beech stands (Fagus sylvatica), the different types of dead wood in the forest and the availability of coarse woody debris (CWD). The research was carried out in previously managed and seminatural stands in Biskopstorp and Frodeparken, located north of Halinstad in Halland,Sweden. Data were collected from 22 stands with at least 50 % beech and with a minimum age of 5 1 years, ranging in size from 0,67 to 19,9 ha. A transect was placed in each stand, in which the diaineter on both dead and living trees with a minimum diameter of 50 mm was recorded. On seven to 13 dead trees, depending on the size of each stand, decomposition stage, primary and secondary cause of death, amount of fungi and the type of the dead wood was noted.

Mobilapplikation för taxibeställning : Att ta taxibeställningar till nästa steg

This report is going to be focusing on the development of a promotion page and login system for the web production company Adoreyou. The promotion page and login will be parts of a new taxi application for iPhone that lets the customer book a taxi and drivers manage the requests from the customers.Taxi application?s that let customer?s book trips are nothing new but they are constantly being explored and developed. The most common practice is to let the customer fill in from what address he or she wants to be picked up and to where he or she wants to be taken. Then the price is set in the application depending on the distance and most likely other factors like weekday and time.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till patienter med akut hjärtinfarkt

It is common that patients experience emotional reactions as agony and anxiety after an acute myocardial infarction. Only a few studies related to the support in the acute stage have been made. The aim was to describe how nurses declared their support to patients with acute myocardial infarction in the acute stage. The used method was semi structured interviews with seven nurses in an Emergency ward in South of Sweden. The material was processed and analysed with inspiration from content analysis and produced two main themes.

?Om man tar en tråkig bok så börjar den sova? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av barn som läser för hundar i skolmiljö

This two years master's thesis examines the experience of children who read to a dog. The theoretical framework is inspired by sociocultural theory developed by Roger Säljö and the concept carnival inspired by Mikhail Bakhtin. The sociocultural theory has been chosen because it emphasizes the role of practice, instruments and communication in learning and the concept carnival has been chosen to analyze the experience of reading to a dog.The method used is qualitative interview and observation. A total of eight interviews and two observations when children read to a dog have been collected. One interview is with a teacher and seven interviews are with the children (six children participated and one child was interviewed twice).

Fusion i aktion, Odissi som konstnärligt instrument i västerländsk teater

In search of a stage language that resonates in historical disciplines, I have explored the possibility to expand my performing arts through the language of Indian classical Odissi, through different forms of storytelling. In my work I have focused primarily on two projects inspired by the original scripts of Macbeth by William Shakespeare and Breaking Bad by Vince Gilligan. I have outlined examples of methods and techniques used in the process.The work also shows how Odissi has evolved from a religious and philosophical tradition of temple dance; into modern stage theatre performance.The work aims to connect Odissi with western performing art. In this process I have been using my own knowledge about Odissi as a tool in combining both the traditions, a fusion in action.I will physically examine the artistic idiom, the characteristics, the actions and deeds found in stylized Odissi imagery and symbols, traditionally used to embody mythological and epic stories. A rendezvous between East and West.

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