

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 4 av 44

Prediktionsmodell för graviditet vid in vitro-fertilisering med ett frys-tinat embryo

SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.

Biogasproduktion genom tvåstegsrötning av drankvatten

During the 19-century a global warming has been observed, which includes increases in global air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of ice and snow, and rising global sea level. There is a clear connection between emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the human and the increase in temperature. Climatic changes caused by global warming can be stopped trough decreased emission of fossil fuels, for example by an increased use of biogas. Biogas is a renewable energy source which is produced through anaerobic (oxygen free) digestion of organic material. The gas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and can be among others used as fuel in vehicles.

Interaktiva radiotjänster : - en applikation för mobila Androidenheter

The increase in sales of the so called smart phones has meant that there has also been a requirement to determine new applications for which they are suitable. One of the largest platforms for smart phones is Android and the task of this thesis is to develop an application for a company that wishes to create interactive radio for the Internet. In addition to ordinary radio features, the company would like the application to be able to present images and a small web page called Canvas. The overall aim ,of this thesis, is to build a fully functional media player that is compatible with the majority of the commonly used Android based mobile units. To fulfill the overall aim, nine explicit goals were targeted.

Eskilstunakistornas bruk och återbruk : Tidigkristna gravmonument i Östergötland under medeltiden

This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building..

Dewey i Sverige - En diskursanalys av den svenska bibliotekssektorns uttalanden om klassifikationssystemet DDK

Swedish libraries are currently discussing andimplementing the classification system Dewey (DDC).Most libraries in Sweden have used the Swedishclassification system SAB until recently. In 2008 TheRoyal Library of Sweden (KB) decided to switch fromSAB to DDC. Many academic libraries chose to followKB?s example and by January 2011 a switch was made atKB and at many academic libraries.The aim of this master thesis is to examine and analysethe library sector?s discussion that occurred before andduring the Swedish switch from SAB to DDC. The mainquestion asked is; What is being discussed about Dewey2010-2011 and in what manner? To organize and anlysethis discussion discourse analysis is used.

Utformning av mjukvarusensorer för avloppsvatten med multivariata analysmetoder

Varje studie av en verklig process eller ett verkligt system är baserat på mätdata. Förr var den tillgängliga datamängden vid undersökningar ytterst begränsad, men med dagens teknik är mätdata betydligt mer lättillgängligt. Från att tidigare enbart haft få och ofta osammanhängande mätningar för någon enstaka variabel, till att ha många och så gott som kontinuerliga mätningar på ett större antal variabler. Detta förändrar möjligheterna att förstå och beskriva processer avsevärt.Multivariat analys används ofta när stora datamängder med många variabler utvärderas. I det här projektet har de multivariata analysmetoderna PCA (principalkomponentanalys) och PLS (partial least squares projection to latent structures) använts på data över avloppsvatten insamlat på Hammarby Sjöstadsverk.På reningsverken ställs idag allt hårdare krav från samhället för att de ska minska sin miljöpåverkan.

Multipel regressionsanalys av foretagsforvarv.

Syftet med rapporten ar att studera kopar-, saljar- och forvarvsfaktorers inverkan pavardet av transaktionen vid foretagsforvarv. Undersokningen ar avgransad vad galler storlek avforvarvsvarden samt typ av forvarv och variablerna ar hamtade fran databasen Zephyr. Dessainkluderar kvantitativa samt indikativa variabler sasom transaktionsvarde, saljares och koparesindustri och region, vinst innan transaktionen och ifall transaktionen ar gransoverskridande.Faktorerna inkluderas i en multipel regressionsmodell som skattas med Ordinary Least Squares(OLS) {skattning med programvaran STATA. I programmet inbyggda skattningar och ytterligaremodellforbattrande atgarder studeras bade matematiskt och tillampas i regressionerna..

Retorik på scen - En studie om scenisk kommunikation

I have made an inquiry about stage communication, small talk and on-stage rhetoric. The essay is divided into different parts. There is a background part that gives a short overview about other research and literature that has been made on the subject. A background has been put together to help you as a reader to understand the complex science can be. Here you will find work written by Dorothy Irving and Åke Lundberg among others.

Fällning av kisel från avloppsvatten vid Hellisheidarvirkjun - experimentell studie

This report is about the experiments with mixing of the separated water and the vacuum pump seal water at Hellisheiði power plant. This is done to prevent silica scaling and clogging in pipes and reinjection wells as well as eliminating vacuum pump seal water from the plant. The experiments were done in four stages: the first stage comprised of tests with different flows of separated water at 70°C, the second stage was carried out by mixing the separated water at 70°C and the seal water with different amounts of the seal water, the third and the fourth stages were like the first and second but with the separated water at 120°C. The results show that this method is good if the mixture is around 50/50 separated water and seal water, to control the silica scaling in the separated water and to be able to reinject the seal water with the separated water. This does not eliminate the silica scaling in all of the separated water because the amount of separated water is much more than the amount of seal water that comes from the plant. .

Driftkostnadsanalys i väginvesteringsprojekt

During its lifetime, a road goes through a number of different stages; pre-study,inquiry of the road, work plan, documenting stage, building stage and operatingstage. The operating stage is the one that takes the longest time and costs themost. Those have a tendency of becoming unnecessarily high because the projectengineers don?t always take the management and maintenance prerequisites intoconditions.To decrease the management and maintenance costs, the Swedish RoadAdministration SouthEast has been in need of a work procedure that makes theroaddesign engineers take the management and maintenance of the road intoconsideration. This shall be achieved by a checklist where the most commondesigns that lead to increased management- and maintenance costs are compiledand listed.Through interviews with project leaders in management, the most commonproblems have been identified, analyzed and summarized under the headlineswinter-road, vegetation, road equipment and road designs.To elucidate the problem from several points of view, interviews wereimplemented with project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers.

Förändringar i vegetationens sammansättning efter en våtmarksrestaurering : Changes in the vegetation composition after a wetlandrestoration

The loss of such great wetlands, which has arose in Sweden the last decades, has created a situation that threats both the function and the biological diversity within the wetlands. Many ecological niches can be found in the wetlands and it is one of the habitats where most different species exist. In the 17th Century people started to ditch damp environments, such as bogs, to create a productive cultivated ground. Further ditches were made when the forestry gave large economical profits. The wetlands were impoverished from both groundwater and nourishment, and this led to a great loss of species.In a corporation with WWF and Skogsstyrelsen in Arvika, the University of Karlstad has participated in the Laskerudproject, a hydrological restoration-project in a forest landscape.

Uppfångning och kvarhållning av 134Cs och 85Sr i olika växtutvecklingsstadier

Emissions of radionuclides to the atmosphere can lead to wet deposition on plants in the event of rainfall. An increased level of radioactivity in the plants may occur due to interception and retention of the radionuclides. If the content of the plants is above the threshold limit value, entire yields may have to be destroyed. In order to prevent contamination or decrease the content countermeasures can be taken. The impact of the biomass, leaf area index (LAI) and growth stage of the plant on the interception and retention is important to know in order to decide which countermeasures to use. Weather may also be an important factor. In this work the interception and retention of 134Cs and 85Sr by spring wheat, ley and spring oil-seed rape was studied.

A graphical mapping of how light is used in theatre

This treatise analysis what functions light has in theater. It was inspired by Rosalinda Krauss essay Sculpture in the Expanded Field but builds mostly on the following three books Linda Essig Lighting and the design idea (2nd ed), Nigel H. Morgan Stage lighting for theater designers and Francis Reid The stage lighting handbook (6th ed). It discovers nine unique functions of light (performance style, dramatic style, image,illumination, 3D space, 3D form, selectivity, environment, atmosphere) and develops a graphical mapping of them based on a mapping by Reid. The functions performance style, dramatic style, image are superior the others.

E-handel: en studie om konsumenters köpbeteende vid köp av böcker online

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about consumer buying behaviour when purchasing books online. In order to acquire data for the study we used a questionnaire that 75 students where asked to respond. The respondents were students at the University of Technology in Luleå. Our findings suggest that the following factors are the most commonly cited reasons for deciding to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price, convenience, design of the website and experience. The following factors are the most commonly cited rea-sons for deciding not to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price and the design of the website.

?Suveränt för kulturlivet och gemenskapen" - ett nedslag bland Öppna Scener i Göteborg


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