

657 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 2 av 44

JavaScript och web workers : Parallellisering av en beräkningstung webbapplikation

Webben anva?nds i allt sto?rre utstra?ckning som en riktig applikationsplattform, mycket tack vare HTML5. Detta sta?ller ho?gre krav pa? webbapplikationens prestanda pa? klientsidan, da? nya tekniker mo?jliggo?r mer avancerade applikationer. Parallellisering a?r en metod fo?r att o?ka prestandan i applikationer, som dessutom tar nytta av de parallella arkitekturer som idag a?r vanliga.

Jakten på legitimitet : En studie om konsult/klient relationens initieringsfas

Introduction: The work process of a consultant can be divided into five different stages, where the entry stage is the most important when linking the subject to legitimacy. A great deal of research regarding legitimacy exists, although within areas outside of consulting. Through examining consultant's and potential client's perception of what legitimacy is and how it is created we can determine the importance of the phenomena in building a business relationship between these parties. Research question: How does legitimacy arise between a consultant and a client in the entry stage of a work relationship? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of how legitimacy is created in the initial stage of a new consultant/client relationship. We also intend to examine the qualities and circumstances which lead to a consultant to acquire an assignment. Method: We have, from an inductive approach of research, collected empirical data in order to gain a deeper understanding of legitimacy in the initial stage of a consultant/client relationship.

Inventering av röjningsobjekt från helikopter :

In time with HolmenSkog district Egenskog Norrköping´s decreasing mountain of cleaning, the office started to look around for new alternative cleaning strategies to lower the costs connected with cleaning. One option was to make the inventory strategy more effective and after a phonecall with the head of the district, Jonnie Friberg, the planning started to try inventory in pictures taken from a helicopter. The pictures was at last taken from a digtal camera and the vegetationheight was mesured with a laser. The gear was supplied from Kallax Flyg AB, Luleå. In the trial 15 stands was selected depended on age and different mixtures between pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce (Picea abies) and birch (Betula pubescense and Betula pendula).

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.

Hur ett industriföretag ökar kundvärdet genom

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how an industrial company can increase customer value by offering added services to their core products. Theses added services can be categorized into the three different parts of the buying process. The company that was investigated is Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, a large international industrial company active on a business to business market. We have conducted a case study and made interviews with three respondents within the company. The result of the study show that the company offers value added services in each stage of the buying process.

Vitrification in sealed containers : Evaluation of a new technique (Rapid-i?) for cleavage stage embryos and blastocysts

Ovarian stimulation in assisted reproduction often leads to the production of a high number of oocytes. After fertilization of these oocytes, the resulting embryos can be cryopreserved for later use. Vitrification is a recently introduced method for cryostoring embryos, showing high survival rates for both cleavage stage embryos and blastocysts. Characteristic of vitrification are high concentrations of cryoprotectants and ultra fast freezing which makes the material glassily. A major concern with vitrification has been the direct contact of the cryo-solutions with liquid nitrogen.

Kärnkraftens avveckling: en ekonometrisk studie av
marknadsprisets reaktion på avvecklingen av Barsebäck 1 och 2

Den svenska kärnkraften har varit en viktig del av den svenska elmarknaden sedan 1970-talet. Under den senare delen av 1970-talet uppstod en omfattande debatt kring kärnkraftens framtid som energikälla. Vid en folkomröstning 1980 bestämdes det att kärnkraften skulle avvecklas. Det första steget i denna avvecklingsprocess togs i november 1999, i och med avvecklingen av reaktorn Barsebäck 1. I dagsläget planeras även en avveckling av reaktorn Barsebäck 2.

Ekonomistyrning av FoU-verksamhet: Med fokus på styrning av utvecklingsprocess

Uppsatsens titel: Ekonomistyrning av FoU-verksamhet, med fokus på styrning av utvecklingsprocessen Seminariedatum: 2007-01-18 Ämne/kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatuppsats, 10 poäng Författare: Oscar Danefors, Frank Fagerlund, Joakim Puusaari, Fredrik Rubin Handledare: Per-Magnus Andersson, Peter Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Produktutveckling, FoU, stage-gate-system, styrning, management style Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att gå djupare i utvecklingsdelen av FoU-verksamheten genom att beskriva samt analysera styrningen av utvecklingsprocessen. Metod: I uppsatsen används ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi som med en jämförande design leder till att en multipel fallstudie används för att uppnå syftet. Teoretiska perspektiv: Management style, projekt styrning, stage-gate-system, resultat styrning Empiri: Studien baseras på intervjuer med ansvariga inom FoU på följande fem företag: Akzo Nobel Decorative Coatings Europe, Alfa Laval, Ericsson Mobile Platforms, Procordia Food och Tetra Pak. Resultat: Följande har funnits i uppsatsen: ? Funnit att stage-gate-system är har en stark koppling till centraliserade organisationer.? Att det finns andra system än stage-gate-system som fungerar i en decentraliserad organisation? Att risken i våra fallföretags utvecklingsprocess inte skiljer sig åt mellan olika branscher.? Att det finns ett generellt mönster i våra fallföretags stage-gate-systems produktutvecklingsprocess.? Att det kan finnas ett samband mellan bransch, utvärderingsenhet och utvecklingsprocess..

?Det känns som en barnavdelning, det är ingen ungdomsdel liksom?: Ungdomar och det egna biblioteksrummet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how young adults experience the library and the space that they have access to. I used semi-structured interviews to find out about this and interviewed eight youths between the ages of 15 and 18 in a medium sized city in the province of Västra Götaland in Sweden. I then analyzed the material with the help of Goffman?s theory about front stage and back stage. I also did a small comparison with results from previous studies.The result showed that the youths generally liked the library and the staff but they had opinions on some issues.

Etablering av höstvete med reducerad jordbearbetning :

The payment for produced grain is constantly going down in price. It is important for farmers to become more effective in cultivating more land in a shorter time perspective. At the same time we have to calculate with the risk of getting lowered subsidies from the EU. This is why I would like to find out the possibilities for establishing winter wheat without ploughing. I hope to find a difference in the number of plants due to different soil preparations. With this experiment I expect to find out whether I can establish winter wheat at a lower cost, with the same numbers of plants per square meter.

Religionsämnets värdegrund manifesterar det som redan har hänt : En jämförelse mellan läroplanerna Lpf-94 och GY 2011 i ämnet religionskunskap, samt hur detta uttrycks i olika läroböcker

This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building..

Hus på väg : En kostnadsstudie över flyttning av tre enfamiljshus

This thesis treats Building Information Modeling, BIM, in the production stage. Brieflydescribed BIM is virtual model of a building object where all information about theobject is gathered. All the involved operators in the construction project have access tothe model and can gather or share information about the project. There are several waysto apply BIM in the production stage. This thesis primarily deals with visualization of theobject, preparation and planning, the ability to take amounts from the model andcoordination and clash control.The basic issue was highlighted by Byggdialog AB.

BIM i produktionsskedet

This thesis treats Building Information Modeling, BIM, in the production stage. Brieflydescribed BIM is virtual model of a building object where all information about theobject is gathered. All the involved operators in the construction project have access tothe model and can gather or share information about the project. There are several waysto apply BIM in the production stage. This thesis primarily deals with visualization of theobject, preparation and planning, the ability to take amounts from the model andcoordination and clash control.The basic issue was highlighted by Byggdialog AB.

Grundsärskolan- en skolform i tiden? : Grundsärskolans personals uppfattning om uppdrag, synsätt och attityder

The Swedish government ratified on May 1 2009 an amendment of marital law, resulting in same-sex marriage becoming legalized. With the rights of the Christian Swedish state church to officiate weddings originating from the same law, the church was thereby faced with two options: Either officially include same-sex couples in the Christian concept of holy matrimony and keep the right to officiate weddings; or give up the right to officiate weddings altogether. An official decision to accept the terms was reached on October 22 2009, but not without being preceded by an agitated medial debate.This research attempts to analyze the arguments of the debate in three stages: In the first stage the arguments are categorized according to their respective ideological standpoint. In the second stage these categories are examined from post-modern, social constructivist and socialization theory perspectives. Based on this, the third stage sees the arguments analyzed from a viewpoint based in the Copenhagen school concept of securization.The research concludes that the debate does not only simply feature two sides with differences of opinion; but rather that the arguments of the two opposing sides are founded in a common view of the other side as a fundamental threat to ones conception of a sound society..

Optimeringsflöde av modelleringsprogram vid broprojektering : Analys av de tre modelleringsprogrammen Tekla Structures, Revit 2013 och Rhinoceros

This thesis treats Building Information Modeling, BIM, in the production stage. Brieflydescribed BIM is virtual model of a building object where all information about theobject is gathered. All the involved operators in the construction project have access tothe model and can gather or share information about the project. There are several waysto apply BIM in the production stage. This thesis primarily deals with visualization of theobject, preparation and planning, the ability to take amounts from the model andcoordination and clash control.The basic issue was highlighted by Byggdialog AB.

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