

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 16 av 44

Rysslands politiska utveckling : En fallstudie över svensk säkerhetspolitik

The Swedish security policy has changed from stressing neutrality to embrace co-operation within the EU and other organisations. New threats like terrorism, boarder-crossing criminality and natural disasters require new ways to deal with this type of problems to protect the society. Since the beginning of 21st century the high Russian economic growth has made it possible for the country to play an increasingly role as a superpower on the international political stage. In the same time the democratic development has been replaced by an autocratic rule which has obstructed the Russian- European relations. From a Swedish security policy view the Russian political development is of importance and the picture of Russian as a threat has changed from 1996 to 2008/09.

Whole-crop maize silage for growing dairy bulls : effects of maturity stage at harvest and feeding strategy

Trakealkollaps är relativt ovanligt förekommande hos hästar men är något vanligare hos småvuxna ponnyraser. Sjukdomen har ett progressivt förlopp och är ofta långt framskriden innan respirationssymtom som missljud, hosta och dyspné uppkommer. De tillgängliga behandlingsalternativen ger sällan tillfredsställande resultat och prognosen vid höggradig kollaps med grava symtom får anses som dålig. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om och i så fall i vilken grad trakealkollaps påverkar hästens användbarhet, detta gjordes genom att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i arbetstolerans och lungfunktion mellan en grupp friska shetlandsponnyer och en grupp shetlandsponnyer med trakealkollaps. Den friska gruppen bestod av tio ponnyer och gruppen med kollaps av fyra ponnyer, varav tre hade trakealkollaps av grad 3 och en av grad 2.

Antons och Saras årsböcker : En kvantitativ undersökning av två läseböcker i Svenska för årskurs två

In school today pupils come in contact with all kinds of reading books. Education of Swedish reading development sometimes contain reading books organized at different levels of difficulty, with different amount of text. The purpose of the different difficulty levels is to give the less skilled readers an easier book and stronger readers a more difficult book. The purpose with this study is to find out if the book which is classified as more difficult, in reality is the most difficult and if the book which is considered to be easier really is. To find answers to these questions I will examine previous researcher?s theories on difficulty levels in reading books.

Vem bestämmer musiken? : En undersökning av en symfoniorkesters säsongsprogramsarbete

  ABSTRACTThere is a limited possibility for many of the concert-goers to go behind the stage and follow the work process with putting together a program for the concert season in a concert institution. The purpose of this study is to describe a concert institution's work with developing a concert program for each season. This is done through a presentation of the factors affecting the work. This is a descriptive essay and a case study of the Malmö Symphony Orchestra. Interviews have been made with people directly involved in the work or affected by the outcome of the work process.

Gapet: En studie om gapet mellan leverantörer och köpare av digital skyltning

The aim of this study is to describe the market for Digital Signage in Sweden and give the reader an increased insight and understanding of the problems that suppliers and buyers of Digital Signage may encounter. The study is abductive and based on a number of qualitative interviews with representatives from potential buyers, an existing user, a supplier and a number of companies with insight into Digital Signage. Our findings show that the companies in this study have not yet reached the stage of being ready to invest in a system for Digital Signage, since the effects on for instance increased sales and potential savings on marketing communication have not yet been clearly proven. Furthermore the study shows that it is important that a supplier has a fundamental understanding of the business model of the buyer. In addition to this, service, support and IT-related issues are of great importance for the potential buyers.

Sen så kommer den och förklarar vid bänken; alltså bara för mig : Om elevers upplevelser av stöd och hjälp i matematik

The study's purpose is to describe students' experiences of help and support in mathematics. To investigate this, I adopted the questions: What does it mean, according to the students, to get "help and support in mathematics?" Are there differences in the description of help and support depending on the age of the students? What different kinds of help and support do students feel that they get from their math teachers? What different kinds of help and support would they like to have? The study is based on a qualitative method, group interviews, with three groups of students, one from each stage of primary school in one municipality in Sweden. The students were at the time of the interview in grade 3, 5 and 8. The interviews were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. The results show that what the students primarily consider as the meaning of help and support it is to get individual support from their teacher.

Ta tillvara ungdomarnas kunskap i planeringen!

SAMMANFATTNING Under en praktik sommaren 2003 hade jag i uppgift att utifrån barn och ungdomars synvinkel ge förslag på var en gång- och cykelvägstunnel skulle placeras utefter en riksväg. Riksvägen delade ett bostadsområde, med många barnfamiljer, från centrum där all service, som exempelvis skola, dagis, affärer och sportanläggningar var belägna. Jag kom då till insikt att det inte är vanligt förekommande att ungas kunskap tas tillvara i planeringen, och det var då mina tankar kring detta examensarbete började. Syftet med examensarbetet har därför varit att ta fram ett samlat kunskapsunderlag på den offentliga miljöns betydelse för ungdomar och utifrån detta genomföra en fallstudie. Fallstudien skall visa på fjortonåringars användning och upplevelse av innerstaden i Bollnäs, samt informationen därefter kan tas tillvara i planeringen.


Preporsition for bachelor thesis project, working from the inside and out. Emphasising spatial quality and experience, More or less ignoring form and program. I?ve had issues with these aspects in earlier project, the form or the program takes alot of place in the project. I haven?t tried this approach before, it?s an attractive thought to allow the project take a form of it?s own, enclosing those spaces i create.The initial concept was to place the pools on the ground (not digging them into the ground) making them volumes that divide and define spaces.

Modern teaterteknik - en analys av automatiserat övermaskineri

Ett nytt musik- och teaterhus byggs vid Munksjön i centrala Jönköping. Dit ska Smålands Musik och Teater (SMoT) flytta sin verksamhet. Den nya byggnaden kommer att innehålla ett flertal scener varav två av dessa scener ska utrustas med ett automatiserat övermaskineri: Teaterscenen och Konsertscenen. De ska utrustas med samma system fast den senare i en mindre omfattande installation. Detta arbete innehåller en studie av ett generellt system och en analys av dess delfunktioner.

Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion (FORL) : en morfologisk beskrivning

Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL) is a painful disease that affects feline teeth and that is increasing in prevalence. The ethiology is still rather unknown. However, research on the ultra structure of the feline tooth may help us understand why FORL is so prevalent in cats and not in other species. Since the ethiology is still unknown, there is yet no profylaxis. The pathogenesis is rather well known; the hard structure of affected teeth gradually undergo odontoclastic resorption and resorptive lesions are often partly replaced with bone- or cementum-like tissue.

Hybridlandskap : nya möjligheter för offentliga platser i staden

This project explores how artificial landscapes as parks and squares above ground can save space by using the vertical voids in urban environments and how they can create spatial and social as well as ecological qualities and connections. Hybrid landscapes are a phenomenon of current interest within the field of architecture and urbanism. Architecture as surface, where facades and roofs become possible to tread, is a relatively recent occurence that has over the past few years become an increasingly common sight in architectural magazines and on international architecture exhibitions. Many of my selected reference projects have often been associated with sensational contemporary design trends generated by advanced computer software. But the phenomenon is also a result of other different currents of change that exist within today?s society, such as densified cities with a lack of open space, which is also expressed in architecture.

Bankrörelsen : En studie mellan bankkrisen 1992 och 2008

Media has in the last year been dominated by news about the current financial crisis around the world. For the banking system in Sweden the crisis began to show in the beginning of 2008 and there where a lot of speculations about how serious the crisis would be and it?s consequences. In several aspects, the banks' situation in the current crisis, are linked to the banking crisis in the 1990s. Although these crises have had different break-out reasons, there are several parallels between these crises to be drawn.

Rosengårdsstråket : tankar om förankring och identitet

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Mötesplatser i små tätorter : funktion och gestaltning

This bachelor thesis in Landscape Architecture is about the planning and design of public spaces in small towns in Sweden. My opinion is that the small towns often are overlooked and my determination is to see if that is right. The purpose with this thesis in Landscape Architecture, with focus on a durable society is to find the central public places in small towns and evaluate their function. This thesis has a focus on good design of central public spaces, designed for the inhabitants of the small towns. A small town, which is the focus of this thesis, is defined to have 200-2000 inhabitants. The small towns, which often are built around industries or the railway, have since the nineteen seventies a problem with people leaving them for the cities in the urbanization. Currently there is also the opposite trend with people moving out from the cities, but to live on the country side, not in the small towns.

Hur kan skadegörelse på skolgårdar motverkas? : en studie med fokus på vegetation

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

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