

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 58 av 76

Måltext i Midgård : Ohlmarks Härskarringen och översättandets normer

This study considers Härskarringen (1959?61), a Swedish translation of J. R. R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings (1954?55), within the framework of translation studies and the description of norms within different fields of translation.

Outnyttjad kreativitet och kompetens inom produktion : - Ett arbete som fokuserar på att fånga upp och ta tillvara på medarbetares kreativitet och kompetens

AbstractResource efficient manufacturing is a term that has been increasingly applied within manufacturing, where one of the key points is to reduce waste of such forms that do not add value for the end customer. By the Lean principles, there are seven plus one types of waste, in which the definition of the eighth point varies among sources. In this study, the eighth type of waste has been interpreted as the untapped creativity and competence among employees that has not been put to use. From this, our question was incubated; How can you make the most of the employees? untapped creativity and potential within manufacturing? The case study will be developed with empirical data obtained from Dometic Group by conducting interviews.From the gathered literature, it was concluded that the communication between employees contributed to an increased understanding of one another as well as it allowed for improvement in work.

Från ax till limpa : Verksamhetsprocessen vid framtagande av applikationer till handdatorer på Fazer Bageri AB

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a broad discipline that studies different concerns regarding interactive systems? development. One of the major interest points within the discipline is the reasoning behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that usage of systems will have on humans.Within Human Computer Interaction there are theories and frameworks how to involve a user in the process of developing new systems. In this paper focus is applied to the development process within developing applications for Enterprice Digital Assistants (EDA) and to what extent the end-users are involved in the process. Fazer Bageri AB has been choosen to represent a business corporation that uses handheld computers in their everyday tasks.The method used to gather information for this study has been by performing interviews and observations with key stakeholders at Fazer Bageri AB and MobiOne AB.

Förekomst av Helicobacter spp. hos hund : samband med hepatit/pankreatit?

To date, the genus Helicobacter consist of 26 different species and even more species are yet to be characterized. Helicobacter has been detected in connection with diseases in the liver and pancreas in humans and animals. Helicobacter spp. are gram negative, curved, S-shaped or spiral shaped bacteria. They are microaerophilic and have flagella that make them motile. Helicobacter, present in the gastric mucosa neutralize the gastric acid through production of urease that hydrolyses urea to ammonia and bicarbonate.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

AbstractSAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ?Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation?. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient.

Empowerment : En studie om empowerments påverkan på frontpersonalen i tjänsteföretag.

This thesis is about how the front-staff in two service companies experience empowerment. Competition for business in today's society is becoming increasingly fierce, which means that they must find a way to differentiate themselves from competitors. Service has become a way to compete. Front-staff competence and ability to offer a good service is a crucial factor when the company's success is being measured.Empowerment in business is used as a tool to create motivation and satisfaction of individuals at work. Companies using empowerment can create the freedom and opportunities for employees to act at their own intelligence and discretion.

Hur skapar man en dokumentärfilm, med utgångspunkt från ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk? - Med fokus på trovärdighet

Målet med denna uppsats är att visa hur den dramaturgiska kurvan påverkar publikens sätt att ta till sig dokumentärfilm, med hänsyn till upplevelse och trovärdighet. I följande uppsats kommer man att på viktiga beståndsdelar som bidrar till hur man kan arbeta fram ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk inom det dokumentära skapandet av film. Viktiga punkter som delges innefattar även hur man bygger på trovärdighet mot sin publik och binder detta samman genom en bra dramaturgi, detta i kombination med ett projekt, följt av diskussion och slutsatser. De verktyg, som tidigare forskning hänvisar till, upplevs som positiva hjälpmedel för att genomföra en trovärdig produktion. Dock bör tilläggas att min erfarenhet av detta kandidatarbete, visade på att man bör lägga större fokus på att arbeta i realtid, än att påverka materialet allt för mycket i efterbearbetning.

Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering

In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice.

En mångkulturell skola : En studie om främjandet av elevers kulturella kunskaper på en mångkulturell skola

My thesis is based on a qualitative study. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the educationalist at an especially chosen school in Stockholm promotes the students multicultural background in the education or not.This is due to the fact that the Swedish school to a considerable degree reflects the multicultural Swedish society. The socio-cultural starting point is when people come together and meet. The language is the tool of the socio-culture and it is the dialogue, discussion and sympathetic understanding that makes people meet.The cultural concept is diffuse and very wide. Everyone has their own definition of it.

Att lämna en kriminell livsstil : En studie om ungdomars motivation och friskfaktorer efter en dom om institutionsplacering eller samhällstjänst

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesC-essay in Social work, Advanced course2006To give up a criminal life styleA study of motivation and protectional factors of juveniles after a sentence of institutional care or community workEmma Henriksson & Karin TengnäsABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that juveniles sentenced to institutional care or community work perceive as important for their decision to give up a criminal life style. The study approach was based on a few specific questions: (1) What aspects of the treatment have contributed to a motivation to abandon the criminal life style? (2) What have motivated the juveniles to make a decision to leave the criminal life style? (3) Are there any specific internal or external protectional factors that have been decisive for the rehabilitation process and, if so, are they linked to intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? The study rests on the theoretical foundation created by earlier research on institutional care, motivation and protectional factors. Interviews were chosen as a method to secure qualitative data and the interview manual was designed on the basis of themes that reflect the questions of the study. Six young people?s perception of their treatment is documented in the study, as well as their opinion on the effectiveness of the treatment.

Introduktionen som försvann - lanseringen av litauiska noveller till en svensk läsekrets.

This work concerns the book "Litauiska noveller" [Lithuanian Short Stories],  a collection of nine Lithuanian short stories translated into Swedish by noted Finnish diplomat Ragnar Öller (1893-1960) and tutor and  journalist Nils Bohman (1902-1943).  The authors of the nine short stories are Jonas Bili?nas, Vincas Kr?v?-Mickevi?ius, Antanas ?ukauskas-Vienuolis, Ignas Jurkunas-Scheynius, Jurgis Savickis, Petras Cvirka, and Petron?l? Orintait?.The 242-page book published 1940 in Stockholm, was the first translation of literary texts from the Lithuanian appearing in the Swedish language. In spite of a professionally carried out translation, the book never gained the attention of Swedish literary circles, and has more or less been forgotten throughout the post war period and up to the present.The purpose of this paper is to investigate the history leading up to the publication of the book within the context of Swedish-Lithuanian relations, and analyse the possible reasons of why this work remained unnoticed for so many decades. Why was the book not reviewed in the Swedish daily press? Was the book ignored because of the choice of authors of the novels? Was the disregard due to the political situation?A discussion from a few selected points of view follows on some possible reasons of why the launch of "Litauiska noveller" failed in 1940.An appendix listing published works of Lithuanian authors in the Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic) up to 1996 is attached..

Kundnöjdhet i revision: En jämförelse mellan företag som reviderats av Big Four och företag som reviderats av någon annan revisionsbyrå

The need for auditing originates from the agency problem that arises due to the separation of ownership and control in companies. The purpose of the audit is to increase credibility of the financial statements that management uses to communicate with owners and other stakeholders. In order for the audit to fulfill its purpose a certain level of quality needs to be obtained. The auditor can also be seen as a provider of a commercial service in which service quality is important. Audit quality can thus be separated into technical quality, which is defined as the probability that the auditor both discovers and reports a breach in the client?s accounting system, and service quality, which relates to the provision of services in general.

"Bara vara Barn" - vem får man vara och vem får man bli? : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar om identifiering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan.

This essay is a comparative research between pupils' experience of how the headmaster, teachers and other school staff interpret and apply the democratic education. The results are based on a survey carried out in senior high school, as well as interviews with the school staff. The democratic education charge has a long history of Swedish school system and is the basis for the maintenance of a democratic society. Both policy paper of state investigations and researchers in the field, regard to school as the primary and unique instance in order to promote and develop democratic skills in children and young people. However, it is shown that those who come out from school lack of knowledge and awareness of democracy and the will to speak their mind.

Sexualbrott, gärningsman, barn : - En studie i sexualbrottslagstiftningen

Abstract The law in sexual crimeis one of the most important sections in law that we have for the legalsecurity in relation to the victims. It took many years before Sweden began toactively examine how our laws were designed in this area, but throughout the2000s, several reforms have taken place. These have in turn led to SOU 2010:71,the inquiry is for us to have a new sexual offenses law again January 1st 2012. The major reform took place in 2005,which would change the whole structure of Sexual Crimes Act by the new Chapter6. The goal here was to increase the protection of children victims of sexualabuse of any kind. Furthermore, they changed the term "sexualrelations" to "sexual conduct" throughout the entire chapter 6.The reason for this was that the former term is considered to be misinterpretedthat an assault could be seen as mutual.

Vad är laganda?

Aim: Team spirit is a concept often used in both managerial literature and in other contexts where the efficiency of a group is discussed. Despite the fact that team spirit is used as a selling point for courses, books and seminars, no unambiguous definition of the term is available. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify what team spirit means to individuals within companies and team sports. Method: The thesis has been carried out using studies of available literature, which has been compiled into a conceivable model of what team spirit may imply. From this model a poll has been made, and handed out to individuals within companies as well as team sports. After having compiled the 37 replies, correlating answers has been sought after within each group of respondents. Result & Conclusions: The result shows us that there are varying opinions of what team spirit is, and generally accepted definitions of closely related ideas like cohesion and group development has to the respondents not been able to form a satisfying description of what team spirit means.

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