

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 57 av 76

Det svenska spelmonopolet : Sätter EG-rätten stopp för statens kassako?

AbstractThe subject for this thesis is the Swedish gaming monopoly. This thesis describes the Swedish legislation that regulates the market for gaming in Sweden. The European legislation is also explained in the thesis; both the rules in the EC treaty and the rulings made by the EC court of justice (ECJ). The purpose with this is to see if the Swedish legislation can be upheld considering the rules set up by EC law. The second part of the thesis is focused on the actuality of the problem and the future possibilities for the regulation.

Förändringar i markanvändning över tid och dess påverkan på vattenkvalitet

The EU Water Framework Directive has led that management follows the boundaries of natural catchments.The Swedish waters suffer from a nutrient overload that originates mainly from diffuse sources such as agriculture and the subcatchment of Hackstabäcken in Vallentuna Kommun, just north of Stockholm, has been chosen for this study because of its high nutrient load and because it has undergone obvious changes in land use through the years.In this study, the land use in 1902 is compared with the land use in 2011 in order to investigate if it has influenced the ability of the landscape to produce ecosystem services related to nutrient removal. These services will continue to be produced as long as the system is stable and resilient, but when landuse changes and manure from horses increases it will lead to disturbances that can convert a system from one regime in to a completely different one. That will result in loss, or degradation, of ecosystem services such as denitrification, phosphor sedimentation and adsorption, vegetation uptake and infiltration.The results of this study are based upon area calculations of landuse from old maps from 1902 and 2011. Through these maps it becomes clear that the forests in Hackstabäcken, has increased with 170 ha together with an urbanization of 311 ha, at the same time as wetlands and arable land has diminished and lakes has suffered from reductions. Wetlands have been reduced with 76 ha and the ones remaining are of insufficient quality from a nutrient removal perspective.Data from 1902 and 2011 regarding number of horses and bovines indicated a decrease in bovines and an increase in horses.

Hur hanterar skolor hot och våld? : En fallstudie av ansvarsfördelning och implementering av riktlinjer på skolan

How schools handles threat and violence among pupils could have an effect on the surrounding world, since schools reflect society at large. This study attempts to explore how this is handled within two schools, one secondary school and one upper secondary school. How do the schools work with violence and threats amongst pupils? Who is responsible for what? Is this work based on school guidelines? Why/why not? The theoretical starting-points have been Lundquists implementation-based control-model and an organizational point-of-view using theories about open and closed systems, primarily Meyer and Rowans neo-institutionalism. To gain validity, the study has been carried out by way of triangulation, i.e.

På dagordningen: Skolgården : en fallstudie av skolgårdsutveckling inomprojektet Gröna Skolgårdar i Malmö

The purpose of this essay is to analytically review and discuss architecturalcompetitions, mainly through the general views of a few selected workinglandscape architects, architects and scientists. I have studied the moral and workethicalaspects of using graphical presentations as a mean to draw attention,rather than trying to meet the set program points.My results are derived from e-mail interviews, literature studies and studies ofthe competition entry Stockholmssfären from the competition Stockholmsportenwhich was held in Sweden early 2011.The literature studies have shown that the available literature on architecturalcompetitions and research on the subject is biased towards architecture ratherthan landscape architecture. Worth mentioning is also that there is not a lot ofavailable literature, mainly due to lacking research on the subject.The informants for the interviews were selected based upon their academicmerits and/or experience of working with or doing scientific research onarchitectural competitions. The landscape architects? opinions regardingarchitectural competitions turned out to be in many ways alike ? they seemed tohave a pretty relaxed view of competing in architecture.

Effekter av "Billigaste väg" för Stora Enso Skogs transportverksamhet :

Transportation constitutes a large part of the forest industry's raw material costs. Transport also contributes a significant proportion of the carbon dioxide emissions. In order to reduce both the cost and environmental impact different types of decision support are required. These, in turn, require extensive information about the road network and correct information on road path selection and transport distances. In the development of national road data base for forestry (SNVDB) a road selection application has been included.

Bemästra, bistå eller både och? : En kritisk studie av Provincial Reconstruction Teams roll och agerande i Afghanistan

The specific task of this thesis is to illustrate the complexity of a cooperation between civilian and military entities by examining Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and their role as an actor among others in the field in a war-torn Afghanistan.By using counterinsurgency strategy as an analytical framework it has been possible to examine the civilian and military contexts closer. Underlying structures concerning the norms and interpretation of reality of the PRTs has been partly revealed. Studies of the PRTs as one significant bearers of "the comprehensive approach", which includes a holistic approach regarding the use of civilian and military capabilities, new conclusions can be drawn on whether a general civil-military approach can be a part of the solution for current and future conflicts. Based on the counterinsurgency strategy, the author has identified three themes as bearing and thus appears through the thesis as a foundation. These are Coordination, Development and Security.

Det känns konstigt att vara på samma ställe : Ungdomars upplevelse av kommunikationsprocessen i samband med växelvis boende

Summary:Teenage girls? choice of dropping out or complete a treatment.The purpose of this study is to investigate, from a client?s perspective, why teenage girls (age 13 to 17) drop-out or complete a treatment at Familjehuset in Karlstad, Sweden. We also want to investigate if the teenage girls? experiences coordinate with the social workers opinion of why the teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete the treatment. Earlier research shows that many factors influence the client?s choice.

Mundo mortus ses, sed Deo vivas? : en osteologisk studie med avsikt att bedöma klostret i Ny Varbergs karaktär

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Materialhantering till och från robot

Material handling is a term that includes all kinds of handling of material from a raw product to a finished one. ABB is active in the following segments; foundry, packaging and palletizing, metal industry and plastics industry.The demands for efficiency and reliability have been set very high in the industrial sector. Optimizing of the material handling will give the company higher cost-effectiveness. Around the robot there are different kinds of material flows, to optimize the cycle time, consisting of carriages combined in different ways.Motion Control is a complex system with main functions such as; positioning, synchronizing, indexing and more. The products in the system need to cooperate to make these functions possible therefore integration of motor- and servo products are important.

Gäddan & fisket i Ringsjöholm : en osteologisk metodstudie i säsong & bevarande

This paper presents the results from an osteological method study of the Ringsjöholm fishbone material. Ringsjöholm is located in Scania, southern Sweden and is 14C dated to 5960-5200 B.P. The aim of this paper is to critically analyse methods used on fish bone material in estimations of season. Three different approaches were used to estimate the fishing season at the Ringsjöholm settlement; 1) identified species, 2) size estimations of the pike based on Enghoffs (1994-95) regression formulae of os dentale, and 3) growth rings of the pike vertebrae.The identified species and the size estimations of the pike points to the fishing being active both during spring and summer. Growth rings analysis of the pike vertebrae didn?t give any quantitative results because of fragmentation.

L?t maten tysta mun? De nationella elevorganisationernas inst?llning till skolmat och skolmatsdebatt 1957-1982

The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish national student organizations attitudes towards school food and the school food debate between 1957-1982. The previous research on the subject maps the historical background and development of the school meal, but lacks a contemporary student perspective from the chosen time period, not least on a deeper and more political level. The theoretical starting points in the study concern organizations and their influence on public authorities as well as student influence. These theoretical frameworks are used to describe the conditions for the currently active national student organizations; Elevf?rbundet and SECO, in the political arena.

Den konfessionslösa skolan - en teoretisk realitet men praktisk omöjlighet? : En kvalitativ studie av normerande företeelser i svenskt religionsundervisningsmaterial

Vocal technique and interpretation are the key elements of voice training. Thepurpose of this article is to investigate what vocal technique and interpretation meanto teachers and students and how they would describe the relationship between thetwo. The questions at issue, intended to be answered in this article, are the following:What is the relationship between vocal technique and interpretation? How should theteaching be structured for the students to experience progress on the musical plane?What role does the teacher have in the musical development of the student?This is a qualitative survey and the methods of investigation are semi-structuredinterviews and classroom observations. Presented in the article are a number ofresearchers and writers whose thoughts on the subjects have gained great importanceto vocal teachers and students, as well as leading the research on the voice and itsfunctions forward to higher grounds.

Radon i flerbostadshus : Kartläggning av fastighetsförvaltarnas egenkontroll avseende radon

Radon is a hazardous substance that cannot be perceived by our senses. It has long been known that exposure to high radon levels for a long period of time will ultimately cause lung cancer. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority estimates that 500 people die annually due to this. Although most of them are smokers, even non-smokers suffer from lung cancer caused by radon. The statutory value for radon in homes today is 200 Bq/m³.

Kvalitetssäkring av markberednings- och planteringsuppföljning hos SCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning :

Quality assurance means to systematically work for better understanding of the customers needs, demands and expectations. The goal for this study was to investigate how quality can be assured in the job follow up that is made by forestry contractors after soil scarification and planting. The study consisted of a description over the current follow up process at SCA forest AB Jämtlands forest administration, analysis of current follow up situation and an investigation of follow up process made by contractors in other line of business. The first step was a statistical comparison where the own follow up made by contractors were compared with follow up made by SCA them selves over 100 stands. Two soil scarification contractors and two planting contractors carried out the silvicultural measures. The results showed that significant differences between a number of quality factors measured, for example number of approved plants or approved scarification points, average score on stand and number of totally planted plants.

Hur skapar man en dokumentärfilm, med utgångspunkt från ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk? : Med fokus på trovärdighet

Målet med denna uppsats är att visa hur den dramaturgiska kurvan påverkar publikens sätt att ta till sig dokumentärfilm, med hänsyn till upplevelse och trovärdighet. I följande uppsats kommer man att på viktiga beståndsdelar som bidrar till hur man kan arbeta fram ett dramaturgiskt bildspråk inom det dokumentära skapandet av film. Viktiga punkter som delges innefattar även hur man bygger på trovärdighet mot sin publik och binder detta samman genom en bra dramaturgi, detta i kombination med ett projekt, följt av diskussion och slutsatser. De verktyg, som tidigare forskning hänvisar till, upplevs som positiva hjälpmedel för att genomföra en trovärdig produktion. Dock bör tilläggas att min erfarenhet av detta kandidatarbete, visade på att man bör lägga större fokus på att arbeta i realtid, än att påverka materialet allt för mycket i efterbearbetning.

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