

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 34 av 76

Det blyga ägget och den utåtriktade spermien : En språksociologisk studie av hur gällande könsnormer påverkar högstadieungdomars upplevelser av kränkande språkbruk

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Enkel biljett till ovissheten : Äldre invandrares upplevelse av integrationen i Sverige

We were commissioned to do this study by the Red Cross Centre for victims of torture and war (RKC) in Skövde and questions was asked about how it can be to come as a refugee to a new country and start over. The purpose of this study was to search for a deeper knowledge about older immigrants experiences of their integration in the Swedish community. The conception of ?older immigrant? aimed of persons born before 1954 since these persons culturally was the older ones in the patient group at RKC. This study handled both men and women, was categorised in different themes and was analysed from theoretical points about identity and crises.

Karaktärisering av hästerns gångarter med accelerometerteknik

In today?s horse keeping, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of movement and activity for the horses comfort and tenability, while tradition has it that horses should be kept in boxes and small paddocks. In order to develop housing systems that fulfils and optimizes the horses needs regarding movement and activity, we need to know more about factors that influence the activity patterns of horses. A first step is to be able to record and analyze the gaits in horses with an automated system. This could be done by use of accelerometer data.In this pilot study, existing accelerometer technique was used to characterize the different gaits in horses (walk, trot and canter) by studying how their respective signal patterns differ and how this is influenced by the size of the horse.The accelerometers being used in this study measures the movement in three different spaces; horizontal, lateral and vertical.

Åtta röster gällande omplaceringar i skolan

This study is about relocated students in the school. Research in this area is limited and the aim is to illuminate the area by listening to different people's voices that have been close to or involved in relocations. The study was made of a qualitative method and the collection of data was through interviews. A total of eight people were included in the study. The selected municipality is located in Sweden.

Hundkomando! eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i grundskolan resonerar kring sitt sätt att kommunicera med och bemöta barn med ADHD

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how teachers in primary school reason on their way to meet and communicate with children who have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Research questions of the study were as follows: How does teachers in primary school reason about their way to communicate with children with ADHD? Do the teachers use some specific methods or means of communication with students who have ADHD? Do the teachers reason about their way how to handle conflicts with students who have ADHD? I collected my empirical material through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting points were interaction theory and the socio-cultural perspective. I have used these theories to analyze my material.

Hellre överkvalificerad än undersysselsatt - om övergångsfrekvensen till högre utbildning i Sverige under 80 år

This essay aims to explain the fluctuations in the Swedish transition rate to higher education between 1923 and 2002. With theories of human capital, and screening, as points of departure, seven variables are selected and their correlation with the transition rate investigated by use of graphs and tables. The variables are unemployment, youth unemployment, the supply of academics, cohort size, number of high school graduates from programs preparing for ensuing studies, relative wage trends for worker categories with differing levels of education, and structural phase. Results show that no single variable nor the theories of human capital or screening can explain the fluctuations in transition rate in full. Instead I propose a theoretic model which amalgamates the above and places risk aversion as the driving force behind the individual?s educational decision.

Läsa för livet: Bibliotekschefers syn på litteraturförmedling för vuxna

The aim of this Master´s thesis is to examine how public library managers reflect on readers´ advisory and promotion of adult literature, and how they view and discuss the governmental proposition Läsa för livet (prop. 2013/14:3). Questions posed in this study are: What matters do public library managers think fiction have on adults? How do public library managers reflect on promotion of adult literature? What are public library managers´ views on the governmental proposition Läsa för livet and how it will affect the public library?The theoretical starting-points used in this study are views on literature by Magnus Persson and Gitte Balling, and views on literature promotion by Rasmus Grøn. Method chosen was semi-structured interviews with six library managers in public libraries.

Behövs en litterär kanon? : Jämförande studie baserad på sju gymnasielärares syn på kanons plats i svenskundervisningen 

English title: Is a literary canon necessary? A comparative study based on seven senior high school teachers´ different approaches towards the place of canon in the education of Swedish. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how seven senior high school teachers relate to a literary canon in Swedish while teaching literature in senior high school, identifying similarities and differences among the teachers? view and opinions about an outspoken formal literary canon and a silent, informal canon.The earlier research opens the door slightly to the American debate and gives insight about the complexity of the concept of canon. The study continues with exploring possible relations to postcolonial theory and didactics.    The study reveals that the majority of the concerns against canon are that too much centrally governed education may decrease the motivation and commitment of the teacher. In addition, the dominant canon passivizes a certain variety of literature, thus various points of views. On the other hand, views on the equalizing effect of canon on the level of education and its benefits in increased knowledge of the history of the literature are salient. .

Vad hade du på dig? : Representationen av våldtäktsoffer och förövare i tre dagstidningar med olika ideologisk inriktning (Aftonbladet, SvD och DN)

The following Bachelor?s thesis examines how three Swedish national newspapers (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet), which all represent different points on the ideological spectrum, portray victim and perpetrator in their representation of rape during the year 2011. The thesis examines the newspapers news, editorial pages and reports of rape. The study uses a quantitative approach with qualitative elements which has its foundation in the theory of social constructivism and priming theory. Political science can be studied from the perspective of power, and media has a central role of this power.

Modellbaserad prediktiv reglering av en dieselmotor med variabel geometriturbin och återcirkulering av avgaser

Control of a diesel engine equipped with Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) requires a multivariable control method. One problem is that the engine system is non-linear. Furthermore there are strong cross-connections between inputs and outputs and the inputs have alsoboundaries. To be able to manage these control problems, MPC has been used that is a multivariable method. The MPC-controller consists of an optimization problem and therefore MPC can find the optimum control signals in an easy way.

"När författare slutar nämnas i skolan glöms de bort? : om värmländsk litteraturhistoria i undervisningen

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Litterära Cirkeln : En studie hur Cirkeln av Mats Strandberg och Sara Bergmark Elfgren diskuterats på bokbloggar i anknytning till nätbokhandlar

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine posts on bookblogs about the book, Cirkeln by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren and see how it has distributed amongst readers through social media and reader response. We want through this examine whether bookblogs have a place in the literary society, and in such cases, how this may take place. The Swedish Online bookshops Adlibris and Bokus is being used to find the blogposts to be examined in this thesis. The analysis is being implemented using content analysis and constructed encoding schemes. Interdisciplinary topics, like LIS and sociology of literature may have similar points of contact, which we want to highlight with this thesis.

Varmhållen och kyld skolmat : En jämförelse med fokus på energianvändning mot bakgrund av livsmedelssäkerhet och näringsretention

The aim of this report has been to investigate the use of electricity energy before and after a conversion of foodservice. The ambition was also to highlight the food safety and the retention of nutrients in relation to the conversion. The methods being used were qualitative interviews, case studies, study visits and literature. The equipment and the use of energy was the same in 2008 as in 2011 for hot-holding of the tested component, sauce with ham. The chilled system used more than three times the energy and cost for one portion than one portion in the hot-hold system.

Användarspridd reklam på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om hur användarspridd information på Facebook uppfattas av användarna

In this Bachelor?s essay we discuss whether eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is perceived as advertisement or as normal information, which is not influenced by any company, on the platform Facebook. The information which we were interested in is the one spread by normal users, and user?s perception of it. To find our results we have conducted a study in which we have used the method interview, which gives qualitative results.

Att tala så det träffar : Om konsten att ge och ta feedback

To have a functioning organization where there is a self-development for employees them selves, as well as between managers and employees, where employees are empowered and work for the organization and its goals. Feedback seems to be the main instrument to solve problems and create that organization. At the Military Academy Karlberg and the basic officers training there is a lot of discussions about feedback and how it is supposed to be carried out. This essay discusses the matter of how well we live up to the demands set by leadership classes at the Military Academy, what the platoon leaders do think about how feedback takes its expression. The questions about how feedback is used are to be answered by interviews with five platoon leaders and their thoughts about how feedback is communicated at the Academy.

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