

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 11 av 76

Askans inverkan på beläggningstendensen i ett biobränsleeldat kraftvärmeverk och växtplatsens påverkan på askegenskaperna :

This report was written by Sofia Ericson and describes the degree thesis with the title: ?Connections between the growing site of bio fuel, the chemical composition of bio fuel ash and the deposit growth in a bio fuel fired boiler.? The purpose of this degree thesis was to avoid melted deposit growth in the bio fuel fired boiler at ENA Kraft in Enköping. Potassium and sodium are known to lower the melting point of bio fuel ashes and are therefore not wanted in the trees in higher amounts than necessary for the growth. Silicon is also known to be important for the deposit growth but it is not possible to say in general if higher or lower contents of silicon is better. The relation between silicon and other chemical substances is more important than the total amount of silicon.

Att komma ut: en studie av hur unga vuxna har upplevt utvecklingen till en homosexuell identitet

The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of the process of developing a homosexual identity during childhood. We wanted to examine the experiences, feelings and thoughts that young adults, identifying themselves as homosexuals, had growing up in Sweden.For the study a qualitative method was used and nine interviews were made with young adults in the ages of 18 - 30. They answered our questions about their process of developing a homosexual identity, about their friends, family and school and about the society in general. We analysed the material from the interviews using the theory of the coming-out-process as presented by mainly Månsson and Hilte (1990).The main result from the study was that there were some difficulties for our respondents to become aware of their homosexuality and reveal their homosexuality to others. Most of our respondents experienced anxiety and/or fear as they were becoming aware of their sexuality but did become conscious about their homosexuality and accepted it before turning 21 years old.

Gaming och informationsanvändning : En informationsvetenskaplig studie av tv-spel och gamers

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine video games, gamers and gaming from an information science perspective. The purpose of the study is partly to study video games as a type of information system and partly to study gamers information use, information seeking and also the experience of gaming. A selection of five games have been analysed using a topology for video game analysis created by Espen Aarseth. A quantitative investigation has also been made, in the form of a web survey distributed through four Swedish online forums, the result of which was analysed using Carol Collier Kuhlthaus model of the information seeking process.

Sa?kerhet och integritet i webbapplikationer : En orientering o?ver sa?ker utveckling

The use of Web applications is a growing area. While the possibilities and functionalities are increasing, so is the complexity of them, together with the threats against them because the complexity also opens up the application to vulnerabilities. It is therefore important for developers to know how a web application can be developed with security in mind.This study?s intention has been to create an introductory documentation of what kind of techniques that exists which can produce higher security, which methods there can be within the development process and what to think about when programming secure web applications. In this paper we have investigated how theoretical manuals in the IT security department handles that area, and interviewed two developers from two different companies to see how they use security in their web applications.The study has an exploratory technical perspective and does not explain how to practically use and interconnecting different security-enhancing technologies, but is more suppose to give a first glance at what is available and sow a seed for those interested to continue reading further about the subject.

Merkel med NSA på andra sidan luren.

Title: Merkel with NSA on the telephoneThe aim of this essay is to study how Angela Merkel is being portrayed in context of NSAs surveillance in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The time period for the study is from the 24th of October to the 7th of November in the autumn of 2013. To concretize the aim three questions was formulated, how Angela Merkel was being portrayed in the material, how NSAs surveillance of Angela Merkel was being portrayed in the material and how different statements for various individuals in the material could affect the truth about the surveillance. The method chosen to study these questions was a discourse analysis, which also would contain parts of a linguistic analysis. The theories to support the method were Laclau & Mouffes discourse theory and Michel Foucault?s genealogical discourse analysis.

En hårfin linje mellan liv och död : Om före detta kriminellas vändpunkt i livet

Denna studie vill ge större inblick och förståelse för individen bakom den kriminella stämpeln, samt bringa insyn i dessa individers egna tankar om sina kriminella handlingar och kampen ut ur kriminaliteten. Avsaknaden av tron på att personliga livshändelser sker utifrån egna handlanden, där personen istället agerar passivt offer i sitt liv är något som återfinns hos interner. Motsatsen till detta är personer som tror på sitt eget handlande, det vill säga internal locus of control. Denna uppsats belyser kriminellas bakgrundshistoria till uppbrottet ur den kriminella livsstilen med fokus på locus of control, vändpunkter och framtidsperspektiv. Tio personer deltog, varav åtta män och två kvinnor i enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Läslust : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar gällande att väcka läslust hos barn i förskoleklass

Children's language development is highly connected to the success of every school. Especially when it comes to the children learning reading and writing skills, regardless of what method the schools use in order to achieve this. An early intervention can facilitate the learning of reading comprehension. Reading aloud and playing with the language learning is the greatest gift we can give our children and students. Children learn how to use a book by turning the pages and see how the words and texts are structured.

Historiesyn - Drivkraften i försoning : Ett kvalitativt arbete av Commision on Amnestys historiesyn

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance

Title: The Relationship between Internationalization and Firm Performance Seminar date: 5 June, 2008 Course: Masters thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Cheng Hsun Chiang and Márton Pap Advisor: Dan Kärreman Key words: Internationalization, Performance, Multinationality, Degree of Internationalization (DOI), Country of Origin Purpose: To illuminate various crucial aspects of internationalization by systematically contrasting the different models of the multinationality-performance relationship and searching for underlying reasons. Methodology: Meta-analysis on previous theoretical and empirical research. Our emphasis in this paper has been put on the qualitative aspects of the previous research unlike many other conventional meta-analyses that focus on the comparison of the empirical data. Theoretical perspectives: Five main models have been developed by earlier studies to describe the relationship between internationalization and performance: positive linear, no or ambiguous relation, inverted U-shaped, standard U-shaped and S-shaped curve.

Den spruckna metallen : En psykoanalytisk läsning av Karin Boyes roman Kris

Karin Boyes Crisis (Kris) was published in 1934 as a contribution to the contemporary ideas of moral issues, challenging the dominating traditionalism within the literature critisism.With different kinds of stylistic procedures is Crises expressing a self which seeks to relieve itself from the repressing experience of Language. The text shows an attempt to create meaning beyond the conventional system of linguistic signs, beyond the tradition of literature.The focus in the essay is the self; the self is the basic structure and the theme of the text. Crisis shows it?s self-assuredness and points out a dialogue with the nietzschean philosophy. Nietzsche claims that the truth is a rhetorical creation, something which the language produces in the will of power.

?Jag kommer aldrig säga att jag är svensk? : En kvalitativ studie kring sex elevers förhållning till sin flerspråkighet och hur den har påverkat synen på dem själva och deras identitet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how six students who attend a high school relate to their multilingualism and emphasize how their multilingualism has affected their views of themselves and their identity. The fundamental questions were:How do six students who attend a secondary school relate to their multilingualism?How has students' multilingualism affected their views of themselves and their identity?I did use a qualitative research method in terms of interviews to receive answers for my inquiries.Carla Jonsson (2010) speaks inter alia about ?the third space? which concerns adolescents creating a ?third room?. Almqvist (2006) believes that adolescents that are exposed to discrimination and prejudices can lead to them turning their backs on society in disappointment. Boyd (1985) has, in his thesis, found that multilingual students communicate with the majority language and with their mother tongue with their parents.

Bokstavskunskap i förskoleklass : En studie om pedagogers arbete med bokstäver i förskoleklassen inför skolstarten

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

Folkomröstningen som korrektiv : - en jämförande studie av riksdagens val av beslutsmetod i frågorna om EMU och EU-konstitutionen

Sweden has been a member of the European Union since 1995 and the power of the organisation to make decisions has increased over the years in a rate which hasn?t been followed by an equally increase in democratization. This is partly due to the lack of participation in the decision making process and at the national level the citizens don?t possess enough channels to compensate the loss of influence. To solve this democratic dilemma, more and more countries are turning to the referendum.

AppleTM 1 - 0 Allsvenskan : En uppsats om varumärken och fotboll i en föränderlig värld

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and understand how branding can take place in a football organisation. Football clubs have for a long time been seen as non-profit organisations but since money have become a main factor also in football these days the organisations are more or less turning in to commercial businesses. Football organisations have for many years neglected the assets of actively contributing values to their brand. Despite that branding doesn't seem to be seen as important in football organisations as it is for real companies who spend a fortune of money on building strong brands, which makes us curious to find out how this approach can be developed also in football. We are also interested in what the characteristics are and which underlying factors that determines the choice of a football brand.

Kylkedjan för snittblommor - en kartläggning av distributionen

Title:Chillchain for cut flowers ? how the distribution works.Author:Anna-Maja Svarén, student at Lund Institute of Technology, mechanical engineering.Supervisors:Annika Olsson, Department of Design Sciences.Bengt Sahlberg, Bioett AB.Problem:How does the distribution of cut flower works regarding temperature, losses, responsibility, complaints, packaging and weak points?Purpose:The purpose is to map the distribution of cut flowers, with focus on losses in the temperature, from farm to store. The goal is to identify weak points in the chillchain and to se how wrong temperatures affect the flowers. The results can be a help to secure the chillchain.Method:The work started with a problem; map the distribution of cut flowers with focus on temperature losses. Data was collected on the basis of this problem, then analysed, and finally conclusions were drawn.Conclusions:The affect handling and distribution has on a cut flower is very complex.

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