

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 10 av 76

Hur påverkar nationalkultur Lean-principernas framträdande? : En marknadsundersökning för Abou AB:s internationaliseringsprocess

The purpose of this paper is to examine how six students who attend a high school relate to their multilingualism and emphasize how their multilingualism has affected their views of themselves and their identity. The fundamental questions were:How do six students who attend a secondary school relate to their multilingualism?How has students' multilingualism affected their views of themselves and their identity?I did use a qualitative research method in terms of interviews to receive answers for my inquiries.Carla Jonsson (2010) speaks inter alia about ?the third space? which concerns adolescents creating a ?third room?. Almqvist (2006) believes that adolescents that are exposed to discrimination and prejudices can lead to them turning their backs on society in disappointment. Boyd (1985) has, in his thesis, found that multilingual students communicate with the majority language and with their mother tongue with their parents.

?Om jag kan, kan vem som helst? : En kvalitativ studie om olika vägar ut ur missbruket

The purpose with this studie was to examine how individuals with experience of a long-term drugabuse describe their transformationprocess, and if this process has contributed to a change in their selfdescription. The studie was delimit to examine the transformationprocess, not in relation to what sort of abuse the informants had, or in relation to gender. The studie anwered questions concerning motivation to stop abusing, how the informants started the drugcareer, and how life as an abuser is described. In the studie qualitative method was used, five semi-structured interviewes were made with individuals who had a long-term addiction in the past. Symbolic Interactionism was the theoretical frame of referense that was used for analyse.

Utlakning av tungmetaller från Skörby deponi

The purpose of this thesis has been to assess whether leaching from one particular Swedishlandfill site, Skörbytippen, is contributing to elevated levels of heavy metals in a ditch runningfrom the landfill site to the lake Mälaren in the communal region of Håbo kommun. Since theditch is stretching approximately five km downstream from the landfill site, in situ observationsand maps with known points of inflow was utilized to determine appropriate test points for thecollection of samples.Soil, water and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for content of organic material, pHand conductivity. Data on plant-available elements and total amounts of heavy metals wasacquired through ICP-analysis.The results show that the Skörby landfill is currently in the methane-forming anaerobedevelopment phase, which indicates that the concentration of free and complex-bound metals inthe leachate water should be low due to chemical binding with other landfill compounds. The pHof the sediment samples was generally one unit higher than the soil samples and some of themeasured data, such as pH and conductivity, show that an environmentally disturbing dischargeof some kind of strongly alkaline chemical(s) has been made from Benders? takpanneindustri inclose proximity to the landfill.

Lycka och livskvalitet ? Vägen till välbefinnande : En studie om den subjektiva upplevelsen av psykiskt välbefinnande

The main purpose of this study was to examine how people who have felt mentally bad, describe their subjective experience of what leads to a mental well-being. The overall research questions were; how does the individual define mental well-being, how does the individual describe the turning-point during her tough period, and in what way does the individual consider that her own effort has influenced her well-being? In order to answer these questions, qualitative research interviews were conducted with persons who?ve felt mentally bad and who?ve got some kind of professional help, and who think that they have a mental well-being today. The empirical material was analyzed from a theoretical resilience perspective. The study?s result showed first of all, that there are different ways to define well-being.

Tankar om dialogens roll i undervisning

There is an ongoing discussion about the declining quality of the teaching in the swedish school. This essay is a contribution to that discussion. It suggests that a certain kind of dialogue is necessary for the quality of the teaching to recover, and thereby also the quality of the students? education.The author turns firstly to philosophers of dialogue and finds in their works views appropriate to use when facing the situation of the swedish school. With the ideas of Martin Buber the author redefines the students as creatures of relationships.

Optimal Yatzy : Kan den optimala algoritmen optimeras?

Yahtzee is a game based on luck. Yet there are algorithms designed to give an optimal result and succeeds in doing so. This report compares the end result of an optimal algorithm to an algorithm that has been modified for the multiplayer scenario. The modified algorithm tries to win over the optimal algorithm through taking greater risks in its decisions when falling behind in points. The results show that it is not favorable to do so.

Utveckling av programvara till ett inbyggt styrsystem

This thesis considers the development of the software for an, newly developed, embedded real-time control system, based on a Periferal Interface Controller (PIC). The control system is developed to be used for several different applications. In this thesis work, software for two different applications are developed. The first task is a time controlled system, while the other task is implementation of aPI-/PID-controller. A user interface is also developed and implemented.The time controlled system is an automatic horse feeder, which is used for feeding horses at certain predefined points in time.

Chalmers oanvända datorkraft - Distribuering av arbete och energihantering med HTCondor

Chalmers University of Technology today have numerous computers which are never powereddown, at the same time there is a need for more computation power for researchers.Hence, we have investigated the possibility to use the computers for computing power andsecondly, if there is no work to be done, to put them into power saving mode.We have made a thorough study where we compared different distributing systems andin the end HTCondor was chosen as the best to implement. HTCondor is an excellent systemfor opportunistic use of computing power, i.e. make use of computers that no one elseis currently using. The system is used at several universities around the world with goodresults and would be excellent at Chalmers, where there is a need for such a system.Our implementation shows that HTCondor is well capable of handling unused computingpower. HTCondor can handle most file types that may be run on the system.

Ytbehandling baserad på hampolja

The varieties of paint are today very big, but many of the more popular paints are less than environmental friendly. The uses of fossilized fuel in paints are common because these paints dry fast and are color true. It would be beneficial for the environment if more renewable source were used to produce paint. Linseed oil is an old base for oil paints. It is renewable and easily procured.

Vem får ta plats i kurslitteraturen?

Discussions about the democratic deficit of the European Union have gotten more intense and the criticism usually points towards a great gap between the citizens and the EU politics. In this study the political communication policy is being put under the scope to investigate to what extent the policy is designed to counter the democratic deficit, supported by the theory of deliberative democracy. The analysis examines three aspects of the deficit ? decentralization, participation and the distribution of information ? and makes research into the communicative measures that have been implemented. The importance for EU to make deliberation possible is stressed throughout the essay and in the conclusion I argue that improvements still need to be made.  .

Vision Malmö - En analys av Malmö stads visioner kring stadens utveckling

This thesis is a critical discourse analysis of the vision of Malmös contemporary urban development. By analysing official documents produced by Malmö municipality our aim is to make discursive and sociolcultural practices in the constitution and construction of the city visible and problematicize them. To do so we use critical discourse analysis and theories on Urban Studies. Malmö is a city historically labeld as a ?labour- city?, with heavy industry as its main labourmarket.

Att leva i långvarig hemlöshet : Berättelser om vägen till och från hemlöshet

The aim of this study was to highlight homelessness through the perspective of formerly homeless men and women. The research questions focused on the informants experiences of the process into and out of the homeless situation and how their experiences could contribute to the knowledge about the social problem of homelessness. Besides the theoretical perspective of narrative and life course research, Fuchs Ebaugh exit theory and Honneth confirmation theory were used as theoretical guidelines.The empirical material consists of five life stories obtained through indepth interviews. The results of the study indicate that alcohol and drug use was of importance for the process towards homelessness. External factors as the change in the organization of the housing market in the 1990´s may also had an impact on the lifes of the informants.

Via Paris till Irak : en alternativ väg för rekonstruktionen av det postkonfliktuella samhället?

AbstractThis study examines the conclusions made by Roland Paris in his case study of fourteen major post-war reconstruction efforts following the end of the Cold War, and applies them to the current reconstruction process in post-war Iraq. Paris found a common denominator of the fourteen cases ? a belief that a rapid liberalization process, turning war-torn states into liberal market democracies, would foster sustainable peace. Paris calls this belief ?Wilsonianism? after Woodrow Wilson, who was one of the first advocates of it.

Vägen till en färdig textil

This work describes the process from sketch to functional textile. Starting points are thoughts about the transition from sketch to fabric, and the possibility to sketch before decisions are made about the quality of the final fabric. The first result of this study is the final product, a hand weaved clothing in thin wool that fulfils set demands. The second result is the knowledge that it is possible to make a purposeful sketch without knowing the final product..

Att identifiera uttryck

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the possibility to identify the FRBR entity expression from existing catalogue records performed within the context of Swedish cataloguing rules. The empirical study uses a sample of records from the catalogue within the library at the University College of Borås. To begin with, the thesis reports some of the earlier discussion about the FRBR model. That gives an understanding of which problems the model has and justifies the study?s delimitation towards expression.

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