

148 Uppsatser om Truth - Sida 7 av 10

Är "no news" verkligen "good news"? : En studie av hur tre svenska webbtidningar rapporterar om fem konflikter och hur teorierna CNN-effekten och Stealth Conflicts kan förklara detta

Is there any Truth in the saying ?no news is good news? or is there a reason to question whether media actually do reflect the world?s worst conflicts proportionally? The communication technologies have seen major developments in recent years, and more and more people choose to read their news on the Internet. With smartphones and other devices, one could imagine that there would be easier to cover more conflict areas than ever ? but is this what has happened?In this study we aimed to investigate how three chosen Swedish newspapers reflected five of the on-going conflicts of 2012 and how this can be explained with the theories; the CNN effect and Stealth Conflicts. We started out with studies of the two theories.

Jämförande analys mellan svenska och portugisiska reklambyråer. : Saker som är bra att veta om man ska arbeta som grafisk formgivare i Sverige eller i Portugal

If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy.

Service Management - har banken lyckats möta kundernas efterfrågan vad gäller utbud och kvalitet?

Syfte: Identifiera vad befintliga företagskunder vill ha för service. Detta för att banken ska behålla och vårda sina kunder samt skapa konkurrensfördelar.Metod: För att komma fram till svaret på vår problemformulering använder vi oss av intervjuer, enkäter och företagsbesök. Informationen vi får fram ur dessa jämför vi sedan med våra teorier.Slutsats: Kristianstads Sparbank har i nuläget ett serviceutbud som stämmer väl överens med vad deras företagskunder efterfrågar. Banken har lyckats väl med sanningens ögonblick då företagen generellt ger höga medelbetyg på den service som banken erbjuder. De mest intressanta slutsatserna har vi kunnat dra utifrån kommentarerna på enkäten.

Sanningskommission och specialdomstol - ett komplement till varandra i skapandet av transitionell rättvisa? En fallstudie om ansvarsutkrävande av krigsförbrytelser och brott mot mänskligheten i Sierra Leone

Denna uppsats är en fallstudie som har för avsikt att undersöka relationen mellan The Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission och Special Court for Sierra Leone. De båda organen upprättades för att bemöta krigsförbrytelser och brott mot mänskligheten som begicks under inbördeskriget 1991-2002. Syftet är att analysera huruvida sannings- och försoningskommissionen och specialdomstolen kan ses som ett komplement till varandra i skapandet av transitionell rättvisa eller om det finns något som tyder på att man måste göra ett val mellan dem.Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är att en kombination av juridiska och icke-juridiska metoder är nödvändig för att man ska kunna tala om rättvisa i ett större sammanhang. De olika metoderna fyller båda sin funktion i strävan efter rättvisa i ett post-konflikt samhälle. Slutsatserna som kan dras av fallet Sierra Leone är att sannings- och försoningskommissionen och specialdomstolen utgjort ett komplement till varandra.

Ekot av normerna : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur kön konstrueras i Dagens Ekos nyhetssändningar

Sweden?s most trusted news distributor, Sveriges Radio (Swedish Public Service radio broadcaster), has high ambitions with the journalism it broadcasts ? especially when it comes to gender equality and diversity. This thesis examines how gender is constructed in Dagens Eko (Today?s Echo) to find if and how power structures are expressed language-wise. Queer theory is used to look at how gender is constructed and how one can look at, and question, gender and gender hierarchies.

Läget - allt och ingenting : En studie av hyressättning av kontorslokaler i Stockholm

Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge around the location?s importance when rent setting office premises. Furthermore, I want to get broader knowledge about the real estate market as a whole when since it is of current interest.Method: The study is performed with the aid of qualitative interviews on persons with experience of office premises in Stockholm city. Theoretical dates mainly have been gathered via literature and the Internet. Then I have put together the interviews in order so that I finally can analyze empiric with theory.Result & conclusions: The results that have been achieved with this essay are how the concept location has been used within the real estate sector, also how important long-term thinking is when letting of premises, not only office premises.Suggestions for future research: Future studies can increase my study with more interviews, with for example real-estate owners.

Lära om eller från islam? : ? om möjligheterna att använda muslimska hemsidor i religionsundervisningen i den svenska skolan.

In a Swedish classroom today there will be students with different ethnicities, world views and religious beliefs.  The students will be taught religion through a non-denominational education, where as a teacher you are meant to be objective, open-minded and fair in the representation of different traditions. This representation is colored by the outsider-perspective and the students then learn about religion from a party which is not involved in the religion being taught. This essay discusses how to balance the outsider-perspective in religious education in the Swedish school with insider-voices. More specific, the use of Muslim websites when teaching about Islam.The material this essay studies are three Muslim websites: al-islam.se, islaminfo.se and islamguiden.se. In order to make a didactic analysis of the websites, they are compared to a standard Swedish textbook.

Sjuksköterskans kommunikation i palliativ vård

Den palliativa vården syftar till att lindra fysiskt och psykiskt lidande och bevara den svårt sjuke patientens livskvalité under livets sista dagar. Sjuksköterskans kommunikation påverkar såväl patientens delaktighet och välbefinnande såväl som vårdrelationen dem emellan. En förtroendefull relation kan bidra till ökat välbefinnande för patienten i palliativ vård. För att främja delaktighet så måste sjuksköterskan kommunicera med patient och anhöriga. Den sociala kompetensen har stor betydelse och etablerandet av relationer ses som betydelsefullt, likaså förmågan att visa medkänsla samt att vara vänlig och trovärdig.

Kol-14 datering : En litteraturstudie över hur kol-14 isotopen används för datering, samt utveckling och tillämpning av djup-åldersmodeller inom naturgeografin.

This literature study concerned the use and function of the radioactive isotope carbon-14, as a dating method of organic material, within the scientific field of physical geography. In this report it is presented the need of atmospheric calibration curves and the development of these as a necessity to translate carbon-14 years to calibrated calendar years. A number of common age-depth models that is used to give an approximation of an accumulation sequence and its related dates over the actual time period in different natural archives is presented and discussed. Different problems that commonly occur when age-depth models are utilized as for instance reservoir effects, contaminations or other age deviations are addressed and analyzed. The software CLAM in presented and discussed and was also used to produce age-depth models.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöregleringen : Med inriktning på arbetsrelaterad stress

This essay focus on work related stress and psychosocial enviroment in working life. The purpose of this study is to present a detailed description of regulation of the the Occupational Safety and Health Act and investigate how well employees are being protected by the law.I will also explain with the help of statistic which employees that most often suffer from work related stress and the results is discussed from a gender perspective.Work related phycosocial health is a big issue in todays workplaces, and people who suffers from stress are supposed to be protecteded by the the Occupational Safety and Health Act, but is that really the Truth? The Occupational Safety and Health Act is a frame law, meaning the law is general and needs binding regulations to define the rules, and there is no such act about work related stress at the moment. No employer has ever been convicted for work related stress. At the same time the Occupational Safety and Health Act explains that the employer has a responsibility to take arrangement to prevent mental illness in working life.It?s mostly women who suffer from work related stress.

Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka : Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft

Emma Nordin: Emilie Du Châtelets analys av lycka: Upplösning av polemiken mellan illusion och förnuft. Uppsala universitet: inst. för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, höstterminen, 2012. The 18th century is a time period known for its battle with superstition, illusion and falseness. With the Torch of Reason the philosophers of the time were set on vanquishing everything untrue and lead mankind into what they themselves called the Enlightenment. Happiness had moved from Heaven to Earth in science, Truth and pleasure.

Information, makt och konspirationsteorier : En studie av informationskritiska användare

Purpose?This study has examined the information behaviour and perception of information in a group ofinformation users who have a critical approach to the media and the information supply. Some of them call themselvesor are being called conspiracy theorists. The purpose was to examine how their information behaviour is influenced by the belief that the information is biased or inaccurate and what the information behaviour looks like when the user searches for discrepancies rather than a response to a question.Method?The study is based on transcribed interviews and email responses to interview questions.

För Sverige - i tiden : En analys av Sveriges kung Carl XVI Gustafs uttalanden och befogenheter i början av 2000-talet

The purpose of this essay is to examinate the statements and verbal attributions of King CarlXVI Gustaf of Sweden in the early 2000?s. More exactly I?ve got two question formulations:Which statements does king Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden make during the early 2000?s and are thesestatements, in line with the king?s attributions, non-political, party-politically neutral and noncontroversialaccording to different perspectives? Question number two is if there are to find anyboundaries for where the verbal attributions of Carl XVI Gustaf seem to go when he expresses himself inthe role as the king of Sweden and the chief of state in the early 2000?s. My procedure is to read theChristmas speeches of Carl XVI Gustaf during the 2000?s and use former beheld statements of Carl XVIGustaf to seek answers to the research questions.

Kulturmaffians myggor och tigrar ? En litteratursociologisk studie av litteraturkritik och härskartekniker i en tidningsdebatt

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the literature criticism are in the Swedish media in the reception of the novel Mosquitoes and tigers from 2007 written by the Swedish author Maja Lundgren. A second aim is to examine how master suppression techniques have been used by the literature critics in the newspaper debate. This qualitative study is based upon a total of 52 articles and reviews from five big Swedish newspapers. The theoretical approach, literature criticism, mainly originates from the Swedish professor in Literature Science Tomas Forser and the literature scholar Gunnar Hansson.

Estetik och funktion i stadsplaneringen : Substitut eller komplement?

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

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