

148 Uppsatser om Truth - Sida 6 av 10

Negativ publicitet och ökade opinionssiffror: En studie om medias bevakning av Sverigedemokraterna

The study aims to show how the publicity surrounding the Sweden Democrats have been during November in 2012 when polls for the party rose. The method that has been used is quantitative content analysis and a total of 215 articles from tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet are encoded. The period of the encoded material has been in November 2012 and the variables have been designed to answer how much publicity Sweden Democrats have received during that period, any topic that the articles touched on, the actors that have been cited, if players have received criticism or praise, how the party looked like and if certain words were used in the articles.The theories of the study are based on agenda setting, priming, ?The spiral of silence? and democratic role of the media. They concern, among other things, how media sets the agenda for what people think is important and how after being exposed to something, subconsciously creates a feedback about the phenomenon.The results show that the Sweden Democrats have received much negative publicity at a time when their poll numbers increase, which goes against the established Truth that says that positive publicity is beneficial to the parties while the negative publicity is adverse..

Faktorer som underbygger och motverkar användningen av doping : En genomgång och analys av dopingforskningen 2004-2009

Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling trips have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling trips strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.

Yttrandefrihet eller utrikespolitik? : En diskursanalys av Muhammedkarikatyrerna i svensk dagspress

The aim of this study is to analyze the discussion on the publication of twelve caricatures of the prophet Muhammad, in two Swedish newspapers ? Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. The caricatures were originally published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, in September 2005. Even though the violent protests and attacks against Danish interests gained major media attention in Sweden few ? if any ? major Swedish newspapers published the caricatures.Using Fairclough?s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), a theory and a method that critically examines the relationship between text, the discourse practice in which text is produced and consumed, and the wider social practice, this study examines why Swedish newspapers chose not to publish any caricatures.The study concludes that the relationship between orders of discourse continuously affect, and is also affected by, Swedish media content.

Entreprenörskap och tillväxt : En studie om externa faktorers påverkan på tillväxt

In today?s Sweden there is great belief in entrepreneurship and the benefits it can bring to the country. The Swedish government has taken note of this growing enthusiasm and realized the contribution it can make to facilitate national growth. Successful efforts have been made in Sweden to support entrepreneurship and innovation, which has resulted in a relative ease for individuals to start their own businesses.The number of companies started today is higher than ever and there are signs of a common faith in growth among new entrepreneurs. Unfortunately only a small fraction of these new businesses succeed in growing big.

Hur läser du? Om några iraniers läsning på svenska respektive persiska

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how people from Iran experience reading in their mother tongue, Persian, compared to how they experience reading in Swedish and if there was a difference. The questions to be answered in the thesis were: What is the dominant purpose when people read their mother tongue and when they read in Swedish. Do they read because they need information, because they want to relax or do they, when they read, reflect on their own lives? The method was qualitative, interviews were conducted with 8 Iranians living in Sweden. The theoretical background consists of a description of theories on reading and theories on language and identity.

Jag har ropat så högt jag förmått, jag har upphävt såväl stridsrop som bönerop

Lucie Lagerbielke (1865-1931) is a fairly unknown writer who lived and worked in Stockholm. All her life she was writing with a strong aim to tell her Truth and she had an aspiration to change the world for the better.  Her main points of views in her authorship were; oneness, the power of love, a belief in a supreme purpose to be served, religious mysticism and the interest in understanding and to prove the transcendent on a scientific basis. In my discussion I relate to Rita Felski and her expression the popular sublime, a term she applies to illustrate a sublime way of writing that was common in women popular fiction in the late nineteenth-century. This romantic literature with escapist tendencies was popular among the ordinary readers but very seldom met with success with the professional critics.Focus in this BA thesis is the spiritual Lagerbielke and in what way she wants to change the society. I have analyzed two of her novels, Daniel- ett lifsöde and En sällsam upplefvelse with intention to examine how she used her novels to plead for her cause.By making such an analysis I come to the conclusion that both her novels have the purpose to emphasize her philosophy of life.

Utlandsadopterade i behov av särskilt stöd?

The purpose of this study is to find whether there is any Truth in the thesis that adopted children from abroad is in greater need of special support, in particular regarding factors that might inhibit the language development that may cause language problems.To achieve knowledge for this study, the methods have been to seek and analyze literature that discusses theories about language development and language socialization. To understand if theory and reality is cohesive, two interviews was conducted with special teachers that have had experiences teaching adopted children, analyzes of the results contra literature has been somewhat important and necessary. To ensure the reliability the interviews was recorded on tape and later transcribed.The results from literature studies indicates that adopted children are more likely to be in need of special support in school due to factors concerning, among other things, adaptation difficulties, language progress and identity. Overall, language progress is depended on children?s total progress that includes physical, emotional and psychological condition.

Staten och civilsamhället i Uruguay

Lack of political interest and will to deal with human rights violations carried out under the civil- military dictatorship, has characterized the transition and post-transition in Uruguay. The systematic use of torture, arbitrary imprisonments and forced disappearances in the relatively small country created a culture of fear that has been present through out the post-transition phase. Human rights groups have been central actors in the fight for Truth and justice and against impunity. This study analyzes how these groups multiple democracy-building functions have contributed to democratic development. It also analyses how the democracy-building functions have been constrained by the political context.

Diskurs och dissonans : "den Samme" och "den Andre" i Mary Shelleys Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus

This essay ? Discourse and Dissonance ? deals with Mary Shelley?s gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of ?Them and Us?, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g.

Primärsånger : En empirisk studie om andliga barnsånger i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga

Syftet med studien är att få en djupare inblick i om informanternas trosuppfattning harpåverkats av barnsångerna de fick sjunga i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga då de varsmå, och i så fall hur detta har påverkat dem.Sex informanter som alla gick i Primär (kyrkans organisation för barn) har valts ut ochintervjuats. Informanterna är i åldrarna 19 till 32 och är från Sverige och USA. Studieninnehåller även en del om kyrkans musiktradition och kultur, samt analys av en primärsång.En av studiens slutsatser är att primärsångerna har varit ett medel för informanterna att lärasig mera om evangeliet, känna den Helige Anden och därigenom utveckla deras personligatro. Informanterna kommer fortfarande ihåg sångerna i vuxen ålder och kan på så sätt fortsättasjunga och fördjupa sig i sångernas religiösa budskap..

Hedersrelaterat våld - Hur kan hedersrelaterat våld förklaras, och hur används begreppet i svensk media?

The purpose of this study has been to explore definitions of violence performed in the name of honor, and the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs and is upheld. Furthermore, the study aimed at exploring how the Swedish expression for violence in the name of honor, ?hedersrelaterat våld?, is used within the Swedish media. To achieve these purposes, previous research in this matter was reviewed, as well as an analysis by means of categorizing the content of news articles from two Swedish daily newspapers. Previous research has showed that this type of violence occurs foremost within cultures upholding patriarchal structures and traditions, and women?s (non-)sexuality is looked upon as being of an utmost importance for the family?s honor.

"Facing the naked truth - on the road from Goodbye Old Self to Hello New Me..." : En litteraturstudie som belyser kvinnors upplevelser av sin förändrade kropp vid bröstcancer

Bakgrund: Den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor i Sverige är bröstcancer. Varje dag insjuknar 15 ? 20 kvinnor. För bröstcancer finns olika behandlingsprinciper: Kirurgi, strålbehandling, hormonell- samt cytostatikabehandling. Bröstcancerbehandling för kvinnor innebär såväl fysiska och psykiska svårigheter som resulterar i en förändrad kroppsuppfattning.

Thinking more like a client. : Designfaktorer som påverkar valet av tjänsteföretag.

Companies in the western world can no longer compete by using traditional means such as product and price since the commerce of services continually grows. To avoid similarity and increase competitive advantages modern companies have to be more specified. The competition between companies has increased and customers are harder to reach. Customers of today can afford luxury but trend indicates that originality, identity, and status are more important than factual needs. Products created and consumed at the same time within the service market are often very homogenous (similar).

Jag är hel! Detta ska ingen ta ifrån mig. En berättelse om drogupplevelser

The aim of this study is to highlight drug experiences and the significance our interviewee?s ascribe to their drug experiences in conjunction to their everyday lives. In the concluding chapter of this study we have used the collective experiences of the participants to allow us to engage in a dialogue of why it is important to acknowledge the attributes and needs an individual attaches to his/her perspective drug in the field of social welfare in Sweden. Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical approach is used as the framework for understanding responses of participants in this study. The word ?experience? is a comprehensive concept for the sensations that an individual feels.

"All photographs are accurate, none of them is the truth" : En kritisk diskursanalys av Veronica Palm och Filippa Reinfeldts relationsskapande på Instagram

All kommunikation, inklusive den politiska, förändras i och med de sociala mediernas framväxt. De erbjuder alternativa kommunikationsvägar till traditionella massmedier och torgmöten. I denna uppsats har de två svenska politikerna Veronica Palms (S) och Filippa Reinfeldts (M) relationsskapande via det visuella sociala mediet Instagram granskats. Utifrån teorier kring mediernas logik, medialisering, privat och offentligt, det växande förtroendet kring att bilder visar verkligheten samt visuell kommunikation har politikernas bildflöden analyserats utifrån kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) och semiotik.  Deras två bildflöden skiljer sig delvis åt då Palm tar större delen av bilderna som publiceras själv, ofta närbilder på saker i sin omgivning, medan Reinfeldt istället låter sig bli fotograferad i halvbild.

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