

688 Uppsatser om Trust - Sida 31 av 46


Because of the currently large recruitment needs within the Swedish nuclear powerindustry, it is necessary to recruit trainers from other recruitment groups than that ofexperienced operators at nuclear power plants. The foundation for a trainingprogram regarding these recruitment groups, here called ?aspirants?, has in this thesisbeen prepared. It contains a suggestion for main topics in the program. It also includesdiscussion on the balance between forms of education and a concrete example ofhow a lesson could be performed.These suggestions has been developed through analysis of interviews and surveyresponses from student groups most suited for the propositioned trainee program,and individuals with service as a trainer or closely linked to training activities withinthe industry.The analysis suggests that the candidates gets, besides the opportunity to practice asoperating staff before the theoretical training begins, a training program, tightly boundto the power plant with multiple instances of practice and the chance of going intothe power plant and see how things that are being raised in theory, look in real life.The practice, in addition to helping to create an understanding of the plant, it will facilitate networking with the operations staff to build a relationship and Trust.Candidates should have plenty of opportunity to educate and see both other aspirantsand experienced trainers train.

Bilden av islam och muslimer i svensk press

Studien handlar om hur islam och muslimer har framställts i svensk dags- och kvällspress ledarsidor under perioden 2004-01-01 och 2007-01-01. I undersökningen ingår tidningarna, DN, SvD, Expressen, Aftonbladet, GT samt KvP som tillsammans bidrar med 179 ledarsidor. Till denna undersökning har det dels använts en kvantitativ textanalys och dels Faircloughs kritisk diskursanalys där även flertalet av våra teorier ingår. Teorierna utgörs av Runnymede Trusts öppna och slutna attityder, kolonialismen och postkolonialismen, stereotypisering samt hegemoni och common sense. I den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen presenteras dessa tidningars inställning i siffror, som redogörs via olika diagram samt en tabell.

Att rädda världens djur : en retorisk analys av Parken Zoo:s kriskommunikation

Crisis communication can make a crisis turn into a double crisis. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze by which rhetorical means a double crisis can occur. With the Swedish zoo Parken Zoo as a specific example, this essay examines the crisis communication during the crises that started with the tv-show Kalla fakta. The tv-show revealed that Parken Zoo killed and slaughtered endangered and sacred animals. When asked about the specific animals, the head of the zoo gave different answers ? which contrasted with former employees testimony.

Staten, religionen och kapitalet : en analys av den europeiska skuldkrisen utifrån Max Webers ?Den protestantiska etiken och kapitalismens anda?.

Previous research regarding the European debt crisis has mostly focused on the purely economic aspects of the crisis. However, there is a strong ?Protestant-Catholic? dimension in Europe, where historically Protestant countries are more prosperous than their Catholic and Orthodox counterparts. This has especially been a fact since early 2010, when several countries within the European Union had their credit ratings downgraded. Is this phenomenon merely a coincidence? Or could the roots of the recent troubles in Europe have a basis in historic religions? To tackle this question, Max Webers ?s 110 year old study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is brought back into light and used as a tool for analysis of the crisis.The results show that not only are Protestant countries in general more prosperous, but they also have lower corruption and their citizens have a higher level of Trust towards the government.

Smärtpatienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta har funnits hos människor i alla tider och idag ses den långvariga smärtan som ett stort folkhälsoproblem. Långvarig smärta förändrar livsvärlden mer eller mindre. Samtidigt har anmälningar om brister inom bemötande ökat, där sjuksköterskan omnämns. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen hos personer med långvarig smärta i deras möte med sjuksköterskan. Metod: En litteraturstudie framställd ur vetenskapliga artiklar.

Hellre sjuk och mager än frisk och fet : En litteraturbaserad studie av kvinnors upplevelser under behandlingen för anorexia nervosa

BackgroundAnorexia nervosa is a growing problem in society and it is most common among women. It is a complex disease that affects both the mental and the physical health. The disease expresses itself differently from person to person, therefore, treatment should be individualized. Nurses need to gain insight into how patients feel about the treatment in order to understand their experience. Previous studies use statistical research to evaluate treatment.

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Är bankernas bolagsstyrningsrapporter förtroendeingivande?

Bakgrund: Allt fler skandaler kring bolagsstyrningar har inträffat på senare år vilkethar medfört att de flesta länderna utvecklat koder för hur redovisningen avbolagsstyrning skall ske. I bolagsstyrningsrapporterna skall det vara möjligt att utläsahur styrelsen har arbetat under året.Problemformulering: Kan förtroendet för bankernas styrelser öka genomtillämpandet av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning?Syfte: Syftet är att för författarna undersöka hur förtroendet för svenska banker kanpåverkas genom en bolagsstyrningsrapport.Avgränsningar: Författarna har valt att inrikta sig på de fyra största bankerna iSverige. Den studerade perioden är bolagsstyrningsrapporterna för verksamhetsåret2006. Att analysen utfördes på de fyra största bankernas rapporter beror på att de haren central roll i näringslivet och därför måste inta en förtroende ingivande roll isamhället.Metod: Uppsatsen präglas av sin kvalitativa ansats då data som studerats är i form avrapporter presenterade av företagen.

Hela världen i en matris

Of all observable societal trends, the proliferation of standardizing processes is striking. Auditing standards are an illustrative example of this. Not only privately owned companies must today make available numbers and key figures to satisfy needs of information and knowledge. Government agencies are increasingly conforming to this trend, adopting standards for quality assurance and monitoring, producing numbers and annual reports ? despite their somewhat ambiguous task and role.

Interaktionsdesign på webben - - Att påverka attityder till crowdfunding och mikroinvesterande genom grafiska komponenter och design

In this paper we have investigated which visual components that are of importance when designing a website with the purpose of influencing peoples attitudes in a positive direction regarding the specific phenomenas crowdfunding and microinvestments. To investigate how people respond to these concepts we made a survey. The survey showed us that the respondents were indecivise regarding risktaking and that personal interest was of great importance weather the respondents were to invest or not. Therefor we included visual components in the design with the purpose of expressing professional and Trustworthy impressions and at the same time reach the user at an emotional level. In the following interviews that we made we tested if our visual components had the intended effects.

Skola i förändring : Bra betyg = Bra demokrat?

Title: School in Change : Good Grades = Good Democrat? Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Political Science Author: Marcos Castro Allende Supervisor: Per Strömblad Date: 2013 ? May Aim: The background to this study is a book published by Staffan. I Lindberg & Richard Svensson where they presented a hypothesis that the decline in Trusting democracy within Swedish youth is a result of the deregulation of the education in Sweden. The aim of this study is to test this hypothesis and see if the declinne in democracy can be seen already before graduating from elementary school. Method: The method used in this study consist of a survey distributed to students at two elementary schools that differentiates in question of grades and social status. By comparing and analyzing the results of this survey with the claims of the hypothesis, former studies and Lipsets theory of the working-class authoritarism a conclusion is made of the hypothesis credibility. Result & Conclusions: The results showed that there may be a a difference Trusting democracy between students with higher grades and those with lower grades.

Tillitens nödvändiga förutsättningar? : En undersökning av svenska konsumenters köpbeteende vid näthandel inom landet och gentemot Polen, Tyskland och USA

I och med att människor runt omkring i världen idag kopplas ihop med hjälp av ny teknik och kommunikationsmedier är det intressant att studera hur konsumenter från ett visst land ser på handel med andra länder på nätet. Denna studie syftar till att skildra vilka faktorer på landsnivå som gör att svenska konsumenter väljer att näthandla en digitalkamera från ett land framför ett annat. Mer specifikt utreder studien svenska konsumenters köpbeteende vid näthandel inom landet och gentemot Polen, Tyskland och USA. Tidigare forskning har visat att tillit har en viktig betydelse vid handel mellan länder och näthandel (Michaelis et al, 2008; Connolly & Bannister, 2008). Därför kopplas landsfaktorerna i studien ihop med en egenkonstruerad tillitsmodell som bygger på tidigare teorier om tillit.

Du kommer väl ihåg hur det var att gå i skolan : En visuell retorikanalys av fem av Friends antimobbningsfilmer

Title: ?Du kommer väl ihåg hur det var att gå i skolan?? ? En visuell retorikanalys av fem av Friends antimobbningsfilmerNumber of pages: 75Authors: Radhika Bhasin and Christoffer OrreTutor: Marinette Fogde and Gudrun WeinerCourse: Communication, Advanced CoursePeriod: Spring 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Humanistic Science, Örebro UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose with this essay is to examine in what ways the Swedish organisation Friends advertising films against bullying rhetorically and visual rhetorically intend to convince their audience of their message.Material/Method: We have been studying five of Friends advertising films against bullying. The five films were chosen because they all originated from the same campaign against bullying amongst schoolchildren. The methods used were partly rhetoric analysis and partly visual rhetoric analysis.Main results: The conclusion we can draw from this study is that Friends anti-bullying films uses several rhetoric methods, both classic and visual, to convince their audience. Occurrence of pathos (emotions) arguments as convincing method was most commonly used, followed by ethos (sender Trust) and only a few logos (fact) arguments.

Omedveten tankeverksamhet och beslutsfattande ?en användarmanual : En studie i det omedvetnas beskaffenhet.

The investigation aims to clarify to what extent non-conscious thought has efficacy in e.g. decision making and also examine some aspects of the question whether decisions are caused by free will. This will be conducted through an analysis of new research pertaining to neuroscience, economics, the combination of the two within neuroeconomics; evolutionary theory and especially the new theory of Unconscious thought (Nordgren & Dijksterhuis 2006) which will enjoy special scrutiny due to its recentness in the scientific field. A decision strategy ought to put high-level conscious cognition to use where it's most effective and this is on a different level than the canonized one. Meta decision making is decision making pertaining to which decisions ought to be made consciously.

Hormonstörande ämnen och deras effekt på barns hälsa : - Hur ser kunskapen ut hos småbarnsföräldrar?

Endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) are found in many everyday products and can cause adverse effects on human health. Small children are particularly sensitive to EDCs and they are also exposed to them in a greater extent than adults. Despite this, EDCs are only banned in a few toys and childcare products. There are many sources of exposure and if no steps are taken to reduce the incidence of EDCs we may face an increasing number of people diagnosed with obesity, diabetes type 2 or various types of cancer.The Swedish Government has set a number of environmental objectives, one of which is calleda non-toxic environment. The Swedish Chemicals Agency was instructed to produce and conduct a national action plan to achieve this goal.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

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