688 Uppsatser om Trust - Sida 10 av 46
"Ska jag ta de här tabletterna?" : Behandling med statiner från kranskärlspatientens synvinkel, en kvalitativ intervjustudie
Background: Coronary heart disease kills more than 7 million people worldwide each year. High levels of blood fat, cholesterol, contributes significantly to coronary heart disease. Lifestyle changes combined with lipid-lowering drugs, statins, is an effective treatment. But adherence to statins is low, not even a myocardial infarction always contributes to adherence. Adherence requires patient education and good communication between patient and physician.
Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv
AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient Trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.
Vilken kommunikation smörjer börsmaskineriet: En kvalitativ studie av börsanalytikers syn på informationsinsamling och trovärdighet
Stock analysts have through the analyses they write a large impact on the expectations on the market and the direction of investors investments. This creates undesired fluctuations on the market that raises the level of uncertainty. The way that the analysts satisfy their need for information is connected to how their final analysis will be shaped. There is a large knowledge gap concerning the way that the analysts work and this gives unsatisfactory ways of communication. This thesis is set out to create a greater understanding of how optimal communication towards this target group should be brought out.
Mötet med patienten vid klamydiasmittspårning : En kvalitativ studie om barnmorskans upplevelse av mötet
Background: Studies show that unsolved contact tracing of chlamydia increase in Uppsala County. Research shows that the meeting between patient and caregiver, when performing a contact tracing, may be crucial to the outcome of contact tracing. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate how midwives describe the encounter with the patient during contact tracing in youth clinics in Uppsala County Council. Methods: A qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews was used to collect data. Nine midwives of varying age and work experience from seven different youth clinics in Uppsala County Council were interviewed.
Det kulturella arvet- en resurs i omsorgen av de äldre
The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.
Små revisionsbyråers kundrelationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur små revisionsbyråer hanterar sina relationer med småföretag.
This is a qualitative study about small auditing firms and their customer relationships with SMEs. It contains a total of eight interviews, two with audit firms and six with SME?s.The purpose of the study is to understand how small audit firms manage their customer relationships and if it exist any expectation gaps between the audit firm and the SME.One of the conclusions is that Trust is fundamental and gets stronger over time; it is also linked with the personal relationship between the business owner and the auditor/accountant..
Nordiskt försvarssamarbete i åtstramningens tidevarv : En studie av förutsättningar för det norsk-svenska försvarssamarbetet
This study uses European researcher Tomas Valasek?s hypothesis about factors required for defence cooperation in order to achieve conditions which can be successfully applied to the Nordic defence cooperation NORDEFCO. The study uses only Norway and Sweden on the grounds that they are the original actors and the driving forces behind the defence cooperation. The factors studied are; the countries' strategic culture, solidarity and Trust between countries, similarity in military forces, if similar conditions prevail in the defence industry and if the intentions of cooperation have been clarified.Mainly government documents in the form of propositions, orientations and defence documents are studied, together with previous research in this area and, especially, interviews with representatives of NORDEFCO at military level and policy level as well as outside perspectives from the military attachés in each country. With the intention of studying the extent to which the factors Valasek features may prove to be significant in assessing the conditions for enhanced cooperation in NORDEFCO, the study raises the question of how it is possible to find expressions for the factors.
Bakom Spegeln : En essä om tvivlet eller det goda beslutet i en filmproduktion
The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.
Faktorer för snabb tillit : Teori och operativ erfarenhet
I moderna väpnade styrkor är tillfällig sammansättning av förbandsenheter ett allt vanligare inslag. Trenden tycks internationell och sammansättning av enheter sker också mellan olika nationer. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som är viktiga för formandet av snabb tillit inom ett tillfälligt sammansatt multinationellt förband med begränsad eller ingen tid för övning tillsammans. Genom att studera befintlig forskning undersöks vad som menas med snabb tillit och vilka faktorer som är centrala för att skapa denna. Teorierna om snabb tillit operationaliseras utgående från studiens frågeställningar och omsätts till en analysmodell med forskningsfrågor för att kunna mäta uppfattningar om snabb tillit inom en tillfälligt sammansatt militär enhet.
Revisorsyrket i förändring
Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a Trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.
Att tala är silver, att tiga är guld? : - En kvalitativ studie om interaktion i samband med talad engelska under engelsklektionerna
Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).
Planering av fårstall
During the last decade several cooperatives have struggled against many problems. Especiallyin North America several cooperatives have been forced to reconstruct, merge or have beenpurchased by other firms. There are many reasons behind these problems, but one observationmade on these cooperatives implies that they have one thing in common. The cooperatives areall very large and have a complex business structure.Lantmännen is one of the largest cooperatives in the Nordic Countries with its main office inSweden. In Nilsson et al.
Revisorsyrket i förändring
Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a Trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.
Religionens många ansikten : En undersökning av skillnaderna i undervisningarna av kristendom inom syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkor och svenska skolor samt hur skillnaderna påverkar de syrisk-ortodoxa ungdomarna.
Religious education in Swedish schools aims to be as objective and non-confessional as possible. This sort of education can lead to that the different religions are presented in a way which is unfamiliar to the followers of the different religions. This problem is what I have focused on in this essay since I myself was a victim of a similar situation. As a syriac-orthodox youth I felt that my Christianity was not the same as the one presented in school. I felt that it had nothing in common with what I learned in my church, therefore I asked myself the question: Whose Christianity is being represented? Therefore I have focused on the syriac-orthodox church in this research.The purpose of my essay was to enlighten the differences between religious education in syriac-orthodox churches and Swedish community schools.
Muslimer och islam i svensk press : - en studie om i vilka sammanhang muslimer och islam framställs i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter under åren 2011-2013
The aim of this paper is to study in which contexts Muslims and Islam are represented in newspaper- articles in the Swedish press. The research questions are formulated as follow: In what contexts are Muslims and Islam represented in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter during the years 2011-2013 ?Does the newspaper-articles in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter reflect open or closed attitudes about Islam? My material compromises twenty-five newspaper- articles from the newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter during the years 2011-2013. The material became a subject for qualitative content analysis. This resulted in four categories, the categories were formed from the content of the newspaper-articles. The categories are: (1) Violence / Terrorism, (2) Extremist / Fundamentalist, (3) Islamic god´s state / government / Islamism and (4) Others.