

4028 Uppsatser om Tricomponent Attitude modellen - Sida 3 av 269

Företagare på (o)känd mark

This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding the employees? attitude and motivation towards their workplace at a company that works in the advertising business. An example company; thcommunication agency PS Communication in Stockholm, was used for the empirical part to investigate the purpose. The topic is interesting since the company works in a fast changing environment with new techniques,tools and professionals and the company is also going through an expansion that include many new recruitments.The purpose in this thesis is as follows: ?the purpose of this study is to elucidate the fate of attitude and motivation of employees in relation to the workplace during business expansion, if performance is reduced and competition increases.?The analysis and results shows that attitudes andmotivation among the employees in the workplace has deteriorated, the employees agree that it is due to expansion the company is undergoing.

Allmänsjuksköterskans kunskap och attityd gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS

The aim of this study was to examine nurses knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients over the world. A descriptive literature study has been made based on scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The authors have examined the sampling and the falling off of the articles. The result shows that the attitude towards HIV patients is different from one country to another. The attitude was affected by several of factors such as experience, fear, knowledge / education and the nurses attitude and willingness to care for these patients.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

Glappet i den svenska vargattityden - en fråga om närhet till naturen?

Humans attitudes towards different animals are very complex were culture, genetic, psychology and evolution are some of the factors that influence. The order of animals that can provoke the most intense and extreme attitudes, both positive and negative, are the carnivores. Wolves are a constant debate in Sweden and even though a big part of the population are neutral towards the wolf, a clear friction of the attitudes can be seen. Some factors that have been seen to influence the attitude are age, education and the size of the hometown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether outdoor activities, time spend in rural areas, and time spent in a weekend cottage, also correlate with attitude towards wolf.

Produktplaceringar och påverkan - en kvantitativ studie av produktplaceringar i rörlig media

In the ever increasing media clutter it is hard for marketers to make their products stand out. New ways of reaching consumers are constantly arising. This study seeks to further investigate the phenomenon known as product placement, delimited to movies/television. By conducting an experiment we tested whether different presumptions matters for what effect a product placement will have on attitude and if these could be affected. We also looked at if the level of product integration effect attitude and realism enhancement.

Kärlekens makt : En studie om hur kärleksförhållanden påverkar studiemotiverade tjejers identitet och attityd till skolan

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how love relationship affects the identity and attitude towards school of study motivated girls in 17-18 years of age with the subsidiary purpose to get anidea of how the gender order is maintained in the relationship.The study is based on theories of gender theory and identity theory, which concerns gender as aresult of actions and how the gender order is maintained. The identity theory is based as a choice toconvey different roles.The study is founded on qualitative research interviews with six different girls, where the focus wasto learn about their own experiences of how the love relationship affects them.The results were interpreted through a hermeneutic analysis.The results show that the love relationship affect informants' identity on self-perception, what roles they convey and the attitude towards school. It turned out that the informants' attitude towards school was dependent on their boyfriend´s attitude towards school.The results also show that girls are highly involved in the process of maintaining the gender order in which they choose to manage their time according to their boyfriend's time, and has the role of the engaging and emotional in the relationship..

Kalibrering och tillämpning utav CBD-modellen

Det stora behovet av att kunna prognostisera och beskriva framtida dödligheter på ett bra sätt och svårigheten i detta har lett till att många olika modeller tagits fram. En av dessa modeller är den s.k. CBD modellen. I detta arbete så har denna kalibrerats efter svensk dödlighetsdata och dess lämplighet att användas har undersökts. Inga större problem med modellen fanns, förutom att den inte var så lämplig för de allra äldsta individerna (över 95 år).

Vilka attityder unga män och kvinnor på gym har till dopning och kosttillskott : En enkätundersökning i Gästrikland

The aim of this study was to investigate which attitudes young men and women at gym have to doping and supplements in Gästrikland. Method: This study is based on a cross sectional study design where a quantitative approach was used by 60 questionnaires which were distributed at different gyms in Gästrikland. Result: It was found that the majority had a relative negative attitude to doping, those who used supplements had a slightly more positive attitude to some of the statements compared with those who did not use supplements. Overall, the results showed a positive attitude to supplements. Compared with previous studies, it was found in the study that a smaller proportion didn?t agree that it is up to each one to use doping substances.

Klassrumsdialog som kunskapsförhandling

Det här är en uppsats om dialogisk undervisning. Lennart Hellspong som är professor i retorik vid Södertörns Högskola har under ett par års tid utvecklat en dialogmodell som Kunskapsförhandling. Jag har själv undervisats i formen och tycker det är ett bra sätt att tillgodogöra sig kunskap på.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om modellen också passar för att beskriva vad som händer i ett specifikt klassrumssamtal. Vidare jämför jag modellen med två andra dialogmodeller för att sätta fingret på vad som skiljer dem åt och vad som Kunskapsförhandlingen eventuellt bidrar med på området.Jag har funnit att modellen passar bra för att beskriva vad som sker i klassrummet. Däremot försöker jag utifrån min analys resonera kring vad som skulle kunna utvecklas i modellen, vad som varit svårt att använda sig av i ett konkret fall.

Intensiv Stamningsterapis effekt på stamningsbeteenden, förståelighet och attityd till kommunikation hos fem barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects ofparticipation in an integrated intensive stuttering program (IST) on stutteringbehavior, intelligibility and communication attitude, at individual and grouplevels. Five children aged eight to twelve years participated in the study.Stuttering behavior and intelligibility were judged by two independentstudents in speech and language pathology based on a total of eight videorecordings, before, during and after therapy. Communication attitude wasmeasured by the Swedish version of the self-report questionnaireCommunication Attitude Test (CAT-S). At an individual level, the initialstuttering profile and the changes shown during and after the IST varied. Ata group level, a significant decrease in stuttering frequency and asignificantly higher level of intelligibility were found, after as compared tobefore therapy.

Vikten av att målgruppsanpassa butiksatmosfären: en studie om atmosfärens påverkan på konsumenter i modebranschen

Research in the FMCG sector shows that in-store atmosphere has a great impact on customer attitude and behavior. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how the atmosphere influences the customer in a fashion store setting. The purpose with this paper is to investigate if and how visible in-store atmospherics influence customer attitude and behavior in a fashion store setting. We also investigate if behavior and attitude is affected by the customer's expertise and the purpose of the visit. The study takes place in two different fashion stores within the same fashion chain.

Application Service Provider, lever modellen upp till förväntningarna?

Allt sedan datorer började användas som en resurs i företag har mindre företag sett de höga kostnaderna dessa fört med sig. I slutet av 1990-talet skapas en modell som möjliggör att hyra program från en Application Service Provider, ASP. Med ASP-modellen följer ett flertal förväntningar och fördelar om vad modellen kan tillföra i framförallt mindre företag. De ska till exempel till lägre kostnader få tillgång till program som kan öka deras konkurrensförmåga. Denna rapports fråga är om modellen lever upp till dessa förväntningar hos kunderna.Vid intervjuer som genomfördes med fem olika företag framkom bland annat att ASP-modellen kan möjliggöra ett minskat behov av egen IT-personal och att internt kunna ge användarsupport.

Enighet om Europa Applicering av diffusionsteorin på utvecklingen av attityden till Europeisk policyintegration 1999-2009

Public opinion has increasingly become a political force in the European integration process. At present, it appears that the people?s attitude towards the European integration is relatively skeptical. How can we expect that the attitude towards European integration will evolve in the future? This paper tests the extent to which diffusion theory can serve as a model to explain the development of attitudes to European integration policy in Sweden from 1999 until 2009.

"Alla människor har en fasad och man vet aldrig vad som döljer sig där bakom" En undersökning om hur det går att påverka elevers attityd till lyrik genom undervisning

The study is ethnographic and the collected material consists of questionnaires, interviews andconducted practical exercises. The purpose of this study is to examine whether it is possible tochange boys attitude to poetry and poetry teaching through practical exercises. The questionswhich the study is based on concerns how frameworks for tasks can enhance the creativity ofthe students, the standards students have as a reference point and what attitudes boys have topoetry. The study shows that students feel that they are more creative if there is a frameworkfor the task, it has also been shown that boys do not have any special attitude to poetry,because they do not know what the word means. One of the most important results in theresults section is that boys have a positive attitude to poetry as long as the teacher gives themthe right tools to work with..

Ungdomstjänstens betydelse för en förändring av ungdomars attityder till brottsligt beteende

The essay investigates juvenile offenders experiences of the sanction ?ungdomstjänst? and how it may change attitudes towards committing criminal acts. The essay introduces qualitative interviews with four juvenile offenders, which have all executed ?ungdomstjänst?. The juveniles experiences of features that can be a part of the attitude change have been analyzed with a model of the motivation process, called ?Fyra F?, and four elements of persuading, which can affect an attitude change.

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