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Redesign av Vagabonds guideboksserieThe travelguides of Vagabond - Redesign
Todays travel trends go towards independence and self planning. If you need advice or help when performing your trip, there are several different series of guidebooks on the market and one of these series comes from the travel magazine Vagabond. This degree project concerns the redesigning of the travelguides of Vagabond, or to be precise: their cityguide over Istanbul. The purpose of the new design is to assure the resemblance between the guidebook and the magazine, as wanted by the Art Director of Vagabond Angelica Zander.Prior to the redesigning process preliminary studies that make up the fundamental ideas were made. Three other big titles of guidebooks on the market were analyzed, and in addition a great deal of focus ? considering the final purpose ? was put on the concept of magazine design.
Drama och musik i barns fria lek
This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.
Den nya generationen KinBag : The new generation of KinBag
This report summarizes a Bachelor Degree Project in Integrated Product Development,carried out during the spring semester in 2007 by three students at the Product Design Engineering programme at the University of Skövde. The project was performed as an assignment for KinBag ab, a sister subsidiary to Kinnegrip ab in Lidköping, who develop,manufacture and market the golf bag KinBag, a bag with an integrated wheel carriage system. The purpose of the project was to redesign the golf bag to attract a target group consisting of golfers aged between 20 and 40.The layout of the project was as follows: The project began with a feasibility study where different problems were identified with the basis of a market research which eventually was summarized in a dynamic specification of requirements. The feasibility study was followed by a generation of ideas which contained everything from sketches to simple mock-ups with an intensive amount of thoughtful brainwork and information gathering in between. This ledto the development of a number of design concepts, both on an overall level and on different parts of the golf bag.
Produktutveckling utifrån nya kundinsikter
Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera problem och behov som byggare i Sverige stöter på i sin vardag samt anordna en workshop där produktutveckling utifrån dessa behov diskuteras, samt hur denna information kan användas i produktutvecklingen. Studien grundar sig i teorier om innovation, behov och kvalitet, behovsidentifiering, innovationsspridning, produktlivscykel och metoden NABC: Need, Approach, Benefit, Competition. Grunden till arbetet är en föreställning att produktanvändare har behov som dem själva inte är medveten om. Genom att utgå från dessa omedvetna behov kan en bättre produkt utformas. Empatisk design (deltagande observation) användes för att kunna upptäcka outtalade behov samt skapa en god förståelse för byggarnas naturliga arbetsmiljö.
Vi kan inte blunda för öronen längre : En fallstudie om ljud som kommunikationsmedium i utställningen Drömmens syster
Ljudet a?r ett intressant kommunikationsmedium som utnyttjar varje individsegna erfarenheter och fo?resta?llningar da?r associationer fa?r stort utrymme. Mu-seer som idag kan va?lja fra?n ett stort urval av medier har mycket att vinna ge-nom att anva?nda sig av ljud - inte enbart fo?r att tekniken tilla?ter det.Den ha?r uppsatsen har fo?r avsikt att underso?ka ljudets mo?jligheter som kom-munikationsmedium i utsta?llningar. Syftet a?r att sprida ljus o?ver detta fo?rha?l-landevis outforskade omra?de som jag anser har ma?nga outnyttjade mo?jligheter.Fo?r att avgra?nsa min underso?kning har jag valt att studera utsta?llningen Dro?m-mens syster som finns pa? Va?rldskulturmuseet i Go?teborg.
Verktyg för utveckling av terrängparker inom skidanläggningar. : Shaper
Today we can create digital 3D models which can be realised almost instantly through production methods such as 3D printing and computer controlled milling.What if this same technology could be applied to the development and construction of terrain parks?With snow as the material tools could be developed using similar principles to design and sculpt the surface, only on a larger scale.How would terrain park designers adapt their process to use this new technology? In this Industrial design thesis I explore how the ideas of the terrain park designer can be expressed through such a system with focus on the designers knowledge and skill without the need to learn complicated 3D programs.Sketch, create, ride. .
Bildbaserade instruktioner i Scanias Servicehandbok : - För effektiv informationsinhämtning
Technical products are becoming more and more complex, this means that the drivers, mechanics and service personnel?s need for assistance such as the service literature is increasing. In this degree project the focus is on the technical manuals of Scania?s Workshop Manual. Today, the information in the Workshop Manual consists of collaboration between text and illustrations.
Aktiesammanställare med teknisk analys och simulation
Websites today only offer simpler form of technical analysis and are not fun to use, therefore student decided to build a website that makes technical analysis a bit more fun by giving user possibility to experiment with settings for technical indicators and also see clear visible results from analysis. Student decided to build website in ASP.NET. Technical indicators for this project only consist of those who give buy and sell-signals via cross-over, no divergence or pattern finding.This project has three questions that define this project. It?s important that there is good functionality so that performing an analysis is perceived as simple, one question is therefore; what functionality for website is needed in order for analysis to be perceived as more simple?Technical analysis is a pretty complex subject and demands an interface that is perceived as easy to understand and easy to use, it?s therefore important that the interface is well designed, second question is therefore; how should the interface be designed to be user-friendly?When systems grow large they often become hard to develop and later on unmaintainable because of the accumulated complexity and dependency between classes, the code is a mess, the last question is therefore; how can the systems complexity be eased with object-oriented design principles?Jakob Nielsens ten heuristics for User Interface Design were used as inspiration for designing the interface for the website.
Klart som vatten : En design för ditt vatten mot en hållbar utveckling
Jag har i mitt examensarbete jobbat med framtagningen av en vattenflaska för en hållbar utveckling. En vattenflaska där användningsområdet är för vardagligt bruk. Arbetet har en inriktning mot estetik och hållbarutveckling. Jag har tittat på vilken miljöinverkan buteljerat vatten har, undersökt estetik som begrepp och gjort research. Detta är sedan följt av en designprocess innehållande skissprocessen, användarstudie, och designmetoder vilket leder fram till en prototyp av en produkt.
Utveckling av sprutpump : Konstruktion och utvärdering av prototyp
This report describes how a syringe pumpwas developed for Q-linea AB inUppsala Science Park as a bachelor´sthesis at Uppsala University. Thepurpose of the syringe pump is toreplace existing pumps in one of Qlineasdosage instruments. The reasons for whythe pumps are replaced are that they arebig and heavy. Therefore the task was todesign a smaller and lighter syringepump.The goal of the project was to create aprototype of the design that met themechanical requirements posed. Therequirements were met.In the report the work process can befollowed from the development of thespecifications to the final design andtests of the prototype.
Konstruktion av värmeelement
This report aims to describing the work behind the development of a masonry heater.The masonry heater is developed in collaboration with the company Transient Design KB that is a product development company located in Alingsås. The company sees a possibility to cover a market segment where modern technology and design are missing.The report presents those methods and approaches that have been used and gives an overview to how the project has been carried out. It describes how the ideas behind the final results have produced and how they have been developed during the project's time. In the report you can also read about the final concept with its choices of construction and materials.The report is completed with a presentation of a final concept and a ground for possible future production..
Det kommunikativa kontoret : En kvalitativ studie om aktivitetsbaserade kontors påverkan på intern kommunikation
TitleThe communicative office ? A study of the effects that Activity based offices has on internal communication. Authors Carl Varli, Jonas Eklund and Petter Göransson Course Business administration III ? Organization ? Bachelor? thesis Tutor Olle Duhlin Examiner Mikael Lundgren Background The prime focus of activity based office designs are the though of choosing your workplace along with your work task, instead of the other way around. This means that you do not longer have a set workstation of your own, you move around according to where to your current work will be best performed. Problem We want to explore how the communication within a company?s departments has been affected by the introduction of an activity-based office design.Purpose The purpose of this study was to get an understanding of how this office design could effect the communication within companies that uses it. Further more, we wanted to study the effects that this kind of office would have on the communication within a department.
Eslövs stadspark : stadsparken som inte var en stadspark men som vill bli
Eslöv received its city privileges in the year 1911 and to celebrate the city?s 100th jubilee it has been decided, among many other things, to reinvigorate the City park. This master thesis presents a new proposal for the design of the City park. As a basis for the new proposal a study of the public park is made in a social and structural context as well as a study of the history of the Eslöv City park. The history of the Eslöv City park is somewhat unclear, especially if there has ever been a one design for the whole park?
To create a picture of the public park in general, a study of literature has been made and to describe the history of the City park I Have researched the city archive in Eslöv.
Användbarhet för grafiska designers - Responsiva webbplatser och dess utformning
Idag besöker vi inte längre webbplatser enbart via datorer, utan även
mobiltelefoner och surfplattor. För att göra interaktionen på en webbplats
användbar via flera olika plattformar blir det allt vanligare med responsiv
anpassning. Denna utveckling ställer högre krav på den grafiska formgivaren som
bör ha god kunskap om de plattformar som designen tillämpas på för att nå
högsta möjliga användbarhet. En grafisk formgivare ska alltså förstå vad
användbarhet innebär och hur denna kunskap ska tillämpas i designen.
Kandidatarbetet undersöker vad som definierar användbarhet och vad grafisk
design bidrar till i skapandet av responsiva webbplatser. Utifrån
litteraturstudier i samband med en produktion i form av en responsiv webbplats,
presenterar vi i detta arbete våra metoder för hur den grafiska designen ska
uppnå användbarhet oavsett plattform.
We no longer visit websites solely by using computers, but also mobile phones
and tablets.
"Designerlathunden för mig" : en dokumentation om min processutveckling genom ett samarbete med en större möbelproducent i de småländska skogarna.
Det här examensarbetet verkar som en form av designerlathund för mig själv. En sammanställning och ett avstamp för min utbildning , min egen dokumenterade process i ett samarbetsprojekt inom industrin. Paralleller dras till om Malmstens utbildning är up-to-date i den allt mer branschglidande designerrollen.Arbetet är uppdelat i sex kapitel, där första kapitlet står för projektets avstamp, bakgrund och tillkomst. Det andra kapitlet handlar om vad design innebär för mig och en mer allmän beskrivning om design och hur designmetodiken eller processen kan se ut.I tredje kapitlet tar jag upp skillnaden mellan designstrategi och design och förklarar om vikten av ett designstrategiarbete inför den kommande formgivningsprocessen.Fjärde kapitlet är en infallsvinkel på hur företagsanalys och -profilering kan se ut och hur just det varumärket skiljer sig mot omvärlden. Med en större inblick och tajtare avgränsning kan resultatet bli säkrare.Slutgiltligen kommer vi fram till femte kapitlet som beskriver hur själva designarbetet med produkten för min uppdragsgivare kom till och dess väg fram.