

6169 Uppsatser om Tri-valent design - Sida 17 av 412

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The project aims to explore how strong brands are built and what they consist of. I will focus on the subject fashion magazine, ambassadors and the different parts that a magazine consists of. Based on the information from research and literature I?m re-designing the Swedish fashion magazine Solo..

SmartMedia-controller på chip

This report deals with the design of a controller for SmartMedia? flash memory cards, based on a hardware description found in the SmartMedia? Interface Library - SMIL. The design was made on logic gate level, using standard cells in OrCAD Capture. After simulation of the design in PSpice A/D, it was exported as an EDIF netlist, which was used to make a chip layout in L-Edit, a layout tool for making integrated circuits. The layout was made using a method called Standard Place and Route - SPR, where the layout tool places standard cells from a library and connects them according to the EDIF netlist.


?Boverket? the Design Regulations in Sweden, also called BKR has for a long timebeen the mandatory standard that has guided and regulated construction design. Butat the end of 2010 BKR was replaced with Eurocode. This report deals with thecomparison of these two standards when it comes to wood construction. Duringwinter 2009/2010 there were many roof collapses due to excessive loads on theroofs across Sweden.

Re-design av StretchFlex UF : Skapandet av en stärkande visuell profil åt StretchFlex UF

This paper presents the creation of a strengthening visual profile for StretchFlex UF. The project consists of an external as well as an internal part. The external part is on the order of the company StretchFlex. The company is created under the education concept by the name of Ung Företagsverksamhet (Young Entrepreneurship) and has passed on to the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship at the Stockholm International Fairs. Of that we have been commissioned to develop an updated logotype for the company, for the current does not keep proper quality according to the client.

Konstruktion av transportvagn för mat

This thesis is the result of the class Examensarbete, 15 credits of the mechanical engineering program at Halmstad University. The class represents the final part of the program with the aim to attain a Bachelor of Science. It´s a project made during the spring 2014 in collaboration with Alutrade AB and ScanBox Thermo Products AB.The assignment is to develop a new transportation trolley for ScanBox. The aim is to complement their range with a product that opens up to new markets. That set new demands for materials and also manufacturing- and assembly methods.

Utveckling av Analysverktyg för GEMS PET Systems : En användningscentrerad utvecklingsmetod

The company GEMS PET Systems produces cyclotrons which is a type of particle accelerator. The cyclotrons create log files that are analyzed by the company?s employees for different purposes like troubleshooting or installation. The purpose of the project is to with a usage-centered design method create a paper prototype of a tool that will help the employees to analyze the log files in a more efficient way than earlier.The result shows how the usage-centered design method was used to create the paper prototype and how the user interface was created according to human-computer interaction (HCI)..

Design Management för Remote Control Sweden AB

This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It?s also important looking at competitor?s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company..

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

JOBBIS - En ny lekplats på Universeum

I did my degree project together with Universeum AB. The project had the work title: children?s world and the aim were to give children between 3-8 years old a place that was especially made for them. With their interests and needs in mind the area should trigger play but also learning through a well planned pedagogical environment.I did this project because I thought this was an excellent opportunity to really practise my new gained skills I had learned during my two years in CCD (Child Culture Design). It also gave me the opportunity to actually see how well my knowledge was working when it was put to the test, and I did learn a lot from this.Together with a crew of 6 people I developed and designed the area.

Intelligent vattendesign : utformning av Gjutarplan i Kallhälls centrum

The thesis aims to be an informative study for landscape architects and hopes to contributeto an understanding of ways water can be used and managed at sites lacking open, greensurfaces.The title "intelligent water design" should evoke the reader?s thoughts concerning intelligentaspects of water. Text, images and the design proposition give hints about these aspects.In the first part of this thesis, various examples of water design are presented. The chosenexamples are all applicable in urban environments with a high percentage of impervioussurfaces.The second part examines Gjutarplan, an urban square in the centre of Kallhäll, in Järfälla,north of Stockholm. Gjutarplan is first framed in a geographical and historical context.

Användarcentrerad design i utvecklingsprocessen av MonitorMobile

Varje dag interagerar samhället med nya produkter och system som måste varaanvändbara och därför är användbarhet är ett viktigt begrepp i detta sammanhang. Föratt enklare integrera användbarhet i utvecklingsprocesserna för dessa produkter ochsystem, används ISO-standarden för användarcentrerad design.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida Monitor ERP System AB bedrevanvändarcentrerad design i utvecklingsprocessen av deras mobila applikation - MonitorMobile. Som hjälp i denna utredning används ISO-standarden för användbarhet ochanvändarcentrerad design. För att besvara problemformuleringen, har jag genomfört enretrospektiv studie och intervjuer med beställare och utvecklare. För att sluta sammanutredningen har jag också skickat ut en enkät till användarna.Resultatet visar att Monitor är villig att arbeta nära användarna, men de introducerardem inte i processen.

Programmerbar signalanpassning

The data acquisition system COMET developed by Saab AB contains a unit for signal conditioning and A/D conversion, called KSM. The varieties in signal conditioning constitutes of a number of specific PBAs and maintenance as well as reconfiguration of these are complicated not to mention costly. This thesis has aimed to investigating whether the signal conditioning circuits can be replaced by a general purpose, programmable solution. If so, how can this be done? The development has been carried out by evaluating ideas through the use of a laboratory environment and has resulted in an analog design for laboratory purpose.

Utveckling av ett fällbord för offentlig miljö

Denna rapport omfattar ett examensarbete på 22,5 poäng. Examensarbetet har utförts inom ämnet integrerad produktutveckling vid Högskolan i Skövde tillsammans med Jai Designpartner AB. Målet med arbetet var att utveckla ett fällbord som enkelt kan fällas ihop, ha en längre livslängd och lägre vikt än företagets tidigare fällbord. Samarbetet genererade ett fällbord som inte följer de generella principerna av infällning av bordsben. Resultatet blev ett fällbord med minimal klämrisk, med en längre livslängd då infällning av bordsbenet sker med en vridning och med en mindre vikt då ramverk kan elimineras..

Verkstadens webb : Utveckling av ett verkstadsföretags webbplats

Följande projektarbetet har resulterat i en ny webbplats åt verkstadsföretaget Löfman & Co Verkstad AB,resultatet är sprunget ur WordPress och projektet vilar på en teoretiskt grund av läsbarhetsteori samtbeprövad erfarenhet kring ämnet responsiv design. Projektrapporten innehåller både information gällandedet teoretiska ramverket samt de slutgiltiga tekniska lösningarna som implementerades på webbplatsen.Två kvalitativa undersökningar på företagets gamla webbplats har bidraget med ytterligare underlag förskapandet utav företagets nya webbplats.. Utöver det ha en viktig del i utvecklingen gjorts av den ständigakontakten med kunden. Projektresultatet är ett bevis för att det finns en arbetsmarknadsmässig funktionför de studenter som läst Visuell Kommunikation och Design vid Karlstad Universitet..

Co-design i praktiken ? en utvärdering av e-Me projektet

e-Me projektet är ett innovativt forskningsprojekt där tillvägagångssättet co-design använts för att framställa en elektronisk assistent. e-Me realiserades i januari 2007 som ett pilotprojekt vid Högskolan i Borås. Den elektroniska assistenten är en artefakt som ska förenkla det administrativa och elektroniska livet för studenter. Målet med den här uppsatsen var att öka förståelsen kring co-designs grundidé, praktiska moment samt de kritiska roller som kan urskiljas i co-designprojekt. Studien är av intresse för alla som vill utvidga sin kunskapsbas inom både co-design samt e-Me.

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