

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 25 av 646

Gubben i lådan. Flört eller freak? : En kvalitativ studie av Frida och Veckorevyns framställning av manliga egenskaper.

Weekly lifestyle magazines constitute an important role for many young people these days. Their purpose is to inform and entertain a broad public within subjects such as fashion, friends, relationships, men and beauty. Frida and Veckorevyn are two big magazines that have a big influence on young women. One subject that frequently occurs is articles about men, written by women. This study focus on how (with which qualities and weaknesses) these women choose to subscribe men.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?   The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck?s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning?s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis.

När kommunikationen krisar : En studie av myndigheters informations- och kommuniktionssamverkan under beredskapsövningar

The research of the essay will be about Solidarity, the Polish trade union that began to rise in the beginning of 1980. In more specific tendencies to the empirical study, it is interesting getting to know about when the free trade union was created with a view to liberate the Polish people from Communism.The essay will be studied as an empirical case study, with a qualitative text analysis. The content will also include how power is allocated to the political, economic and social aspects of the national, and international relations. Therefore it will be relevant to use a method of ideology analysis to the qualitative text.The result of the theoretical analysis was that it is difficult to apply the social movements into a political change, even if it leads to success. According to this, participants in social movements are able to use the most potential and most necessities of resources, just as activists tend to do in reality..

SE-bolag; igår, idag och imorgon : En utredning om den geografiska spridningen av bolagen inom EU och faktorer som är drivande vid val av stat för etablering.

Efter 30 år av diskussioner och förhandlingar lyckades ministrarna inom Europeiska unionens råd, också kallad ministerrådet, rösta igenom en förordning som kom att reglera en ny företagsform, SE-bolag. Den ursprungliga tanken med en att ha en gemensam bolagsform var att den skulle lyda under gemensamma EU-regler. Ambitionen kom att bli overklig då harmoniseringen inom EU inte hade tagit den form som krävdes för att förverkliga detta, vilket den fortfarande inte har gjort. I stället lämnades kompletterande bestämmelser åt medlemsstaterna för att behandla SE-bolag som nationella publika aktiebolagSamtidigt som SE-bolagens stadga utvecklades så gjorde också bestämmelserna om arbetstagarinflytande det. Det publicerades ett direktiv gällande arbetstagarinflytandet som blev implementerat i flertalet medlemsstater.Utvecklingen har idag kommit så långt att det finns 510 etablerade SE-bolag inom EU.

Bilderna i klassrummet : ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to examine what kind of pictures the children encounter everyday in their classroom. Furthermore, the idea was to immerse myself in how girls and boys are portrayed in these pictures from a gender perspective. Three question were set, to enable this study: What kind of pictures will second grade pupils encounter in their classroom, in a city school and in a rural school?How many girls and boys are illustrated in these pictures?How are girls and boys portrayed in these pictures?The examination was done by a field study of two classrooms, where all the pictures on the walls were documented using a digital camera. The collected material were examined, using both a quantitative analysis and a qualitative ditto.

Vakna lokalbedövade patienters upplevelser

Patients who undergo surgery receive general anaesthesia or any form of conduction anaesthesia during the operation. For most people it is strange, unexpected and for many something completely new to be a patient and undergo surgery. Awake conduction anaesthetic patients? experiences from the intraoperative period were little studied. The purpose of this study was to examine awake conduction anaesthesia patients? experiences.

Läslust hos elever med svenska som andraspråk. En fenomenografisk studie

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how pupils with Swedish as a second language and school librarians perceive the concept of pleasure of reading and the feeling of being a part of society. Our research is based on qualitative interviews with eight students in grades 6-9 and from two different schools. We have also interviewed two school librarians in these two libraries. As a method of analysis, we used phenomenography because it is the informants' perceptions of the phenomenon of pleasure of reading that we investigate.

Och kvinna : en kritisk analys av den mediala diskursen kring kvinnliga politiker

The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media’s discursive representations of female politicians in Swedish printed media. The focus of the analysis is to show if, and how these images can be understood and interpreted in terms of a socially constructed gender stereotyped suborder. The paper takes it's theoretical and methodological departure in the discourse analysis, which is combined with feminist political theory. Feminist political theory is concretised in the use of what Yvonne Hirdman calls the "gender system" which arranges the sexes into their respective genders and is based upon two rules/principles/logics: 1) the rule of distinctive separation, and 2) the male norm. Closely related to the aim of the paper lies also the critical theoretic assumption that people has to be aware of their own part in the production and reproduction of the discourse in order to change make a change.

Kostnadsnyttoanalys över införandet av passiv RFID inom Försvarsmaktens beklädnadsförsörjning

The Armed Forces is looking to improve control of where articles are and the monitoring of their condition within its clothing supply. That is why Försvarets Materielverk is working on a motion to tag the Armed Forces clothing with passive RFID-tags. A cost/benefit analysis has been made in this report in order to find out whether the investment is economical justifiable and what costs and benefits arose. The analysis tool that was used is based on the PENG-model. The analysis had three scenarios with the difference that each scenario included various amounts of clothing to tag.  There has also been made an analysis where only the benefits regarding decreasing amount of lost clothes and simplified inventory were included.The result of the first analysis was that none of the scenarios was profitable during the first year.

Elephant damage in Masai Mara

Elefanter är och har varit mycket hotade genom tiderna men har börjat öka i antal på grund av kontroll av tjuvskytte, förbud av elfenbensförsäljning, samt en förändring av såväl mänsklig utbredning samt regn mönster, och flera nationalparker upplever nu ökade skador på grund av rikliga elefantpopulationer, det så kallade elefantproblemet. Det finns sen 30 år tillbaka rapporter från östra och södra Afrika om minskning av Acacier och andra kapellträd på grund av elefantbetning. Några av dessa skador kan till och med leda till lokal utrotning av vissa arter. På grund av detta finns det en konflikt inom bevarandeprogram mellan att bevara livskraftiga elefantpopulationer och bevara den biologiska mångfalden i växtriket. Syftet med denna studie var att se om det fanns något problem med elefanter i Masai Mara Nationalreservat, Kenya, genom att göra en beteendestudie om deras matvanor och jämföra skador på de två träden Acacia gerrardii och Balanites aegyptiaca.

The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.

The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.

Den tredje omvandlingen : Demokratiteoretiska perspektiv på globaliseringens politiska skalförändringar

This thesis is an attempt to shed light on how the authors of the Swedish Government Official Report, SoU 1999:83, speak about how the globalization affects democracy. The method used is critical discourse analysis and ideological analysis, with the main emphasis on the former. The results of the analysis are then interpreted with central parts of Jürgen Habermas? The theory of communicative action. One of the main conclusions is that an absolute majority of the authors, talk about how the globalization affects democracy in terms of the economic market and the European union.

Utvärdering av substrat för biogasproduktion

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the different substrates that enter the digestion on Sundet wastewater treatment plant for production of biogas.This work have done an analysis of data about the biogasproduction from January 2012 to feburari 2013, this showed that the food substrates has a greater gas production than internal sludge.Through laboratory test the VS, TS and COD values for all the substrates used in the biogas production could be determinded. But the COD-method was less optimal for analysis of fat and food, therefore it optimized the method for fat but due to time constraints, this could not be done on the food substrates..

Hur tre epistemologiska diskurser och hur synen på kunskapsorganisation inom dem manifesteras i text

Our purpose is to analyse three different epistemological discourses that exist in the social practice, Library and Information Science LIS, using the strategy for interpretation from the mimesis model by Paul Ricoeur and the terms from the critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. The aim is also to explore there different views of knowledge organisation. We review previous research involving epistemology, knowledge organisation and discourse analysis in LIS. These show that there are many different epistemological standpoints and that later research has shown a more critical and sceptical state of knowledge organisation than earlier traditional positivist ideals. Discourse analysis is described as an important theory and method in LIS.

Centrum för lättläst : Ur ett domänanalytiskt perspektiv

The aim of this two years master thesis in Library and information science is to study the foundation Centrum för lättläst and its work regarding information use with focus on information structures and information needs. The aim is also to examine how Centrum för lättläst cooperate with Swedish libraries to promote the work concerning people with reading disabilities. This master thesis applies a domain analytic theory and method inspired by Birger Hjørland. The domain analysis is confined to examine ontology, epistemology, sociology, empirical user studies, document and genre studies and studies of structures and institutions in scientific communication. The main source material consists of information from the homepage of Centrum för lättläst.

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