

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 20 av 646

"en labyrint av vägar" : en kvantitativ och språkfilosofisk studie av taggar och taggstruktur i Stockholms stadsbiblioteks folksonomi

The purpose of this study is to perform both a quantitative and language philosophical analysis of the folksono-my and the tags in the Stockholm public library catalogue, which together with the Umeå university folksonomy, and the folksonomy of the Norrköping public library are the only library folksonomies in Sweden.The purpose of the first part of the study is to perform an analysis of the linguistical structure of the tags in the folksonomy. To do this a quantitative analysis has been conducted to grammatically categorize and evaluate tags using a method based on Louise Spiteri?s article ?The structure and form of folksonomy tags: the road to the public library catalogue? and the SAO guidelines. This part of the analysis aims to answer questions like: what characteristics do the tags in the folksonomy have and in what ways do they separate themselves from subject headings in a controlled vocabulary? Tags were here categorized according to grammatical properties like parts of speech and their social and private characteristics.

Entreprenöriellt lärande : En diskursanalys ? Verklighet, projektarbete, mottagare

This is a study of the phenomenon enterprise education in a Swedish school. Enterprise education is a rather new concept in Swedish schools, and it has yet to be clearly defined and sufficiently studied. In order to investigate the various aspects of the education properly an analysis of the language used by its proponents needs to be performed. The authors have used discourse analysis from a perspective provided by Laclau and Mouffe. This is for the purpose of determining how the phenomenon is expressed by four teachers in the school mentioned previously.

Teknisk undersökning av stafflimåleri ? Med fokus på två dörröverstycken från Röhsska museet

This bachelor thesis is a study in the analysis of paintings with focus on the technical exami-nation within the framework of ATSR. ATSR is a methodology based on an interdisciplinary study with the aim of putting the object in its context.The study is based on questions concerning which information the object can give, how we access this information and how it can be put in a larger context. My thesis contains three major parts. First a short overview of methods of analysis used in this form of investigation is presented. This is followed by two case studies which exemplify the technical investigation.

Utvärdering av vibrationer inom vattenkrafts normer

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) proposes vibration standards for the evaluation for machine damage due to vibration in rotational machines, where some vibration parameters are given to measure the vibrationgrade. This work evaluates the relevance of the vibration standards in hydro plants that are proposed by the ISO, and also investigates if there are methods used in other countries could have greater importance. Through statistical analysis of collected data we got a better understanding of relation among different vibration parameters, and also the importance of correct choice of the parameters for the evaluation of vibration. We have found that the vibration standards available today in hydro plants are not reliable for the judgment of vibration?s grade.

För vem är friheten större? - Hur Vellinges politiker tänker i flyktingfrågan

Vellinge is one of few municipalities in Sweden that refuses to accept refugees. The subject of this thesis is to find out how the local politicians in Vellinge make their considerations when they decide not to welcome refugees. The analysis uses the representation theory as a starting point. The two ideals of the representative role, either as a bound mandate or as a free independent role, is the base of the analysis. Vellinge is in the analysis compared to Lomma, a very similar municipality in southern Sweden that for a long time alsohas refused to accept refugees, however suddenly in 2007 decided to change their mind.

Bloggens Nyheter : En diskursanalys om mediernas nya utmanare

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur man inom bloggosfären legitimerar sig som en viktig medial kanal i relation till redan etablerade medier. Vi söker genom en diskursanalytisk metod finna bloggarens tillvägagångssätt att i sina texter legitimera sitt eller arenans skrivande, och finner i vår analys en trend som kan komma att leda till stora förändringar i traditionella redaktioners arbetssätt..

Det målande barnet. Diskursanalys av estetiska läroprocesser i relation till Deweys estetiska erfarenhetsbegrepp.

THE PAINTING CHILD. A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF AESTHETIC PROCESSES OF LEARNING IN RELATION TO DEWEY´S ART AS EXPERIENCE.The aim of this study is to present a discourse analysis made on five-year-old children during art activities in a preschool in Sweden. The questions asked are: how does interaction take place between the children, or the child and the teacher, during art activities? And what does this tell us about the relationship to art in preschool? In Art as Experience John Dewey claims that art is separated from other experiences of life, but that it ought to be close to ordinary life-experiences. Today visual culture is important in society but not in school.

Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project?The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

Pojkars och flickors brinnande intressen : En analys av 10 elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to analyze texts written by pupils during the national test in the subject Swedish for grade 9 in order to identify and illustrate how they have met the instructions for the writing task including genre. The texts have been analyzed using Palmér & Östlund-Stjärnegårdh?s (2005) model for student text analysis. This model has been supplemented by studying word and sentence length, as well as indexes for level of readability (LIX) and word variation (OVIX) in order to illustrate possible differences in a gender perspective. The results of this study are in line with previous research, as the girls? texts are longer and more descriptive, while the boys? texts are shorter and show a wider range of word variation.

Interaktiv skrivtavla i undervisning : En multimodal fallstudie av en lärares användning av interaktiv skrivtavla i läs- och skrivundervisning

The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher uses multimodal resources with an interactive whiteboard while teaching reading and writing. The aim is also to investigate what view the teacher has on using an interactive whiteboard while teaching reading and writing. Video-recorded observations and audio-recorded interviews are the methods used to collect data. The analysis was performed from a multimodal perspective and is also inspired by interaction analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the teacher uses several multimodal sign systems in combination with those found on the interactive whiteboard.

Medborgardialog i ortsanalys : ett arbete om värdet av kommunikation tidigt i planeringsskedet

Citizen participation is fundamental in place analysis, where the aim is to define the sites specific character and identity. The local citizens know the village better than anyone else since they lead their daily life in the environment. I have in cooperation with Sala municipality suggested guidelines on how to involve the local people in dialogue during place analysis. The target was to involve and enthuse as many people as possible with relatively small resources in time and money. The suggested methodology was tried out in a place analysis of Västerfärnebo, a community with about 3 000 inhabitants of which 500 live in the main village.

Riskanalys av järnvägen genom centrala Halmstad

The purpose of this risk analysis is to investigate if the transport of dangerous gods through Halmstad is a threat to the surrounding area. The report shall serve as a component in the making of pre-plans and the planning of exercises..

Talangjakt 2008 : En studie av rekryteringsbranschen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva rekryteringsprocessen och i synnerhet att identifiera avgörande faktorer i processen och dess omgivning som kan kopplas till ett talangfokus.Det vi kommit fram till är att rekryteringsprocessen påverkas av en rad faktorer som tar sin utgångspunkt i några stora samhälleliga tendenser. Dessa tendenser kräver vissa förändringar i processen som gör att orden talang, kreativitet och stjärna börjat användas som profilering för företag då syftet är att locka till sig kompetent personal från 80-talistgenerationen..

Wavelettransform med Morletwavelets för analys av satellitmätdata

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Magnetfältssignaturer från Birkelands- och jonosfärsströmmar

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

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