

399 Uppsatser om Traumatic brain injury - Sida 2 av 27

Sexuella funktioner hos män med förvärvad ryggmärgsskada. En studie baserad på The Nordic Spinal Cord Injury Registry under åren 2005-2010.

Sexual function in men with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is usually affected to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the type of injury and physiological prerequisites. Social contexts and psychological factors are other aspects that affect sexual function. Sexual dysfunction can lead to an impaired quality of life, depression and other illnesses. Aim: To study reported experiences of sexual function in men with SCI who have participated in The Nordic Spinal Injury Registry (NSCIR) five years follow-up. Design: Quantitative method consisting of a register study based on secondary data.

Skadeförebyggande träning inom elitdamfotbollen : Tränarnas fokus på att förebygga en främre korsbandsskada

This quality study was carried out with seven semi-structured interviews and five of them were with elite women´s football coaches. What has been studied is how elite women?s football coaches are working with injury prevention training to their knees for the women?s football players. An anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite women?s football is both common and serious knee injury.

En retrospektiv epidemiologisk studie om hudproblem på dobermann :

It is a well known fact today that suffering due to skin disorders is one of the most common causes to veterinary calls. For the Doberman breed included in the group of working dogs, the frequency and distribution of the different skinrelated diagnoses that causes visits to the veterinary clinics remains undocumented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of skinrelated problems causing veterinary visits of Doberman at four different veterinaryclinics in Sweden retrospectively, and compare these results with dogs in general and three other working dog breeds with the help of information collected from Agria - a Swedish animal insurance company. The total amount of veterinary calls that were registered at the clinics in question during the time of the study was 2460 visits. From these, 658 visits were due to skinrelated disorders, which amount to 27%. The most frequent cause to skinsuffering was injury caused by trauma, 15,7% of the Dobermans that were included in the study were affected, the second most frequent cause was inflammatory and infectious skin problems with 12,3% followed by neoplastic changes in the skin with 7% of the Dobermans affected.

Posttraumatisk stress hos universitetsstudenter i Lund

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder resulting from exposure to a traumatic event. The purpose of this study was to examine the exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events (PTE) and the prevalence of PTSD among students at the University of Lund. Sexdifferences among these variables were also examined. Using surveys as research method, 380 students from five different faculties participated. The results indicated that these students have been more exposed to PTE than the general Swedish population.

En retrospektiv fallstudie av konservativ behandling av intraartikulära hovbensfrakturer, typ II och III, hos rid- och körhästar :

Hospital records of 32 non-racehorses referred to Skara Animal Hospital and Halland Animal Hospital, Sweden, between January 1995 and September 2001 for intraarticular fractures of the third phalanx, were reviewed, and follow-up information on final outcome was collected to determine whether any injury or treatment factors could be associated with the outcome. Mean age of the horses was 8.3 years (range, 1-20 years), and follow-up time ranged from 1 to 7 years after injury. In 11 (34%) of the horses, injury involved the front limbs. Twenty-two (69%) horses returned to their original level of use. There was no statistically significant correlation between outcome and elapsed time from injury to treatment, treatment variables, or bony union in the present study.

LAURA: Kognitiv beteendeterapi för kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa till följd av en traumatisk förlossning : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av internetadministrerad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling

The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of internet- administered guided self-help for women suffering from psychological problems following traumatic childbirth. The eight-week treatment program consisted of written chapters based on cognitive behavioral therapy. 56 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 28) or a waiting list group (n = 28).The results showed that post-traumatic symptoms decreased as a result of the treatment, with large within-group effects measured by both the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) (d = 1.33) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) (d = 1.3). The difference between the groups was only significant when measured by the IES-R in which case the between-group effect was large (d = 0.97). The proportion of the participants who showed clinically significant improvement was considerably greater in the treatment group than in the waiting list group.

"Att skakas om" : Erfarenheter och konsekvenser av traumatisk hjärnskada

Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats och är beskrivande till sin form.Dess övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för traumatisk hjärnskada. Syftet var att förstå meningsaspekter av skadan och att ge ett bidrag till förståelsen av olika variationer av livsvärldsförändringen. Hur traumatisk hjärnskada kan förstås utifrån ett existentiellt perspektiv var särskilt fokuserat. Forskningsfrågan löd: Vad och hur berättar några vuxna personer som i vuxen ålder drabbats av en traumatisk hjärnskada om erfarenheter och konsekvenser av skadan och vilka slutsatser kan dras av en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk analys av detta.Åtta personer som varit patienter inom hjärnskaderehabilitering intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och skrevs ner ordagrant.

Ett lojalitetsprogram för Brain Bemanning

Bemanningsbranschen är en ny och expanderande bransch i Sverige. Brain Bemanning är en av branschens aktörer som inriktar sig på att hyra ut högskolestudenter till företag och detta projekt utgår ifrån ett uppdrag för företaget i fråga. Projektets syfte var att utveckla ett förslag till lojalitetsprogram för Brain Bemannings uthyrda konsulter. Företaget ville ha hjälp med att deras uthyrda konsulter skall känna sig mer integrerade i företaget. För att kunna svara på projektets frågeställning genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer där hermeneutiken använts som vårt vetenskapliga angreppssätt.

Brain Gym® - En väg till ökad självkännedom i lärandesituationer? En studie vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö utifrån ett lärar- och studentperspektiv

Title: Brain Gym®? An approach to increase self-knowledge in situations of learning?- A study at the Malmö Academy of Music from a teacher and student perspective. Brain Gym® is a method developed by Paul Dennison in his studies of physiology and aims to eliminate potential blockages during the process of learning. During the influence of stress, as in learning, we do not possess a total access to our perceptive ability. Instead we are limited to our so called dominance profile.

Bemötande av anhöriga vid traumatiska dödsfall - En litteraturstudie om omhändertagandet av de anhöriga och deras behov

Traumatic deaths hit relatives hard and a fast and professional encounter can make crisis management easier. The purpose of this literature review is to find partly how relatives after traumatic deaths are taken care of and how nursing staff fulfil the relatives' needs and also how nurses prepare themselves before this encounter with the realatives. The method in this study consists of a literature review. This was done through critical examining a number of articles within this area. The result shows how a nurse could encounter relatives after traumatic deaths.

Koppla på hjärnan! En studie kring hur Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym används i arbetet med barn och deras lärande.

Haidi Thun (2010). Koppla på hjärnan! En studie kring hur Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym används i arbetet med barn och deras lärande. Malmö: Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet med mitt arbete har varit att ta del av fyra pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta med Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym med elever i åldrarna 6-12 år. Jag har genom min empiri försökt närma mig en förståelse för Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gyms fördelar alternativt nackdelar.

Vätskebehandling inom brännskadevård

SummaryPatients with burn injuries involving more than 20 percent of the total body surface area lose a lot of fluid and are in the risk of developing a severe hypovolemia. Fluid resuscitation is a corner stone in burn care and is important for preventingfurthercomplications. The most common resuscitation formula is the Parkland Formula. Hourly urine output is a measure used to evaluate if the fluid given is sufficient enough to maintain a sustainable tissue perfusion. Inhalation injury, abuse of alcohol and drugs are some of the factors that may increase the amountoffluid needed.

Hur påverkas humankapitalet av migrationen mellan länderna i Nord? - En studien av fenomenen brain drain och brain gain i Ungern.

Brain drain innebär förlorat humankapital till följd av migration och förknippas oftast med högutbildade medborgares flytt till utlandet. Brain gain innebär å andra sidan ökat humankapital, antingen till följd av att migranter flyttar tillbaka till sina ursprungsländer eller genom ökade incitament för att utbilda sig på grund av migrationsmöjligheter. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur den lagändring som trätt i kraft i Ungern, för att förhindra migration av välutbildad arbetskraft, påverkar humankapitalet i landet. Uppsatsen begränsades till att enbart innefatta läkare.För att genomföra undersökningen användes data från olika databaser samt andra forskningsrapporter och kompletterande källor. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av teorier kring löneutjämning samt neoklassisk teori rörande nyttomaximering och inkomstfördelning.

Att möta de osynliga : En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende

Author: Madeleine Ahlström and Hanna PuontiTitle: To meet the invisible population - A qualitative study of men with deliberate self-injury [Att möta de osynliga - En kvalitativ studie om killar med självskadebeteende]Supervisor: Anders ÖstnäsAssessor: Jan Petersson This study aims to provide a picture of the underlying causes why men deliberately hurt themselves. It also aims to provide a picture revolving how men self-harm and what the direct effects are from their self-harm. The study describes their behaviour and how the behaviour has evolved over time. There is also a focus in the study to illustrate how society´s operative approach towards men makes their self-harm invisible, and make them an invisible population that neither the scientists nor the general population chooses to see. Self-injury is strongly associated with girls and their way of harming themselves.

Svenska veteraners upplevelser av livssituationen efter genomförd internationell insats

The main focus of this study was to investigate how Swedish military veterans experience that events during an international service affect them after completed mission. This also includes the contact with their relatives. Secondly, this study deals with the course of the crisis, personal defense mechanisms, cumulative stress and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).The study was performed using a qualitative method and comprises individual interviews with six Swedish veterans. The responders were all men of different military positions, who participated in one or more international missions during 1993 to 2011.The results of this study show that, according to the veterans, the return back home is the most strenuous part of an international mission. With all the new experiences that an international service brings fresh in their memories, it is hard to re-adjust to the life of a civilian.In connection with the return back home, different degrees of stress reactions were also commonly seen, for example sleep disturbance, restlessness and exhaustion.

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