399 Uppsatser om Traumatic brain injury - Sida 12 av 27
Polisprovocerande suicidbeteende : Förekomst, karakteristika och polisers upplevelser av suicide by cop i Sverige
Situationer där polisen skjuter kan uppstå till följd av att gärningsmän uppvisar provokativa suicidbeteenden. Detta fenomen är känt som suicide by cop (SbC) och har visat sig utgöra en betydande andel av undersökta skjuthändelser i Nordamerika. Studien syftar till att ge en deskriptiv bild av SbC i Sverige utifrån förekomst och karakteristika gällande situationer och gärningsmän, samt att beskriva hur dessa händelser kan upplevas och hanteras av poliser. Skjuthändelser som inträffat under tidsperioden 2005-2009 granskades och intervjuer genomfördes med tio poliser som upplevt SbC-händelser. Resultatet visade att SbC svarade för 26 % av skjuthändelserna.
Att drabbas av och leva med stroke : en studie av självbiografier
Stroke is a widespread disease in Sweden. Nurses play a central part for those who suffer from a stroke irrespective of where in the care chain they meet. To be able to meet the patients? need of care the nurse must understand his/her lifeworld. Each and every patient is unique and the experience of being struck by a stroke depends on personality and life situation.
Upplevd förändring av aggressionsnivåer hos svenska soldater efter utlandstjänstgöring i Afghanistan
The major part of the existing research on psychological effects on participating in war or residing in a war zone shows negative effects on the person?s mental health. However not all research, from an international perspective, shows the same results. Since we haven?t found any research regarding Swedish conditions and there has been a recent implementation of a decision from the Supreme Commander regarding commanded international service for all staff within the Swedish armed forces, the question has now become more relevant.
"Om man vill studera och verkligen kämpar så finns det en väg för det här i Sverige" : En intervjustudie om några unga nyanlända irakiers syn på möjligheter och hinder i en gymnasieskola i Södertälje kommun
This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.
Livet med ett nytt hjärta : Patienters upplevelser och copingstrategier
Background:For patients with severe heart disease, may heart transplantation be the only opportunity for survival. Previous research highlights the importance of the nurse's role as supporters and knowledge brokers. People who has undergone heart transplant may be changed forever. Having to undergo a heart transplant can lead to that patients end up in a traumatic crisis. People's perception of herself and her perception of the world is also changing when the body is injured or suffers a disease.
Ur askan i elden? : Om psykologiskt arbete med asylsökande barn
This phenomenological study explores the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children in Sweden and highlights possible ways of meeting their needs. Open interviews with 13 clinically experienced psychologists were conducted.The results of the analysis suggest that experiences of trauma and separation, the child's developmental level, parental functioning and family dynamics contribute to the mental health problems of asylum- seeking children. When meeting these children the psychologists continuously face ethical dilemmas since the asylum-seeking process seems to aggravate the problems as well as complicate the use of traditional interventions. Promoting structure and activity, normalizing symptoms, educating about trauma and crisis, sharing and accepting anxieties and sometimes thoroughly working through traumatic experiences are treatment strategies found clinically useful. Systematic follow-up studies are needed to decide the effects of these interventions..
Psykometrisk prövning av PG-13; ett självskattningsinstrument för ihållande sorg
Frågan om ?normal? respektive ?patologisk? sorg har under en lång tid varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom psykologin och psykiatrin. En grupp forskare har tagit fram kriterier på ett syndrom som fått benämningen ihållande sorg (?prolonged grief?). Studier har visat på att ihållande sorg är ett distinkt syndrom separat från depression, posttraumatisk stressyndrom och generaliserat ångestsyndrom.
Corpus Technologica : En religionshistorisk analys av Robert Anton Wilsons version av The Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness i ljuset av den västerländska esoterismen
This is a thesis about The Eight Circuit Model, a modern mind map developed for the purpose of illumination and enlighenment by Dr. Timothy Leary in the 1970s. Later, authors such as Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli elaborated upon the idea to make it more wholesome and compatible with other ideas expressing the same basic principle. In short, it is an intellectual abstraction of the evolution of consciousness through a series of eight stages, which Leary called Circuits. By looking at the brain as an evolving bio-computer, with thoughts working as software, upgrading itself through neurological imprints, Learys created a Hero's Journey for the modern age.The thesis tries to analyze this idea, as it is presented in Robert Anton Wilsons Prometheus Rising, through the lens of the discourse category ?Western Esoterism.? A hard-to-define subject but described as ?the dialectic of the hidden and the revealed in the field of religion.?.
Läsflöde eller läsmöda? : Ett arbete om hur la?sning pa?verkas (och inte pa?verkas) av olika element pa? en webbplats fo?rstasida.
The purpose of this project was to find out how reading is affected, and not affected, by different elements on a start page. The site I was studied belongs to the magazine Fitness Magazine, and the current site has a problem. The editorial texts and articles don?t reach out to the visitors. The goal was to make a proposal for a new first page of the web site that highlights the texts and the reading.With the help of interviews, user testing and textual analysis, I studied if the texts were in itself that caused the problem or if it was the design.
Den omedvetna texten : En psykoanalytisk studie över affektens och överföringens betydelse vid tolkning och läsning av skönlitteratur
The aim of this study is to explore the fundaments of all psychoanalytic interpretative models, and especially the psychoanalytic literary criticism. Drawing from different fields as affect theory, neuropsychology and Lacan's structural psychoanalysis, strong evidence is found that language in itself contains and transmits affects.The empiric study indicates that different readers of a text, regardless of their interpretation of the text, show similar changes in mood as a function of the text. This seems to be possible as an effect of the separation of the sign between the signifier and the signification. And this supports that the signifier has some kind of direct access to the affects. This is due to the fact that the signifier belongs to the imaginary protolinguistic level while the signification belongs to the symbolic and linguistic level of a higher order.
Barnsäkerhet på förskolan : en kvalitativ jämförelsestudie
The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the attitudes of personell involved in the preschoolorganisation in a Swedish commune regarding injury risks for children in pre-school. Sixrespondents were interviewed in a qualitative interview study.Two different pre-school units were investigated, and it was found that they had surprisingly largedifferences in how they were working with children safety. However, in summary it can be said that therespondents perceived that child safety should encompass a safe and secure environment, however withthe important caveat that accidents can never be completely excluded, due to the natural anddevelopmentally important play of children.The investigated commune and pre-school units improved children safety mainly by using yearlyplanning meetings (Sw. "barnskyddsrond") where the physical environment in the school wasinvestigated together with external specialists. However, there are important differences in how the unitsworked within this framework, some units actively encouraging and others discouraging children andparent participation in the work..
Behandlingspersonals förhållningssätt till flickor med självskadebeteende
In this study the aim is to examine how employees in treatment programmes relate to girls that self-harm. To achieve this four questions were formulated: (1) What experiences does the empolyees have of meeting girls that self-harm? (2) Based on the employees? experiences, what has been the background to why the girls self-harm? (3) Based on the employees? experience, what increases or decreases the risk of self-harm? (4) How do the employees? work with girls that self-harm? The method being used was qualitative interviews with vignettes. The theoretical framework is Becker?s Labeling Theory and Bronfenbrenner?s Ecology of Human Development.
Manliga elitfotbollspelares upplevda stress och copingstrategier under skaderehabiliteringen
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur manliga elitfotbollspelare (1) upplever stress under sin rehabilitering samt (2) vilka typer av strategier de använder sig av för att minska den upplevda stressen under sin rehabilitering. Elitfotbollspelarna (N=11) med en medelålder på 22 år besvarade en semistrukturerad intervjuguide gällande stress och coping under rehabilitering. Intervjuerna analyserades genom tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att elitfotbollspelare upplever störst press och stress från sig själva och att det sociala nätverket är en viktig del för att handskas med upplevd stress. Resultatet visade även att positiv inställning är en viktig komponent för att få ett bra rehabiliteringsutfall.
En fenomenologisk studie av kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige från Mellanöstern
The aim of this study was to investigate the individual meaning of experiences of migration and day-to day life experiences before and after migration, of women that had migrated from the Middle-east area to Sweden. This was to be done with a psychological health perspective looking for stressors and salutogenic factors. A phenomenological approach was used. Eleven women where interviewed with three open questions on a trajectory theme. The analysis was supported by software Sphinx Lexica and software MCA-Minerva.
Ergonomi vid armeringsarbeten : En studie om möjliga förbättringar i arbetsmiljön vid armeringsarbeten
Injuries and sick-leave is a common feature for reinforcement workers today. This is mainlydue to the fact that reinforcement work is done in an exposed environment with many stressfactors and highly repetitive work. These operations are often carried out in unsuitableworking positions, these positions creates a major burden on the bones and joints and causesmicro- damages on muscles. With repetitive work these injuries are not given time to healproperly and will gradually become worse.The body will not be able to handle the stress of working in a work environment such as thisand musculoskeletal disorders can be a result of this. The injury will make itself known aspain in the musculoskeletal system and causes reduced movability; the injured worker willtherefore not be able to perform the same work tasks as before.