399 Uppsatser om Traumatic brain injury - Sida 10 av 27
De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken
In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..
Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med bröstcancer
Body image in women with breastcancerBreast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in Sweden today. To get a breast cancer diagnose can be a traumatic experience for many women. It´s difficult to forsee how these women are going to control their situation. When a breast has to be removed because of cancer, the women has to adjust to changes in both physical and phychological aspects. The aim of this study was to elucidate body image in women with breast cancer after a mastectomy.
Kan mjuka golv i grisningsboxar minska skador på klövar och ben hos smågrisar?
The incidence of damage to the claws and legs in piglets caused by the floor in farrowing pens is a widely known problem and very common in today's pig herds. Although the association between floor and damage has been known for over 35 years, no suitable solution has been found to reduce the negative impact. The purpose of this study was to make a literature study to document the experiences of the use of different types of flooring in farrowing pens and also, in an own study, examine if soft floor in farrowing crates could lead to reduced damage to the claws and legs in piglets compared to concrete floor. The study was conducted in two herds, A and B. In each herd, farrowing pens with concrete floor and concrete floor with polyurethane coating were compared.
Cykel Lampa : Processbeskrivning fo?r mitt kandidatexamensarbete
Med examensarbetet vill jag underso?ka med ett holistiskt synsa?tt pa? hela livscykeln av ljuset vilka krav en modern anva?ndare har av ett cykelljus och hur dessa anspra?k kan a?stadkommas.? Fo?r att skapa ett cykelljus som fungerar fo?r en modern cykelanva?ndare utifra?n deras krav och behov samt tar ha?nsyn till alla stakeholders fo?rva?ntningar. Fo?rst go?r jag en grundlig research pa? historiska cykelbelysningar och vad som finns idag, jag kommer att skapa ett ITK och go?ra Trendanalyser samt Brain- storming, Scenario och Personas. Sedan kommer jag att laborera med Ljust- ester innan jag ga?r o?ver till formgivningen da?r jag kommer att anva?nda mig av 3D Modeller.
Familjens situation då barnet insjuknar i Diabetes typ 1 - Litteratursammanställning
Background: Diabetes mellitus Type 1 is one of the most common chronicle diseases in childhood. This signifies big changes in the daily life for the child and its family. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the family?s situation when the child falls ill in Type 1 diabetes. Method: The search for literature has been done both manually and in databases.
Säkerhetsbrytare för Gräsklippare
This thesis describes teh solution of two problems regarding safety on powered lawnmowers; protectning the users from injury when using the lawnmower in slopes, and when cleaning the cutting blade.The task was carried out through initial studies on a representative lawnmower. A generation of ideas followed with an evaluation to select the best solution. The winning concept was further developed to reach acceptable performance. The word resulted in a functioning prototype utilising an original way of detecting inclinations without incorrect signals. It c an serve as a platform for further development into a product.The work gives insightful experience of solving real-world problems, and especially to deal with situations where several variables and their effects are unknownPlease note that several parts of the work are confidential, and have therefore been removed from the thesis..
Stridsyxor eller båtyxor : En diskussion om symboliken och dess betydelse
My intention with this paper is to try to understand the meaning of the double sex symbols which can be identified on a number of Neolithic so called battle axes from the region round the lake Mälaren in Sweden. My conclusions are drawn after having studied a number of archaeological thesises. I have realized that the society was egalitarian from what is said about the funeral habits since women and men were buried with the same care. Ceramics from the Skogsmossen site show a very long continuity over 15-20 generations. These facts indicate a peaceful society without traumatic breaks where knowledge would have been lost.
Mänskliga grymheter
The purpose of this essay is to give the reader an insight in the subject of torture. This is done through both an historical perspective and by showing how torture methods are used today, even though torture is prohibited by law. Many refugees who come to Sweden today have survived torture, and the trauma can cause multiple illnesses related to the tragic memories. In addition to physical damage many also suffer from depression and post traumatic stress, due to the experiences of torture.Together with the Swedish Red Cross we designed a questionnaire which was sent to politicians and elected officials. In the questionnaire we asked questions concerning knowledge of injuries due to torture and what treatment options these people have in Sweden.
Om indirekt- och "indirekt" indirekt skada : Enskilda aktieägares rätt till ersättning vid skadegörande handling av organledamot jämte genomsyn i koncernförhållanden
I de fall enskilda aktieägare tillfogas skada, genom organledamots handlande, innehar dessa rättigheten att påkalla skadeståndsansvar enligt 29:1 1 st. 2 men. ABL. I den svenska rättstillämpningen ter sig dock tillämpningen av paragrafen, i samband med indirekta skador, problematisk. Problematiken hänför sig till vilka regler, vars åsidosättande, aktualiserar tillämpningen av paragrafen tillsammans med aktieägares talerätt.Två tolkningar kan i fallet identifieras, vilka framförts inom doktrinen, varvid en begränsad och en mer liberal.
Hur tänker barn att de ser ut inuti? : Vad har 3- och 4-åringar för uppfattning om insidan av kroppen?
AbstractMy purpose of this essay was to discover three- and four-year-olds comprehension of their internal body and then compare the result between their ages. I have used the same methods in both essays, semi-qualitative interviews. It is structured interviews with space for following questions. My formulations of the questions were: Do the children have a comprehension of their internal structure of the body? Do the children have a comprehension of organs and organ systems? Is there any difference between the ages?Their comprehensions I have categorized in four categories and I have seen age related differences in their comprehensions.
Effekter av individuellt utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvård
To be preborn and treated in a hightech environment, will expose the child for an abnormal stimulance. Immature lungs and brain are accountable for the biggest healthrisks. The medical treatment will affect the childs future development. Nursing according to NIDCAP®, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program, aims at reducing the surrounding disturbance in relation to the childs maturity.
The aim for this literature study is to survey the affects of NIDCAP®-nursing. The literature study is based upon scientific articles.
Musikupplevelser vid förvärvad hjärnskada : en intervjustudie av musikterapeuters erfarenheter
A?mnet a?r musikterapi med hja?rnskadade personer, skrivet inom ramen fo?r Magisterprogrammet i musikpedagogik med inriktning musikterapi vid Kungl. Musikho?gskolan i Stockholm, 2012. Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att bidra till o?kad kunskap om hur det a?r att tolka och fo?rsta? hja?rnskadade personers sa?tt att kommunicera i en musikterapisituation, da? dessa har nedsatt kommunikationsfo?rma?ga, afasi, sva?rt med empati, ett utsla?tat ka?nsloliv, stel mimik och liknande.
Djurägarbehandlingar inom renskötseln :
The aim of this study was to document treatments of sick and injured reindeer in Tornedalen and the area around Gällivare. I also wanted to find out the basis for the treatments, how they are considered to work and if they agree with established veterinary science. The occurrence of ?folk remedies? was especially studied. In all, 40 reindeer owners were interviewed.
Ekonomiska effekter av migration i världen och i Sverige
Att studera de ekonomiska effekterna av migration är tyvärr ett för stort ämne för den är uppsatsen så vi har valt ut vissa delar av detta ämne att studera och i möjlig mån undersöka hur dessa effekter påverkar Sverige. De effekter som behandlas är effekter på tillväxt för utvandrarländer när högutbildade emigrerar och hur invandrarlandets arbetsmarknad påverkas av immigration. Vi har undersökt både teoretisk och empirisk litteratur och sedan jämfört slutsatser som dragits på internationella data med de förhållanden som råder för Sverige. Våra slutsatser är att en liten utflyttning av högutbildad arbetskraft kan medföra en positiv effekt på humankapitalsnivån i ett utvecklingsland under vissa omständigheter. Effekterna på arbetsmarknaden i invandrarlandet är omtvistade men enligt de senaste empiriska undersökningarna medför en högre invandrartäthet i en yrkesgrupp negativ påverkan för arbetskraften i denna yrkesgrupp.yrkesgrupp..
Muskuloskeletala besvär bland kvinnlig tandvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ studie
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.