

654 Uppsatser om Transportable buildings - Sida 44 av 44

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

Strandskyddet : en översyn av tillämpningen i tre kommuner i Uppsala län

The first regulation concerning the protection of shores was introduced in 1950. The purpose of that regulation was to "secure the general publics condition of an outdoor life". The protection has been sharpened over the years and in 1975 a general protection of the shores was introduced, which meant that all land was protected within 100 meters from the shoreline. In 1994 a supplement was made with the purpose to "preserve good conditions for animal and plants on land and in water". The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did an inquiry of the shore protection regulations commissioned by the Government in 2001. The inquiry pointed out that there were big lacks in the exemption decisions.

Föränderliga stadsrum : flexibilitet, dynamik & interaktivitet

The number of inhabitants of the towns and city centers have generelly increased, concurrent as the population in smaller towns has decreased. In Stockholm, the migration is very fast and here is also the most populous place, if one compares with other Sweden. In order to respond to the increasing population and the pressure they put on city spaces has Stockholm's town a town building strategy that says "build inwards". It means that one stem seals the town with spaces and business activities in central locations. The increased population in the towns and the densification of buildings leads however to an increased pressure on parks and public places.

Resurseffektiv energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus : Frånluftsvärmepumpar i kombination med fjärrvärme

Fjärrvärme täcker i dagsläget cirka 56 procent av energibehovet för uppvärmning och varmvatten i svenska bostadssektorn. Denna siffra förväntas minska i och med ökade energieffektiviseringsåtgärder och installationer av alternativa värmekällor. Det har blivit allt vanligare att både fastighetssektorn och olika miljöklassningssystem fokuserar på att minska mängden inköpt energi och ett sätt att göra detta på är att installera frånluftsvärmepumpar som ett komplement till fastighetens primära uppvärmningssystem. Det kommunalägda bostadsbolaget AB Stångåstaden planerar att utföra detta i flerbostadshus där FTX-system av flera anledningar inte är möjligt att installera. Installationen är aktuell i fastigheter som i dagsläget har frånluftsventilation och självdrag samt är högre än tre våningar.Installationen kommer att påverka den lokala fjärrvärmeleverantören Tekniska verken AB och då även de är kommunalägda finns det ett intresse i att utreda de effekter som frånluftsvärmepumparna kommer att ha på de båda företagen samt på kommunen i stort.


Det nya EU-direktivet EPBD2, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (recast), som antogs 2010, specificerar att alla nya byggnader ska vara så kallade nära-nollenergibyggnader år 2021. En nära-nollenergibyggnad definieras som en byggnad med mycket hög energiprestanda, som till mycket hög grad förses med förnybar energi. Hur detta ska tolkas och var kravnivån ska sättas för energianvändningen är upp till varje land att besluta. I Sverige pågår just nu en debatt om detta och Energimyndigheten har fått i uppdrag att  utforma en svensk strategi för att möta kravet om nära-nollenergibyggnader. Nära sammanlänkat med detta är också miljömålen om minskad klimatpåverkan till 2020 och 2050.

Kokvigeproduktion baserad på köttraser : en fältstudie

Most of the beef production in Sweden has been integrated with milk production. Since the 1990:s, the number of dairy cows has decreased. A specialised beef production has developed in purpose to compensate for this decrease. The consumption of beef have increased in the last decade, but the Swedish production has no followed this trend. In 2004, the percentage of beef self-sufficiency in Sweden was 60 %.

Arkitekturtävlingar och platsbesök : the core project competition

Competing is a well established work model among Swedisharchitects as well as in the international architect work force.Through this study we set out to get better acquainted with thiswork model in theory and in practice, and to hopefully gainknowledge that will be of use to us and to others working in thefield of architecture.Techniques, materials as well as the artistic expression ofcontemporary architecture is international and today?s architectsoperate on a global labour market. Architects often commit to workon assignments far away from where they are based. Therefore,to physically visit the site of interest may be time consuming,expensive as well as harmful to the environment. Is it possible fora designer to accomplish relevant proposals on how to develop andimprove a place that he or she has never visited? May there evenbe situations in which the outsiders point of view is preferable?These are questions that we aim to investigate, and we do sothrough participation in an international design competition.

Lammproduktion på nio ekologiska gårdar i västra Sverige :

The purpose with this study was to analyze the possibilities to produce organic lambs and to hihglight the most common difficulties in such a production system. A description of current organic and conventional lamb production systems was conducted, both from Sweden and from some other countries. The Department of Animal Environment and Health at SLU in Skara performed the project together with The County Board of Agriculture in Västra Götaland and Värmland and The Swedish Animal Health Service. The project lasted from 2002 to 2004. The student report contains the years 2002 and 2003. In the year of 2003 there were 210 000 adult sheep in Sweden, of which 16 400 adult sheep were certified by KRAV. Of the different countries in Sweden, Västra Götaland and Gotland had the largest number of sheep, 14 and 13 per cent of the total number.

Hantering och lastning av nöt på gården : praktiska studier vid hämtning av slaktdjur - råd för att minska stress och skador på djur och människor

ABSTRACT There is present a lot of focus on animal welfare issues during transport and the related loading and unloading of animals. This thesis is a field study investigating the present situation of beef and dairy farms in Sweden. The predominant reasons stressing cattle when transported to abattoirs are when they are loaded and unloaded on the trucks. The aim of this thesis is to improve the handling and the loading facilities to facilitate the handling and reduce the stress for the animals as well as the personnel. The field study was done by travelling together with the transports from the farm to the abattoir in Uppsala. Three trucks where used and about 60 farms were visited January to March 2003.

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