11324 Uppsatser om Transport work - Sida 11 av 755
Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi
This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.
Transport av häst på land :
The aim of this review is to evaluate the best way to transport the horse. When it comes to transporting horses there are a number of different types of trailers and trucks that you can choose from today. The most common type of trailer is designed for two horses and the horses are transported facing the direction of travel. Studies has been performed to determine if that is the most advantageous direction for the horse to travel in, in terms of balance and levels of stress. Stress is a widely discussed subject and the definition is not fully developed.
I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun
The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.
Postoperativa transporter: Patientsäkerhet under intrahospitala transporter
Få studier är gjorda om intrahospitala transporter och i synnerhet postoperativa transporter. De studier som finns behandlar framförallt intensivvårdspatienter som transporteras till behandlingar och undersökningar. Tidigare forskning visar att den intrahospitala transporten av intensivvårdskrävande patienter är en patientsäkerhetsrisk då patienten kan få fysiska komplikationer och en förlängd vårdtid. Den postoperativa transporten av den nyopererade patienten sker dagligen inom sjukvården. För att erhålla grundläggande kunskap om denna transport genomfördes en ostrukturerad observationsstudie med fokus på patientsäkerhet.
Arbetets värde. Om ungdomars uppfattningar kring arbetets betydelse.
The aim of this study is to examine the perception of work of young men and women. A central problem that the study focus on is how young men and women value work, what do they expect to get out of work, and what are their experiences of work. The study also examines what work value and work mean for them. Eight young men and women between the ages of 22-25, currently working in different field, were interviewed. The individuals interviewed had different educational backgrounds.
Förpackningslogistik på Haldex Traction Systems AB
the most obvious problem at Traction today is the in-between handling that demands much time and resources. The reason is that the packages are not designed with handling in mind. Several of the packages of today also have a poor degree of utilization that means there is room for a fewer number of articles. That in turn means more packages, more transports, more storage space and more staff. On the basis of a specification of demands ? which take quality and environmental influence, as well as transport, handling and economy in account ? we have developed suggestions on new packages that will facilitate handling and lower the total costs, The time of handling will in some cases abbreviate to just a few seconds with the new packages.
Förbättrade transporter från Liko AB till kunder
Detta examensarbete har utförts hos Liko AB i Alvik, Luleå. De säljer främst personlyftar för rörelsehindrade människor, och deras kunder finns i Sverige och i ett 20-tal länder till. Logistikavdelningen på Liko AB har insett att transporter från dem till deras kunder är en viktig del i deras arbete. I dagsläget anlitar de till största del Schenker AB för transport och de har liten insyn i, och dålig kunskap om, den delen. Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga hur transport från Liko AB till kund fungerar i dagsläget.
Då patienten inte åker med ambulansen för fortsatt vård, en studie med aspekt på patientsäkerheten : En retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie av 137 utlarmningar
ABSTRACT Introduction: During the past 40 years the ambulance service in Sweden has evolved from mainly being a source of transport to today?s high-tech caring facilities that enable qualified care to start already in the patient?s home. This first level of care is now provided by registered nurses and registered nurses with specialist training in pre hospital care.At the same time as the care provided is becoming more advanced, results from studies demonstrate that the amount of dispatches to patients that lack the need for ambulance care and transport is increasing. Nurses in pre-hospital care possess the knowledge, training and authority to perform an initial assessment of patients and also treat patients according to local and national guidelines. After the treatment it would sometimes be possible for the patients to remain at home without having to use ambulance transport to an emergency department or in other cases find other means of transport to hospital.
Transport av hästar på passagerarfärjor : regelverkets efterlevnad och möjliga problem
Detta arbete kom till på inrådan från Jordbruksverket som tagit emot telefonsamtal från hästägare som haft problem med att få titta till sina hästar i samband med färjetransporter. Regelverket kring transport av djur är omfattande och detaljerat och man måste ta hänsyn till både den nationella djurskyddslagstiftningen och EU:s regelverk, Rådets förordning (EG 1/2005). Jordbruksverket var främst intresserade av efterlevnaden vad gäller de regler som hanterar tillsyn av hästarna samt ventilation och placering/fixering av transporten på färjan. Enligt transportföreskrifterna (DFS 2006:9) ska transporten placeras nära ett friskluftsintag och hästarnas tillstånd ska kontrolleras varannan timme under färjeöverfarten. Det är länsstyrelsens djurskyddskontrollanter som har i uppdrag att kontrollera lagens efterlevnad, både på land och till sjöss.Transport av djur ökar risken för lidanden såsom hunger, törst, obehag, smärta, frustration rädsla och oro.
Införande av spårvägar i Örebro - Förslag till spårvägssträckning
In Örebro, the car traffic share does not tend to decrease. The crowdedness on some of the bus routes is high at times. Investigations show that the residents of Örebro want a city centre whose street environment is more restrictive of car traffic and better for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. To decrease the car traffic share a rapid, convenient, clear, effective and environmental friendly public transport with high frequency and strong capacity in a short, direct and logical network is needed. A modern tramway fulfils these criteria.At first, this report describes factors that are important to take into consideration when planning a tramway.
Personliga assistenters fysiska arbetsmiljö utifrån arbetsledares perspektiv
Abstract:Because personal assistance is relatively new in social care in Sweden we were interested in to get more knowledge in how supervisors for personal assistants worked. In our study we choosed to look into how the supervisors worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. The questions we wanted to found answers for in this study was, which work directions the supervisors for personal assistants have around the physical work environment, which legal provisions there were around the physical work environment for the personal assistants and how the supervisors experienced the work with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. We did a qualitative interview study with supervisors for personal assistants. We realised in our study that there were big differences in how the supervisors for personal assistants worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants.
Orsaker till mekaniska skador på nötslaktkroppar som uppstått under transporten till slakteriet eller på slakteriets stall :
In the Swedish abattoirs there are assistants that judge the slaughtered animals in regard to diseases and injuries. All diseases and injuries assign different codes. This master?s thesis is about code 42 which means injuries of different kinds like for example bruises etc. These injuries have risen during the transport from the farm to the abattoir lairage or during the stay at the lairage before slaughter.
Byggmetod, energianvändning, transport: : vid jämförelse mellan Gävle Strands Etapp 2 och Maskinisten
SAMMANFATTNINGEnergianvändning under produktion av nya byggnader är en aspekt på den angelägna miljöfrågan, men än saknas både regleringar och undersökningar. I denna studie görs en jämförelse av energianvändning och utsläpp vid byggnation och transport av byggmaterial för två nybyggda hus ägda av Gavlegårdarna AB på Sjåaregatan 19 och Maskinistgatan 19: Gävle. Strand Etapp 2 kallas projektet på Sjåaregatan 19 och Maskinisten kallas projektet på Maskinistgatan 19 i denna undersökning. Målet för studien har varit att fastställa vilket av dessa två projekt som har haft lägst energianvändning samt utsläpp av växthusgaser vid resningstillfället, dvs. under projektens produktionsskeden.
Öppen dagvattenhantering i urbana miljöer :
Storm water causes a number of problems in our country, particularly in city environment with its surfaces of non-absorbing ground materials. At heavy rain falls there are floods due to lack of capacity in the drain system when meeting heavy water masses over a short time. When the drain system is overloaded huge water masses reach the recipient untreated and there causing disturbances in the aquatic ecosystem. Due to emissions from mainly traffic, industries and other human activities the storm water is polluted. Earlier the problem used to be solved technically, by increasing the capacity of the tubes and by construction of reservoirs to delay the floods peaks.
Föroreningar orsakade av stenar inblandade i barrmassaved
Holmen Skog AB is an important supplier of conifer pulpwood to the Iggesund Paperboard mill. After logging and transport to the landing by a forwarder, the wood is loaded on trucks for further transport, often by using separate loaders. During this handling process considerable amounts of stone material is sometimes mixed into the pulpwood and this causes problems for the industry. The aim of this study is to identify which part of the chain from forest to pulpmill, that contributes the most to this contamination. Sizes and total volumes of the contaminating stones were also investigated.