

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 65 av 88

Bränsleceller i personbilar : En teknoekonomisk well-to-wheel analys av vätgas som fordonsbränsle

Several technical solutions are ready to step forward as the new generation of propellant, and this report aims to explore the possibility of commercializing fuel cell cars. The report is based on current research and data from today's technology and engineering solutions that are estimated to be commercially realized before 2020.A mapping of today?s different fuel cell options has shown that the most suitable fuel cell option is the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, which uses hydrogen as fuel. The report is focusing on a techno-economic well-to-wheel analysis of hydrogen and the energy balance and costs in a system perspective. The basis for this analysis consists of two centralized methods of production, steam methane reforming (SMR), and alkaline water electrolysis.

Boven i det interna samspelet : En uppsats om kommunikationen mellan sälj- och logistikavdelning på industriföretags påverkan på det interna materialflödet

We have left the industrial society, and instead, we live in a post-industrial knowledge and information society. It is often said that industrial production has disappeared or that it has changed greatly. This means that fewer are employed in the manufacturing sector while the service sector is increasing, resulting in that the boundaries between production and administration decreases. The production goes from mass production to more flexible and specialized solutions. This puts greater demands on the logistics chain that continually need to work to meet customer requirements.

RFID - tillämpning och lönsamhet

This report is the result of an investigation of the possibility to use RFID-technology in a producing company. The investigation is focused on a flow between the company?s producing subsidiary company in Lithuania and its main facility in Sweden.RFID is the abbreviation for radiofrequency identification. The RFID-technology forms the base of a system with wireless information transmission between an object to which a transponder, also called tag, has been attached and a reader. The information is transmitted by radio waves and the system is equipped with software that can digitalise the radio waves.

HTTP Live Streaming : En studie av strömmande videoprotokoll

Användningen av strömmande video ökar snabbt just nu. Ett populärt konceptär adaptive bitrate streaming som går ut på att en video kodas i flera olikabithastigheter. Dessa videor tas sedan och delas upp i små filer och görstillgänglig via internet. När du vill spela upp en sådan video laddar du först hemen fil som beskriver vart filerna finns och i vilka bithastigheter de är kodade i.Mediaspelaren kan där efter börja ladda hem filerna och spela upp dom. Om defysiska förutsättningarna, som exempelvis nedladdningshastighet eller CPUbelastning,ändras under uppspelningen kan mediaspelaren enkelt byta kvalitépå videon genom att börja ladda filer av en annan bithastighet och slippa attvideon laggar.

Spårväg eller trådbuss : Idéstudie om strukturerande kollektivtrafik i Örebroregionen

Kusoffsky, Magnus (2010) Spårväg eller trådbuss ? Idéstudie om strukturerande kollektivtrafik i Örebroregionen [Light rail or high-capacity trolleybus: A proposal for high-quality public transport in the Örebro area] Kulturgeografiska institutionen, avancerad nivå Masteruppsats för masterexamen i Samhällsplanering, 30 ECTS credits Handledare: Lennart Tonell Språk: SvenskaDen här uppsatsen handlar om samhällsplanering och kollektivtrafik i regionen omkring Örebro, Kumla och Hallsberg. Uppsatsens syfte är att presentera en vision för en långsiktigt hållbar Örebroregion, med ett hållbart transportsystem där kollektivtrafiken har en hög marknadsandel.Visionen preciseras i två scenarier, som bygger på två olika trafiksystem, nämligen spårväg och duospårväg, respektive prioriterad busstrafik med trådbuss. Båda scenarierna bygger på det nuvarande busslinjenätet i Örebro, och båda innehåller en direkt anslutning från Örebro universitet till Kumla och Hallsberg.Metoder som används i uppsatsen är scenarioplanering, backcasting, semi-struktrurerade intervjuer och deltagande observation.Avhandlingen innehåller en litteraturstudie, som bygger på tre målbilder för samhällsplanering i Sverige: integrerad trafik- och samhällsplanering med kollektivtrafik som norm, kollektivtrafik med strukturerande egenskaper, och integrering av lokal och regional kollektivtrafik.I två scenarierna beskrivs bland annat grundläggande tekniska specifikationer, linjenät, täckningsgrad, restider, kostnadsberäkningar, konsekvenser för stadsmiljö och samhällsplanering. Systemens för- och nackdelar jämförs, och rekommendationer lämnas för åtgärder på kortare sikt i kommunerna Örebro, Kumla och Hallsberg.

CARABAS III Konstruktion av antenninstallation på helikopter

This report describes the construction work of a radar antenna for the radar systemCARABAS. CARABAS is a long wave airborne ground radar that has been developed bySAAB Microwave Systems and will now be mounted on a small helicopter, Schweizer 300.The antenna should be able to fold up and down. When the radar is in use the antenna islowered and under transport, start and landing the antenna is folded up. An emergency dropfunction should also be included in the design of CARABAS III.The extent of this report includes construction of the antenna, frame structure attached to thehelicopter, mechanism for folding the antenna up and down and mechanism for emergencydrop function. The mechanical design of the antenna and frame structure is based on modaland stress analysis, vibration measurement of Schweizer 300 and frequency analysis, andcalculations regarding aerodynamic drag and mechanics.The exciting frequencies of the helicopter and accelerations at those frequencies weredetermined by vibration measurement and frequency analysis.

Ovisshetens flytt. - En kvalitativ studie baserad på ensamkommande flyktingbarns berättelser

This study is about children that have been forced to flee to another country, due to conflict, poverty or natural disasters, without their families. They are known as unaccompanied refugee children. The aim of the study is to, by focusing on individual children's feelings and experiences of being forced to flee create greater knowledge and understanding of what is hidden behind some of the statistic of migration.To answer the aim of the study, I used the following research questions: How is a child affected by being forced to leave home and to flee to a foreign country? How does an unaccompanied refugee child perceive the exodus? How do the unaccompanied refugee children handle their situation during the flight and at arrival in Sweden?The study is based on a qualitative method and consists in semi-structured interviews with five unaccompanied refugee children aged 17 to 21. The theoretical framework is based on three theoretical concepts; refugee crisis, identity and coping.The study results show that these children are a very vulnerable group, who were forced to be exposed to several losses and traumas.

Betydelsen av simuleringsövning för att bemästra kritiska situationer inom akutsjukvård - en kvalitativ studie

Bakgrund: Inom intensivvård transporteras patienter till och från avdeningen för att genomgå olika undersökningar. Det är väl känt att transporter är förenade med risker och kritiska situationer uppstår ofta på grund av den mänskliga faktorn. Genom upprepad utbildning av personal, tillexempel genom simuleringsövningar med informanter ur olika yrkeskategorier kan det vara ett användbart verktyg för att uppnå ökad vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet.Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva vad en simuleringsövning innebär för intensivvårdspersonal för att bemästra en kritisk situation.Metod: En kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats har genomförts. Femton personer, varav sex ST-läkare, sex sjuksköterskor och tre undersköterskor inom intensivvård har intervjuats. Konventionell kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Hsieh och Shannon har använts för analys av materialet.Resultat: Analysen av materialet ledde till att nio stycken subkategorier utvecklades och som delades in i två kategorier, vilka beskriver informanternas upplevelser i situationen och betydelsen av lärandet.

In condicione manendum? Skall anbud hållas? : En studie av löftes- och kontraktsprincipen i den internationella handeln

Denna uppsats grundar sig i den teoretiska konflikten mellan den i Sverige gällande löftesprincipen och kontraktsprincipen som är den gällande principen i den internationella köplagen, United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, CISG. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i det faktum att de nordiska länderna har valt att inte ratificera den del i CISG som rör avtalsingående. Vi har utrett vilka praktiska konsekvenser dessa skillnader får och om det finns något behov för Sverige att ansluta sig till den del av CISG som behandlar avtalsingående. Uppsatsen består först av en litteraturbaserad del som redogör för de olika anbudsprinciperna, CISG och avslutningsvis innebörden av letter of intent och standardavtal i korthet. För att undersöka hur detta fungerar i praktiken har vi utöver studier av juridisk doktrin valt att intervjua anställda på Stora Enso.

Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning

The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.

Viktoptimering av ett kompositchassi till en multimodal lättviktsfarkost

This report describes the master thesis project ?Weight Optimization of a Composite Chassis for a Multimodal Lightweight Vehicle? which is a part of the Master program in Naval Architecture and a part of a research project at the Centre for Naval Architecture, KTH. Demands on smart and energy efficient transport solutions are continuously increasing. In the Stockholm region the citizens are expected to increase with 25% and the road vehicles with 80% until 2030, putting high demands on the traffic system. Using a small multimodal vehicle deals with this problem and uses both the land and waterways for transportation.

Effekt av spädningsvätska på spermiemembranintegritet analyserad med NucleoCounter SP-100 :

This study is a part of a larger project where the aim has been to evaluate different methods to assure the quality in stallion semen, due to the fact that some stallions in horse breeding have poor semen quality. The increased use of transport semen requires new methods to ensure good semen quality. In this part of the project the viability and concentration in fresh and cooled semen was examined with NucleoCounter SP-100. A comparison between two different commercially available semen extenders, Kenney?s and INRA 96, was made.

Resource planning for internal logistics : A tool designed for the material handling department at Scania Axles and Gearboxes

This master thesis is performed at Scania Axles and Gearboxes, a production plant located in Södertälje. Within the plant axles, gearboxes as well as central gears are assembled from components to finished products. All production is conducted on production lines, with a pre-determined rate, which is supplied with components by the material handling department. Since the production quantity and the mix of product variants produced on the production line is customer order-based, the number and type of components needed for production as well as appropriate staffing within the material handling department is difficult to predict. Scania is currently using a number of different resource planning tools for each material handling-department within Axles and Gearboxes to visualize the workload within the departments.

Kulturell Globalisering : en litteraturstudie

Today we are living in a time were impulses from other places and cultures constantly grow and the contact over the boundary is getting bigger. We se satellites pictures over the world, we hear about worldwide ecological problems, we learn about other different lifestyles, we cock food that are inspired from the worlds many kitchens, we shop more and we can travel to different parts of the world. My problem was to find out how cultural phenomenon spreads to a greater extent global and how this transference take place, but also be able to se what factors that has a part in the cultural spread.What I found with help from my literature study was that trough improved communication and transports has gained mobility in the world and people can take part off others culture.The world is shrinking and this means that human beings identity is changing and this create a so-called hybrid mixture. Culture is what we human beings create. Culture can be seen as a community phenomenon for the most parts.

Förstudie till våtmark i Rimbo : Design för optimal hydrologi och kväverening

The euthropthication of the Baltic Sea is a threat that is beginning to be taken seriously by the governments concerned. In Sweden, regulations concerning the allowed nitrogen (N) concentration in the effluent water from wastewater treatment plants are being tightened up. The Rimbo wastewater treatment plant has been imposed to reduce the annual mean concentration of total N in the effluent water to levels below 15 mg l-1. A more and more common way to reduce the nitrogen level in wastewater is to let the water pass through a wetland. This study investigates the possibility to build this kind of wetland at the outlet of the Rimbo wastewater treatment plant.A prestudy of the topography, soil characteristics and groundwater flow indicates that the land area in question is well suited for the construction of a wetland.

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