

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 59 av 88

?Om inte vi mammor mår bra mår inte barnen bra heller? : En studie om kvinnor som har barn med frihetsberövade män

The purpose of the essay is to analyze the welfare state from a gender perspective. Further, the paper analyzes and critically examines three different normative solutions provided by Irish Marion Young, Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Habermas for the realization of a welfare state that includes women.Habermas argues that the welfare state has created a situation of dependency and state paternalism which reduces both individual and collective self-determination. Young follows Habermas? argument. She argues for a political climate where justice is reduced to the distribution of material goods rather than the elimination of underlying relations of domination and gender specific patterns.

Utsidan räknas : ?En materialstudie

Judged by appearance. This is the conclusion of research made on shopper behavior that revealed that consumers tend to go by their instinct when evaluating vacuum cleaners in a purchasing situation. Many buy the first vacuum cleaner they interact with and few buy pre-planned brands. Almost none even turn the machine on before taking a purchase decision.Electrolux Floor Care Europe has their factory for vacuum cleaners in Hungary. Increased competition from China makes it harder to "only" produce vacuum cleaners with good performance.

Utveckling av yteffektivt elfordon för hyrsystem

Dagens bilar är gjorda för långa resor med högt ställda krav på bekvämlighet och komfort. Studier har visat att de flesta resor som görs i Storstockholm är korta, och därför är kravet på prestanda och komfort minimalt.Syftet med detta projekt var att ta fram ett enkelt pendlingsfordon som del av ett hyrsystem. Användaren hyr fordonet vid en station och lämnar av den vid en annan.Fokus har legat på att utveckla en parkeringslösning som spar plats. Att bygga parkeringsstationer i förbindelse med befintlig kollektivtrafik är svårt, och marken i Stockholm är både begränsad och dyr.Efter en omfattande förstudie fastställdes en kravspecifikation som låg till grund för den fortsatta konceptutvecklingen.Det slutgiltiga konceptet blev Electric Commute Vehicle, ett elfordon avsett för personlig transport och pendlingstrafik. Fordonet döptes till X-traffic (Cross-traffic) och har utrustats med en unik parkeringslösning där fordonen packas likt kundvagnar.

En lyckad affärsrelation? : två fallstudier

This study has investigated what makes a business relation satisfactory. The purpose is to distinguish the factors that are relevant to a functioning cooperation relationship between sawmills and DIY-stores. The theoretical framework is primarily based on long-term business relationships. The study is based on two case companies and their relations with wood-suppliers. - Case company 1 is a relatively new established and still growing company.

Igensättning av övre spalten i centrifugalpump

This report focuses on the upper slit. The upper slit is located between the impeller andthe drive unit. The slit design depends on pump type and application. However it isuncertain why the design varies, The purpose of this report is to clarify why the designvaries and to recommend an improved slit design.A research has been done; information was gathered from interviews, but also fromsearching of databases and studies of drawings, reports and documents. The originalpurpose of the slit was to prevent twining around the driveshaft, and prevent dirt fromentering the cooling system.

Projektverksamhet med samhällsnyttan i fokus : införandeprocessen av SMS-biljetten vid Upplands Lokaltrafik

The aim of this thesis is to explore possible differences between public and private companies? way to manage projects. In order to analyze the managerial aspects, we have studied the project of a new payment system implemented at the public-transport organization Upplands Lokaltrafik (UL). The project enables mobile payment by text message (SMS). Most theory concerning the management of projects is developed for private companies.

Undersökningsmetodik för klorerade lösningsmedel i marken

Chlorinated solvent are volatile organic substances that can be harmful for humans and for the environment. Examples of common chlorinated solvents are perchloroethene, PCE, and trichloroethene, TCE. Chlorinated solvents appear as contaminants in soils primarily where they have been used as washing fluids in dry-cleaning facilities or as degreasers in metal industries. Chlorinated solvents are DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), which means that they are not easily dissolved in water and that they sink to the bottom of the aquifer. Adsorption to soils is low so chlorinated solvents are mobile in soils.

Låssystemproblematiken under entreprenad : En checklista för att underlätta processen och undvika komplikationer

Detta arbete är ett samarbete med Markbygg Construction AB. I byggbranschen finns det en problematik med låssystem. På grund av olika faktorer, som bristfälliga föreskrifter och brist på kunskap inom ämnet, kan extra resurser behövas i slutet av projektet för olika korrektioner.Syftet med det här projektet är att skapa ett system för att hantera låssystem under entreprenad, så att komplikationer kan undvikas. Målsättningen är att skapa en checklista som visar att funktionskraven för ett låssystem i en byggnad uppfylls. Checklistan ska förhindra att extra arbeten uppstår i slutet av projektet.

En studie av eutrofierande näringsämnen i tre biflöden till Suseån : - Falkenbergs kommun, Halland

Enligt ett av de 16 miljökvalitetsmålen, Ingen övergödning, ska halterna av eutrofierande ämnen inte ha någon negativ effekt på människors hälsa, den biologiska mångfalden eller vår möjlighet till ett hållbart brukande av mark och vatten. En stor bidragande orsak till den rådande övergödningsproblematiken i svenska vatten är läckage av främst näringsämnena kväve och fosfor från agrara och urbana källor.Hallands kustkommuner har sedan länge problem med övergödning och behovet för åtgärd är stort. Länet är särskilt utsatt för näringsläckage, delvis på grund av att en stor del av åkermarken utgörs av genomsläppliga jordar, vilka underlättar för vattnets framkomlighet och transport av näringsämnen, men även för att vattendrag har rätats ut av människan och för att naturliga våtmarker har tagits bort.I Halland rinner Suseån som är den femte största ån i länet. Problematiken i den övre regionen av dess avrinningsområde handlar främst om försurning, medan det i det nedre området främst handlar om övergödning och fysisk förändring av vattendragen.Vattenprovtagning utfördes i Suseån, samt i tre biflöden i den nedre delen av avrinningsområdet, vilken till stor del domineras av jordbruksmarker. De utvalda vattendragen var Käringasjöbäcken, Boarpsbäcken och Årstadbäcken.Resultatet av vattenprovtagningarna uppvisade överlag förhöjda halter av näringsämnen i alla biflöden till Suseån.

Stigberoende och spelmatriser : Varför har landstinget i Värmland valt att ansöka om att få gå ihop med Region Västra Götaland?

The aim of this study is to try to explain the process using both an actor driven perspective as well as a structural perspective examining the reasons why the County Council of Värmland wants to merge with Region Västra Götaland. The answers to the following research questions are sought to shed light on the problem: What constrained the discretion of  the political actors in the choice of region to merge with? Which role did  different political actors play? Does the study provide Game Theory, from Rational Choice theory,  and Path Dependency, from Historic Institutionalism, a new perspective and strength especially  when bringing them together? The study is limited to two policy areas, health care and regional development policy. The structural background is drawn upon the Annual Report 2008 of the County Council Värmland, the Regional Development Program and Regional Transport Infrastructure Plan 2010-2021 by Region Värmland. The chronological order of decisions and events is drawn upon protocols from various regional political organs all linked to the municipal of Värmland and the correspondence between the officials of Värmland?s municipal and the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of the State.

Beslutsmodell gällande finansieringsform samt intern prissättning av ett företags truckpark

To be competitive in the corporate climate of today it is important to have effective logistic activities. A common resource within the internal logistics is forklift trucks, which are used to lift and transport material. It becomes more and more important to decide whether to buy, lease or rent the forklifts to obtain an optimal economic situation. Many companies have issues with internal pricing. It is difficult to price products and services correctly. It is common to price the overall instead of what it really costs.The purpose of the thesis is to present a model for the acquisition of forklifts for internal logistic operations, regarding financing and internal pricing, to obtain economic effectiveness and an optimal forklift fleet size. The study focused on a specific research question, and for this purpose interviews with experts were held, observations were made and a literature study was done.

Vattenflödets betydelse för fångster av lekvandrande lax (Salmo salar) och öring (Salmo trutta) : En utvärdering av laxfällan vid vattenkraftverket i Forshaga

Many watersheds have lost stocks of migrating fish species because of the development of hydroelectric plants and other fragmenting barriers. The remaining stocks of migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in River Klarälven, Sweden are five times smaller compared to one hundred years ago. A fish-trap at the hydroelectric plant in Forshaga has been vital for the continued existence of the stocks. This is the first hydroelectric plant of eight, blocking the way to the spawning grounds. Spawners are collected in the trap for both hatchery and transport by truck upstream and past seven more hydroelectric plants to the spawning grounds, where they are released for possible natural reproduction.

Spatiella mönster och lager av organiskt klor och klorid i barrskogsjord i sydöstra Sverige

The concentration and storage of organic chlorine and chloride were determined in soil, to a depth of 40 cm, in a coniferous forest in the Stubbetorp catchment area in south-east Sweden. Also, the spatial distribution of the two forms of chlorine was determined. Soil samples were collected at 49 of the nodes in a grid with approximately 105 m between the nodes. The analysis of spatial variability suggested that no spatial autocorrelation was present either within the variable organic chlorine or chloride. This means that no sample was more influenced by another nearby sample, as compared to other samples further away.

Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria

The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties.The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work.The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are: · ECO-driving (binary) ? the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers· ECO-driving (comparison figure) ? all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared· The environmental impact ? a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres· Complete order ? portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization· Delivery reliability ? time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders· On-time ? the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order· On-time (activity) ? the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order· Divergence ? a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department· Level of integration ? the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer· Customer satisfaction ? how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria.

Distribution och försäljning av kvalitetsfuru : en fallstudie

The purpose of this study is to analyse how a distribution and sale-network for quality softwood lumber should be designed to fit sawmilling companies? business concepts, and at the same time satisfy customer needs regarding delivery time and quality aspects. This thesis work is a case study based on a sawmilling and retail company in Sweden. AB Karl Hedin is a private owned sawmilling company with 500 employees. The company?s turnover is 1500 million SEK, it includes 4 sawmills, 16 builders merchants stores and a packaging company.

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