

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 12 av 88

Hörby kommun i förändring : utveckling för framtiden

We live in an exciting society, characterized by continuous changes and challenges. The effects of the globalization are widespread. The continuous flow of people, capital and goods follows in the wake of advances in communications, transport and information technology, resulting in a changed situation for different stakeholders in the society. This situation leads to increased cooperation and exchange, but also increased competition. The primary means of collecting empirical data for this study was interviews and a document study.

Hallsta Pappersbruks virkesförsörjning

Competition of spruce fiber raw materials has increased dramatically in the last few years, leading to the fact that transportation costs in the current situation represents a much larger share of the total raw material cost. The Holmen-owned pulp industry Hallsta Paper Mill's location on the coast also constitutes a problem, because of the lack of raw material, which is much larger there, than for a pulp mill located in the hinterland. For a coastal industry it?s therefore natural to import much of the raw material by boat or to buy it from the timber terminals, in order to maintain good profitability. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the size of Hallsta Paper Mill timber supply area, without competition, with competition and with terminal use, affects the company ?s transport costs.

Transport och terminalhantering av plantor på Södra

This study has been carried out at Södra´s 31 local forestry districts and within six plant terminals. The production and sale of seedlings at Södra is managed in collaboration with ?Södra Odlarna?. Approximately 35 million plants are cultivated each year, providing Södra´s members with a wide choice of high quality plants. The seedlings are nurtured at nurseries before transferred to plant terminals where they are stored and watered.

Fordonsgas ur gödsel och vall

AbstractThe dependency of fossil fuels in the transport sector causes large emissions of carbondioxide. This problem can we reduce by using vehicle gas from digested solid manure and leftover of pasture. I have studied the potential for this in the county of Västernorrland. Thepurpose is to investigate how much vehicle gas that can be extracted.One central, large scale digestion and upgrade plant should be placed in Härnösand. Theamount of pasture and manure that is economical and practical available is enough to produce2,7-3,5 millions Nm3 vehicle gas.

Detection of mutations in dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) and dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) in Plasmodium falciparum in eastern Sudan

ABSTRACT: Commercial swab transport systems are used for collection and transporting of fecal and other microbiological samples. This system must maintain viability and contribute to survival of microorganisms during transport to the laboratory. Four swab transport systems have been compared, eSwab, ?- Transwab and fecalSwab, all three with flocked swabs, and Copan Venturi Transystem with rayon swabs. The study followed the recommendations from the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute; document M40-A for recovery of Samonella, Shigella, Yersinia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae after storage for 0, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h at room- (22-25°C) and refrigerated (2-8ºC) temperature.

Infektiösa ledproblem i ekologisk och konventionell grisproduktion

We live in an exciting society, characterized by continuous changes and challenges. The effects of the globalization are widespread. The continuous flow of people, capital and goods follows in the wake of advances in communications, transport and information technology, resulting in a changed situation for different stakeholders in the society. This situation leads to increased cooperation and exchange, but also increased competition. The primary means of collecting empirical data for this study was interviews and a document study.

Miljöhänsyn inom EU:s sektorspolitik - integrering genom "nya" policyinstrument?

To integrate environmental concerns into non-environmental policy making has become an important policy objective within the European Union. This essay investigates policy instruments in use to achieve environmental policy integration in the EU's transport sector respectively fisheries sector. The point of departure is a theoretical discussion about governance and the use of different policy instruments for environmental management at the EU-level. The focal point is the argumentation that regulatory policy instruments alone cannot achieve environmental policy integration satisfactory. By using Jordan et al's classification of so called "new" environmental policy instruments (market-based instruments, voluntary agreements and ecolabels) as complements to regulatory measures, the essay investigates whether the first-mentioned are used within the two sectors.

Kan ?Gnaget? och ?Stig-Helmer? påverka infrastrukturen? : En studie om turismens påverkan på infrastrukturen

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether, and if so, how tourism effect the construction of a new city district with a stadium in focus. The study is based on a case study of Swedbank Arena and Arenastaden as nearby area. There has been an interest from the writers to study Swedbank Arena and Arenastaden, as it is a current subject, and both of them are under construction, which means that it was possible to see how the process works from the ground up. It has been shown that Swedbank Arena is built up in an entirely new district in which there will be new infrastructure that is tailored to the stadium and the crowd it?s expected to attract.

Betal- och biljettsystem i kollektivtrafik : en kartläggning av aktörer och roller

An Interoperable Fare Management system for public transport has been a struggle for the actors in industry of public transport. A lot of effort has been put into creating a smart card solution that enables the travellers to use the same card for paying and holding the ticket regardless geographical position in Sweden. That project has failed, mostly due to a lack of taking non-technical actors and aspects into consideration during the project process. This thesis highlights the major actors and their responsibilities. The ARKTRANS framework is used as analytical tool to identify different roles. Throughout the thesis a sociotechnical perspective is used. The developed method in this thesis is suitable for mapping of actors and responsibilities in a network surrounding a complex technical system.

Dansundervisning under lupp : En studie i dansundervisning ur ett designteoretiskt perspektiv

In this study we examine trade patterns between Turkey and 13 member states of the European Union and how these have developed over the time period of 1983 ? 2006. To represent the industrial and agricultural goods included in the study we look at the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Following, we investigate internal differences in the EU by selecting four countries each to represent the Northern and Southern countries of the EU. Internal differences were studied in relation to the amount of trade occurring between Turkey and the Northern and Southern countries.

GROT-transport från norra till södra Sverige

The European Council agreed in 2008 on a climate and energy package to combat global warming. This package is valid for each EU member country and means that greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 20% and the EU's energy use to 20%, consisting of Renewable Energy in 2020. The Swedish Government has set stringent climate and energy with the intention to set an example for the rest of Europe. For example, renewable energy sources account for at least 50% of energy use and our climate emissions to fall by 40% by 2020. A combination of these goals and a steadily rising oil price has led to an increased demand for wood fuel in the form of such branches and tops.

Säkerhet i polisfordon vid transport av frihetsberövade : En rapport angående möjligheten att under transport i polisfordon skilja patrullen och den frihetsberövade åt med en fast monterad vägg.

I svenska polisfordon används idag ett koncept där en av poliserna i en patrull alltid färdas i baksätet tillsammans med den frihetsberövade under en transport. Flera invändningar mot detta arbetssätt har gjorts eftersom det förekommit incidenter där poliser skadats av den frihetsberövade. Syftet med rapporten var att undersöka om det är möjligt att använda en fast monterad vägg mellan förare och passagerare i svenska polisfordon vid transport av frihetsberövade personer. Rapporten begränsades genom att endast fokusera på de personbilstillverkare som Rikspolisstyrelsen har avtal med samt att delvis bortse från komplexa tekniska frågeställningar. Kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med representanter från Polisförbundet, Rikspolisstyrelsen samt med kontaktpersoner från leverantörer av polisfordon.

Tillgänglighet med kollektivtrafik - GIS-analys av Umeåregionen

The purpose of this study is to examine the accessibility with public transportation in the case of the Umeå Region in northern Sweden. This is done by GIS network analysis where both access to transit stops, as well as access by public transport from stops to destinations is examined. An accessibility index is created from transit frequency and travel times to destinations. The results is compared with population register data to calculate what shares of the population has which levels of accessibility with public transportation. In the Umeå Region there are different levels of accessibility by public transport for different parts of the region, where transit stops in the most densely populated areas has the highest levels of accessibility, as well as stations along the railroads.

Miljöutredning vid FORIA AB : En nulägesanalys av miljöaspekter från transporter

An environmental review has been carried out at FORIA AB, a transportation- and machine service company, to analyze the company?s environmental aspects from the transportation segment. This report describes the essential background and the methods of identifying and evaluate the environmental aspects. It also describes how the work with the environmental aspects often vary between different actors. The design of the ISO 14001 is intentionally broad in order to apply on all sorts of activities and organizations.

Det taktiska transportflyget : En kritisk resurs för det användbara försvaret vid nationella insatser?

Försvarsmakten genomgår, sedan snart tio år tillbaka, en transformering mot ett insatsförsvar med ökad försvarsförmåga. Behovet av luftburen taktisk transport har i denna transformering blivit alltmer betydelsefullt, främst vid internationella insatser. Författaren ställer sig dock frågan hur den taktiska luftburna transporten är tänkt att användas vid nationella insatser. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att utifrån Försvarsmaktens doktriner, Militärstrategisk doktrin och Doktrin för luftoperationer, undersöka om den resurs som det taktiska transportflyget utgör i det framtida användbara försvaret vid nationella insatser är att anse som kritisk.För att svara på syftet analyseras hur det användbara försvaret är tänkt att nyttjas vid nationella insatser, vilka målsättningar som finns för det taktiska transportflyget samt hur denna förmåga ser ut i dagsläget. Författaren använder sig sedan av de teorier som hämtats från doktrinerna för att analysera hur taktisk luftburen transport kan kopplas samman med den nya insatsorganisationen.

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