1556 Uppsatser om Traditional computing - Sida 17 av 104
Den trojanska bloggen : Bloggreklam, en effektiv marknadsföringskanal?
Purpose The purpose of this paper is from a consumer perspective analysis whether or not blogs are affecting a customer?s purchase behaviour to a larger extent compared to traditional marketing methods through TV commercials. Additionally, within the scope of this try to identify the type of consumers that are more influenced to a purchase decision by blog contents compared to others.Methods Through a quantitative approach this study will examine the effectiveness of advertising in blogs. A survey was used in order to collect data where the respondents corresponded to the population in Sweden in the ages 15-79. Initially the size of the blog audience was estimated and thereafter it was examined how many of these that were affected towards a purchase decision by blogs.
IT-Moln så långt ögat når? : En rapport om IT-stöd för kundarbetet i nystartade företag
Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnena molnteknik och IT-stöd för kundarbetet i nystartade företag och har främst utförts åt en extern beställare, företaget Approdites AB. Företaget önskade information och rekommendationer gällande potentiella tjänster för IT-stöd som de skulle kunna använda sig av i sitt arbeta med kunderna. Examensarbetet resulterar i dels en akademisk rapport bestående av bland annat teori, metod och tidigare forskning, dels en rapport/förundersökning innehållande rekommendationer om tjänster, samt riktlinjer åt företaget gällande de aktuella områdena. De båda rapporterna syftar till att förse företaget Approdites med relevant information om områdena i stort, samt ge förslag på tjänster som kan passa deras verksamhet. I den akademiska rapporten redogörs för hur grunden till rapporten med teori, metoder och andra viktiga områden lades..
Skolperspektiv på jämställdhet : En studie av grundskollärarens sätt att tala om jämställdhet i relation till flickor och pojkars resultat.
AbstractThe school today has an assignment to offset traditional gender patterns as well as to create opportunities for all pupils to achieve the same good results in school regardless of sex, ethnicity and conditions. The educator?s assignment is determined by governing documents, and the educator plays a role in helping the pupil find their equal role in society. This means that the educator needs to work in a way that offsets traditional gender patterns and require approaches that would benefit equal opportunities for both boys and girls to achieve good results.The purpose of the study was, through interviews, to get an idea of how primary school teachers from a gender equal perspective perceive how they see them relate to boys and girls in their teachings. The study is based on the presumptions that the pupils have but focusing on the relationship between school achievements and equality.The study brings up concepts like gender theories, equality, the biological sexes, the history of the schools development and changes in acceptance of boys and girls and the role of the governing documents to reach acceptable achievements.
Utbyte eller utveckling? En studie av fastighetsmäklares strategier för framtiden
This essay reviews the situation for real estate agencies within the Stockholm area. In this essay we assume that costumer loyalty is a requirement for survival on the competitive estate market. Two actors have been compared; A well known national Internet-based agency, Skandia Mäklarna, and a smaller local traditional agent Mäklarfirman Grönberg. These actors have been analyzed up on theories on loyalty, relationship marketing, service marketing, quality and involvement .The conclusion of the essay is that it is possible for small estate agencies to compeed with larger Internet based agencies by building loyal relationships with their customers. This can be achieved if the right strategic decisions are made.
Vad gör egentligen besökarna på biblioteket? en användarundersökning på Filipstads Bergslags Bibliotek.
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate what the users/visitors do at the Filipstads Bergslags Library when they are there. The questions we asked were "What do the visitors do when they are at the library?" and "How do the visitors give priority to the librarys services?" From these two questions we asked a third "How do the visitors view the library and its functions and what function do they see as the most important to them?" The method we used was a user study and we did this at the request of the management at the library. A questionnaire was constructed and handed out in a pilot study. We made some changes in the questionnaire before we started to hand it out at the library.
Kvinnliga romers upplevelser av vårdpersonals bemötande inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Aim: The aim of this study is to examine roma women´s experiences of health professionals? attitudes towards them in Swedish health care. Method: Exploratory qualitative study with individual interviews was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women of Roma origin. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis.
Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?
Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.
Svenska riksdagsvalet 2006; två arbetarpartier!? : -Hur de nya moderaterna och socialdemokraterna gestaltades som arbetarpartier i riksdagsvalet 2006 av pressen.
In the Swedish general election of 2006, the citizens were faced with the fact that there were two parties that called themselves a ?workers´ party?. It was not just the Social-Democratic Party, which we usually identify as a traditional workers´ party, it was also the Moderate Coalition Party, which we usually identify as a traditional conservative party, which during this suffrage also called them self the ?new moderates?. The central and the main election pledge for the new moderates took its standpoint in the idea that everybody should have a job.
SAB-systemet och ämnet religion en studie av ett klassifikationssystems förmåga att klassificera en vetenskaplig discipline.
Classification systems express an idea of the world as it was when the systems was made. If the classification system is not revised there is a possibility that the system will become antique and hard to apply to different subjects. The purpose of this study is to see if the SAB-system is a classification system which shows a reflection of the subject Religion that is equivalent with that of Swedish universities. The ideas which are behind the classification of the subject religion in the SAB-system have been analysed, as well as the structuring of the scientific discipline Religion at the universities. The result will show if the SAB-system can classify the subject religion in a satisfying way at university libraries.
Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning
Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.
Investera i affärssystem: att leva i eller utanför molnet? - En kvalitativ studie av leverantörers och användares upplevda fördelar och nackdelar med olika sätt att införskaffa och använda affärssystem.
Denna fallstudie har ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och behandlar upplevda för- ochnackdelar med ett affärssystem i och utanför molnet. Sex personer från fem olika företag hardeltagit i kvalitativa intervjuer som har varit av semistrukturerad art. Syftet med dessaintervjuer har varit att ta del av användares och leverantörers uppfattningar rörandeaffärssystem som molntjänst jämfört med ett mer traditionellt affärssystem. Två av företagenlevererar båda tjänsterna och de övriga tre är olika användare. De olika kategorier som jagdelat in frågorna i har baserat sig på tidigare och relaterad forskning rörande affärssystem ioch utanför molnet.Studiens slutsats visar på att de är rätt jämt mellan upplevda för- och nackdelar med ettaffärssystem i molnet kontra ett affärssystem utanför.
Gender, labor and decision-making : the woman?s situation in family businesses in a Swedish agricultural setting
The inequality and separation of sexes seen in organizations may lead to inefficient use of human resources. Therefor, a more equal organization could lead to higher productivity and efficiency. Inequality within organizations is a problem also for the society as a whole since who is chosen for a position is not depended upon merits, leading to inefficiency. To not reflect upon traditional division of labor and decision-making could also lead to an undemocratic and unjust society. The aim of this thesis is to explore women and men?s engagement a family business in an agricultural setting.
Gender theorists argue that gender arises from the social situation in society.
På tal om cannabis : Skolans insatser gällande preventivt arbete och åtgärder vid misstanke och upptäckt
This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.
Pizza och magiska stunder i undervisningen : en kvalitativ studie av processinriktad undervisning med utgångspunkt i två pedagogiska inriktningar
AimThe aim of this study is to discuss process orientated education by identifying and describing general elements in two alternative pedagogies that in different ways attempt to separate themselves from the didactics in the traditional school. The questions are:1. How do the general elements for example the pupil, the knowledge and the lesson, in classroom education appear at a Waldorf and a Freinet school respectively?2. How do the general elements for example the teacher, the lesson planning and the overall goal, that teachers obey to and create in their lesson?s planning appear at the two schools respectively?MethodThe study is based on four days of observations in one ninth grade class at a Freinet school and a corresponding amount of time in one eighth grade class and one ninth grade class at a Waldorf school.
Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följder
The purpose of my one year master?s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management.