

828 Uppsatser om Trade label - Sida 21 av 56

Det ekonomiska välståndets påverkan på befolkningens välmående - Sker kortsiktig tillväxt på hälsans bekostnad?

Den här uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i den svenska befolkningens tilltagande ohälsa de senaste åren. Syftet är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, morbiditet är relaterat till konjunkturläget och på så vis försöka utröna om åtminstone en del av den försämrade hälsan kan tänkas förklaras av det rådande ekonomiska läget med både högkonjunktur och bra tillväxttakt. Den hälsovariabel som främst används är ?Allmänt dåligt hälsotillstånd? och utgör en del av SCB:s undersökningar av levnadsförhållanden. Perioden som undersöks är 1980-2004.

Synchronizing migration with birth: an exploration of migratory tactics in female moose

Migration and giving birth are crucial decisions for animals during their life cycle, which may have lasting consequences on their population demography and fitness. Migration can entail a variety of possible effects for an individual, such as access to high quality food and reduced risk for predation. The moose (Alces alces) in northern Sweden is partially migratory and moose females are known to give birth to one or two calves. The synchrony between time of calving and timing of migration has not been compared before, especially in terms of energy maximizing and time minimizing perspectives, which may provide vital cues for fitness benefits of migration. I investigated effect of timing of birth and individual life history on distance, timing, stopovers and duration of 190 individually marked female moose that have been tracked for multiple years in ten different areas in northern Sweden.

Macedonian agriculture : preconditions for development of the agro-sector in Macedonia towards EU accession

The focus of the thesis is: how conditions for agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia today may form the basis for development of the agricultural sector towards conditions needed for future accession into the European Union. The method for investigating this question has been to look at newly available farm monitoring system (FMS) data from Macedonia. Also to look at the latest government policies created in the country for the agricultural sector and rural areas in relation to the requirements for EU accession. Articles and empirical studies published by other authors related to the questions which arise in this study have been reviewed and presented herein. Trade relations, trade patterns and national economic and agricultural trends are displayed to provide a background overview for the study of the agricultural sector.

Gröna transportkorridorer

The economic development and competitiveness in Europe is heavily dependent on an efficient transport system. Movement of goods and people is essential for a competitive industry and successful trade. As a result of an intensified transport business, consumption of fossil fuels has increased dramatically. As a consequence, there are increased emissions of dangerous greenhouse gases. Transports are often mentioned as an area with high impact on the environment.

Fast i garderobsöppningen : En kritisk diskursanalys av VeckoRevyns representation av bi- och homosexuellas sex- och kärleksrelationer

The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which the Swedish lifestyle magazine VeckoRevyn construct the sex and love relations of bi- and homosexuals. We analyzed 22 unique texts in magazines, from 2009 to 2014, in order to get a result as current as possible.To represent the magazine overall we have selected texts from various parts of the magazine. With a critical discourse analysis and through relevant and significant theories and perspectives such as social constructionism and heteronormativity, we found that VeckoRevyn represent sex and love relations of bi- and homosexuals through four discourses.The outcome of our study shows that VeckoRevyn only represent a limited part of bi- and homosexuals sex and love relations. In the analysed texts bi- and homosexuals are forced to ?come out of the closet? repeatedly and their sexual relations are rarely represented.

En Annan berättelse om världen : Om grön anarki och existentiell befrielse

ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.

Börshandlade fonder eller aktieindexfonder? : En studie som jämför avgifter och handel

 Problem: For what type of investors are index funds versus exchange-traded index funds best suited?Objective: The purpose of the paper is to determine how an index fund or an exchange-traded index fund (ETF) suits different types of investors with different requirements in terms of time frame, investment size and purpose of investment. The comparison is based on fees and trade practicality. This is going to describe the advantages and disadvantages with the two different financial instruments.Method: The study is a comparative study using two methods; one of which is a case study, the other is a qualitative interview. The case study focuses on fees and is made on an exchange traded fund (XACT OMXS30) and a simple equity index fund (Erik Pensér equity enhanced index).

MPLS kontra traditionell IP-routing : en jämförelse av resursåtgång

Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) är en routingteknik som blir allt vanligare i dagens nätverk. Vid implementation av MPLS i nätverk är det grundläggande att hårdvaran har tillräckligt hög prestanda för att hantera tekniken. Om så inte är fallet kan det leda till negativa konsekvenser såsom paketförluster eller i värsta fall att routern havererar. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på hur processorbelastningen på en router skiljer sig när MPLS var implementerat jämfört med traditionell IP-routing. Routingprotokollen BGP, OSPF och RIP användes tillsammans med de olika routingteknikerna för att se vilket av dessa som krävde minst processorkraft.För att ta reda på hur processorbelastningen påverkades skapades en experimentmiljö.

The impact of the EU Timber Regulation on the Bosnia and Herzegovinian export of processed wood

Illegal logging and its related trade is of great concern around the world. The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) is a regulatory approach by the EU to prevent illegal timber and timber products to be placed on the European Union inner market. This means the regulation affects both actors in the member countries as well as the actors exporting timber and timber products to the EU from non EU member countries. This study aims to study the implementation process of the EUTR in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H), and its preconditions. Institutional theory is used to understand and explain how the EUTR affects B-H organisations? business environment, and how the organisations choose to respond to the EUTR.

Kollektivavtalsrätten och ideologierna : Ideologies and Swedish Labour Law

Abstract The overall aim of this paper is to examine the impact of ideologies and norms on a legal system. Against a background of a description of the hierarchy of norms in Swedish labour law and in European Union law, respectively, the paper aims to specifically demonstrate the problems caused by the different hierarchies of norms when implementing EU directives in Swedish labor law. The research question examines how the trade unions? right to industrial action towards an undertaker providing transnational services by posting of workers, is affected by the implementation of the Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services. The paper answers the question under what conditions the Swedish trade unions have the right to take industrial action in situations of posting of workers. Through the study of sources of law and adhering to traditional jurisprudence, this paper investigates the legislation regarding trade unions? rights to take industrial action in situations of posting of workers. In addition to the jurisprudential research, a glance at the history of ideologies is provided.

Att synas i mängden på en fackmässa : hur ska företag marknadsföringsmässigt agera för att inspirera och attrahera sin specifika målgrupp, före och under en blomster- och inredningsmässa?

Förr i tiden fanns det marknadsplatser där människor utbytte varor så som mat och kläder - dagens marknadsplatser kallas idag mässor och fyller en viktig funktion i att utveckla det globala samhället. Mässor är idag en viktig del i företags- och konsumenters utveckling. Det är viktigt att företag vet hur de på bästa sätt ska agera före, under och efter mässan för att lyckas så bra som möjligt. Vi har använt oss utav en teoretisk modell vid namn Trade Fair Intelligence, för att få med alla delar som berör ett mässdeltagande.Uppsatsens undersökning bygger på att vi har utfört en dold observation på en verklig blomster- och inredningsmässa, för att se hur kunder och personal beter sig under en mässa. Vilka problem som kan uppstå och vilka metoder som är bäst för att lösa dem.

Svensk handelspolitik i den rådande etanoldiskussionen : En studie av centrala aktörers argumentation år 2006

Debatten om hur oljan skall ersättas i Sverige till år 2020 pågår. Ett diskuterat alternativ är etanol, vars förbrukning förväntas öka. Sveriges etanolproduktion är beroende av EU:s tullstruktur, utan den blir fabrikerna i Sverige utkonkurrerade. Samtidigt är Sveriges handelspolitiska utgångspunkt att alla former av handelshinder skall motverkas. Om man skall satsa på en inhemsk produktion av etanol måste man gå emot handelspolitiken och inte propagera för en frihandel.

Export inom gränserna : En studie om förutsättningar för medicinsk turism i Sverige

International trade in services has increased over the past 30 years as a result of progress in information and communication technology, increased focus on services from the manufacturing sector and the establishment of trade associations.The international market for healthcare services, also referred to as medical tourism, is growing more and more. Patients increasingly seeking treatment at other countries healthcare systems because of long queues within their own country or because it exists better prices for the same care abroad. However, this type of service exports occurs at a limited extent in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to highlight and analyze the conditions for Swedish service companies to export healthcare services. This, includes the challenges and opportunities that exist to expand the exports of these services.The approach for this study has been in the form of interviews with two market actors and written responses, from the same interview guide, with three market actors. These market participants are the so-called Care companies which export healthcare services in various counties, and the membership organization Swecare who work with export promotion activities for its members in the Swedish healthcare sector.

Framtidens resurs eller dagens problem? En studie om institutionens syn på ungdomar och dess effekter.

AbstractIn this thesis we analyze how institutions describe the dichotomy between ?problem? and ?resource? when dealing with young adults. We also analyze the consequences of this dichotomy as it involves the younger generation's participation and group identity in today's society. Dichotomies and New Institutionalism Theory is the base for this case study completed in Malmö, Sweden. We have done eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in Malmö municipality and a quantitative content analysis of reference documents from both the Malmö and Swedish governments.

Varning för snabblån - En studie om effekter av varningar i rörlig marknadsföring av snabblån

Payday loans are becoming a challenge of increasing gravity for society. Statistics show that the number of young adults with financial issues related to such loans has been growing over the past few years. Despite efforts to halt this trend, little is changing. Government mandated warning labels in commercials are typically used to inform about the risks associated with the consumption of certain goods and services, such as alcohol and tobacco. Despite issues related to payday loans, there is currently no legislation in Sweden mandating the inclusion of warnings in marketing of such loans.

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