

828 Uppsatser om Trade label - Sida 13 av 56

"Blackness" och "Womanism" : Hur gestaltar Maya Angelous poesi den afroamerikanska språkkulturen samt kvinnan?

Invandrade kvinnor i Handels. Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976. (Immigrant women in Handels. Conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976).The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the written conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt, a Swedish Trade Union magazine. The analyses of the conceptions are based on theoretical categories of class, gender and ethnicity.

Smart konsumtion : unga vuxnas attityd till miljö- och rättvisemärkta produkter

We are more aware than ever about our impact on the common environment and the world's population. Consumption awareness can be one way to take social and environmental responsibility. This study aims to examine young adults' (19-30 years) attitudes toward consumption awareness in Sweden. Consumption awareness is treated in this study as the consumption of environmental and fair-Trade labeled products that have been certified of a third party. The study is limited to everyday commodities, which in this case is groceries, household consumables and clothing.

En optimal kapitalstruktur? : - En studie av riskfaktorer och hur de påverkar skuldsättningsgraden hos svenska börsnoterade företag.

Skuldsättningsgraden ökar värdet på ett företags aktier genom skatteskölden, samtidigt som den ökar sannolikheten för finansiella problem och dess kostnader. För att uppnå en optimal kapitalstruktur måste skatteskölden balanseras mot de potentiella kostnaderna för finansiella problem. Det finns ingen matematiskt formel som förklarar hur denna optimering bör ske, det finns dock fyra viktiga faktorer som ledningen på ett företag bör ta hänsyn till när de bestämmer skuldsättningsgraden ?företagets lönsamhet, storlek, tillgångsstruktur och affärsrisk.Syftet med denna studie är att testa vilka oberoende variabler som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden hos de största svenska börsnoterade företagen och genom detta kunna dra slutsatser om huruvida de tillämpar en optimal kapitalstruktur enligt Trade off teorin.Korrelation-samt den multipla regressionsanalysen visar att det inte finns något samband mellan skuldsättningsgraden och de oberoende variablerna. Vi kan därmed dra slutsatsen att företagen i populationen inte har en optimal kapitalstruktur..

Supra-National Origin Marking Schemes

Abstract The growth of supra-national organizations, such as the European Union, has been a recent trend in today?s global environment, which has challenged traditional marketing concepts and product cues. One such cue that is significantly challenged is the 'origin cue'. An origin cue is conceived to be a socially constructed notion that consumers use to discern where goods come from and to accordingly evaluate products with. The origin cue is often predominantly materialized in the public sphere by a 'made in' labelling scheme.

Är det utsidan som räknas

In this essay we have approached the problem with retailer brands that copy marketing leaders to get consumers attention in the storeshelf. We have sought to explore how much a designed package would change the consumers opinion of a brand and if this effect is different depending on if the brand is a retailer brand or a market leader. Also we sought to find if this effect would be greater with a salient color on the package. We made a quantitative study and with regression analysis we found that a designed package did have effect on the consumers opinion of the brand, and that the design with the salient color made the biggest effect..

Språk, kultur & handel i ett svenskt perspektiv

Sverige är ett exportland med lång tradition av handel med omvärlden. För att kunna utnyttja våra absoluta och komparativa fördelar gäller det att vi har god kunskap om vad som påverkar vår handel. Dagens konsumenter har ett stort antal produkter att välja mellan. Handla har aldrig varit lättare och med hjälp av internet är det möjligt att handla varor från andra sidan jordklotet med minimal ansträngning. Vi ställer oss frågan, har vår språkkunskap och kultur en inverkan på den internationella handeln? Denna fråga ska försöka besvaras med hjälp av ett bland de vanligaste verktygen vid skattning av bilateral handel, den så kallade gravitationsmodellen.

Lönekartläggning och handlingsplan : - en undersökning om det aktiva arbetet för jämställda löner

Swedens membership in the European Union have resulted in an internationalcharacterized labour market. The construction sector is the area who employs mostposted workers among the 7400 employees who monthly enters the market. It?s alsothe sector where a big part of the work-related deaths occurs. The purpose of this studyis therefore to contribute to a greater understanding of the regulation regarding postedworkers, their work environment and the consequences of it.

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Ekonomin i Sala gruvby omkring 1500 till 1600 : en jämförande studie av myntfynd från Sala gruvby och kyrkfynd

The subject of this essay in archaeology is the economy at the mining village of Saladuringthe 16th and early 17th century. The silvermine in Sala was once the foremost producer of silver in Sweden, and the mine as well as the mining village had had a long and rich history. This history can be seen in historical documents as well as in archaeological findings. The lure of silver attracted many different people to the mining village. This in turn madetrade an important part of the mining village.

Western på ett nytt sätt : NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN som western?

This addresses the problems when a film doesn?t easily fit in to one specific genre. Using No Country for Old Men as an example the study analyses the film from a Western perspective. Is it possible to say that it is a western? To determine that, I compare a number of acknowledged westerns, on the basis to list a number of generic conventions.

Optimal kapitalstruktur : En undersökning tillämpad på skandinaviska och tyska företag

This paper describes and develops a trade off model of optimal capital structure by Bradley et al. (1984). The model is then tested to examine how changes in corporate tax rates affect the optimal capital structure of firms. Based on theoretical implications of the model, four hypotheses are derived stating that firms? optimal debt-to-value ratio is (1) negatively related to financial distress costs, (2) negatively related to non-debt tax shields, (3) negatively related to firm volatility and (4) positively related to the corporate tax rate.

Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation och Landsorganisationen 1910-1930: Enhetsdebatten

Relations between the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1910-1930:The Unification Debate The purpose of this study is to depict the hostile relations between the two unions, the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden (SAC), and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), between the years 1910 and 1930, the proposal of and following debate about unification being especially focused on. The questions are the following:1. What ideological differences where there between SAC and LO? 2. What ideas were common in the debate? 3.

Den demografiska utvecklingen i dagens Sverige : Konsekvenser för den framtida försörjningsbördan

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

Fertilitet och mortalitet i 1700- och 1800-talets Skellefteå : En modelleringsstudie

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

Prognossäkerhet : Tillför en heteroskedastisk modell någon säkerhet hos Box och Jenkins prognosmodeller?

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

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