

828 Uppsatser om Trade label - Sida 12 av 56

Genomförande av e-handelsdirektivet i svensk rätt

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Vart tog EMV vägen?: En analys av Marknadsdomstolens utvärdering av imitering i dagligvaruhandeln

This paper discusses the issue of trade dress imitation in the grocery sector. Our study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between a brand owner and an imitator following an imitator?s marketing actions. In this study we look at the Market Court?s precedents in which this question has been addressed.

Culpa in contrahendo och formkravet i JB : De lege lata och de lege ferenda

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Graffiti i Karlstad : En konstform som väcker starka reaktioner

Ship formed monuments from the Late Bronze Age on the island of O?land, southeast Sweden, have never been thoroughly dealt with in previous research, despite the fact that the region is suggested to have had a key-role in maritime trade networks. This thesis aims to address the ship formed monuments on O?land in relationship to the monuments in northern Sma?land and the island of Gotland. My goal is to discuss how the ship symbolism was practised during the Late Bronze Age in Scandinavia from a new perspective.

Varumärkets funktioner : Hur stark är varumärkesinnehavarens ensamrätt?

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Förklarar finansiella företagsegenskaper kapitalstrukturen i små svenska företag?

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån teoretiska ansatser och tidigare forskning som rör kapitalstruktur, visa om de tre valda finansiella företagsegenskaperna förklarar kapitalstrukturen i små onoterade svenska företag. De teoretiska ansatser som testas är främst pecking-order och trade-off. En kvantitativ ansats har använts i uppsatsen där sex hypoteser bildats utifrån de teoretiska ansatserna. Uppsatsen är av positivistisk karaktär och har en deduktiv ansats.Analysen baseras på både enkla och multipla regressionsanalyser av nyckeltal som beräknades från material som hämtats i årsredovisningar från de 220 utvalda företagen. Samtliga av de utvalda företagen slumpades fram från en lista över små företag som ej är registrerade på någon börslista.

Borlänge, Dalarnas köpstad no 1 : Hur centrum, Kupolen och Norra Backa kan bindas samman för att tillsammans vinna köpkraften

Thesis: The aim of our study is to identify how IKEA's externalestablishment at Norra Backa can affect Kupolen and the centre. This in order to provide suggestions on how these trade areas can be connected and create a whole to thereby gain the purchasing power.Method: In our study we used triangulation. That means we have used both a quantitative and a qualitative approach. The quantitative method based on a survey with 100 respondents. The qualitative method is based on interviews with the centre conductors of Borlänge, Laila G Prosén and Anna Timander.Theory: The theories we have used is STP, substitution effects and effects of overspill, important factors for an attractive market town, Town Centre Management, Urban Retail Product.Conclusion: We found how IKEA's establishment at Norra Backa may affect Kupolen and the center of Borlänge then we gave suggestions on how these trade areas can be connected..

Importens påverkan på Etiopiens jordbruk : en välfärdsteoretisk analys av Etiopiens import från Europeiska Unionen

Trade is important for every country in the world. Commodities are transported between rich and poor countries everyday. Some of the trading partners are EU and Ethiopia, this because of less expensive commodities from EU than they are in Ethiopia. The most important agricultural commodity is wheat. Ethiopia is a poor country, whose inhabitants mostly are living on agriculture.

Drömmen om Sverige: En studie av Exportrådets informationsfilmer "Världens möjligheter"

Within the fields of business as well as the academic, there is a growing interest for the role images play in an organized conception of the world. This paper acknowledges the relevance of such images and ideas, and its purpose is to examine the fixed ideas and conceptions of the world as they appear in a Swedish organizational context. The Swedish Trade Council is a hybrid organization between the state and private sector with an outspoken purpose of defining an image of the outside world for small and medium size enterprises in Sweden. The underlying question in focus for this study is: What central conceptions of the world appear in the Swedish Trade Council?s information films ?Världens möjligheter?? Within organizational studies, a postcolonial theory has to a large extent been overlooked.

Kinas intåg på skogsvarumarknaden : idag och i framtiden

Because of the large economic growth in China there are many companies who have economic interests in the Chinese market. Also in the forest market companies have started to invest in China and the interest for the market is growing. The question is how the Chinese forest market will develop in the years to come? How will China?s entry on the market of forest products affect the global forest market? The purposes of this study are to describe production, consumption and trade of forest products, and China?s possible competitive advantage in the forest industry. The purpose of this study is also to describe how China?s entry on the forest market affects the world market of forest products.

Prostitutionen och sexköpets många ansikten

This is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. The main purpose with this study is to examine the view of prostitution and sex trade among Social worker students at Malmö Högskola. Our research questions are; To which extension and consideration is the view of male and female prostitutes divided? Is the view of the male and female sex buyer different among the students? How do the students explain and understand male and female prostitution? How do the students explain and understand the male and female sex buyer? To collect data and to be able to find out the students views and thoughts about the phenomenon we used focus groups with four to six students in each group. To categorize the material we used four topics; explanation/understanding models, the individuals behind the phenomenon, love/sex and intimacy, and the society?s responsibility.

Fair Trade - något för skolan?

The purpose of this paper is to investigate when Swedish and English are used in English teaching and how the pupils view the importance of the classroom language for their language development. My research questions are ?In what situations is Swedish and English respectively spoken during the English lessons?? and ?What are the pupils' opinions concerning the significance of English and Swedish in the classroom for their language development??. To answer my questions, I have used relevant theoretical research and conducted two observations and two group interviews in a secondary school. The observations have given me an example of how it can function in the classroom and the interviews have given me the opportunity to hear the pupils' different perspectives on how it is done in the classroom and their different opinions concerning this matter. According to the research, it is of great importance that the pupils are offered the opportunity to use the English language as much as possible in the classroom.

Kapitalstruktur i svenska aktiebolag : En studie om påvisade faktorers egentliga påverkan på kapitalstruktur

In order for companies to be competetive on the market, there?s a need of capital. If a company is in a need of capital to make major investments and isn?t able to prioritize internal funding, the priority will be external financing with safe securities; loans. How companies should prioritize the allocation between equity and debt, which together form value, leads us to the subject of capital structure.

St. Barthélemy : Skrivningen om den forna svenska kolonin

The aim of this essay is to see how various texts, both Swedish and foreign, have described the former Swedish colony of St. Bartholomew. The focus has been on the slaves on the colony, and here how they were treated and how the analyzed authors portray the slaves lives.The literature has been divided up into two different categories, based on when they were published. The distinction has been made by dividing them up into a contemporary cluster, that were published before the 1900?s, as opposed to the more recent literature, from after the 1900?s.

Finansieringsbeslut och kapitalstruktur : En jämförande studie om finansieringsbeslut för nyinvesteringar och kapitalstruktur mellan fastighetsbranschen och tjänstebranschen

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra och analysera valet av finansieringsform och påverkande faktorer av kapitalstruktur inom respektive bransch. Vidare kommer detta att ställas och beprövas mot de teoretiska modellerna.Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en kvantitativ ansats. Internetenkätundersökningar inom respektive bransch samt en räkenskapsanalys utifrån årsredovisningar.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Teorin ger en ingående kunskap om MM: s proposition I och II, samt teorierna trade-off och pecking order. Vidare behandlas en del relevanta begrepp.Empiri och analys: Sammanställning av information ur enkätundersökningar och årsredovisningar. Vidare har empirin analyserats och kopplats till teorierna.Slutsatser: Pecking order teorin stämmer bra in som tillämpning på finansieringsform för tjänstebranschen, dock inte på fastighetsbranschen.

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