

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 63 av 85

Livsmedelssäkerhet för skolor, förskolor och äldreomsorg i Varbergs kommun; HACCP för tillagnings- och mottagningskök

One of the main objectives of all food production is to produce foods that can safely beconsumed without fear of being sick. Despite this hundreds of people are affected in Sweden offood poisoning almost every day. Most cases are caused by a small group of so-called pathogenicmicroorganisms. The most frequently affected are the small children, the elderly, persons withreduced resistance and pregnant. The reasons behind the food poisoning are often ignorance andlack of food hygiene.

Utemiljö för motion :

New technology and urban sprawl have resulted in almost half of the population in Sweden being insufficiently physically active. The sedentary lifestyle causes heart- and vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stress etc. in the population. One of the biggest priorities in the society is to promote more physical activity. Through literature studies and a questionnaire this paper will examine how we can design the built environment in order to promote physical exercise and if we can change the sedentary lifestyle with a outdoor environment that invite physical exercise. There are both internal and external factors that have importance for people?s physical activity.

Lärarens tydliggörande av kunskapskrav i grundskolan : Att tydliggöra kunskapskraven för spanska som främmande språk. En analys utifrån den formativa bedömningens perspektiv

Denna studie har som syfte att beskriva en lärares tillvägagångssätt för att tydliggöra kunskapskraven i Lgr 11 som är relaterade till skriftlig språkfärdighet i spanska, samt att ta reda på elevernas uppfattningar om detta tillvägagångssätt. I den här studien används uttrycket att tydliggöra i en bred mening, vari ingår både lärarens verbalisering av kunskapskraven och alla aktiviteter som läraren sätter igång och som ska hjälpa eleverna att utveckla en förståelse för dessa.Undersökningen bygger på en fallstudie i vilken olika källor har använts: intervjuer med läraren och fyra elever, enkät, klassrumsobservationer, en matris och ett urval rättade uppgifter.Resultatet visar att läraren och hennes elever verbaliserar sina tolkningar av kunskapskraven på ett likadant sätt. För att tydliggöra kunskapskraven använder läraren flera olika tillvägagångssätt, främst utsagor om kvalitet och exempel på korrekta meningar. Som utsagor om kvalitet använder läraren de formuleringar som finns i kursplanen, samtidigt som hon förklarar med andra ord och tydliggör för eleverna vilka konkreta tecken på kvalitet dessa innebär i en text. Återkopplingen till eleverna är också ett tillfälle för att tydliggöra kunskapskraven.Som metod för att tydliggöra kunskapskraven efterlyser eleverna framförallt konkreta råd om hur en text kan bli bättre, samt att få exempel på bra och mindre bra texter.Både läraren och eleverna är tveksamma till vilken roll tydliggörande av kunskapskraven spelar i undervisningen..

Basel II och fastighetsbranschen - en scenariostudie av de nya kapitaltäckningsreglernas konsekvenser för fastighetsbranschen

Banks carry a great responsibility when it comes to the financial systems in our society. Disturbance in the credit system affects both lender and borrower. All financial institutions must therefore carefully estimate their risk exposure. This assessment enables them to cover themselves from losses with appropriate capital buffers as main guardian. In order to prevent bank crises and also to maintain financial stability in general, new regulations concerning analysis and preventive actions were introduced on the 1st of February 2007.

Produktion av finfibrig ull genom avel och utfodring - inkorsning av merino i sveafårsbesättningar :

To produce fine fibre wool as a complement to lamb meat production, Merino and Svea sheep are currently being crossbred in the county of Jämtland. The aim of this study was to evaluate growth and wool quality of the first crossbred lambs. In addition, a literature study about nutritional effects on wool production has been carried out. The literature study showed that fine fibre wool should foremost be achieved through directed breeding. Nutritional requirements of the sheep at different stages of production should determine their feeding.

Callcenter outsourcing : Krav och kvalitetssäkring

Outsourcing och specifikt callcenter outsourcing diskuteras bland företag. Tyngden i diskussionen ligger på kvalitén, som är en aktuell aspekt av fenomenet callcenter outsourcing. Frågan berör flera parter; de företag som outsourcar, callcenter och konsumenter. Callcenters är organisationer som är specialiserade inom kundkontakt och har i uppgift att kommunicera med företags konsumenter, genom att svara på frågor eller bidra med övrig information och hjälp som konsumenten är i behov av.Teorier som ligger till grund för vår uppsats, rör callcenter outsourcing, kvalitet och kvalitetssystem. Vidare har vi diskuterat var forskningen står idag och utifrån det identifierat vårt valda forskningsområde, där vi ämnar besvara frågan gällande vilka olika kvalitetskrav som kunden ställer och hur dessa säkerställs hos den outsourcade callcenterfunktionen, det vill säga leverantören av tjänsten.

Hur expanderar näthandelsföretag?

Internet commerce is nowadays a well known phenomenon. There is awareness that a lot of newly created companies operate their business through the Internet. You can see a tendency where many young people try to establish an Internet business with the hope of success and expansion on today?s fierce market rivalry. To achieve success, companies have to consider factors like business concept, logistic knowledge, future vision, resources and contacts when initializing their business.Having this in mind, we can clarify the purpose with this paper: ?To analyze in what way On-line shopping companies that sell consumer electronics, cell phones and music/entertainment products, have expanded? The paper is based on telephone interviews with three On-line shopping companies.

Älgarås avloppsreningsverk- studie och metodisk felsökning av en biobädds BOD-rening

Wastewater contains biodegradable materials, which are often measured as BOD7.Trickling filters are sometimes used as a purification step for BOD-reduction. Atrickling filter is a tower, which is filled with a carrier material. Microorganisms growon the carrier material in the form of a biofilm. This biofilm consists mostly of bacteriathat purify water from BOD.In Älgarås? wastewater treatment plant the water is purified by a trickling filter.However the treatment plant has difficulties reaching the emission requirements forBOD.

Preferensaktier och obligationer som fastighetsfinansiering

The recent turbulence in the financial markets has contributed to the banks becoming more restrictive to lend to real estate financing. Deleveraging in Europe's banking sector has also contributed to banks reducing their leverage and increasing capital adequacy to meet the new requirements. Loan-to-value ratios in real estate loans have fallen while banks' interest margins have increased, which has made property investors to look for alternative sources of funding in the capital markets. The two most interesting forms of financing for real estate right now is bonds and preferred shares as they fit property companies that generate stable and predictable cash flows. A bond is an interest-bearing debenture certifying that the purchaser has lent money to the company that issued the bond.

Att lokalisera kompetenser på flexkontoret :  

To find competencies on a workplace with flex office structure.Companies today, 2012 are facing new opportunities and challenges. Information technology develops, competition is bigger today than ever, increased environmental requirements will be added and new patterns of life and values are occurring. This means that people who work in offices feel strong pressure of conversion, which is something that people experience differently. Therefore it is essential how the working environment is designed in an office. Working in an office means a lot of information processing and we can see large changes taking place.

Automatiserad mätning av kvalité : Varför är inte all mätningautomatiserad?

AbstractThis bachelor?s thesis at the Department of Production Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm deals with the subject of automated metrology. The degree of automation of tasks within production has been a growing trend but the measurement of quality has not followed the same trend. The main thesis follows:What incentives are there to automate the measurement of quality in production?What factors are crucial and why are not all metrology automated?The thesis comes along with a number of sub-queries and delimitations.The working method includes both theoretical and empirical studies.

I välgörande syfte : En explorativ studie av välgörenhetsorganisationers marknadsföringsstrategier i relation till donatorernas engagemang

According to Swedish tax legislation, investment funds are taxed differently depending on if the are Swedish or foreign. The difference between the investment funds lies within the taxation of received dividends and the opportunity to shift the liability of tax of received dividends on to the funds shareholders. This measure is only available to Swedish funds. The question in this thesis is whether this difference is discriminatory against foreign investors and therefore constitutes a forbidden restriction against the free movement of capital stated in article 63 EUF Treaty.The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has given several preliminary rulings on this type of legislation and its compatibility with the principle of free movement of capital. It is not compatible with the free movement according to the court.

IAS 36 ? Upplysningskrav vid nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill : Har företagens upplysning förbättrats sedan år 2005?

Bakgrund: Med införandet av IFRS år 2005 tillkom en mängd nya standarder varav en utav dessa var IAS 36 p.134. En viss osäkerhet förelåg gällande tolkningen av upplysningskraven vid nedskrivningsprövningen av goodwill. Därtill finns risken att företagen utelämnar information baserat på subjektiva antaganden. Nu är det upp till bevis: Har företagen förbättrat sin upplysning i enlighet med IAS 36 p.134?Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om företagen har förbättrat upplysningen i enlighet med IAS 36 p.134 sedan införandet av IFRS år 2005.

Development of a method for determination of pesticide residues in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Honey is a product that may contain pesticide residues due to contamination from bees pollinating various plants as well as elimination of vermin inside the hive. Different methods are needed for analysis of pesticides, since the term includes a wide range of different substances. National Food Administration lacks a validated method for determination and quantification of pesticides in honey using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS. The technique is especially important in analysis of polar and non-volatile pesticides, where gas chromatography is not functioning optimally. After investigating what pesticides could be found in honey produced in Sweden, a number of four pesticides suitable for analysis with LC-MS/MS was compiled; boscalid, impidacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and thiacloprid.

Åtgärdsförslag och känslighetsanalys vid energieffektivisering ur ett fuktsäkert perspektiv : En fallstudie på timmerhuset Sofiedals herrgård

This thesis investigated the possibilities to resume cultivation of an old manor house built of timber and what this would mean from an energy and moisture perspective. The building in this case study is named Sofiedals mansion and was built in 1858 in Valbo 11 kilometers west of Gävle.The structure of the house was documented and used as a starting-point for carrying out calculations focused on energy and moisture aspects. With the help of a number of computer programs and a conducted air tightness test, the buildings energy consumption were calculated and compared with the current building regulations.In addition, the building was analyzed considering energy retrofitting and what it meant for moisture problems. The energy retrofitting consisted of additional insulation, decreasing the buildings permeability through air sealing; window and door replacements. When a building is equipped with natural ventilation it is difficult to know its precise performance and how an energy retrofitting affects it.

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